blob: 0b0b9ad1a949c8a0a0c8ac11f8d5d1746956abb5 [file] [log] [blame]
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distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <climits>
#include <cctype>
#include <cassert>
#include <cinttypes>
#include "strip.h"
static int copy_whitespace(const char **r, const char *in_end, char **w, const char *out_end);
static int strip_whitespace(const char **r, const char **in_end);
// Determine if there is room to store len bytes starting at p for an
// object that ends at maxp. This is not as simple as a less-than
// comparison, because our code may increment p well beyond the end of
// the object it originally pointed to (in complete violation of what
// ANSI C says is legitimate). The result is that p may wrap around.
// This has been observed with using stack buffers as arguments
// from 32 bit programs running on 64-bit RHEL.
static bool
room(const char *p, const int len, const char *maxp)
return ((maxp - (p + len)) >= 0);
// write c into *p if there's room, always incrementing *p.
static void
write_char_if_room(char **p, const char *maxp, const char c)
if (p == nullptr || *p == nullptr) {
if (room(*p, 1, maxp)) {
**p = c;
/// Write count spaces into *p if there's room, always adding count to *p.
// The count argument is set to zero at the end of execution.
static void
write_spaces_if_room(char **p, const char *maxp, int &slen)
if (p == nullptr || *p == nullptr) {
if (room(*p, slen, maxp)) {
memset(*p, ' ', slen);
*p += slen;
slen = 0;
// File-scope data
static const unsigned int allowed_flags = (STRIP_FLAG_LEAVE_WHITESP | STRIP_FLAG_STRIP_LOW | STRIP_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH |
static int
stripped_core(const char *r, const char *in_end, char **w, const char *out_end, unsigned int flags)
int leading = 1; /* haven't yet written a non-space */
int in_js_entity = 0; /* are we inside a javascript entity? */
char in_quote_char = '\0'; /* in quoted region? which kind: '\'' or '"' */
int space = 0; /* number of spaces pending */
int stripped = 0; /* have we stripped since last output? */
int in_tag = 0; /* are we inside a tag? */
/* parse the string, stripping risky characters/sequences */
for (/* already established */; r < in_end; r++) {
unsigned char c = static_cast<unsigned char>(*r);
if (in_tag) {
switch (c) {
case '>':
if (!in_quote_char) {
in_tag = 0;
case '"':
case '\'':
if (!in_quote_char) {
in_quote_char = c;
} else if (in_quote_char == c) {
in_quote_char = '\0';
break; /* eat everything between < and > */
} else if (in_js_entity) {
switch (c) {
case '}':
if (!in_quote_char) {
in_js_entity = 0;
if (r + 1 < in_end && *(r + 1) == ';') {
case '"':
case '\'':
if (!in_quote_char) {
in_quote_char = c;
} else if (in_quote_char == c) {
in_quote_char = '\0';
break; /* eat everything between < and > */
} else {
if (c == '<') {
in_tag = 1;
stripped = 1;
} else if (c == '&' && r + 1 < in_end && *(r + 1) == '{') {
in_js_entity = 1;
stripped = 1;
} else if ((c < 0x07 && (flags & STRIP_FLAG_STRIP_LOW)) || (c >= 0x80 && (flags & STRIP_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH)) ||
(c == '"' && !(flags & STRIP_FLAG_UNSAFE_QUOTES)) || (c == '\'' && !(flags & STRIP_FLAG_UNSAFE_QUOTES)) ||
(c == '\\' && !(flags & STRIP_FLAG_UNSAFE_SLASHES)) || c == '>') {
stripped = 1;
} else if (c == ' ') {
space++; /* don't collapse existing spaces */
} else {
/* we're ready to write an output character */
if (leading) {
leading = 0; /* first non-whitespace character */
stripped = 0;
if (!(flags & STRIP_FLAG_LEAVE_WHITESP)) {
space = 0;
/* flush pending spaces */
if (!space && stripped && !(flags & STRIP_FLAG_UNSAFE_SPACES)) {
space = 1; /* replace stripped sequence with space */
stripped = 0; /* reset until next stripped sequence */
write_spaces_if_room(w, out_end, space);
/* Process as single character. */
write_char_if_room(w, out_end, c);
/* Restore trailing whitespace if asked */
write_spaces_if_room(w, out_end, space);
get_stripped(const char *in, ssize_t in_len, char *out, int *out_len, unsigned int flags)
int retval = STRIP_RESULT_OK;
const char *r, *in_end; /* where we read from, read limit */
char *w, *out_end; /* where we write to, write limit */
/* validate params */
if (in == nullptr || in_len < 0 || out_len == nullptr || *out_len < 0 || (out == nullptr && *out_len > 0) ||
(flags & (~allowed_flags))) {
if (out != nullptr && out_len != nullptr && *out_len > 0) {
*out = '\0';
*out_len = 1;
/* make room for null terminator in output and remove if present in in */
(*out_len) -= out ? 1 : 0; /* make space for '\0' unless NULL out */
if (in_len > 0 && in[in_len - 1] == '\0') {
in_len--; /* don't count null terminator in input */
/* establish our read and write limits */
r = in;
w = out;
in_end = in + in_len;
out_end = out + *out_len;
/* strip leading and trailing whitespace, unless asked not to */
if (!(flags & STRIP_FLAG_LEAVE_WHITESP)) {
strip_whitespace(&r, &in_end);
} else {
copy_whitespace(&r, in_end, &w, out_end);
/* handle empty input case (null terminated or not) */
if ((!(flags & STRIP_FLAG_LEAVE_WHITESP) && r >= in_end) || ((flags & STRIP_FLAG_LEAVE_WHITESP) && in_len == 0)) {
write_char_if_room(&w, out_end, '\0'); /* make out empty string */
*out_len = 1;
return STRIP_RESULT_EMPTY_IN; /* input is empty string */
/* call the core function that does actual checking and stripping */
retval = stripped_core(r, in_end, &w, out_end, flags);
/* null terminate */
out_end += out_end ? 1 : 0; /* undo decrement at start */
write_char_if_room(&w, out_end, '\0'); /* try to term at end of output */
/* report the required/used length */
*out_len = w - out;
/* see if we ran out of space, but were otherwise ok */
if (w > out_end && retval == STRIP_RESULT_OK) {
if (retval != STRIP_RESULT_OK) {
/* return the empty string on all errors */
write_char_if_room(&out, out_end, '\0'); /* make out the empty string */
*out_len = 1; /* even if retried, we won't use more than 1 byte */
return retval;
* Copy sequence of whitespace from r to w
static int
copy_whitespace(const char **r, const char *in_end, char **w, const char *out_end)
char c;
while (*r < in_end && (c = **r) && (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n')) {
write_char_if_room(w, out_end, c);
return 0;
static int
strip_whitespace(const char **r, const char **in_end)
char c;
while (*r < *in_end && (c = **r) && (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n')) {
while (*in_end > *r && (c = *((*in_end) - 1)) && (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n')) {
return 0;