blob: 4a37d0c8c6f7ce0bbd7a0a56f86572e5420b8c3e [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
A brief file description
@section license License
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include "tscore/ink_inet.h"
#include "tscore/ink_string.h"
#include "P_EventSystem.h"
#include "LogSock.h"
#include "LogUtils.h"
static const int LS_SOCKTYPE = SOCK_STREAM;
static const int LS_PROTOCOL = 0;
The constructor establishes the connection table (ct) and initializes the
first entry of the table (index 0) to be the port on which new
connections are accepted.
LogSock::LogSock(int max_connects) : ct((ConnectTable *)nullptr), m_accept_connections(false), m_max_connections(max_connects + 1)
ink_assert(m_max_connections > 0);
// allocate space for the connection table.
ct = new ConnectTable[m_max_connections];
ink_assert(ct != nullptr);
for (int i = 0; i < m_max_connections; ++i) {
init_cid(i, nullptr, 0, -1, LogSock::LS_STATE_UNUSED);
Debug("log-sock", "LogSocket established");
Shut down all connections and delete memory for the tables.
Debug("log-sock", "shutting down LogSocket on [%s:%d]", ct[0].host, ct[0].port);
this->close(); // close all connections
this->close(0); // close accept socket
delete[] ct; // delete the connection table
This routine sets up the LogSock to begin accepting connections on the
given @param accept port. A maximum number of connections is also specified,
which is used to establish the size of the listen queue.
@Return zero if all goes well, -1 otherwise.
LogSock::listen(int accept_port, int family)
IpEndpoint bind_addr;
int size = sizeof(bind_addr);
char this_host[MAXDNAME];
int ret;
ats_scoped_fd accept_sd;
Debug("log-sock", "Listening ...");
// Set up local address for bind.
if (!bind_addr.isValid()) {
Warning("Could not set up socket - invalid address family %d", family);
return -1;
bind_addr.port() = htons(accept_port);
size = ats_ip_size(&;
// create the socket for accepting new connections
accept_sd = ::socket(family, LS_SOCKTYPE, LS_PROTOCOL);
if (accept_sd < 0) {
Warning("Could not create a socket for family %d: %s", family, strerror(errno));
return -1;
// Set socket options (NO_LINGER, TCP_NODELAY, SO_REUSEADDR)
if ((ret = safe_fcntl(accept_sd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)) < 0) {
Warning("Could not set option CLOSE ON EXEC on socket (%d): %s", ret, strerror(errno));
return -1;
struct linger l;
l.l_onoff = 0;
l.l_linger = 0;
if ((ret = safe_setsockopt(accept_sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char *)&l, sizeof(l))) < 0) {
Warning("Could not set option NO_LINGER on socket (%d): %s", ret, strerror(errno));
return -1;
if ((ret = safe_setsockopt(accept_sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, SOCKOPT_ON, sizeof(int))) < 0) {
Warning("Could not set option REUSEADDR on socket (%d): %s", ret, strerror(errno));
return -1;
// Bind to local address.
if ((ret = safe_bind(accept_sd, &, size)) < 0) {
Warning("Could not bind port: %s", strerror(errno));
return -1;
if ((ret = safe_setsockopt(accept_sd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, SOCKOPT_ON, sizeof(int))) < 0) {
Warning("Could not set option TCP_NODELAY on socket (%d): %s", ret, strerror(errno));
return -1;
if ((ret = safe_setsockopt(accept_sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, SOCKOPT_ON, sizeof(int))) < 0) {
Warning("Could not set option SO_KEEPALIVE on socket (%d): %s", ret, strerror(errno));
return -1;
// if the accept_port argument was zero, then the system just picked
// one for us, so we need to find out what it was and record it in the
// connection table correctly.
if (accept_port == 0) {
ret = safe_getsockname(accept_sd, &, &size);
if (ret == 0) {
accept_port = ntohs(bind_addr.port());
// establish the listen queue for incomming connections
if ((ret = safe_listen(accept_sd, m_max_connections)) < 0) {
Warning("Could not establish listen queue: %s", strerror(errno));
return -1;
// initialize the first entry of the table for accepting incoming
// connection requests.
if (gethostname(&this_host[0], MAXDNAME) != 0) {
snprintf(this_host, sizeof(this_host), "unknown-host");
init_cid(0, this_host, accept_port, accept_sd, LogSock::LS_STATE_INCOMING);
m_accept_connections = true;
Debug("log-sock", "LogSocket established on [%s:%d]", this_host, accept_port);
return 0;
Accept a new connection. This is a blocking operation, so you may want
to use one of the non-blocking pending_XXX calls to see if there is a
connection first.
@return This returns the table index for the new connection.
int cid, connect_sd;
IpEndpoint connect_addr;
socklen_t size = sizeof(connect_addr);
in_port_t connect_port;
if (!m_accept_connections || ct[0].sd < 0) {
cid = new_cid();
if (cid < 0) {
Debug("log-sock", "waiting to accept a new connection");
connect_sd = ::accept(ct[0].sd, &, &size);
if (connect_sd < 0) {
return LogSock::LS_ERROR_ACCEPT;
connect_port = ntohs(connect_addr.port());
init_cid(cid, nullptr, connect_port, connect_sd, LogSock::LS_STATE_INCOMING);
Debug("log-sock", "new connection accepted, cid = %d, port = %d", cid, connect_port);
return cid;
Establish a new connection to another machine [host:port], and place this
information into the connection and poll tables.
LogSock::connect(sockaddr const *ip)
int cid, ret;
ats_scoped_fd connect_sd;
uint16_t port;
if (!ats_is_ip(ip)) {
Note("Invalid host IP or port number for connection");
return LogSock::LS_ERROR_NO_SUCH_HOST;
port = ntohs(ats_ip_port_cast(ip));
ip_port_text_buffer ipstr;
Debug("log-sock", "connecting to [%s:%d]", ats_ip_nptop(ip, ipstr, sizeof(ipstr)), port);
// get an index into the connection table
cid = new_cid();
if (cid < 0) {
Note("No more connections allowed for this socket");
// initialize a new socket descriptor
connect_sd = ::socket(ip->sa_family, LS_SOCKTYPE, LS_PROTOCOL);
if (connect_sd < 0) {
Note("Error initializing socket for connection: %d", static_cast<int>(connect_sd));
return LogSock::LS_ERROR_SOCKET;
if ((ret = safe_setsockopt(connect_sd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, SOCKOPT_ON, sizeof(int))) < 0) {
Note("Could not set option TCP_NODELAY on socket (%d): %s", ret, strerror(errno));
return -1;
if ((ret = safe_setsockopt(connect_sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, SOCKOPT_ON, sizeof(int))) < 0) {
Note("Could not set option SO_KEEPALIVE on socket (%d): %s", ret, strerror(errno));
return -1;
// attempt to connect
if (::connect(connect_sd, ip, ats_ip_size(ip)) != 0) {
Note("Failure to connect");
return LogSock::LS_ERROR_CONNECT;
init_cid(cid, ipstr, port, connect_sd, LogSock::LS_STATE_OUTGOING);
Debug("log-sock", "outgoing connection to [%s:%d] established, fd = %d", ipstr, port, cid);
return cid;
This private routine checks for incoming data on some of the socket
@return Returns true if there is something incoming, with *cid
set to the index corresponding to the incoming socket.
LogSock::pending_data(int *cid, int timeout_msec, bool include_connects)
int start_index, ret, n_poll_fds, i;
static struct pollfd fds[LS_CONST_MAX_CONNS];
int fd_to_cid[LS_CONST_MAX_CONNS];
ink_assert(m_max_connections <= (LS_CONST_MAX_CONNS + 1));
ink_assert(cid != nullptr);
ink_assert(timeout_msec >= 0);
// we'll use the poll() routine, which replaces the select routine
// to support a larger number of socket descriptors. to use poll,
// we need to set-up a pollfd array for the socket descriptors
// that will be polled.
if (*cid >= 0) { // look for data on this specific socket
ink_assert(*cid < m_max_connections);
fds[0].fd = ct[*cid].sd;
fds[0].events = POLLIN;
fds[0].revents = 0;
fd_to_cid[0] = *cid;
n_poll_fds = 1;
} else { // look for data on any INCOMING socket
if (include_connects) {
start_index = 0;
} else {
start_index = 1;
n_poll_fds = 0;
for (i = start_index; i < m_max_connections; i++) {
if (ct[i].state == LogSock::LS_STATE_INCOMING) {
fds[n_poll_fds].fd = ct[i].sd;
fds[n_poll_fds].events = POLLIN;
fds[n_poll_fds].revents = 0;
fd_to_cid[n_poll_fds] = i;
if (n_poll_fds == 0) {
return false;
ret = ::poll(fds, n_poll_fds, timeout_msec);
if (ret == 0) {
return false; // timeout
} else if (ret < 0) {
Debug("log-sock", "error on poll");
return false; // error
// a positive return value indicates how many descriptors had something
// waiting on them. We only care about finding one of them, so we'll
// look for the first one with an revents flag set to POLLIN.
for (i = 0; i < n_poll_fds; i++) {
if (fds[i].revents & POLLIN) {
*cid = fd_to_cid[i];
Debug("log-sock", "poll successful on index %d", *cid);
return true;
Debug("log-sock", "invalid revents in the poll table");
return false;
Check for incomming data on any of the INCOMING sockets.
LogSock::pending_any(int *cid, int timeout_msec)
ink_assert(cid != nullptr);
*cid = -1;
if (m_accept_connections) {
return pending_data(cid, timeout_msec, true);
} else {
return pending_data(cid, timeout_msec, false);
Check for an incomming message on any of the INCOMING sockets, aside from
the socket reserved for accepting new connections.
LogSock::pending_message_any(int *cid, int timeout_msec)
ink_assert(cid != nullptr);
*cid = -1;
return pending_data(cid, timeout_msec, false);
Check for incomming data on the specified socket.
LogSock::pending_message_on(int cid, int timeout_msec)
return pending_data(&cid, timeout_msec, false);
Check for an incoming connection request on the socket reserved for that
(cid = 0).
LogSock::pending_connect(int timeout_msec)
int cid = 0;
if (m_accept_connections) {
return pending_data(&cid, timeout_msec, true);
} else {
return false;
Close one (cid specified) or all (no argument) sockets, except for the
incomming connection socket.
LogSock::close(int cid)
ink_assert(cid >= 0 && cid < m_max_connections);
Debug("log-sock", "closing connection for cid %d", cid);
if (ct[cid].state != LogSock::LS_STATE_UNUSED) {
delete ct[cid].host;
ct[cid].state = LogSock::LS_STATE_UNUSED;
for (int i = 1; i < m_max_connections; i++) {
Write data onto the socket corresponding to the given cid. Return the
number of bytes actually written.
LogSock::write(int cid, void *buf, int bytes)
LogSock::MsgHeader header = {0};
header.msg_bytes = 0;
int ret;
ink_assert(cid >= 0 && cid < m_max_connections);
if (buf == nullptr || bytes == 0) {
return 0;
if (ct[cid].state != LogSock::LS_STATE_OUTGOING) {
return LogSock::LS_ERROR_STATE;
Debug("log-sock", "Sending %d bytes to cid %d", bytes, cid);
// send the message header
Debug("log-sock", " sending header (%zu bytes)", sizeof(LogSock::MsgHeader));
header.msg_bytes = bytes;
ret = ::send(ct[cid].sd, (char *)&header, sizeof(LogSock::MsgHeader), 0);
if (ret != sizeof(LogSock::MsgHeader)) {
return LogSock::LS_ERROR_WRITE;
// send the actual data
Debug("log-sock", " sending data (%d bytes)", bytes);
return ::send(ct[cid].sd, (char *)buf, bytes, 0);
Read data from the specified connection. This is a blocking call, so you
may want to use one of the pending_XXX calls to see if there is anything
to read first. Returns number of bytes read.
LogSock::read(int cid, void *buf, unsigned maxsize)
LogSock::MsgHeader header;
unsigned size;
ink_assert(cid >= 0 && cid < m_max_connections);
ink_assert(buf != nullptr);
if (ct[cid].state != LogSock::LS_STATE_INCOMING) {
return LogSock::LS_ERROR_STATE;
Debug("log-sock", "reading data from cid %d", cid);
if (read_header(ct[cid].sd, &header) < 0) {
return LogSock::LS_ERROR_READ;
size = ((unsigned)header.msg_bytes < maxsize) ? (unsigned)header.msg_bytes : maxsize;
return read_body(ct[cid].sd, buf, size);
This routine reads data from the specified connection, and returns a
pointer to newly allocated space (allocated with new) containing the
data. The number of bytes read is set in the argument size, which is
expected to be a pointer to an int.
void *
LogSock::read_alloc(int cid, int *size)
LogSock::MsgHeader header;
char *data;
ink_assert(cid >= 0 && cid < m_max_connections);
if (ct[cid].state != LogSock::LS_STATE_INCOMING) {
return nullptr;
Debug("log-sock", "reading data from cid %d", cid);
if (read_header(ct[cid].sd, &header) < 0) {
return nullptr;
data = new char[header.msg_bytes];
ink_assert(data != nullptr);
if ((*size = read_body(ct[cid].sd, data, header.msg_bytes)) < 0) {
delete[] data;
data = nullptr;
return data;
LogSock::is_connected(int cid, bool ping) const
int i, j, flags;
ink_assert(cid >= 0 && cid < m_max_connections);
if (ct[cid].state == LogSock::LS_STATE_UNUSED) {
return false;
if (ping) {
flags = fcntl(ct[cid].sd, F_GETFL);
::fcntl(ct[cid].sd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
j = ::recv(ct[cid].sd, (char *)&i, sizeof(int), MSG_PEEK);
::fcntl(ct[cid].sd, F_SETFL, flags);
if (j != 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return (ct[cid].sd >= 0);
for (int i = 1; i < m_max_connections; i++) {
if (ct[i].state == LogSock::LS_STATE_INCOMING) {
if (!is_connected(i, true)) {
Debug("log-sock", "Connection %d is no longer connected", i);
This routine will check to ensure that the client connecting is
authorized to use the log collation port. To authorize, the client is
expected to send the logging secret string.
LogSock::authorized_client(int cid, char *key)
// Wait for up to 5 seconds for the client to authenticate
if (!pending_message_on(cid, 5000)) {
return false;
// Ok, the client has a pending message, so check to see if it matches
// the given key.
char buf[1024];
int size = this->read(cid, buf, 1024);
ink_assert(size >= 0 && size <= 1024);
if (strncmp(buf, key, size) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
char *
LogSock::connected_host(int cid)
ink_assert(cid >= 0 && cid < m_max_connections);
return ct[cid].host;
LogSock::connected_port(int cid)
ink_assert(cid >= 0 && cid < m_max_connections);
return ct[cid].port;
int cid = -1;
for (int i = 1; i < m_max_connections; i++) {
if (ct[i].state == LogSock::LS_STATE_UNUSED) {
cid = i;
return cid;
LogSock::init_cid(int cid, char *host, int port, int sd, LogSock::State state)
ink_assert(cid >= 0 && cid < m_max_connections);
// host can be NULL if it's not known
ink_assert(port >= 0);
// sd can be -1 to indicate no connection yet
ink_assert(state >= 0 && state < LogSock::LS_N_STATES);
if (host != nullptr) {
const size_t host_size = strlen(host) + 1;
ct[cid].host = new char[host_size];
ink_strlcpy(ct[cid].host, host, host_size);
} else {
ct[cid].host = nullptr;
ct[cid].port = port;
ct[cid].sd = sd;
ct[cid].state = state;
LogSock::read_header(int sd, LogSock::MsgHeader *header)
ink_assert(sd >= 0);
ink_assert(header != nullptr);
int bytes = ::recv(sd, (char *)header, sizeof(LogSock::MsgHeader), 0);
if (bytes != sizeof(LogSock::MsgHeader)) {
return -1;
return bytes;
LogSock::read_body(int sd, void *buf, int bytes)
ink_assert(sd >= 0);
ink_assert(buf != nullptr);
ink_assert(bytes >= 0);
if (bytes == 0) {
return 0;
unsigned bytes_left = bytes;
unsigned bytes_read;
char *to = (char *)buf;
while (bytes_left) {
bytes_read = ::recv(sd, to, bytes_left, 0);
to += bytes_read;
bytes_left -= bytes_read;
return bytes;