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* @file Transaction.h
#pragma once
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include "tscpp/api/Request.h"
#include "tscpp/api/ClientRequest.h"
#include "tscpp/api/Response.h"
#include "tscpp/api/HttpStatus.h"
#include <ts/apidefs.h>
namespace atscppapi
// forward declarations
class TransactionPlugin;
struct TransactionState;
namespace utils
class internal;
* @brief Transactions are the object containing all the state related to a HTTP Transaction
* @warning Transactions should never be directly created by the user, they will always be automatically
* created and destroyed as they are needed. Transactions should never be saved beyond the
* scope of the function in which they are delivered otherwise undefined behaviour will result.
class Transaction : noncopyable
* @brief ContextValues are a mechanism to share data between plugins using the atscppapi.
* Any data can be shared so long as it extends ContextValue, a simple example might
* be:
* \code
* struct mydata : ContextValue {
* int id_;
* string foo_;
* mydata(int id, string foo) : id_(id), foo_(foo) { }
* }
* Transaction.setContextValue("some-key", std::shared_ptr(new mydata(12, "hello")));
* // From another plugin you'll have access to this contextual data:
* std::shared_ptr<Transaction.getContextValue("some-key")
* \endcode
* Because getContextValue() and setContextValue()
* take shared pointers you dont have to worry about the cleanup as that will happen automatically so long
* as you dont have std::shared_ptrs that cannot go out of scope.
class ContextValue
virtual ~ContextValue() {}
* Set the @a event for the currently active hook.
void setEvent(TSEvent event);
* Context Values are a way to share data between plugins, the key is always a string
* and the value can be a std::shared_ptr to any type that extends ContextValue.
* @param key the key to search for.
* @return Shared pointer that is correctly initialized if the
* value existed. It should be checked with .get() != nullptr before use.
std::shared_ptr<ContextValue> getContextValue(const std::string &key);
* Context Values are a way to share data between plugins, the key is always a string
* and the value can be a std::shared_ptr to any type that extends ContextValue.
* @param key the key to insert.
* @param value a shared pointer to a class that extends ContextValue.
void setContextValue(const std::string &key, std::shared_ptr<ContextValue> value);
* Causes the Transaction to continue on to other states in the HTTP state machine
* If you do not call resume() on a Transaction it will remain in that state until
* it's advanced out by a call to resume() or error().
void resume();
* Causes the Transaction to advance to the error state in the HTTP state machine.
* @see error(const std::string &)
void error();
* Causes the Transaction to advance to the error state in the HTTP state machine with
* a specific error message displayed. This is functionally equivalent to the following:
* \code
* setErrorBody(content);
* error();
* \endcode
* @param content the error page body.
void error(const std::string &content);
* Sets the error body page but this method does not advance the state machine to the error state.
* To do that you must explicitly call error().
* @param content the error page content.
void setErrorBody(const std::string &content);
* Sets the error body page with mimetype.
* This method does not advance the state machine to the error state.
* To do that you must explicitly call error().
* @param content the error page content.
* @param mimetype the error page's content-type.
void setErrorBody(const std::string &content, const std::string &mimetype);
* Sets the status code.
* This is usable before transaction has the response of client like a remap state.
* A remap logic may advance the state machine to the error state depending on status code.
* @param code the status code.
void setStatusCode(HttpStatus code);
* Get the clients address
* @return The sockaddr structure representing the client's address
* @see atscppapi::utils::getIpString() in atscppapi/utils.h
* @see atscppapi::utils::getPort() in atscppapi/utils.h
* @see atscppapi::utils::getIpPortString in atscppapi/utils.h
const sockaddr *getClientAddress() const;
* Get the incoming address
* @return The sockaddr structure representing the incoming address
* @see atscppapi::utils::getIpString() in atscppapi/utils.h
* @see atscppapi::utils::getPort() in atscppapi/utils.h
* @see atscppapi::utils::getIpPortString in atscppapi/utils.h
const sockaddr *getIncomingAddress() const;
* Get the server address
* @return The sockaddr structure representing the server's address
* @see atscppapi::utils::getIpString() in atscppapi/utils.h
* @see atscppapi::utils::getPort() in atscppapi/utils.h
* @see atscppapi::utils::getIpPortString in atscppapi/utils.h
const sockaddr *getServerAddress() const;
* Get the next hop address
* @return The sockaddr structure representing the next hop's address
* @see atscppapi::utils::getIpString() in atscppapi/utils.h
* @see atscppapi::utils::getPort() in atscppapi/utils.h
* @see atscppapi::utils::getIpPortString in atscppapi/utils.h
const sockaddr *getNextHopAddress() const;
* Set the incoming port on the Transaction
* @param port is the port to set as the incoming port on the transaction
bool setIncomingPort(uint16_t port);
* Sets the server address on the Transaction to a populated sockaddr *
* @param sockaddr* the sockaddr structure populated as the server address.
bool setServerAddress(const sockaddr *);
* Returns a boolean value if the request is an internal request.
* A request is an internal request if it originates from within traffic server.
* An example would be using TSFetchUrl (or the atscppapi equivalent of AsyncHttpFetch)
* to make another request along with the original request. The secondary request
* originated within traffic server and is an internal request.
* @return boolean value specifying if the request was an internal request.
bool isInternalRequest() const;
* Returns the ClientRequest object for the incoming request from the client.
* @return ClientRequest object that can be used to manipulate the incoming request from the client.
ClientRequest &getClientRequest();
* Returns a Request object which is the request from Traffic Server to the origin server.
* @return Request object that can be used to manipulate the outgoing request to the origin server.
Request &getServerRequest();
* Returns a Response object which is the response coming from the origin server
* @return Response object that can be used to manipulate the incoming response from the origin server.
Response &getServerResponse();
* Returns a Response object which is the response going to the client
* @return Response object that can be used to manipulate the outgoing response from the client.
Response &getClientResponse();
* Returns a Request object which is the cached request
* @return Request object
Request &getCachedRequest();
* Returns a Response object which is the cached response
* @return Response object
Response &getCachedResponse();
* Returns the Effective URL for this transaction taking into account host.
std::string getEffectiveUrl();
* Sets the url used by the ATS cache for a specific transaction.
* @param url is the url to use in the cache.
bool setCacheUrl(const std::string &);
* Ability to skip the remap phase of the State Machine
* This only really makes sense in TS_HTTP_READ_REQUEST_HDR_HOOK
void setSkipRemapping(int);
* The available types of timeouts you can set on a Transaction.
enum TimeoutType {
TIMEOUT_DNS = 0, /**< Timeout on DNS */
TIMEOUT_CONNECT, /**< Timeout on Connect */
TIMEOUT_NO_ACTIVITY, /**< Timeout on No Activity */
TIMEOUT_ACTIVE /**< Timeout with Activity */
* Allows you to set various types of timeouts on a Transaction
* @param type The type of timeout
* @param time_ms The timeout time in milliseconds
* @see TimeoutType
void setTimeout(TimeoutType type, int time_ms);
* Represents different states of an object served out of the cache
enum CacheStatus {
CACHE_LOOKUP_MISS = 0, /**< The object was not found in the cache */
CACHE_LOOKUP_HIT_STALE, /**< The object was found in cache but stale */
CACHE_LOOKUP_HIT_FRESH, /**< The object was found in cache and was fresh */
CACHE_LOOKUP_SKIPPED, /**< Cache lookup was not performed */
CacheStatus getCacheStatus();
* Returns the TSHttpTxn related to the current Transaction
* @return a void * which can be cast back to a TSHttpTxn.
void *getAtsHandle() const;
* Adds a TransactionPlugin to the current Transaction. This effectively transfers ownership and the
* Transaction is now responsible for cleaning it up.
* @param TransactionPlugin* the TransactionPlugin that will be now bound to the current Transaction.
void addPlugin(TransactionPlugin *);
* Note: The following methods cannot be attached to a Response
* object because that would require the Response object to
* know that it's a server or client response because of the
* TS C api which is TSHttpTxnServerRespBodyBytesGet.
* Get the number of bytes for the response body as returned by the server
* @return server response body size */
size_t getServerResponseBodySize();
* Get the number of bytes for the response headers as returned by the server
* @return server response header size */
size_t getServerResponseHeaderSize();
* Get the number of bytes for the client response.
* This can differ from the server response size because of transformations.
* @return client response body size */
size_t getClientResponseBodySize();
* Get the number of bytes for the response headers.
* This can differ from the server response because headers can be modified.
* @return client response header size */
size_t getClientResponseHeaderSize();
* Redirect the transaction a different @a url.
void redirectTo(std::string const &url);
bool configIntSet(TSOverridableConfigKey conf, int value);
bool configIntGet(TSOverridableConfigKey conf, int *value);
bool configFloatSet(TSOverridableConfigKey conf, float value);
bool configFloatGet(TSOverridableConfigKey conf, float *value);
bool configStringSet(TSOverridableConfigKey conf, std::string const &value);
bool configStringGet(TSOverridableConfigKey conf, std::string &value);
bool configFind(std::string const &name, TSOverridableConfigKey *conf, TSRecordDataType *type);
TransactionState *state_; //!< The internal TransactionState object tied to the current Transaction
friend class TransactionPlugin; //!< TransactionPlugin is a friend so it can call addPlugin()
friend class TransformationPlugin; //!< TransformationPlugin is a friend so it can call addPlugin()
* @private
* @param raw_txn a void pointer that represents a TSHttpTxn
Transaction(void *);
* Used to initialize the Request object for the Server.
* @private
Request &initServerRequest();
* Reset all the transaction handles (for response/requests).
* This is used to clear handles that may have gone stale.
* @private
void resetHandles();
* Returns a list of TransactionPlugin pointers bound to the current Transaction
* @private
* @return a std::list<TransactionPlugin *> which represents all TransactionPlugin bound to the current Transaction.
const std::list<TransactionPlugin *> &getPlugins() const;
friend class utils::internal;
} // namespace atscppapi