blob: 2fbfb7a2d77484dd294815de85dc75d3618de6ce [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
@section license License
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
@section details Details
* Extendible<Derived_t>
* Schema
* fieldAdd
* fieldFind
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <typeindex>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ostream>
#include <typeindex>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <limits>
#include "tscore/AtomicBit.h"
#include "tscore/ink_assert.h"
#include "tscore/ink_memory.h"
#include "tscore/ink_defs.h"
#define DEF_EXT_NEW_DEL(cls) \
void *operator new(size_t sz) { return ats_malloc(ext::sizeOf<cls>()); } \
void *operator new(size_t sz, void *ptr) { return ptr; } \
void operator delete(void *ptr) { free(ptr); }
// Has 'const_iterator' trait class
template <typename T> class has_const_iterator
template <typename U> static std::true_type check(typename U::const_iterator *);
template <typename U> static std::false_type check(...);
static constexpr decltype(check<T>(nullptr)) value{}; // value is 'constexpr true' if T defines 'const_iterator'
// Has 'super_type' trait class
template <typename T> class has_super_type
template <typename U> static std::true_type check(typename U::super_type *);
template <typename U> static std::false_type check(...);
static constexpr decltype(check<T>(nullptr)) value{}; // value is 'constexpr true' if T defines 'super_type'
// C API
// context (internally FieldDesc*)
typedef void const *ExtFieldContext;
typedef void *DerivedPtr;
typedef void *FieldPtr;
FieldPtr ExtFieldPtr(DerivedPtr derived, ExtFieldContext field_context, int *size = nullptr);
namespace ext
// Forward declarations
template <typename Derived_t, typename Field_t> class FieldId; // field handle (strongly type)
template <typename Derived_t> class Extendible;
namespace details // internal stuff
using Offest_t = uint16_t; // used to store byte offsets to fields
struct FieldDesc; // keeps the field properties, and methods
class Schema; // container of fields and methods
// forward declare friend functions used outside of details
template <typename T> uintptr_t initRecurseSuper(T &, uintptr_t);
template <typename T> FieldPtr FieldPtrGet(Extendible<T> const &, details::FieldDesc const &);
bool &
static bool finalized = false;
return finalized;
/// ext::details::FieldDesc - type erased field descriptor, with type specific std::functions
struct FieldDesc {
Offest_t ext_loc_offset; ///< byte offset to Extendible._ext_loc
Offest_t field_offset; ///< byte offset from ext_loc to field
std::type_index field_type_idx; ///< data type index
uint16_t size; ///< byte size of field
uint8_t align; ///< alignment of field
uint8_t mask; ///< mask for packed bit operations
// specialize the following
std::function<void(FieldPtr)> constructor;
std::function<void(FieldPtr)> destructor;
std::function<void(std::ostream &, void const *)> serializer;
FieldDesc() : field_type_idx(typeid(std::nullptr_t)) {}
/// ext::details::Schema manages the a static layout of fields as data structures
class Schema
std::unordered_map<std::string, FieldDesc> fields; ///< defined elements of the blob by name
size_t alloc_size = 0; ///< bytes to allocate for fields
uint8_t alloc_align = 1; ///< alignment of block
std::atomic<uint> cnt_constructed = {0}; ///< the number of Extendible<Derived> created.
std::atomic<uint> cnt_fld_constructed = {0}; ///< the number of Extendible<Derived> that constructed fields.
std::atomic<uint> cnt_destructed = {0}; ///< the number of Extendible<Derived> destroyed.
Schema() {}
/// Testing methods
bool no_instances() const; ///< returns true if there are no instances of Extendible<Derived_t>
bool reset(); ///< clears all field definitions.
size_t fullSize(size_t base_size) const; ///< returns sizeof memory allocated
void updateMemOffsets(); ///< updates memory offsets, alignment, and total allocation size
void callConstructor(uintptr_t ext_start_ptr); ///< calls constructor for each field
void callDestructor(uintptr_t ext_start_ptr); ///< call destructor for each field
}; // end Schema struct
} // namespace details
/// ext::Extendible allows code (and Plugins) to declare member-like variables during system init.
* This class uses a special allocator (ext::create) to extend the memory allocated to store run-time static
* variables, which are registered by plugins during system init. The API is in a functional style to support
* multiple inheritance of Extendible classes. This is templated so static variables are instanced per Derived
* type, because we need to have different field schema per type.
* @tparam Derived_t - the class that you want to extend at runtime.
* @see for examples
template <typename Derived_t> class Extendible
using short_ptr_t = uint16_t;
// static
static details::Schema schema; ///< one schema instance per Derived_t to define contained fields
// return the address offset of the ext_loc member variable
static constexpr size_t
return offsetof(Extendible<Derived_t>, ext_loc);
// member variables
short_ptr_t ext_loc = 0; ///< byte offset to extendible storage
// lifetime management
/** don't allow copy construct, that doesn't allow atomicity */
Extendible(Extendible &) = delete;
// use ext::create() exclusively for allocation and initialization
/** destruct all fields */
/** construct all fields */
size_t initFields(uintptr_t start_ptr); ///< tell this extendible where it's memory offset start is.
getBegin() const
return uintptr_t(this) + ext_loc;
template <typename T> friend T *create();
template <typename T> friend uintptr_t details::initRecurseSuper(T &, uintptr_t);
template <typename T> friend FieldPtr details::FieldPtrGet(Extendible<T> const &, details::FieldDesc const &);
template <typename T> friend std::string viewFormat(T const &, uintptr_t, int);
// define the static schema per derived type
template <typename Derived_t> details::Schema Extendible<Derived_t>::schema;
// UTILITY Functions
/// HexToString function for serializing untyped C storage
// TODO: use ts::bwf::As_Hex() after PR goes through
inline void
hexToStream(std::ostream &os, void const *buf, uint16_t size)
static const char hexDigits[] = "0123456789abcdef";
const uint8_t *src = static_cast<const uint8_t *>(buf);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
os << hexDigits[src[i]];
template <typename Field_t>
serializeField(std::ostream &os, Field_t const &f)
using namespace std;
// print containers as lists
if constexpr (has_const_iterator<Field_t>::value) {
os << "[";
for (auto const &a : f) {
serializeField(os, a);
os << ", ";
os << "]";
} else {
os << f;
// FieldId
/// a strongly typed pointer to FieldDesc
template <typename Derived_t, typename Field_t> class FieldId
ext::details::FieldDesc const *desc = nullptr;
bool isValid() const;
FieldId(ext::details::FieldDesc const &);
FieldId() {}
FieldId(FieldId const &) = default;
namespace details
template <typename Derived_t>
FieldPtrGet(Extendible<Derived_t> const &d, FieldDesc const &desc)
return FieldPtr(d.Extendible<Derived_t>::getBegin() + desc.field_offset);
// overloadable function to construct and init an FieldId
/// Type Generic Template
template <typename Derived_t, typename Field_t>
Field_t const &
fieldGet(void const *fld_ptr, FieldId<Derived_t, Field_t> const &field)
return *static_cast<Field_t const *>(fld_ptr);
template <typename Derived_t, typename Field_t>
Field_t &
fieldSet(void *fld_ptr, FieldId<Derived_t, Field_t> const &field)
return *static_cast<Field_t *>(fld_ptr);
template <typename Derived_t, typename Field_t>
makeFieldId(FieldId<Derived_t, Field_t> &id, FieldDesc &desc)
desc.field_type_idx = std::type_index(typeid(Field_t));
desc.ext_loc_offset = Extendible<Derived_t>::getLocOffset();
desc.field_offset = std::numeric_limits<decltype(desc.field_offset)>::max();
desc.size = sizeof(Field_t);
desc.align = alignof(Field_t);
desc.mask = 0;
id = FieldId<Derived_t, Field_t>(desc);
desc.constructor = [](FieldPtr fld_ptr) { new (fld_ptr) Field_t(); };
desc.destructor = [](FieldPtr fld_ptr) { static_cast<Field_t *>(fld_ptr)->~Field_t(); };
desc.serializer = [id](std::ostream &os, void const *fld_ptr) { serializeField(os, fieldGet(fld_ptr, id)); };
/// C API specialization
// no type or constructor. Just a size.
template <typename Derived_t>
makeFieldId(FieldDesc &desc, uint16_t size)
desc.field_type_idx = typeid(void);
desc.ext_loc_offset = Extendible<Derived_t>::getLocOffset();
desc.field_offset = std::numeric_limits<decltype(desc.field_offset)>::max();
desc.size = size;
desc.align = 1;
desc.mask = 0;
desc.constructor = nullptr;
desc.destructor = nullptr;
desc.serializer = [size](std::ostream &os, void const *fld_ptr) { hexToStream(os, fld_ptr, size); };
/// Bool specializations
template <typename Derived_t>
fieldGet(const void *fld_ptr, FieldId<Derived_t, bool> const &field)
return bool((*static_cast<const uint8_t *>(fld_ptr)) & field.desc->mask);
template <typename Derived_t>
fieldSet(FieldPtr fld_ptr, FieldId<Derived_t, bool> const &field)
return AtomicBit{static_cast<uint8_t *>(fld_ptr), field.desc->mask};
template <typename Derived_t>
makeFieldId(FieldId<Derived_t, bool> &id, FieldDesc &desc)
desc.field_type_idx = std::type_index(typeid(bool));
desc.ext_loc_offset = Extendible<Derived_t>::getLocOffset();
desc.field_offset = std::numeric_limits<decltype(desc.field_offset)>::max();
desc.size = 0;
desc.align = 0;
desc.mask = 0;
id = FieldId<Derived_t, bool>(desc);
desc.constructor = nullptr;
desc.destructor = nullptr;
desc.serializer = [id](std::ostream &os, void const *fld_ptr) { serializeField(os, fieldGet(fld_ptr, id)); };
/// std::atomic<bool> specializations (same as bool)
template <typename Derived_t>
inline bool
fieldGet(void const *fld_ptr, FieldId<Derived_t, std::atomic<bool>> const &field)
return bool(fld_ptr & field.mask);
template <typename Derived_t>
inline AtomicBit
fieldSet(FieldPtr fld_ptr, FieldId<Derived_t, std::atomic<bool>> const &field)
return AtomicBit{fld_ptr, field.mask};
template <typename Derived_t>
makeFieldId(FieldId<Derived_t, std::atomic<bool>> &id, FieldDesc &desc)
desc.field_type_idx = std::type_index(typeid(std::atomic<bool>));
desc.ext_loc_offset = Extendible<Derived_t>::getLocOffset();
desc.field_offset = std::numeric_limits<decltype(desc.field_offset)>::max();
desc.size = 0;
desc.align = 0;
desc.mask = 0;
id = FieldId<Derived_t, std::atomic<bool>>(desc);
desc.constructor = nullptr;
desc.destructor = nullptr;
desc.serializer = [id](std::ostream &os, void const *fld_ptr) { serializeField(os, fieldGet(fld_ptr, id)); };
} // namespace details
/// safely cast FieldDesc back to FieldId
template <typename Derived_t, typename Field_t>
FieldId<Derived_t, Field_t>::FieldId(ext::details::FieldDesc const &fld_desc) : desc(&fld_desc)
const size_t loc = Extendible<Derived_t>::getLocOffset();
ink_assert(loc == fld_desc.ext_loc_offset);
ink_assert(std::type_index(typeid(Field_t)) == fld_desc.field_type_idx);
template <typename Derived_t, typename Field_t>
FieldId<Derived_t, Field_t>::isValid() const
return desc != nullptr;
// Functional API for Extendible Field Access
// Schema Method Definitions
/// Add a new Field to this record type
template <class Derived_t, class Field_t>
fieldAdd(FieldId<Derived_t, Field_t> &field_id, char const *field_name)
using namespace ext::details;
Schema &schema = Extendible<Derived_t>::schema;
ink_release_assert(schema.no_instances()); // it's too late, we already started allocating.
ink_release_assert(!areFieldsFinalized()); // it's too late, Fields must be added during Plugin Init.
auto field_iter = schema.fields.find(field_name);
if (field_iter != schema.fields.end()) {
return false;
makeFieldId(field_id, schema.fields[field_name]);
return true;
/// Add a new Field to Derived_t, this C function uses a fat API
template <class Derived_t>
fieldAdd(char const *field_name, int size, void (*construct_fn)(void *), void (*destruct_fn)(void *))
using namespace ext::details;
Schema &schema = Extendible<Derived_t>::schema;
ink_release_assert(schema.no_instances()); // it's too late, we already started allocating.
ink_release_assert(!areFieldsFinalized()); // it's too late, Fields must be added during Plugin Init.
ink_release_assert(size >= 0); // non-negative numbers please
auto field_iter = schema.fields.find(field_name);
if (field_iter != schema.fields.end()) {
return nullptr;
if (size == 0) {
FieldId<Derived_t, bool> id;
makeFieldId(id, schema.fields[field_name]);
} else {
FieldDesc &desc = schema.fields[field_name];
makeFieldId<Derived_t>(desc, size);
desc.constructor = construct_fn;
desc.destructor = destruct_fn;
return &schema.fields[field_name];
template <class Derived_t, class Field_t>
fieldFind(FieldId<Derived_t, Field_t> &field_id, char const *field_name)
using namespace ext::details;
Schema const &schema = Extendible<Derived_t>::schema;
auto field_iter = schema.fields.find(field_name);
if (field_iter == schema.fields.end()) {
return false; // didn't find name
field_id = FieldId<Derived_t, Field_t>(field_iter->second);
return true;
// each Derived_t will have a DerivedExtfieldFind
template <class Derived_t>
fieldFind(char const *field_name)
using namespace ext::details;
Schema const &schema = Extendible<Derived_t>::schema;
auto field_iter = schema.fields.find(field_name);
if (field_iter == schema.fields.end()) {
return nullptr; // didn't find name
return &field_iter->second;
/// ext::get & ext::set accessor functions
template <typename T, typename Derived_t, typename Field_t>
inline decltype(auto)
get(T const &d, FieldId<Derived_t, Field_t> &field)
Extendible<Derived_t> const &ext = d;
FieldPtr fld_ptr = ext::details::FieldPtrGet(ext, *field.desc);
return ext::details::fieldGet(fld_ptr, field);
template <typename T, typename Derived_t, typename Field_t>
inline decltype(auto)
set(T &d, FieldId<Derived_t, Field_t> &field)
Extendible<Derived_t> const &ext = d;
FieldPtr fld_ptr = ext::details::FieldPtrGet(ext, *field.desc);
return ext::details::fieldSet(fld_ptr, field);
// ext::sizeOf - returns the size of a class + all extensions.
template <typename Derived_t>
inline size_t
sizeOf(size_t size = sizeof(Derived_t))
// add size of super extendibles
if constexpr (has_super_type<Derived_t>::value) {
size = ext::sizeOf<typename Derived_t::super_type>(size);
} else {
static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(Derived_t::schema), decltype(Extendible<Derived_t>::schema)>::value,
"ambiguous schema, Derived_t is missing super_type");
// add size of this extendible
if constexpr (std::is_base_of<Extendible<Derived_t>, Derived_t>::value) {
size = Extendible<Derived_t>::schema.fullSize(size);
// assert that the schema is not ambiguous.
return size;
// Ext Alloc & Init
template <class Derived_t> Extendible<Derived_t>::Extendible()
// don't call callConstructor until the derived class is fully constructed.
template <class Derived_t> Extendible<Derived_t>::~Extendible()
// assert callConstructors was called.
schema.callDestructor(uintptr_t(this) + ext_loc);
ink_assert(schema.cnt_destructed <= schema.cnt_fld_constructed);
/// tell this extendible where it's memory offset start is. Added to support inheriting from extendible classes
template <class Derived_t>
Extendible<Derived_t>::initFields(uintptr_t start_ptr)
ink_assert(ext_loc == 0);
start_ptr = ROUNDUP(start_ptr, schema.alloc_align); // pad the previous struct, so that our fields are memaligned correctly
ink_assert(start_ptr - uintptr_t(this) < UINT16_MAX);
ext_loc = uint16_t(start_ptr - uintptr_t(this)); // store the offset to be used by ext::get and ext::set
ink_assert(ext_loc > 0);
schema.callConstructor(start_ptr); // construct all fields
return start_ptr + schema.alloc_size; // return the end of the extendible data
namespace details
/// recursively init all extendible structures, and construct fields
template <typename Derived_t>
initRecurseSuper(Derived_t &devired, uintptr_t tail_ptr /*= 0*/)
// track a tail pointer, that starts after the class, and interate each extendible block
if constexpr (has_super_type<Derived_t>::value) {
// init super type, move tail pointer
tail_ptr = initRecurseSuper<typename Derived_t::super_type>(devired, tail_ptr);
if constexpr (std::is_base_of<Extendible<Derived_t>, Derived_t>::value) {
// set start for this extendible block after the previous extendible, and move tail pointer to after this block
tail_ptr = devired.Extendible<Derived_t>::initFields(tail_ptr);
return tail_ptr;
} // namespace details
// allocate and initialize an extendible data structure
template <typename Derived_t, typename... Args>
Derived_t *
create(Args &&... args)
// don't instantiate until all Fields are finalized.
// calculate the memory needed for the class and all Extendible blocks
const size_t type_size = ext::sizeOf<Derived_t>();
// alloc one block of memory
Derived_t *ptr = static_cast<Derived_t *>(ats_memalign(alignof(Derived_t), type_size));
// construct (recursively super-to-sub class)
new (ptr) Derived_t(std::forward(args)...);
// define extendible blocks start offsets (recursively super-to-sub class)
details::initRecurseSuper(*ptr, uintptr_t(ptr) + sizeof(Derived_t));
return ptr;
// ExtDebugFormat - print a ascii chart of memory layout of a class
// Example layout of C -> B -> A, where C and A are extendible. All contain 1 int.
// See for class implementation.
// 1A | EXT | 2b | ##________##__
// 1A | BASE | 2b | __##__________
// 1B | BASE | 2b | ____##________
// 1C | EXT | 2b | ______##____##
// 1C | BASE | 2b | ________##____
template <typename T>
viewFormat(T const &t, uintptr_t _base_addr = 0, int _full_size = ext::sizeOf<T>())
using namespace std;
stringstream ss;
if (_base_addr == 0) {
_base_addr = uintptr_t(&t);
int super_size = 0;
if constexpr (has_super_type<T>::value) {
ss << viewFormat<typename T::super_type>(t, _base_addr, _full_size);
super_size += sizeof(typename T::super_type);
if constexpr (is_base_of<Extendible<T>, T>::value) {
Extendible<T> const *e = &t;
int ptr_start = uintptr_t(e) + Extendible<T>::getLocOffset() - _base_addr;
int ptr_end = ptr_start + sizeof(typename Extendible<T>::short_ptr_t);
int ext_start = e->getBegin() - _base_addr;
int ext_end = Extendible<T>::schema.fullSize(ext_start);
ink_assert(ptr_end <= ext_start);
ink_assert(ext_end <= _full_size);
ss << endl << setw(30) << typeid(T).name() << " | EXT | " << setw(5) << ext_end - ext_start << "b |";
ss << string(ptr_start, '_').c_str();
ss << string(ptr_end - ptr_start, '#').c_str();
ss << string(ext_start - ptr_end, '_').c_str();
ss << string(ext_end - ext_start, '#').c_str();
ss << string(_full_size - ext_end, '_').c_str();
super_size += sizeof(Extendible<T>);
int super_start = uintptr_t(&t) - _base_addr;
int member_start = super_start + super_size;
int member_end = super_start + sizeof(T);
ink_assert(member_start <= member_end);
ink_assert(member_end <= _full_size);
ss << endl << setw(30) << typeid(T).name() << " | BASE | " << setw(5) << sizeof(T) - super_size << "b |";
ss << string(super_start, '_').c_str();
ss << string(member_start - super_start, '_').c_str();
ss << string(member_end - member_start, '#').c_str();
ss << string(_full_size - member_end, '_').c_str();
return ss.str();
namespace details
ltrim(std::string const &str, const std::string &chars = "\t\n\v\f\r ")
std::string r(str);
r.erase(0, str.find_first_not_of(chars));
return r;
} // namespace details
template <typename T>
serialize(std::ostream &os, T const &t)
using namespace std;
size_t indent = os.width();
os << endl << setw(indent) << "" << details::ltrim(typeid(T).name(), " 0123456789") << ": {" << endl;
indent += 2;
if constexpr (is_base_of<Extendible<T>, T>::value) {
if constexpr (has_super_type<T>::value) {
serialize<typename T::super_type>(os, t);
auto const &schema = T::schema;
size_t name_width = 0;
for (const auto &kv : schema.fields) {
name_width = max(name_width, kv.first.length());
// TODO: clang-5 didn't like the use of a range based for here, change later
for (auto it = schema.fields.begin(); it != schema.fields.end(); ++it) {
auto &fname = it->first;
auto &field = it->second;
os << setw(indent) << "" << setw(name_width) << right << fname << ": ";
field.serializer(os, details::FieldPtrGet(t, field));
os << "," << endl;
indent -= 2;
os << setw(indent + 1) << "}";
template <typename T>
toString(T const &t)
std::stringstream ss;
serialize(ss, t);
return ss.str();
} // namespace ext
// C API
ExtFieldPtr(DerivedPtr derived, ExtFieldContext field_context, int *size /*= nullptr*/)
using namespace ext;
using namespace ext::details;
FieldDesc const &desc = *static_cast<FieldDesc const *>(field_context);
if (size) {
*size = desc.size;
Offest_t const *loc = (Offest_t const *)(uintptr_t(derived) + desc.ext_loc_offset);
return FieldPtr(uintptr_t(derived) + (*loc) + desc.field_offset);