blob: cbd29bdd30cf765b285109e9a41daeada497c751 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
Unit tests for the NextHopConsistentHash.
@section license License
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
@section details Details
Unit testing the NextHopConsistentHash class.
#define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN /* include main function */
#include <catch.hpp> /* catch unit-test framework */
#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
#include "nexthop_test_stubs.h"
#include "NextHopSelectionStrategy.h"
#include "NextHopStrategyFactory.h"
#include "NextHopConsistentHash.h"
#include "HTTP.h"
extern int cmd_disable_pfreelist;
SCENARIO("Testing NextHopConsistentHash class, using policy 'consistent_hash'", "[NextHopConsistentHash]")
// We need this to build a HdrHeap object in br();
// No thread setup, forbid use of thread local allocators.
cmd_disable_pfreelist = true;
// Get all of the HTTP WKS items populated.
GIVEN("Loading the consistent-hash-tests.yaml config for 'consistent_hash' tests.")
// load the configuration strtegies.
std::shared_ptr<NextHopSelectionStrategy> strategy;
NextHopStrategyFactory nhf(TS_SRC_DIR "unit-tests/consistent-hash-tests.yaml");
strategy = nhf.strategyInstance("consistent-hash-1");
WHEN("the config is loaded.")
THEN("then testing consistent hash.")
REQUIRE(nhf.strategies_loaded == true);
REQUIRE(strategy != nullptr);
REQUIRE(strategy->groups == 3);
WHEN("requests are received.")
HttpRequestData request;
ParentResult result;
TestData rdata;
rdata.xact_start = time(nullptr);
uint64_t fail_threshold = 1;
uint64_t retry_time = 1;
// need to run these checks in succession so there
// are no host status state changes.
// These tests simulate failed requests using a selected host.
// markNextHopDown() is called by the state machine when
// there is a request failure due to a connection error or
// timeout. the 'result' struct has the information on the
// host used in the failed request and when called, marks the
// host indicated in the 'request' struct as unavailable.
// Here we walk through making requests then marking the selected
// host down until all are down and the origin is finally chosen.
THEN("when making requests and taking nodes down.")
REQUIRE(nhf.strategies_loaded == true);
REQUIRE(strategy != nullptr);
// first request.
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(10001, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_SPECIFIED);
CHECK(strcmp(result.hostname, "") == 0);
// mark down markNextHopDown looks at the 'result'
// and uses the host index there mark down the host selected
// from a
strategy->markNextHopDown(10001, result, 1, fail_threshold);
// second request - reusing the ParentResult from the last request
// simulating a failure triggers a search for another parent, not firstcall.
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(10002, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_SPECIFIED);
CHECK(strcmp(result.hostname, "") == 0);
// mark down
strategy->markNextHopDown(10002, result, 1, fail_threshold);
// third request - reusing the ParentResult from the last request
// simulating a failure triggers a search for another parent, not firstcall.
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(10003, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_SPECIFIED);
CHECK(strcmp(result.hostname, "") == 0);
// mark down
strategy->markNextHopDown(10003, result, 1, fail_threshold);
// fourth request - reusing the ParentResult from the last request
// simulating a failure triggers a search for another parent, not firstcall.
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(10004, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_SPECIFIED);
CHECK(strcmp(result.hostname, "") == 0);
// mark down
strategy->markNextHopDown(10004, result, 1, fail_threshold);
// fifth request - reusing the ParentResult from the last request
// simulating a failure triggers a search for another parent, not firstcall.
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(10005, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_SPECIFIED);
CHECK(strcmp(result.hostname, "") == 0);
// mark down
strategy->markNextHopDown(10005, result, 1, fail_threshold);
// sixth request - reusing the ParentResult from the last request
// simulating a failure triggers a search for another parent, not firstcall.
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(10006, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_SPECIFIED);
CHECK(strcmp(result.hostname, "") == 0);
// mark down
strategy->markNextHopDown(10006, result, 1, fail_threshold);
// seventh request - reusing the ParentResult from the last request
// simulating a failure triggers a search for another parent, not firstcall.
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(10007, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_DIRECT);
CHECK(result.hostname == nullptr);
// sleep and test that q2 is becomes retryable;
time_t now = time(nullptr) + 5;
// eighth request - reusing the ParentResult from the last request
// simulating a failure triggers a search for another parent, not firstcall.
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(10008, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time, now);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_SPECIFIED);
CHECK(strcmp(result.hostname, "") == 0);
SCENARIO("Testing NextHopConsistentHash class (all firstcalls), using policy 'consistent_hash'", "[NextHopConsistentHash]")
// We need this to build a HdrHeap object in br();
// No thread setup, forbid use of thread local allocators.
cmd_disable_pfreelist = true;
// Get all of the HTTP WKS items populated.
GIVEN("Loading the consistent-hash-tests.yaml config for 'consistent_hash' tests.")
std::shared_ptr<NextHopSelectionStrategy> strategy;
NextHopStrategyFactory nhf(TS_SRC_DIR "unit-tests/consistent-hash-tests.yaml");
strategy = nhf.strategyInstance("consistent-hash-1");
WHEN("the config is loaded.")
THEN("then testing consistent hash.")
REQUIRE(nhf.strategies_loaded == true);
REQUIRE(strategy != nullptr);
REQUIRE(strategy->groups == 3);
// Same test procedure as the first scenario but we clear the 'result' struct
// so that we are making initial requests and simulating that hosts were
// removed by different transactions.
// these checks need to be run in sequence so that there are no host status
// state changes induced by using multiple WHEN() and THEN()
WHEN("initial requests are made and hosts are unavailable .")
uint64_t fail_threshold = 1;
uint64_t retry_time = 1;
TestData rdata;
rdata.xact_start = time(nullptr);
HttpRequestData request;
ParentResult result;
THEN("when making requests and taking nodes down.")
REQUIRE(nhf.strategies_loaded == true);
REQUIRE(strategy != nullptr);
// first request.
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(20001, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_SPECIFIED);
CHECK(strcmp(result.hostname, "") == 0);
// mark down
strategy->markNextHopDown(20001, result, 1, fail_threshold);
// second request
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(20002, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_SPECIFIED);
CHECK(strcmp(result.hostname, "") == 0);
// mark down
strategy->markNextHopDown(20002, result, 1, fail_threshold);
// third request
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(20003, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_SPECIFIED);
CHECK(strcmp(result.hostname, "") == 0);
// mark down
strategy->markNextHopDown(20003, result, 1, fail_threshold);
// fourth request
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(20004, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_SPECIFIED);
CHECK(strcmp(result.hostname, "") == 0);
// mark down
strategy->markNextHopDown(20004, result, 1, fail_threshold);
// fifth request
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(20005, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_DIRECT);
CHECK(result.hostname == nullptr);
// sixth request - wait and p1 should now become available
time_t now = time(nullptr) + 5;
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(20006, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time, now);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_SPECIFIED);
CHECK(strcmp(result.hostname, "") == 0);
SCENARIO("Testing NextHopConsistentHash class (alternating rings), using policy 'consistent_hash'", "[NextHopConsistentHash]")
// We need this to build a HdrHeap object in br();
// No thread setup, forbid use of thread local allocators.
cmd_disable_pfreelist = true;
// Get all of the HTTP WKS items populated.
GIVEN("Loading the consistent-hash-tests.yaml config for 'consistent_hash' tests.")
std::shared_ptr<NextHopSelectionStrategy> strategy;
NextHopStrategyFactory nhf(TS_SRC_DIR "unit-tests/consistent-hash-tests.yaml");
strategy = nhf.strategyInstance("consistent-hash-2");
WHEN("the config is loaded.")
THEN("then testing consistent hash.")
REQUIRE(nhf.strategies_loaded == true);
REQUIRE(strategy != nullptr);
REQUIRE(strategy->groups == 3);
// makeing requests and marking down hosts with a config set for alternating ring mode.
WHEN("requests are made in a config set for alternating rings and hosts are marked down.")
uint64_t fail_threshold = 1;
uint64_t retry_time = 1;
TestData rdata;
rdata.xact_start = time(nullptr);
HttpRequestData request;
ParentResult result;
THEN("expect the following results when making requests and marking hosts down.")
REQUIRE(nhf.strategies_loaded == true);
REQUIRE(strategy != nullptr);
// first request.
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(30001, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_SPECIFIED);
CHECK(strcmp(result.hostname, "") == 0);
// simulated failure, mark c2 down and retry request
strategy->markNextHopDown(30001, result, 1, fail_threshold);
// second request
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(30002, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_SPECIFIED);
CHECK(strcmp(result.hostname, "") == 0);
// mark down
strategy->markNextHopDown(30002, result, 1, fail_threshold);
// third request
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(30003, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_SPECIFIED);
CHECK(strcmp(result.hostname, "") == 0);
// just mark it down and retry request
strategy->markNextHopDown(30003, result, 1, fail_threshold);
// fourth request
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(30004, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_SPECIFIED);
CHECK(strcmp(result.hostname, "") == 0);
// mark it down
strategy->markNextHopDown(30004, result, 1, fail_threshold);
// fifth request - new request
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(30005, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_SPECIFIED);
CHECK(strcmp(result.hostname, "") == 0);
// mark it down and retry
strategy->markNextHopDown(30005, result, 1, fail_threshold);
// sixth request
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(30006, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_SPECIFIED);
CHECK(strcmp(result.hostname, "") == 0);
// mark it down
strategy->markNextHopDown(30006, result, 1, fail_threshold);
// seventh request - new request with all hosts down and go_direct is false.
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(30007, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_FAIL);
CHECK(result.hostname == nullptr);
// eighth request - retry after waiting for the retry window to expire.
time_t now = time(nullptr) + 5;
br(&request, "");
strategy->findNextHop(30008, result, request, fail_threshold, retry_time, now);
CHECK(result.result == ParentResultType::PARENT_SPECIFIED);
CHECK(strcmp(result.hostname, "") == 0);