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* @file
* @brief Various utility functions.
* @see utils.h
#include <cerrno> /* errno */
#include <climits> /* LONG_MIN, LONG_MAX */
#include <openssl/bio.h> /* BIO I/O abstraction */
#include <openssl/buffer.h> /* buf_mem_st */
#include <openssl/err.h> /* ERR_get_error() and ERR_error_string_n() */
#include <openssl/crypto.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "utils.h"
* @brief Parse a counted string containing a long integer
* @param s ptr to the counted string
* @param lenght character count
* @param val where the long integer to be stored
* @return true - success, false - failed to parse
parseStrLong(const char *s, size_t length, long &val)
// Make an extra copy since strtol expects NULL-terminated strings.
char str[length + 1];
strncpy(str, s, length);
str[length] = 0;
errno = 0;
char *temp;
val = strtol(str, &temp, 0);
if (temp == str || *temp != '\0' || ((val == LONG_MIN || val == LONG_MAX) && errno == ERANGE)) {
AccessControlError("Could not convert '%s' to a long integer and leftover string is: '%s'", str, temp);
return false;
return true;
/* ******* Encoding/Decoding functions ******* */
* @brief Encode a character counted string into hexadecimal format
* @param in ptr to an input counted string
* @param inLen input character count
* @param out ptr to a buffer to store the hexadecimal string
* @param outLen output character count (2 * inLen + 1)
* @return the number of character actually added to the output buffer.
hexEncode(const char *in, size_t inLen, char *out, size_t outLen)
const char *src = in;
const char *srcEnd = in + inLen;
char *dst = out;
char *dstEnd = out + outLen;
while (src < srcEnd && dst < dstEnd && 2 == sprintf(dst, "%02x", static_cast<unsigned char>(*src))) {
dst += 2;
return dst - out;
* @brief Convert character containing [0-1], [A-F], [a-f] to unsigned char.
* @param c character to be converted.
* @return the unsigned character if success or FF if failure.
static unsigned char
hex2uchar(char c)
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
return c - '0';
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
return c - 'a' + 10;
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') {
return c - 'A' + 10;
return 255;
* @brief Decode from hexadecimal format into character counted string
* @param in ptr to an input counted string in hexadecimal format
* @param inLen input character count
* @param out ptr to a buffer to store the decoded counted string
* @param outLen output character count (inLen/2)
* @return the number of character actually added to the output buffer.
hexDecode(const char *in, size_t inLen, char *out, size_t outLen)
const char *src = in;
const char *srcEnd = in + inLen;
char *dst = out;
char *dstEnd = out + outLen;
while (src < (srcEnd - 1) && dst < dstEnd) {
*dst++ = hex2uchar(*src) << 4 | hex2uchar(*(src + 1));
src += 2;
return dst - out;
* @brief URL(percent)-encode a counted string
* @param in ptr to an input decoded counted string
* @param inLen input character count
* @param out ptr to an output buffer where the encoded string will be stored.
* @param outLen output character count (output max size, should be 3 x inLen + 1)
* @return the number of character actually added to the output buffer.
urlEncode(const char *in, size_t inLen, char *out, size_t outLen)
const char *src = in;
char *dst = out;
while (static_cast<size_t>(src - in) < inLen && static_cast<size_t>(dst - out) < outLen) {
if (isalnum(*src) || *src == '-' || *src == '_' || *src == '.' || *src == '~') {
*dst++ = *src;
} else if (*src == ' ') {
*dst++ = '+';
} else {
*dst++ = '%';
sprintf(dst, "%02x", static_cast<unsigned char>(*src));
dst += 2;
return dst - out;
* @brief URL(percent)-decode a counted string
* @param in ptr to an input encoded counted string
* @param inLen input character count
* @param out ptr to an output buffer where the decoded string will be stored.
* @param outLen output character count (output max size, should be inLen + 1)
* @return the number of character actually added to the output buffer.
urlDecode(const char *in, size_t inLen, char *out, size_t outLen)
const char *src = in;
char *dst = out;
while (static_cast<size_t>(src - in) < inLen && static_cast<size_t>(dst - out) < outLen) {
if (*src == '%') {
if (src[1] && src[2]) {
int u = hex2uchar(*(src + 1)) << 4 | hex2uchar(*(src + 2));
*dst++ = static_cast<char>(u);
src += 2;
} else if (*src == '+') {
*dst++ = ' ';
} else {
*dst++ = *src;
return dst - out;
/* ******* Functions using OpenSSL library ******* */
OpenSSL_add_all_digests(); /* needed for EVP_get_digestbyname() */
* @brief a helper function to get a human-readable error message in a buffer.
* @param buffer pointer to a char buffer
* @param bufferLen - max buffer length (length should be >= 256)
* @return buffer, filled with the error message (null-terminated)
static char *
cryptoErrStr(char *buffer, size_t bufferLen)
/* man ERR_error_string expects 256-byte buffer */
if (nullptr == buffer || 256 > bufferLen) {
return nullptr;
unsigned long err = ERR_get_error();
if (0 == err) {
buffer[0] = 0;
return buffer;
ERR_error_string_n(err, buffer, bufferLen);
return buffer;
* @brief Calculate message digest
* @param digestType digest name
* @param data ptr to input message for calculating the digest
* @param dataLen message length
* @param key ptr to a counted string containing the key (secret)
* @param keyLen key length
* @param out ptr to where to store the digest
* @param outLen length of the out buffer (must be at least MAX_MSGDIGEST_BUFFER_SIZE)
* @return the number of character actually written to the buffer.
cryptoMessageDigestGet(const char *digestType, const char *data, size_t dataLen, const char *key, size_t keyLen, char *out,
size_t outLen)
EVP_MD_CTX *ctx = nullptr;
const EVP_MD *md = nullptr;
EVP_PKEY *pkey = nullptr;
size_t len = outLen;
char buffer[256];
size_t result = 0;
if (!(ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create())) {
AccessControlError("failed to create EVP message digest context: %s", cryptoErrStr(buffer, sizeof(buffer)));
} else {
if (!(pkey = EVP_PKEY_new_mac_key(EVP_PKEY_HMAC, nullptr, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(key), keyLen))) {
if (false) {
AccessControlError("failed to create EVP private key. %s", cryptoErrStr(buffer, sizeof(buffer)));
} else {
do {
if (!(md = EVP_get_digestbyname(digestType))) {
AccessControlError("failed to get digest by name %s. %s", digestType, cryptoErrStr(buffer, sizeof(buffer)));
if (1 != EVP_DigestSignInit(ctx, nullptr, md, nullptr, pkey)) {
AccessControlError("failed to set up signing context. %s", cryptoErrStr(buffer, sizeof(buffer)));
if (1 != EVP_DigestSignUpdate(ctx, data, dataLen)) {
AccessControlError("failed to update the signing hash. %s", cryptoErrStr(buffer, sizeof(buffer)));
if (1 != EVP_DigestSignFinal(ctx, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(out), &len)) {
AccessControlError("failed to finalize the signing hash. %s", cryptoErrStr(buffer, sizeof(buffer)));
/* success */
result = len;
} while (false);
return result;
* @brief Check if 2 message digests are the same using a constant-time openssl function to avoid timing attacks.
* @param md1 first message digest to compare
* @param md1Len md1 length
* @param md2 first message digest to compare
* @param md2Len md2 length
* @return true - the same, false - different
cryptoMessageDigestEqual(const char *md1, size_t md1Len, const char *md2, size_t md2Len)
if (md1Len != md2Len) {
return false;
if (0 == CRYPTO_memcmp((const void *)md1, (const void *)md2, md1Len)) {
/* Verification success */
return true;
/* Verify failures */
return false;
* @brief Calculates the size of the output buffer needed to base64 encode a message
* @param decodedSize the size of the message to encode.
* @return output buffer size
cryptoBase64EncodedSize(size_t decodedSize)
return (((4 * decodedSize) / 3) + 3) & ~3;
* @brief Calculates the size of the output buffer needed to base64 decode a message
* @param messageSize the size of the message to decode.
* @return output buffer size
cryptoBase64DecodeSize(const char *encoded, size_t encodedLen)
if (nullptr == encoded || 0 == encodedLen) {
return 0;
size_t padding = 0;
const char *end = encoded + encodedLen;
if ('=' == *(--end)) {
if ('=' == *(--end)) {
return (3 * encodedLen) / 4 - padding;
* @brief Base64 encode
* @param in input buffer to encode
* @param inLen input buffer length
* @param output buffer
* @param output buffer length
* @return number of character actually written to the output buffer.
cryptoBase64Encode(const char *in, size_t inLen, char *out, size_t outLen)
if ((nullptr == in) || (0 == inLen) || (nullptr == out) || 0 == outLen) {
return 0;
BIO *head, *b64, *bmem;
BUF_MEM *bptr;
size_t len = 0;
head = b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64());
if (nullptr != b64) {
BIO_set_flags(b64, BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL);
bmem = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
if (nullptr != bmem) {
head = BIO_push(b64, bmem);
BIO_write(head, in, inLen);
BIO_get_mem_ptr(head, &bptr);
len = bptr->length < outLen ? bptr->length : outLen;
strncpy(out, bptr->data, len);
return len;
* @brief Base64 decode
* @param in input buffer to encode
* @param inLen input buffer length
* @param output buffer
* @param output buffer length
* @return number of character actually written to the output buffer.
cryptoBase64Decode(const char *in, size_t inLen, char *out, size_t outLen)
if ((nullptr == in) || (0 == inLen) || (nullptr == out) || 0 == outLen) {
return 0;
BIO *head, *bmem, *b64;
size_t len = 0;
head = b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64());
if (nullptr != b64) {
BIO_set_flags(b64, BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL);
bmem = BIO_new_mem_buf((void *)in, inLen);
if (nullptr != bmem) {
head = BIO_push(b64, bmem);
len = BIO_read(head, out, outLen);
return len;
* For more information see wikipedia| and
* RFC 7515 |
cryptoModifiedBase64Encode(const char *in, size_t inLen, char *out, size_t outLen)
size_t len = cryptoBase64Encode(in, inLen, out, outLen);
char *cur = out;
const char *end = out + len;
const char *padStart = out + len;
bool foundPadStart = false;
while (cur < end) {
if ('+' == *cur) {
*cur = '-';
} else if ('/' == *cur) {
*cur = '_';
} else if (*cur == '=' && !foundPadStart) {
padStart = cur;
foundPadStart = true;
return padStart - out;
* For more information see wikipedia: and
* RFC 7515 |
cryptoModifiedBase64Decode(const char *in, size_t inLen, char *out, size_t outLen)
size_t bufferLen = inLen;
switch (inLen % 4) {
case 0: /* no padding */
case 2: /* need space for '==' */
bufferLen += 2;
case 3: /* need space for '=' */
bufferLen += 1;
case 4: /* malformed base64 */
return 0; /* nothing will be written to the output buffer */
/* Since 'in' would like to be unmodifiable to add the padding will need a copy */
const char *cur = in;
const char *end = in + inLen;
char buffer[bufferLen];
char *dst = buffer;
while (cur < end) {
if ('-' == *cur) {
*dst++ = '+';
} else if ('_' == *cur) {
*dst++ = '/';
} else {
*dst++ = *cur;
/* Add the padding '=' to the end of the buffer */
while (dst < buffer + bufferLen) {
*dst++ = '=';
return cryptoBase64Decode(buffer, bufferLen, out, outLen);