blob: 892643faef8170c8a4ec8bb4558fa518daaedc43 [file] [log] [blame]
.. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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.. include:: ../../common.defs
.. default-domain:: cpp
.. _core_cache_functions:
Core Cache
Core Cache Constants
.. c:macro:: EVACUATION_SIZE
The size of the contiguous area to check for evacuation.
Core Cache Types
.. type:: span_diskid_t
Stores a 16 byte ID.
.. cpp:class:: CacheKey
The hash value for a cache object. Currently a 128 bit MD5 hash.
.. cpp:class:: EvacuationBlock
A range of content to be evacuated.
.. cpp:class:: CacheProcessor
The singleton cache management object. This handles threads and global initialization for the cache.
.. cpp:member:: int start(int n_threads, size_t stacksize)
Starts the cache processing threads, :arg:`n_threads` are created each with a stack of size :arg:`stacksize`.
.. cpp:class:: Span
:class:`Span` models a :term:`cache span`. This is a contiguous span of storage.
.. member:: int64_t blocks
Number of storage blocks in the span. See :var:`STORE_BLOCK_SIZE`.
.. member:: int64_t offset
Offset (in bytes)_ to the start of the span. This is used only if the base storage is a file.
.. member:: span_diskid_t disk_id
No idea what this is.
.. cpp:class:: Store
A singleton containing all of the cache storage description.
.. member:: unsigned n_disks_in_config
The number of distinct devices in the configuration.
.. member:: unsigned n_disks
The number of valid and distinct devices in the configuration.
.. member:: Span** disk
List of spans.
.. function:: char * read_config()
Read :file:`storage.config` and initialize the base state of the instance. The return value is :code:`nullptr` on success and a nul-terminated error string on error.
.. cpp:class:: CacheDisk
A representation of the physical device used for a :cpp:class:`Span`.
Core Cache Functions
.. cpp:function:: int dir_probe(const CacheKey * key, Vol * d, Dir * result, Dir ** last_collision)
Probe the stripe directory for a candidate directory entry.
.. cpp:function:: void build_vol_hash_table(CacheHostRecord * r)
Based on the configuration record :arg:`r`, construct the global stripe assignment table.
.. cpp:function:: int cplist_reconfigure()
Rebuild the assignment of stripes to volumes.
.. cpp:function:: void ink_cache_init(ModuleVersion v)
Top level cache initialization logic.