blob: 6405f07996d3ba40358f457b35748739f1aa7d4d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include "tscore/ink_config.h"
#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
#include "sni_selector.h"
std::atomic<SniSelector *> SniSelector::_instance = nullptr;
// YAML parser for the global YAML configuration (via plugin.config)
SniSelector::yamlParser(const std::string &yaml_file)
YAML::Node config;
try {
config = YAML::LoadFile(yaml_file);
} catch (YAML::BadFile const &e) {
TSError("[%s] Cannot load configuration file: %s.", PLUGIN_NAME, e.what());
return false;
} catch (std::exception const &e) {
TSError("[%s] Unknown error while loading configuration file: %s.", PLUGIN_NAME, e.what());
return false;
_yaml_file = yaml_file;
// First build the Lists, if any
const YAML::Node &lists = config["lists"];
if (lists && lists.IsSequence()) {
for (const auto &i : lists) {
const YAML::Node &list = i;
if (list.IsMap() && list["name"]) {
auto name = list["name"].as<std::string>();
if (nullptr != findList(name)) {
TSError("[%s] Duplicate List names being added (%s)", PLUGIN_NAME, name.c_str());
return false;
auto ipl = new List::IP(name);
if (ipl->parseYaml(list)) {
Dbg(dbg_ctl, "Loaded List rule: %s", name.c_str());
} else {
TSError("[%s] Failed to parse the List YAML node", PLUGIN_NAME);
delete ipl;
return false;
} else {
TSError("[%s] List node is not a map or without a name", PLUGIN_NAME);
return false;
// Next, build the IP reputation (if any)
const YAML::Node &ipreps = config["ip-rep"];
if (ipreps && ipreps.IsSequence()) {
for (const auto &i : ipreps) {
const YAML::Node &ipr = i;
if (ipr.IsMap() && ipr["name"]) {
auto name = ipr["name"].as<std::string>();
if (nullptr != findIpRep(name)) {
TSError("[%s] Duplicate IP-Reputation names being added (%s)", PLUGIN_NAME, name.c_str());
return false;
auto iprep = new IpReputation::SieveLru(name);
if (iprep->parseYaml(ipr)) {
Dbg(dbg_ctl, "Loaded IP Reputation rule: %s", name.c_str());
} else {
TSError("[%s] Failed to parse the ip-rep YAML node", PLUGIN_NAME);
delete iprep;
return false;
} else {
TSError("[%s] ip-rep node is not a map or without a name", PLUGIN_NAME);
return false;
// Finally, parse all the SNI selectors (if any)
const YAML::Node &sel = config["selector"];
if (sel && sel.IsSequence()) {
for (const auto &i : sel) {
const YAML::Node &sni = i;
if (sni.IsMap() && !sni["sni"].IsSequence()) {
auto name = sni["sni"].as<std::string>();
if (nullptr != findLimiter(name)) {
TSError("[%s] Duplicate SNIs being added (%s)", PLUGIN_NAME, name.c_str());
return false;
auto limiter = new SniRateLimiter(name, this);
if (limiter->parseYaml(sni)) {
if (name == "*" || name == "default") {
_default = limiter;
} else {
// Setup rate based limit, if configured (this is rate as in "requests per second")
if (limiter->rate() > 0) {
// Add aliases, if any
const YAML::Node &aliases = sni["aliases"];
if (aliases) {
if (aliases.IsSequence()) {
for (const auto &aliase : aliases) {
auto alias =<std::string>();
if (nullptr != findLimiter(alias)) {
TSError("[%s] Duplicate SNIs being added (%s)", PLUGIN_NAME, alias.c_str());
return false;
Dbg(dbg_ctl, "Adding alias: %s -> %s", alias.c_str(), name.c_str());
addAlias(alias, limiter);
} else {
TSError("[%s] aliases node is not a sequence", PLUGIN_NAME);
return false;
} else {
TSError("[%s] Failed to parse the selector YAML node", PLUGIN_NAME);
delete limiter;
return false;
} else {
TSError("[%s] selector node is not a map or without a name", PLUGIN_NAME);
return false;
Dbg(dbg_ctl, "Succesfully loaded YAML file: %s", yaml_file.c_str());
return true;
// This is the queue management continuation, which gets called periodically
static int
sni_config_cont(TSCont cont, TSEvent /* event ATS_UNUSED */, void * /* edata ATS_UNUSED */)
auto selector = SniSelector::instance(); // Also leases the instance
auto old_sel = static_cast<SniSelector *>(TSContDataGet(cont));
auto new_sel = new SniSelector();
// Delete the previous selector, which releases the lease we got at setup / reload
if (old_sel) {
TSContDataSet(cont, nullptr);
if (new_sel->yamlParser(selector->yamlFile())) {
new_sel->setupQueueCont(); // Start the queue processing continuation if needed
// Now, save the old selector in the cont data here, such that we do the final release next time
TSContDataSet(cont, selector);
Dbg(dbg_ctl, "Reloading YAML file: %s", new_sel->yamlFile().c_str());
} else {
delete new_sel;
TSError("[%s] Failed to reload YAML file: %s", PLUGIN_NAME, selector->yamlFile().c_str());
// This is the queue management continuation, which gets called periodically
static int
sni_queue_cont(TSCont cont, TSEvent /* event ATS_UNUSED */, void * /* edata ATS_UNUSED */)
auto *selector = static_cast<SniSelector *>(TSContDataGet(cont));
for (const auto &[key, entry] : selector->limiters()) {
auto [owner, limiter] = entry;
QueueTime now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); // Only do this once per limiter
if (owner) { // Don't operate on the aliases
// Try to enable some queued VCs (if any) if there are slots available
while (limiter->size() > 0 && limiter->reserve() != ReserveStatus::RESERVED) { // Can't be UNLIMITED here
auto [vc, contp, start_time] = limiter->pop();
std::chrono::milliseconds delay = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now - start_time);
(void)contp; // Ugly, but silences some compilers.
Dbg(dbg_ctl, "SNI=%s: Enabling queued VC after %ldms",, static_cast<long>(delay.count()));
// Kill any queued VCs if they are too old
if (limiter->size() > 0 && limiter->max_age() > std::chrono::milliseconds::zero()) {
now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); // Update the "now", for some extra accuracy
while (limiter->size() > 0 && limiter->hasOldEntity(now)) {
// The oldest object on the queue is too old on the queue, so "kill" it.
auto [vc, contp, start_time] = limiter->pop();
std::chrono::milliseconds age = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now - start_time);
Dbg(dbg_ctl, "Queued VC is too old (%ldms), erroring out", static_cast<long>(age.count()));
TSVConnReenableEx(vc, TS_EVENT_ERROR);
// If needed, create the queue continuation that needs to run for this selector.
if (_needs_queue_cont && !_queue_cont) {
_queue_cont = TSContCreate(sni_queue_cont, TSMutexCreate());
TSContDataSet(_queue_cont, this);
_queue_action = TSContScheduleEveryOnPool(_queue_cont, QUEUE_DELAY_TIME.count(), TS_THREAD_POOL_TASK);
// Startup of the SNI selector hooks and config reload continuation and
// instance. This should only be called once, after which the configuration
// continuation takes over any reloads.
SniSelector::startup(const std::string &yaml_file)
auto sni_cont = TSContCreate(sni_limit_cont, nullptr);
auto config_cont = TSContCreate(sni_config_cont, TSMutexCreate());
TSReleaseAssert(config_cont); SniSelector());
TSHttpHookAdd(TS_SSL_CLIENT_HELLO_HOOK, sni_cont);
TSHttpHookAdd(TS_VCONN_CLOSE_HOOK, sni_cont);
auto selector = SniSelector::instance(); // Assure that we don't delete this until next config reload
if (selector->yamlParser(yaml_file)) {
selector->setupQueueCont(); // Start the queue processing continuation if needed
TSMgmtUpdateRegister(config_cont, PLUGIN_NAME, yaml_file.c_str());
} else {
TSFatal("[%s] Failed to parse YAML file '%s'", PLUGIN_NAME, yaml_file.c_str());