blob: dd7be385c9d2c332e0d9be1ebfb5e16afff4bb4a [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
A brief file description
@section license License
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#ifndef tsapi
#define tsapi
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#define TSREMAP_VMAJOR 3 /* major version number */
#define TSREMAP_VMINOR 0 /* minor version number */
typedef struct _tsremap_api_info {
unsigned long size; /* in: sizeof(struct _tsremap_api_info) */
unsigned long tsremap_version; /* in: TS supported version ((major << 16) | minor) */
} TSRemapInterface;
typedef struct _tm_remap_request_info {
/* Important: You should *not* release these buf pointers or TSMLocs from your plugin! */
/* these URL mloc's are read only, use normal ts/ts.h APIs for accessing */
TSMLoc mapFromUrl;
TSMLoc mapToUrl;
/* the request URL mloc and buffer pointers are read-write. You can read and modify the
requestUrl using normal ts/ts.h APIs, which is how you change the destination URL. */
TSMLoc requestUrl;
/* requestBufp and requestHdrp are the equivalent of calling TSHttpTxnClientReqGet(). */
TSMBuffer requestBufp;
TSMLoc requestHdrp;
/* 0 - don't redirect, 1 - use the (new)request URL as a redirect */
int redirect;
} TSRemapRequestInfo;
/* This is the type returned by the TSRemapDoRemap() callback */
typedef enum {
TSREMAP_NO_REMAP = 0, /* No remapping was done, continue with next in chain */
TSREMAP_DID_REMAP = 1, /* Remapping was done, continue with next in chain */
TSREMAP_NO_REMAP_STOP = 2, /* No remapping was done, and stop plugin chain evaluation */
TSREMAP_DID_REMAP_STOP = 3, /* Remapping was done, but stop plugin chain evaluation */
/* In the future, the following error codes can also be used:
-400 to -499
-500 to -599
This would allow a plugin to generate an error page. Right now,
setting the return code to any negative number is equivalent to TSREMAP_NO_REMAP */
TSREMAP_ERROR = -1 /* Some error, that should generate an error page */
} TSRemapStatus;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
These are the entry points a plugin can implement. Note that TSRemapInit() and
TSRemapDoRemap() are both required.
/* Plugin initialization - called first.
Mandatory interface function.
TS_ERROR - error, errbuf can include error message from plugin
tsapi TSReturnCode TSRemapInit(TSRemapInterface *api_info, char *errbuf, int errbuf_size);
/* This gets called every time before remap.config is reloaded. This is complementary
to TSRemapInit() which gets called when the plugin is first loaded.
It is guaranteed to be called before TSRemapInit() and TSRemapNewInstance().
It cannot fail, or cause reload to stop here, it's merely a notification.
Optional function.
Params: none
Return: none
tsapi void TSRemapPreConfigReload(void);
/* This gets called every time afterremap.config is reloaded. This is complementary
to TSRemapInit() which gets called when the plugin is first loaded.
It is guaranteed to be called after TSRemapInit() and TSRemapNewInstance().
It cannot fail, or cause reload to stop here, it's merely a notification that
the (re)load is done and provide a status of its success or failure..
Optional function.
Params: reloadStatus - TS_SUCCESS - (re)load was successful,
TS_ERROR - (re)load failed.
Return: none
tsapi void TSRemapPostConfigReload(TSReturnCode reloadStatus);
/* Remap new request
Mandatory interface function.
Remap API plugin can/should use SDK API function calls inside this function!
return: TSREMAP_NO_REMAP - No remapping was done, continue with next in chain
TSREMAP_DID_REMAP - Remapping was done, continue with next in chain
TSREMAP_NO_REMAP_STOP - No remapping was done, and stop plugin chain evaluation
TSREMAP_DID_REMAP_STOP - Remapping was done, but stop plugin chain evaluation
tsapi TSRemapStatus TSRemapDoRemap(void *ih, TSHttpTxn rh, TSRemapRequestInfo *rri);
/* Plugin shutdown, called when plugin is unloaded.
Optional function. */
tsapi void TSRemapDone(void);
/* Plugin new instance. Create new plugin processing entry for unique remap record.
First two arguments in argv vector are - fromURL and toURL from remap record.
Please keep in mind that fromURL and toURL will be converted to canonical view.
TS_ERROR - instance creation error
tsapi TSReturnCode TSRemapNewInstance(int argc, char *argv[], void **ih, char *errbuf, int errbuf_size);
tsapi void TSRemapDeleteInstance(void *);
/* Check response code from Origin Server
os_response_type -> TSServerState
Remap API plugin can use InkAPI function calls inside TSRemapDoRemap()
Return: none
tsapi void TSRemapOSResponse(void *ih, TSHttpTxn rh, int os_response_type);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */