blob: 800348ac3a1b846cdbdfd3617187eadf096a3ec8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016-2019 Envoy Project Authors
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "include/proxy-wasm/word.h"
namespace proxy_wasm {
#include "proxy_wasm_enums.h"
class ContextBase;
// These are templates and its helper for constructing signatures of functions calling into Wasm
// VMs.
// - WasmCallInFuncTypeHelper is a helper for WasmFuncType and shouldn't be used anywhere else than
// WasmFuncType definition.
// - WasmCallInFuncType takes 4 template parameter which are number of argument, return type,
// context type and param type respectively, resolve to a function type.
// For example `WasmFuncType<3, void, Context*, Word>` resolves to `void(Context*, Word, Word,
// Word)`
template <size_t N, class ReturnType, class ContextType, class ParamType,
class FuncBase = ReturnType(ContextType)>
struct WasmCallInFuncTypeHelper {};
template <size_t N, class ReturnType, class ContextType, class ParamType, class... Args>
struct WasmCallInFuncTypeHelper<N, ReturnType, ContextType, ParamType,
ReturnType(ContextType, Args...)> {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-identifier-naming)
using type = typename WasmCallInFuncTypeHelper<N - 1, ReturnType, ContextType, ParamType,
ReturnType(ContextType, Args..., ParamType)>::type;
template <class ReturnType, class ContextType, class ParamType, class... Args>
struct WasmCallInFuncTypeHelper<0, ReturnType, ContextType, ParamType,
ReturnType(ContextType, Args...)> {
using type = ReturnType(ContextType, Args...); // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
template <size_t N, class ReturnType, class ContextType, class ParamType>
using WasmCallInFuncType =
typename WasmCallInFuncTypeHelper<N, ReturnType, ContextType, ParamType>::type;
// Calls into the WASM VM.
// 1st arg is always a pointer to Context (Context*).
template <size_t N>
using WasmCallVoid = std::function<WasmCallInFuncType<N, void, ContextBase *, Word>>;
template <size_t N>
using WasmCallWord = std::function<WasmCallInFuncType<N, Word, ContextBase *, Word>>;
_f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallVoid<0>) _f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallVoid<1>) _f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallVoid<2>) \
_f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallVoid<3>) _f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallVoid<5>) \
_f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallWord<1>) _f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallWord<2>) \
// These are templates and its helper for constructing signatures of functions callbacks from Wasm
// VMs.
// - WasmCallbackFuncTypeHelper is a helper for WasmFuncType and shouldn't be used anywhere else
// than WasmFuncType definition.
// - WasmCallbackFuncType takes 3 template parameter which are number of argument, return type, and
// param type respectively, resolve to a function type.
// For example `WasmFuncType<3, Word>` resolves to `void(Word, Word, Word)`
template <size_t N, class ReturnType, class ParamType, class FuncBase = ReturnType()>
struct WasmCallbackFuncTypeHelper {};
template <size_t N, class ReturnType, class ParamType, class... Args>
struct WasmCallbackFuncTypeHelper<N, ReturnType, ParamType, ReturnType(Args...)> {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-identifier-naming)
using type = typename WasmCallbackFuncTypeHelper<N - 1, ReturnType, ParamType,
ReturnType(Args..., ParamType)>::type;
template <class ReturnType, class ParamType, class... Args>
struct WasmCallbackFuncTypeHelper<0, ReturnType, ParamType, ReturnType(Args...)> {
using type = ReturnType(Args...); // NOLINT(readability-identifier-naming)
template <size_t N, class ReturnType, class ParamType>
using WasmCallbackFuncType = typename WasmCallbackFuncTypeHelper<N, ReturnType, ParamType>::type;
// Calls out of the WASM VM.
template <size_t N> using WasmCallbackVoid = WasmCallbackFuncType<N, void, Word> *;
template <size_t N> using WasmCallbackWord = WasmCallbackFuncType<N, Word, Word> *;
// Using the standard g++/clang mangling algorithm:
// Extended with W = Word
// Z = void, j = uint32_t, l = int64_t, m = uint64_t
using WasmCallback_WWl = Word (*)(Word, int64_t);
using WasmCallback_WWlWW = Word (*)(Word, int64_t, Word, Word);
using WasmCallback_WWm = Word (*)(Word, uint64_t);
using WasmCallback_WWmW = Word (*)(Word, uint64_t, Word);
using WasmCallback_WWWWWWllWW = Word (*)(Word, Word, Word, Word, Word, int64_t, int64_t, Word,
using WasmCallback_dd = double (*)(double);
_f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallbackVoid<0>) _f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallbackVoid<1>) \
_f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallbackVoid<2>) _f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallbackVoid<3>) \
_f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallbackVoid<4>) _f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallbackWord<0>) \
_f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallbackWord<1>) _f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallbackWord<2>) \
_f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallbackWord<3>) _f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallbackWord<4>) \
_f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallbackWord<5>) _f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallbackWord<6>) \
_f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallbackWord<7>) _f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallbackWord<8>) \
_f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallbackWord<9>) \
_f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallbackWord<10>) \
_f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallbackWord<12>) \
_f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallback_WWl) \
_f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallback_WWlWW) \
_f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallback_WWm) \
_f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallback_WWmW) \
_f(proxy_wasm::WasmCallback_WWWWWWllWW) \
enum class Cloneable {
NotCloneable, // VMs can not be cloned and should be created from scratch.
CompiledBytecode, // VMs can be cloned with compiled bytecode.
InstantiatedModule // VMs can be cloned from an instantiated module.
enum class AbiVersion { ProxyWasm_0_1_0, ProxyWasm_0_2_0, ProxyWasm_0_2_1, Unknown };
class NullPlugin;
// Integrator specific WasmVm operations.
struct WasmVmIntegration {
virtual ~WasmVmIntegration() {}
virtual WasmVmIntegration *clone() = 0;
virtual proxy_wasm::LogLevel getLogLevel() = 0;
virtual void error(std::string_view message) = 0;
virtual void trace(std::string_view message) = 0;
// Get a NullVm implementation of a function.
// @param function_name is the name of the function with the implementation specific prefix.
// @param returns_word is true if the function returns a Word and false if it returns void.
// @param number_of_arguments is the number of Word arguments to the function.
// @param plugin is the Null VM plugin on which the function will be called.
// @param ptr_to_function_return is the location to write the function e.g. of type
// WasmCallWord<3>.
// @return true if the function was found. ptr_to_function_return could still be set to nullptr
// (of the correct type) if the function has no implementation. Returning true will prevent a
// "Missing getFunction" error.
virtual bool getNullVmFunction(std::string_view function_name, bool returns_word,
int number_of_arguments, NullPlugin *plugin,
void *ptr_to_function_return) = 0;
enum class FailState : int {
Ok = 0,
UnableToCreateVm = 1,
UnableToCloneVm = 2,
MissingFunction = 3,
UnableToInitializeCode = 4,
StartFailed = 5,
ConfigureFailed = 6,
RuntimeError = 7,
// Wasm VM instance. Provides the low level WASM interface.
class WasmVm {
virtual ~WasmVm() = default;
* Identify the Wasm engine.
* @return the name of the underlying Wasm engine.
virtual std::string_view getEngineName() = 0;
* Whether or not the VM implementation supports cloning. Cloning is VM system dependent.
* When a VM is configured a single VM is instantiated to check that the .wasm file is valid and
* to do VM system specific initialization. In the case of WAVM this is potentially ahead-of-time
* compilation. Then, if cloning is supported, we clone that VM for each worker, potentially
* copying and sharing the initialized data structures for efficiency. Otherwise we create an new
* VM from scratch for each worker.
* @return one of enum Cloneable with the VMs cloneability.
virtual Cloneable cloneable() = 0;
* Make a worker/thread-specific copy if supported by the underlying VM system (see cloneable()
* above). If not supported, the caller will need to create a new VM from scratch. If supported,
* the clone may share compiled code and other read-only data with the source VM.
* @return a clone of 'this' (e.g. for a different worker/thread).
virtual std::unique_ptr<WasmVm> clone() = 0;
* Load the WASM code from a file. Return true on success. Once the module is loaded it can be
* queried, e.g. to see which version of emscripten support is required. After loading, the
* appropriate ABI callbacks can be registered and then the module can be link()ed (see below).
* @param bytecode the Wasm bytecode or registered NullVm plugin name.
* @param precompiled (optional) the precompiled Wasm module.
* @param function_names (optional) an index-to-name mapping for the functions.
* @return whether or not the load was successful.
virtual bool load(std::string_view bytecode, std::string_view precompiled,
const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::string> &function_names) = 0;
* Link the WASM code to the host-provided functions, e.g. the ABI. Prior to linking, the module
* should be loaded and the ABI callbacks registered (see above). Linking should be done once
* after load().
* @param debug_name user-provided name for use in log and error messages.
* @return whether or not the link was successful.
virtual bool link(std::string_view debug_name) = 0;
* Get size of the currently allocated memory in the VM.
* @return the size of memory in bytes.
virtual uint64_t getMemorySize() = 0;
* Convert a block of memory in the VM to a std::string_view.
* @param pointer the offset into VM memory of the requested VM memory block.
* @param size the size of the requested VM memory block.
* @return if std::nullopt then the pointer/size pair were invalid, otherwise returns
* a host std::string_view pointing to the pointer/size pair in VM memory.
virtual std::optional<std::string_view> getMemory(uint64_t pointer, uint64_t size) = 0;
* Set a block of memory in the VM, returns true on success, false if the pointer/size is invalid.
* @param pointer the offset into VM memory describing the start of a region of VM memory.
* @param size the size of the region of VM memory.
* @return whether or not the pointer/size pair was a valid VM memory block.
virtual bool setMemory(uint64_t pointer, uint64_t size, const void *data) = 0;
* Get a VM native Word (e.g. sizeof(void*) or sizeof(size_t)) from VM memory, returns true on
* success, false if the pointer is invalid. WASM-32 VMs have 32-bit native words and WASM-64 VMs
* (not yet supported) will have 64-bit words as does the Null VM (compiled into a 64-bit proxy).
* This function can be used to chase pointers in VM memory.
* @param pointer the offset into VM memory describing the start of VM native word size block.
* @param data a pointer to a Word whose contents will be filled from the VM native word at
* 'pointer'.
* @return whether or not the pointer was to a valid VM memory block of VM native word size.
virtual bool getWord(uint64_t pointer, Word *data) = 0;
* Set a Word in the VM, returns true on success, false if the pointer is invalid.
* See getWord above for details. This function can be used (for example) to set indirect pointer
* return values (e.g. proxy_getHeaderHapValue(... const char** value_ptr, size_t* value_size).
* @param pointer the offset into VM memory describing the start of VM native word size block.
* @param data a Word whose contents will be written in VM native word size at 'pointer'.
* @return whether or not the pointer was to a valid VM memory block of VM native word size.
virtual bool setWord(uint64_t pointer, Word data) = 0;
* @return the Word size in this VM.
virtual size_t getWordSize() = 0;
* Get the name of the custom section that contains precompiled module.
* @return the name of the custom section that contains precompiled module.
virtual std::string_view getPrecompiledSectionName() = 0;
* Get typed function exported by the WASM module.
#define _GET_FUNCTION(_T) virtual void getFunction(std::string_view function_name, _T *f) = 0;
* Register typed callbacks exported by the host environment.
virtual void registerCallback(std::string_view moduleName, std::string_view function_name, _T f, \
typename ConvertFunctionTypeWordToUint32<_T>::type) = 0;
* Terminate execution of this WasmVM. It shouldn't be used after being terminated.
virtual void terminate() = 0;
bool isFailed() { return failed_ != FailState::Ok; }
void fail(FailState fail_state, std::string_view message) {
failed_ = fail_state;
for (auto &callback : fail_callbacks_) {
void addFailCallback(std::function<void(FailState)> fail_callback) {
// Integrator operations.
std::unique_ptr<WasmVmIntegration> &integration() { return integration_; }
bool cmpLogLevel(proxy_wasm::LogLevel level) { return integration_->getLogLevel() <= level; }
std::unique_ptr<WasmVmIntegration> integration_;
FailState failed_ = FailState::Ok;
std::vector<std::function<void(FailState)>> fail_callbacks_;
// Thread local state set during a call into a WASM VM so that calls coming out of the
// VM can be attributed correctly to calling Filter. We use thread_local instead of ThreadLocal
// because this state is live only during the calls and does not need to be initialized consistently
// over all workers as with ThreadLocal data.
extern thread_local ContextBase *current_context_;
// Requested effective context set by code within the VM to request that the calls coming out of the
// VM be attributed to another filter, for example if a control plane gRPC comes back to the
// RootContext which effects some set of waiting filters.
extern thread_local uint32_t effective_context_id_;
// Helper to save and restore thread local VM call context information to support reentrant calls.
// NB: this happens for example when a call from the VM invokes a handler which needs to _malloc
// memory in the VM.
struct SaveRestoreContext {
explicit SaveRestoreContext(ContextBase *context) {
saved_context = current_context_;
saved_effective_context_id_ = effective_context_id_;
current_context_ = context;
effective_context_id_ = 0; // No effective context id.
~SaveRestoreContext() {
current_context_ = saved_context;
effective_context_id_ = saved_effective_context_id_;
ContextBase *saved_context;
uint32_t saved_effective_context_id_;
} // namespace proxy_wasm