blob: 51a28e521c2ddb1115d036905321692fd34c2083 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
A brief file description
@section license License
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
struct Connection
struct Server
struct ConnectionManager
struct ConnectionManager
struct ConnectionManager provides the interface for network or disk
connections. There is a global ConnectionManager in the system
Connection * connect()
Connection * accept()
The accept call is a blocking call while connect is non-blocking. They
returns a new Connection instance which is an handle to the newly created
connection. The connection `q instance can be used later for read/writes
using an instance of IOProcessor class.
#pragma once
#include "tscore/ink_platform.h"
struct NetVCOptions;
// Defines
#define BLOCKING_CONNECT false
#define CONNECT_WITH_TCP true
#define CONNECT_WITH_UDP false
#define NON_BLOCKING true
#define BLOCKING false
#define BIND_RANDOM_PORT true
#define BIND_ANY_PORT false
#define BC_NO_CONNECT true
#define BC_CONNECT false
#define BC_NO_BIND true
#define BC_BIND false
// Connection
struct Connection {
SOCKET fd; ///< Socket for connection.
IpEndpoint addr; ///< Associated address.
bool is_bound = false; ///< Flag for already bound to a local address.
bool is_connected = false; ///< Flag for already connected.
int sock_type = 0;
/** Create and initialize the socket for this connection.
A socket is created and the options specified by @a opt are
set. The socket is @b not connected.
@note It is important to pass the same @a opt to this method and
@c connect.
@return 0 on success, -ERRNO on failure.
@see connect
int open(NetVCOptions const &opt = DEFAULT_OPTIONS ///< Socket options.
/** Connect the socket.
The socket is connected to the remote @a addr and @a port. The
@a opt structure is used to control blocking on the socket. All
other options are set via @c open. It is important to pass the
same @a opt to this method as was passed to @c open.
@return 0 on success, -ERRNO on failure.
@see open
int connect(sockaddr const *to, ///< Remote address and port.
NetVCOptions const &opt = DEFAULT_OPTIONS ///< Socket options
/// Set the internal socket address struct.
setRemote(sockaddr const *remote_addr ///< Address and port.
ats_ip_copy(&addr, remote_addr);
int setup_mc_send(sockaddr const *mc_addr, sockaddr const *my_addr, bool non_blocking = NON_BLOCKING, unsigned char mc_ttl = 1,
bool mc_loopback = DISABLE_MC_LOOPBACK, Continuation *c = nullptr);
int setup_mc_receive(sockaddr const *from, sockaddr const *my_addr, bool non_blocking = NON_BLOCKING,
Connection *sendchan = nullptr, Continuation *c = nullptr);
int close(); // 0 on success, -errno on failure
void apply_options(NetVCOptions const &opt);
virtual ~Connection();
Connection(Connection const &that) = delete;
/// Default options.
static NetVCOptions const DEFAULT_OPTIONS;
* Move control of the socket from the argument object orig to the current object.
void move(Connection &);
/** Assignment operator.
* @param that Source object.
* @return @a this
* This is protected because it is not safe in the general case, but is valid for
* certain subclasses. Those provide a public assignemnt that depends on this method.
Connection &operator=(Connection const &that) = default;
void _cleanup();
// Server
struct Server : public Connection {
/// Client side (inbound) local IP address.
IpEndpoint accept_addr;
/// If set, a kernel HTTP accept filter
bool http_accept_filter = false;
int accept(Connection *c);
// Listen on a socket. We assume the port is in host by order, but
// that the IP address (specified by accept_addr) has already been
// converted into network byte order
int listen(bool non_blocking, const NetProcessor::AcceptOptions &opt);
int setup_fd_for_listen(bool non_blocking, const NetProcessor::AcceptOptions &opt);
Server() : Connection() { ink_zero(accept_addr); }