blob: ae65c85f6ad3c34e5662c3f517aef925552a291b [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
Spans of writable memory. This is similar but independently developed from @c std::span. The goal
is to provide convenient handling for chunks of memory. These chunks can be treated as arrays of
arbitrary types via template methods.
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
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#pragma once
#include <cstring>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstddef>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include <ratio>
#include <exception>
namespace ts
/** A span of contiguous piece of memory.
A @c MemSpan does not own the memory to which it refers, it is simply a span of part of some
(presumably) larger memory object. It acts as a pointer, not a container - copy and assignment
change the span, not the memory to which the span refers.
The purpose is that frequently code needs to work on a specific part of the memory. This can
avoid copying or allocation by allocating all needed memory at once and then working with it via
instances of this class.
template <typename T> class MemSpan
using self_type = MemSpan; ///< Self reference type.
T *_ptr = nullptr; ///< Pointer to base of memory chunk.
size_t _count = 0; ///< Number of elements.
using value_type = T;
/// Default constructor (empty buffer).
constexpr MemSpan() = default;
/// Copy constructor.
constexpr MemSpan(self_type const &that) = default;
/** Construct from a first element @a start and a @a count of elements.
* @param start First element.
* @param count Total number of elements.
constexpr MemSpan(value_type *start, size_t count);
/** Construct from a half open range [start, last).
* @param start Start of range.
* @param last Past end of range.
constexpr MemSpan(value_type *start, value_type *last);
/** Construct to cover an array.
* @tparam N Number of elements in the array.
* @param a The array.
template <size_t N> MemSpan(T (&a)[N]);
/** Construct from nullptr.
This implicitly makes the length 0.
constexpr MemSpan(std::nullptr_t);
/** Equality.
Compare the span contents.
@return @c true if the contents of @a that are the same as the content of @a this,
@c false otherwise.
bool operator==(self_type const &that) const;
/** Identical.
Check if the spans refer to the same span of memory.
@return @c true if @a this and @a that refer to the same span, @c false if not.
bool is_same(self_type const &that) const;
/** Inequality.
@return @c true if @a that does not refer to the same span as @a this,
@c false otherwise.
bool operator!=(self_type const &that) const;
/// Assignment - the span is copied, not the content.
self_type &operator=(self_type const &that) = default;
/// Access element at index @a idx.
T &operator[](size_t idx) const;
/// Check for empty span.
/// @return @c true if the span is empty (no contents), @c false otherwise.
bool operator!() const;
/// Check for non-empty span.
/// @return @c true if the span contains bytes.
explicit operator bool() const;
/// Check for empty span (no content).
/// @see operator bool
bool empty() const;
/// @name Accessors.
/// Pointer to the first element in the span.
T *begin() const;
/// Pointer to first element not in the span.
T *end() const;
/// Number of elements in the span
size_t count() const;
/// Number of bytes in the span.
size_t size() const;
/// Pointer to memory in the span.
T *data() const;
/** Make a copy of @a this span on the same memory but of type @a U.
* @tparam U Type for the created span.
* @return A @c MemSpan which contains the same memory as instances of @a U.
template <typename U = void> MemSpan<U> rebind() const;
/// Set the span.
/// This is faster but equivalent to constructing a new span with the same
/// arguments and assigning it.
/// @return @c this.
self_type &assign(T *ptr, ///< Buffer start.
size_t count ///< # of elements.
/// Set the span.
/// This is faster but equivalent to constructing a new span with the same
/// arguments and assigning it.
/// @return @c this.
self_type &assign(T *first, ///< First valid element.
T const *last ///< First invalid element.
/// Clear the span (become an empty span).
self_type &clear();
/// @return @c true if the byte at @a *p is in the span.
bool contains(value_type const *p) const;
/** Get the initial segment of @a count elements.
@return An instance that contains the leading @a count elements of @a this.
self_type prefix(size_t count) const;
/** Shrink the span by removing @a count leading elements.
* @param count The number of elements to remove.
* @return @c *this
self_type &remove_prefix(size_t count);
/** Get the trailing segment of @a count elements.
* @param count Number of elements to retrieve.
* @return An instance that contains the trailing @a count elements of @a this.
self_type suffix(size_t count) const;
/** Shrink the span by removing @a count trailing elements.
* @param count Number of elements to remove.
* @return @c *this
self_type &remove_suffix(size_t count);
/** Return a view of the memory.
* @return A @c string_view covering the span contents.
std::string_view view() const;
template <typename U> friend class MemSpan;
/** Specialization for void pointers.
* Key differences:
* - No subscript operator.
* - No array initialization.
* - All other @c MemSpan types implicitly convert to this type.
* @internal I tried to be clever about the base template but there were too many differences
* One major issue was the array initialization did not work at all if the @c void case didn't
* exclude that. Once separate there are a number of useful tweaks available.
template <> class MemSpan<void>
using self_type = MemSpan; ///< Self reference type.
template <typename U> friend class MemSpan;
using value_type = void; /// Export base type.
value_type *_ptr = nullptr; ///< Pointer to base of memory chunk.
size_t _size = 0; ///< Number of elements.
/// Default constructor (empty buffer).
constexpr MemSpan() = default;
/// Copy constructor.
constexpr MemSpan(self_type const &that) = default;
/** Cross type copy constructor.
* @tparam U Type for source span.
* @param that Source span.
* This enables any @c MemSpan to be automatically converted to a void span, just as any pointer
* can convert to a void pointer.
template <typename U> constexpr MemSpan(MemSpan<U> const &that);
/** Construct from a pointer @a start and a size @a n bytes.
* @param start Start of the span.
* @param n # of bytes in the span.
constexpr MemSpan(value_type *start, size_t n);
/** Construct from a half open range of [start, last).
* @param start Start of the range.
* @param last Past end of range.
MemSpan(value_type *start, value_type *last);
/** Construct from nullptr.
This implicitly makes the length 0.
constexpr MemSpan(std::nullptr_t);
/** Equality.
Compare the span contents.
@return @c true if the contents of @a that are bytewise the same as the content of @a this,
@c false otherwise.
bool operator==(self_type const &that) const;
/** Identical.
Check if the spans refer to the same span of memory.
@return @c true if @a this and @a that refer to the same memory, @c false if not.
bool is_same(self_type const &that) const;
/** Inequality.
@return @c true if @a that does not refer to the same span as @a this,
@c false otherwise.
bool operator!=(self_type const &that) const;
/// Assignment - the span is copied, not the content.
/// Any type of @c MemSpan can be assigned to @c MemSpan<void>.
template <typename U> self_type &operator=(MemSpan<U> const &that);
/// Check for empty span.
/// @return @c true if the span is empty (no contents), @c false otherwise.
bool operator!() const;
/// Check for non-empty span.
/// @return @c true if the span contains bytes.
explicit operator bool() const;
/// Check for empty span (no content).
/// @see operator bool
bool empty() const;
/// Number of bytes in the span.
size_t size() const;
/// Pointer to memory in the span.
value_type *data() const;
/// Pointer to memory in the span.
value_type *data_end() const;
/** Create a new span for a different type @a V on the same memory.
* @tparam V Type for the created span.
* @return A @c MemSpan which contains the same memory as instances of @a V.
template <typename U> MemSpan<U> rebind() const;
/// Set the span.
/// This is faster but equivalent to constructing a new span with the same
/// arguments and assigning it.
/// @return @c this.
self_type &assign(value_type *ptr, ///< Buffer start.
size_t n ///< # of bytes
/// Set the span.
/// This is faster but equivalent to constructing a new span with the same
/// arguments and assigning it.
/// @return @c this.
self_type &assign(value_type *first, ///< First valid element.
value_type const *last ///< First invalid element.
/// Clear the span (become an empty span).
self_type &clear();
/// @return @c true if the byte at @a *ptr is in the span.
bool contains(value_type const *ptr) const;
/** Get the initial segment of @a n bytes.
@return An instance that contains the leading @a n bytes of @a this.
self_type prefix(size_t n) const;
/** Shrink the span by removing @a n leading bytes.
* @param count The number of elements to remove.
* @return @c *this
self_type &remove_prefix(size_t count);
/** Get the trailing segment of @a n bytes.
* @param n Number of bytes to retrieve.
* @return An instance that contains the trailing @a count elements of @a this.
self_type suffix(size_t n) const;
/** Shrink the span by removing @a n bytes.
* @param n Number of bytes to remove.
* @return @c *this
self_type &remove_suffix(size_t n);
/** Return a view of the memory.
* @return A @c string_view covering the span contents.
std::string_view view() const;
// -- Implementation --
namespace detail
/// Support pointer distance calculations for all types, @b include @c <void*>.
/// This is useful in templates.
inline size_t
ptr_distance(void const *first, void const *last)
return static_cast<const char *>(last) - static_cast<const char *>(first);
template <typename T>
ptr_distance(T const *first, T const *last)
return last - first;
/** Functor to convert span types.
* @tparam T Source span type.
* @tparam U Destination span type.
* @internal More void handling. This can't go in @c MemSpan because template specialization is
* invalid in class scope and this needs to be specialized for @c void.
template <typename T, typename U> struct is_span_compatible {
/// @c true if the size of @a T is an integral multiple of the size of @a U or vice versa.
static constexpr bool value = std::ratio<sizeof(T), sizeof(U)>::num == 1 || std::ratio<sizeof(U), sizeof(T)>::num == 1;
/** Compute the new size in units of @c sizeof(U).
* @param size Size in bytes.
* @return Size in units of @c sizeof(U).
* The critical part of this is the @c static_assert that guarantees the result is an integral
* number of instances of @a U.
static size_t count(size_t size);
template <typename T, typename U>
is_span_compatible<T, U>::count(size_t size)
if (size % sizeof(U)) {
throw std::invalid_argument("MemSpan rebind where span size is not a multiple of the element size");
return size / sizeof(U);
// Must specialize for rebinding to @c void because @c sizeof doesn't work. Rebinding from @c void
// is handled by the @c MemSpan<void>::rebind specialization and doesn't use this mechanism.
template <typename T> struct is_span_compatible<T, void> {
static constexpr bool value = true;
static size_t count(size_t size);
template <typename T>
is_span_compatible<T, void>::count(size_t size)
return size;
/// @endcond
} // namespace detail
// --- Standard memory operations ---
template <typename T>
memcmp(MemSpan<T> const &lhs, MemSpan<T> const &rhs)
int zret = 0;
size_t n = lhs.size();
// Seems a bit ugly but size comparisons must be done anyway to get the memcmp args.
if (lhs.count() < rhs.count()) {
zret = 1;
} else if (lhs.count() > rhs.count()) {
zret = -1;
n = rhs.size();
// else the counts are equal therefore @a n and @a zret are already correct.
int r = std::memcmp(,, n);
if (0 != r) { // If we got a not-equal, override the size based result.
zret = r;
return zret;
using std::memcmp;
template <typename T>
T *
memcpy(MemSpan<T> &dst, MemSpan<T> const &src)
return static_cast<T *>(std::memcpy(,, std::min(dst.size(), src.size())));
template <typename T>
T *
memcpy(MemSpan<T> &dst, T *src)
return static_cast<T *>(std::memcpy(, src, dst.size()));
template <typename T>
T *
memcpy(T *dst, MemSpan<T> &src)
return static_cast<T *>(std::memcpy(dst,, src.size()));
inline char *
memcpy(MemSpan<char> &span, std::string_view view)
return static_cast<char *>(std::memcpy(,, std::min(view.size(), view.size())));
inline void *
memcpy(MemSpan<void> &span, std::string_view view)
return std::memcpy(,, std::min(view.size(), view.size()));
using std::memcpy;
using std::memcpy;
template <typename T>
inline MemSpan<T> const &
memset(MemSpan<T> const &dst, T const &t)
for (auto &e : dst) {
e = t;
return dst;
inline MemSpan<char> const &
memset(MemSpan<char> const &dst, char c)
std::memset(, c, dst.size());
return dst;
inline MemSpan<unsigned char> const &
memset(MemSpan<unsigned char> const &dst, unsigned char c)
std::memset(, c, dst.size());
return dst;
inline MemSpan<void> const &
memset(MemSpan<void> const &dst, char c)
std::memset(, c, dst.size());
return dst;
using std::memset;
// --- MemSpan<T> ---
template <typename T> constexpr MemSpan<T>::MemSpan(T *ptr, size_t count) : _ptr{ptr}, _count{count} {}
template <typename T> constexpr MemSpan<T>::MemSpan(T *first, T *last) : _ptr{first}, _count{detail::ptr_distance(first, last)} {}
template <typename T> template <size_t N> MemSpan<T>::MemSpan(T (&a)[N]) : _ptr{a}, _count{N} {}
template <typename T> constexpr MemSpan<T>::MemSpan(std::nullptr_t) {}
template <typename T>
MemSpan<T> &
MemSpan<T>::assign(T *ptr, size_t count)
_ptr = ptr;
_count = count;
return *this;
template <typename T>
MemSpan<T> &
MemSpan<T>::assign(T *first, T const *last)
_ptr = first;
_count = detail::ptr_distance(first, last);
return *this;
template <typename T>
MemSpan<T> &
_ptr = nullptr;
_count = 0;
return *this;
template <typename T>
MemSpan<T>::is_same(self_type const &that) const
return _ptr == that._ptr && _count == that._count;
template <typename T>
MemSpan<T>::operator==(self_type const &that) const
return _count == that._count && (_ptr == that._ptr || 0 == memcmp(_ptr, that._ptr, this->size()));
template <typename T>
MemSpan<T>::operator!=(self_type const &that) const
return !(*this == that);
template <typename T>
MemSpan<T>::operator!() const
return _count == 0;
template <typename T> MemSpan<T>::operator bool() const
return _count != 0;
template <typename T>
MemSpan<T>::empty() const
return _count == 0;
template <typename T>
T *
MemSpan<T>::begin() const
return _ptr;
template <typename T>
T *
MemSpan<T>::data() const
return _ptr;
template <typename T>
T *
MemSpan<T>::end() const
return _ptr + _count;
template <typename T>
T &
MemSpan<T>::operator[](size_t idx) const
return _ptr[idx];
template <typename T>
MemSpan<T>::count() const
return _count;
template <typename T>
MemSpan<T>::size() const
return _count * sizeof(T);
template <typename T>
MemSpan<T>::contains(T const *ptr) const
return _ptr <= ptr && ptr < _ptr + _count;
template <typename T>
MemSpan<T>::prefix(size_t count) const -> self_type
return {_ptr, std::min(count, _count)};
template <typename T>
MemSpan<T>::remove_prefix(size_t count) -> self_type &
count = std::min(_count, count);
_count -= count;
_ptr += count;
return *this;
template <typename T>
MemSpan<T>::suffix(size_t count) const -> self_type
count = std::min(_count, count);
return {(_ptr + _count) - count, count};
template <typename T>
MemSpan<T> &
MemSpan<T>::remove_suffix(size_t count)
_count -= std::min(count, _count);
return *this;
template <typename T>
template <typename U>
MemSpan<T>::rebind() const
static_assert(detail::is_span_compatible<T, U>::value,
"MemSpan only allows rebinding between types who sizes are integral multiples.");
return {static_cast<U *>(static_cast<void *>(_ptr)), detail::is_span_compatible<T, U>::count(this->size())};
template <typename T>
MemSpan<T>::view() const
return {static_cast<const char *>(_ptr), this->size()};
// --- void specialization ---
template <typename U> constexpr MemSpan<void>::MemSpan(MemSpan<U> const &that) : _ptr(that._ptr), _size(that.size()) {}
inline constexpr MemSpan<void>::MemSpan(value_type *ptr, size_t n) : _ptr{ptr}, _size{n} {}
inline MemSpan<void>::MemSpan(value_type *first, value_type *last) : _ptr{first}, _size{detail::ptr_distance(first, last)} {}
inline constexpr MemSpan<void>::MemSpan(std::nullptr_t) {}
inline MemSpan<void> &
MemSpan<void>::assign(value_type *ptr, size_t n)
_ptr = ptr;
_size = n;
return *this;
inline MemSpan<void> &
MemSpan<void>::assign(value_type *first, value_type const *last)
_ptr = first;
_size = detail::ptr_distance(first, last);
return *this;
inline MemSpan<void> &
_ptr = nullptr;
_size = 0;
return *this;
inline bool
MemSpan<void>::is_same(self_type const &that) const
return _ptr == that._ptr && _size == that._size;
inline bool
MemSpan<void>::operator==(self_type const &that) const
return _size == that._size && (_ptr == that._ptr || 0 == memcmp(_ptr, that._ptr, _size));
inline bool
MemSpan<void>::operator!=(self_type const &that) const
return !(*this == that);
inline bool
MemSpan<void>::operator!() const
return _size == 0;
inline MemSpan<void>::operator bool() const
return _size != 0;
inline bool
MemSpan<void>::empty() const
return _size == 0;
inline void *
MemSpan<void>::data() const
return _ptr;
inline void *
MemSpan<void>::data_end() const
return static_cast<char *>(_ptr) + _size;
inline size_t
MemSpan<void>::size() const
return _size;
template <typename U>
MemSpan<void>::operator=(MemSpan<U> const &that) -> self_type &
_ptr = that._ptr;
_size = that.size();
return *this;
inline bool
MemSpan<void>::contains(value_type const *ptr) const
return _ptr <= ptr && ptr < this->data_end();
inline MemSpan<void>
MemSpan<void>::prefix(size_t n) const
return {_ptr, std::min(n, _size)};
inline MemSpan<void> &
MemSpan<void>::remove_prefix(size_t n)
n = std::max(_size, n);
_size -= n;
_ptr = static_cast<char *>(_ptr) + n;
return *this;
inline MemSpan<void>
MemSpan<void>::suffix(size_t count) const
count = std::max(count, _size);
return {static_cast<char *>(this->data_end()) - count, size_t(count)};
inline MemSpan<void> &
MemSpan<void>::remove_suffix(size_t count)
_size -= std::max(count, _size);
return *this;
template <typename U>
MemSpan<void>::rebind() const
return {static_cast<U *>(_ptr), detail::is_span_compatible<void, U>::count(_size)};
// Specialize so that @c void -> @c void rebinding compiles and works as expected.
template <>
inline MemSpan<void>
MemSpan<void>::rebind() const
return *this;
inline std::string_view
MemSpan<void>::view() const
return {static_cast<char const *>(_ptr), _size};
} // namespace ts