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* @file
* @brief PRCE related classes.
* @see pattern.h
#include "pattern.h"
static void
replaceString(String &str, const String &from, const String &to)
if (from.empty()) {
String::size_type start_pos = 0;
while ((start_pos = str.find(from, start_pos)) != String::npos) {
str.replace(start_pos, from.length(), to);
start_pos += to.length();
Pattern::Pattern() : _pattern(""), _replacement("") {}
* @brief Initializes PCRE pattern by providing the subject and replacement strings.
* @param pattern PCRE pattern, a string containing PCRE patterns, capturing groups.
* @param replacement PCRE replacement, a string where $0 ... $9 will be replaced with the corresponding capturing groups
* @return true if successful, false if failure
Pattern::init(const String &pattern, const String &replacement)
_tokenCount = 0;
if (!compile()) {
PrefetchDebug("failed to initialize pattern:'%s', replacement:'%s'", pattern.c_str(), replacement.c_str());
return false;
return true;
* @brief Initializes PCRE pattern by providing the pattern only or pattern+replacement in a single configuration string.
* @see init()
* @param config PCRE pattern <pattern> or PCRE pattern + replacement in format /<pattern>/<replacement>/
* @return true if successful, false if failure
Pattern::init(const String &config)
if (config[0] == '/') {
/* This is a config in format /regex/replacement/ */
String pattern;
String replacement;
size_t start = 1;
size_t current = 0;
size_t next = 1;
do {
current = next + 1;
next = config.find_first_of('/', current);
} while (next != String::npos && '\\' == config[next - 1]);
if (next != String::npos) {
pattern = config.substr(start, next - start);
} else {
/* Error, no closing '/' */
PrefetchError("failed to parse the pattern in '%s'", config.c_str());
return false;
start = next + 1;
do {
current = next + 1;
next = config.find_first_of('/', current);
} while (next != String::npos && '\\' == config[next - 1]);
if (next != String::npos) {
replacement = config.substr(start, next - start);
} else {
/* Error, no closing '/' */
PrefetchError("failed to parse the replacement in '%s'", config.c_str());
return false;
// Remove '\' which escaped '/' inside the pattern and replacement strings.
::replaceString(pattern, "\\/", "/");
::replaceString(replacement, "\\/", "/");
return this->init(pattern, replacement);
} else {
return this->init(config, "");
/* Should never get here. */
return false;
* @brief Checks if the pattern object was initialized with a meaningful regex pattern.
* @return true if initialized, false if not.
Pattern::empty() const
return _pattern.empty() || nullptr == _re;
* @brief Frees PCRE library related resources.
if (_re) {
_re = nullptr;
if (_extra) {
_extra = nullptr;
* @brief Destructor, frees PCRE related resources.
* @brief Capture or capture-and-replace depending on whether a replacement string is specified.
* @see replace()
* @see capture()
* @param subject PCRE subject string
* @param result vector of strings where the result of captures or the replacements will be returned.
* @return true if there was a match and capture or replacement succeeded, false if failure.
Pattern::process(const String &subject, StringVector &result)
if (!_replacement.empty()) {
/* Replacement pattern was provided in the configuration - capture and replace. */
String element;
if (replace(subject, element)) {
} else {
return false;
} else {
/* Replacement was not provided so return all capturing groups except the group zero. */
StringVector captures;
if (capture(subject, captures)) {
if (captures.size() == 1) {
} else {
StringVector::iterator it = captures.begin() + 1;
for (; it != captures.end(); it++) {
} else {
return false;
return true;
* @brief PCRE matches a subject string against the the regex pattern.
* @param subject PCRE subject
* @return true - matched, false - did not.
Pattern::match(const String &subject)
int matchCount;
PrefetchDebug("matching '%s' to '%s'", _pattern.c_str(), subject.c_str());
if (!_re) {
return false;
matchCount = pcre_exec(_re, _extra, subject.c_str(), subject.length(), 0, PCRE_NOTEMPTY, nullptr, 0);
if (matchCount < 0) {
if (matchCount != PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH) {
PrefetchError("matching error %d", matchCount);
return false;
return true;
* @brief Return all PCRE capture groups that matched in the subject string
* @param subject PCRE subject string
* @param result reference to vector of strings containing all capture groups
Pattern::capture(const String &subject, StringVector &result)
int matchCount;
int ovector[OVECOUNT];
PrefetchDebug("matching '%s' to '%s'", _pattern.c_str(), subject.c_str());
if (!_re) {
return false;
matchCount = pcre_exec(_re, nullptr, subject.c_str(), subject.length(), 0, PCRE_NOTEMPTY, ovector, OVECOUNT);
if (matchCount < 0) {
if (matchCount != PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH) {
PrefetchError("matching error %d", matchCount);
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < matchCount; i++) {
int start = ovector[2 * i];
int length = ovector[2 * i + 1] - ovector[2 * i];
String dst(subject, start, length);
PrefetchDebug("capturing '%s' %d[%d,%d]", dst.c_str(), i, ovector[2 * i], ovector[2 * i + 1]);
return true;
* @brief Replaces all replacements found in the replacement string with what matched in the PCRE capturing groups.
* @param subject PCRE subject string
* @param result reference to A string where the result of the replacement will be stored
* @return true - success, false - nothing matched or failure.
Pattern::replace(const String &subject, String &result)
int matchCount;
int ovector[OVECOUNT];
PrefetchDebug("matching '%s' to '%s'", _pattern.c_str(), subject.c_str());
if (!_re) {
return false;
matchCount = pcre_exec(_re, nullptr, subject.c_str(), subject.length(), 0, PCRE_NOTEMPTY, ovector, OVECOUNT);
if (matchCount < 0) {
if (matchCount != PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH) {
PrefetchError("matching error %d", matchCount);
return false;
/* Verify the replacement has the right number of matching groups */
for (int i = 0; i < _tokenCount; i++) {
if (_tokens[i] >= matchCount) {
PrefetchError("invalid reference in replacement string: $%d", _tokens[i]);
return false;
int previous = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _tokenCount; i++) {
int replIndex = _tokens[i];
int start = ovector[2 * replIndex];
int length = ovector[2 * replIndex + 1] - ovector[2 * replIndex];
String src(_replacement, _tokenOffset[i], 2);
String dst(subject, start, length);
PrefetchDebug("replacing '%s' with '%s'", src.c_str(), dst.c_str());
result.append(_replacement, previous, _tokenOffset[i] - previous);
previous = _tokenOffset[i] + 2; /* 2 is the size of $0 or $1 or $2, ... or $9 */
result.append(_replacement, previous, _replacement.length() - previous);
PrefetchDebug("replacing '%s' resulted in '%s'", _replacement.c_str(), result.c_str());
return true;
* @brief PCRE compiles the regex, called only during initialization.
* @return true if successful, false if not.
const char *errPtr; /* PCRE error */
int errOffset; /* PCRE error offset */
PrefetchDebug("compiling pattern:'%s', replacement:'%s'", _pattern.c_str(), _replacement.c_str());
_re = pcre_compile(_pattern.c_str(), /* the pattern */
0, /* options */
&errPtr, /* for error message */
&errOffset, /* for error offset */
nullptr); /* use default character tables */
if (nullptr == _re) {
PrefetchError("compile of regex '%s' at char %d: %s", _pattern.c_str(), errOffset, errPtr);
return false;
_extra = pcre_study(_re, 0, &errPtr);
if ((nullptr == _extra) && (nullptr != errPtr) && (0 != *errPtr)) {
PrefetchError("failed to study regex '%s': %s", _pattern.c_str(), errPtr);
_re = nullptr;
return false;
if (_replacement.empty()) {
/* No replacement necessary - we are done. */
return true;
_tokenCount = 0;
bool success = true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _replacement.length(); i++) {
if (_replacement[i] == '$') {
if (_tokenCount >= TOKENCOUNT) {
PrefetchError("too many tokens in replacement string: %s", _replacement.c_str());
success = false;
} else if (_replacement[i + 1] < '0' || _replacement[i + 1] > '9') {
PrefetchError("invalid replacement token $%c in %s: should be $0 - $9", _replacement[i + 1], _replacement.c_str());
success = false;
} else {
/* Store the location of the replacement */
/* Convert '0' to 0 */
_tokens[_tokenCount] = _replacement[i + 1] - '0';
_tokenOffset[_tokenCount] = i;
/* Skip the next char */
if (!success) {
return success;
* @brief Destructor, deletes all patterns.
for (auto &p : this->_list) {
delete p;
* @brief Check if empty.
* @return true if the classification contains any patterns, false otherwise
MultiPattern::empty() const
return _list.empty();
* @brief Adds a pattern to the multi-pattern
* The order of addition matters during the classification
* @param pattern pattern pointer
MultiPattern::add(Pattern *pattern)
* @brief Matches the subject string against all patterns.
* @param subject subject string.
* @return true if any matches, false if nothing matches.
MultiPattern::match(const String &subject) const
for (auto p : this->_list) {
if (nullptr != p && p->match(subject)) {
return true;
return false;
* @brief Calls Pattern::replace() on all patterns in the multi-pattern one by one until the first match.
* @param subject subject string.
* @param result vector of the result.
* @return true if any matches, false if nothing matches.
MultiPattern::replace(const String &subject, String &result) const
for (auto p : this->_list) {
if (nullptr != p && p->replace(subject, result)) {
return true;
return false;
* @brief Returns the name of the multi-pattern (set during the instantiation only).
const String &
MultiPattern::name() const
return _name;