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* @file configs.h
* @brief Plugin configuration (header file).
#pragma once
#include "pattern.h"
#include "common.h"
#include <map>
enum CacheKeyUriType {
enum CacheKeyKeyType {
const char *getCacheKeyUriTypeName(CacheKeyUriType type);
const char *getCacheKeyKeyTypeName(CacheKeyKeyType type);
* @brief Plug-in configuration elements (query / headers / cookies).
* Query parameters, cookies and headers can be handle in a similar way, through a similar set of rules (methods and properties).
class ConfigElements
ConfigElements() {}
virtual ~ConfigElements();
void setExclude(const char *arg);
void setInclude(const char *arg);
void setExcludePatterns(const char *arg);
void setIncludePatterns(const char *arg);
void setRemove(const char *arg);
void setSort(const char *arg);
void addCapture(const char *arg);
const auto &
getCaptures() const
return _captures;
/** @brief shows if the elements are to be sorted in the result */
bool toBeSorted() const;
/** @brief shows if the elements are to be removed from the result */
bool toBeRemoved() const;
/** @brief shows if the processing of elements is to be skipped */
bool toBeSkipped() const;
/** @brief shows if the element is to be included in the result */
bool toBeAdded(const String &element) const;
/** @brief returns the configuration element name for debug logging */
virtual const String &name() const = 0;
* @brief provides means for post-processing of the configuration after all of parameters are available.
* @return true if successful, false if failure.
virtual bool finalize() = 0;
bool noIncludeExcludeRules() const;
bool setCapture(const String &name, const String &pattern);
StringSet _exclude;
StringSet _include;
MultiPattern _includePatterns;
MultiPattern _excludePatterns;
bool _sort = false;
bool _remove = false;
bool _skip = false;
std::map<String, MultiPattern *> _captures;
* @brief Query configuration class.
class ConfigQuery : public ConfigElements
bool finalize() override;
const String &name() const override;
static const String _NAME;
* @brief Headers configuration class.
class ConfigHeaders : public ConfigElements
bool finalize() override;
const StringSet &getInclude() const;
const String &name() const override;
static const String _NAME;
* @brief Cookies configuration class.
class ConfigCookies : public ConfigElements
bool finalize() override;
const String &name() const override;
static const String _NAME;
* @brief Class holding all configurable rules on how the cache key need to be constructed.
class Configs
Configs() {}
* @brief initializes plugin configuration.
* @param argc number of plugin parameters
* @param argv plugin parameters
* @param perRemapConfig boolean showing if this is per-remap config (vs global config).
bool init(int argc, const char *argv[], bool perRemapConfig);
* @brief provides means for post-processing of the plugin parameters to finalize the configuration or to "cache" some of the
* decisions for later use.
* @return true if successful, false if failure.
bool finalize();
* @brief Tells the caller if the prefix is to be removed (not processed at all).
bool prefixToBeRemoved();
* @brief Tells the caller if the path is to be removed (not processed at all).
bool pathToBeRemoved();
* @brief keep URI scheme and authority elements.
bool canonicalPrefix();
* @brief set the cache key elements separator string.
void setSeparator(const char *arg);
* @brief get the cache key elements separator string.
const String &getSeparator();
* @brief sets the URI Type.
void setUriType(const char *arg);
* @brief sets the target URI Type.
void setKeyType(const char *arg);
* @brief get URI type.
CacheKeyUriType getUriType();
* @brief get target URI type.
CacheKeyKeyType getKeyType();
/* Make the following members public to avoid unnecessary accessors */
ConfigQuery _query; /**< @brief query parameter related configuration */
ConfigHeaders _headers; /**< @brief headers related configuration */
ConfigCookies _cookies; /**< @brief cookies related configuration */
Pattern _uaCapture; /**< @brief the capture groups and the replacement string used for the User-Agent header capture */
String _prefix; /**< @brief cache key prefix string */
Pattern _prefixCapture; /**< @brief cache key prefix captured from the URI host:port */
Pattern _prefixCaptureUri; /**< @brief cache key prefix captured from the URI as a whole */
Pattern _pathCapture; /**< @brief cache key element captured from the URI path */
Pattern _pathCaptureUri; /**< @brief cache key element captured from the URI as a whole */
Classifier _classifier; /**< @brief blacklist and white-list classifier used to classify User-Agent header */
* @brief a helper function which loads the classifier from files.
* @param args classname + filename in '<classname>:<filename>' format.
* @param blacklist true - load as a blacklist classifier, false - white-list.
* @return true if successful, false otherwise.
bool loadClassifiers(const String &args, bool blacklist = true);
bool _prefixToBeRemoved = false; /**< @brief instructs the prefix (i.e. host:port) not to added to the cache key */
bool _pathToBeRemoved = false; /**< @brief instructs the path not to added to the cache key */
bool _canonicalPrefix = false; /**< @brief keep the URI scheme and authority element used as input to transforming into key */
String _separator = "/"; /**< @brief a separator used to separate the cache key elements extracted from the URI */
CacheKeyUriType _uriType = REMAP; /**< @brief shows which URI the cache key will be based on */
CacheKeyKeyType _keyType = CACHE_KEY; /**< @brief target URI to be modified, cache key or paren selection */