blob: 51afa462198e27b3897e2aa60b2ade1fa139a777 [file] [log] [blame]
ATS (Apache Traffic Server) TLS Bridge Plugin
This plugin enables a TLS bridge from an "Ingress" ATS instance to a "Peer" ATS instance using
the `CONNECT` method. A Client sends a CONNECT to the Ingress, which sets up a TLS connection
to the Peer. The Peer then processes the original Client CONNECT. The behavior is as if the Client
sent the CONNECT to the Peer.
Configuration is done in 'plugin.config' by passing pairs of arguments. Each pair is a service and a peer.
The service is an anchored regular expression which is checked against the host name in the Client
CONNECT. The peer is an FQDN or IP address with an optional port. If matched, the TLS bridge is created
to the peer using the specified FQDN and port.
Example: .*[.]service[.]com
This will create a bridge to '' on port 4443 for CONNECT requests that end in ''.
Version 7.0.0 [11/10/17, solidwallofcode]
- [YTSATS-1633] Initial version.