blob: 6ecfc64517a0e8603621e02221912c83d2d72e03 [file] [log] [blame]
Via header is [uIcRs f p eN;t cCNp s ], Length is 22
Via Header Details:
Request headers received from client :IMS
Result of Traffic Server cache lookup for URL :in cache, fresh Ram hit (a cache "HIT")
Response information received from origin server :no server connection needed
Result of document write-to-cache: :no cache write performed
Proxy operation result :unknown
Error codes (if any) :no error
Tunnel info :no tunneling
Cache Type :cache
Cache Lookup Result :conditional hit (client sent conditional, doc fresh in cache, returned 304)
Parent proxy connection status :no parent proxy or unknown
Origin server connection status :no server connection needed