blob: 9e6df2d1a748f7cfd90c249e58cd9d61fd242a88 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
Header file for a class that deals with plugin Dynamic Shared Objects (DSO)
@section license License
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
@section details Details
Implements code necessary for Reverse Proxy which mostly consists of
general purpose hostname substitution in URLs.
#pragma once
#include <unordered_map>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <vector>
#include <forward_list>
#include <ctime>
#include "ts/apidefs.h"
#include "ts/remap.h"
#include "tscore/ts_file.h"
namespace fs = ts::file;
#include "tscore/Ptr.h"
#include "I_EventSystem.h"
#include "tscpp/util/IntrusiveDList.h"
#include "Plugin.h"
class PluginThreadContext : public RefCountObj
virtual void acquire() = 0;
virtual void release() = 0;
static constexpr const char *const _tag = "plugin_context"; /** @brief log tag used by this class */
class PluginDso : public PluginThreadContext
friend class PluginFactory;
PluginDso(const fs::path &configPath, const fs::path &effectivePath, const fs::path &runtimePath);
virtual ~PluginDso();
/* DSO Load, unload, get symbols from DSO */
virtual bool load(std::string &error);
virtual bool unload(std::string &error);
bool isLoaded();
bool getSymbol(const char *symbol, void *&address, std::string &error) const;
/* Accessors for effective and runtime paths */
const fs::path &effectivePath() const;
const fs::path &runtimePath() const;
time_t modTime() const;
void *dlOpenHandle() const;
/* List used by the plugin factory */
using self_type = PluginDso; ///< Self reference type.
self_type *_next = nullptr;
self_type *_prev = nullptr;
using Linkage = ts::IntrusiveLinkage<self_type>;
using PluginList = ts::IntrusiveDList<PluginDso::Linkage>;
/* Methods to be called when processing a list of plugins, to be overloaded by the remap or the global plugins correspondingly */
virtual void indicatePreReload() = 0;
virtual void indicatePostReload(TSRemapReloadStatus reloadStatus) = 0;
virtual bool init(std::string &error) = 0;
virtual void done() = 0;
void acquire();
void release();
void incInstanceCount();
void decInstanceCount();
int instanceCount();
bool isDynamicReloadEnabled() const;
class LoadedPlugins : public RefCountObj
LoadedPlugins() : _mutex(new_ProxyMutex()) {}
void add(PluginDso *plugin);
void remove(PluginDso *plugin);
PluginDso *findByEffectivePath(const fs::path &path, bool dynamicReloadEnabled);
void indicatePreReload(const char *factoryId);
void indicatePostReload(bool reloadSuccessful, const std::unordered_map<PluginDso *, int> &pluginUsed, const char *factoryId);
* @brief Check if the opt out table contains the passed plugin's effective path.
* @return true If the plugin was marked to not participate in the dynamic reload by
* TSPluginDSOReloadEnable() API.
* @param effectivePath canonical value of the plugin's path.
bool isPluginInDsoOptOutTable(const fs::path &effectivePath);
* @brief Add the plugin's path to the opt out table in order to let the Plugin Factory
* that this plugin is not interested in taking part of the dynamic reloading.
* This function will store the plugin's canonical path.
* @param effectivePath Plugin's path.
* @return false if any errors converting the plugin's path to a canonical path, true otherwise.
bool addPluginPathToDsoOptOutTable(std::string_view pluginPath);
* @brief Removes the passed plugin's effective path from the opt out list.
* @note This is mostly used by unit test than needs to remove the plugin's effectivePath
* from the out out list.
* @param pluginPath plugin's path.
* @note This function is mainly for unit tests purposes.
void removePluginPathFromDsoOptOutTable(std::string_view pluginPath);
PluginList _list; /** @brief plugin list */
Ptr<ProxyMutex> _mutex; /** @brief mutex used when updating the plugin list from multiple threads */
struct DisableDSOReloadPluginInfo {
fs::path dsoEffectivePath;
std::forward_list<DisableDSOReloadPluginInfo> _optoutDsoReloadPlugins;
static const Ptr<LoadedPlugins> &
if (!_plugins) {
_plugins = new LoadedPlugins();
return _plugins;
void clean(std::string &error);
fs::path _configPath; /** @brief the name specified in the config file */
fs::path _effectivePath; /** @brief the plugin installation path which was used to load DSO */
fs::path _runtimePath; /** @brief the plugin runtime path where the plugin was copied to be loaded */
void *_dlh = nullptr; /** @brief dlopen handler used internally in this class, used as flag for loaded vs unloaded (nullptr) */
std::error_code _errorCode; /** @brief used in filesystem calls */
static constexpr const char *const _tag = "plugin_dso"; /** @brief log tag used by this class */
time_t _mtime = 0; /* @brief modification time of the DSO's file, used for checking */
bool _preventiveCleaning = true;
static Ptr<LoadedPlugins>
_plugins; /** @brief a global list of plugins, usually maintained by a plugin factory or plugin instance itself */
RefCountObj _instanceCount; /** @brief used for properly calling "done" and "indicate config reload" methods by the factory */