blob: 2817fe11e0fe1f8d64443d7697368a19215f41af [file] [log] [blame]
Apache Traffic Server MySQL-based remap plugin
== Description ==
This is a basic plugin for doing dynamic "remaps" from a database. It essentially rewrites the incoming request's Host header / origin server connection
to one retrieved from a database.
The generic proxying setup is the following:
UA ----> Traffic Server ----> Origin Server
Without the plugin a request like:
GET /path/to/something HTTP/1.1
Ends up requesting
With this plugin enabled, you can easily change that to anywhere you desire. Imagine the many possibilities....
I have benchmarked this at about 9200 requests/sec (1.7k object) on a junky imac with mysql, ab & trafficserver local. Real performance
is likely substantially higher up to your mysql's max queries / second.
== Build ==
A simple
% make install
should do it, assuming that you have the tsxs script in your search path.
This script is installed with your installation of Apache Traffic Server.
NOTE: you may need to open the Makefile and adjust the paths to MySQL client includes & libraries
== Configuration ==
Import the default schema to a database you create:
mysql -u root -p -e "CREATE DATABASE mysql_remap;" # create a new database
mysql -u root -p mysql_remap < schema/import.sql # import the provided schema
insert some interesting values in mysql_remap.hostname &
Traffic Server plugin configuration is done inside a global configuration file: /path/to/etc/trafficserver/plugin.config: /path/to/sample.ini
The INI file should contain the following values:
mysql_host = localhost #default
mysql_port = 3306 #default
mysql_username = root
mysql_password =
mysql_database = mysql_remap #default
To debug errors, start trafficserver manually using:
/path/to/traffic_server -T "mysql_remap"
And resolve any errors or warnings displayed.
== Credits ==
* Eric Balsa
* /
== TODO ==
* some stupid bug in the ini parsing requiring a blank trailing \n
* make db backend pluggable
* handle mysql connections a bit more intelligently
* define a fallback host for missing remaps (instead of blindly issuing a 404)
* handle rewriting paths
* handle regexp in paths & hosts
* verify scheme switching
* ... many more ideas ...