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/** @file
A brief file description
@section license License
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#pragma once
* Tokenizer.h - A string tokenzier
* class Tokenizer
* Tokenizes a string, and then allows array like access
* The delimiters are determined by the string passed to the
* the constructor.
* There are three memory options.
* SHARE_TOKS - this modifies the original string passed in
* through Initialize() and shares its space. NULLs
* are inserted into string after each token. Choosing
* this option means the user is responsible for not
* deallocating the string storage before deallocating
* the tokenizer object
* COPY_TOKS - this option copies the original string and
* leaves the original unchanged. The deallocation of the
* original string and the deallocation of the Tokenizer
* object are now independent.
* Note: If neither SHARE_TOKS or COPY_TOKS is selected, COPY_TOKS
* is the default
* ALLOW_EMPTY_TOKENS: If multiple delimiters appear next to each
* other, each delimiter creates a token some of which
* will be zero length. The default is to skip repeated
* delimiters
* Tokenizer(const char* StrOfDelimit) - a string that contains
* the delimiters for tokenizing. This string is copied.
* Initialize(char* str, TokenizerOpts opt) - Submits a string
* to be tokenized according to the memory options listed above
* ReUse() - Allows the object to be reused for a new string
* After ReUse() is called, Initialize() can be called safely
* again
* operator[index] - returns a pointer to the number token given
* by index. If index > numTokens-1, NULL is returned.
* Because of way tokens are stored, this is O(n) operation
* It is very fast though for the first 16 tokens and
* is intended to be used on a small number of tokens
* iterFirst(tok_iter_state* state) - Returns the first
* token and initializes state argument for subsequent
* calls to iterNext. If no tokens exist, NULL is
* returned
* iterNext(tok_iter_state* state) - Returns the next token after
* what arg state returned next last time. Returns NULL if no
* more tokens exists.
* Note: To iterate through a list using operator[] takes O(n^2) time
* Using iterFirst, iterNext the running time is O(n), so use
* the iteration where possible
* count() - returns the number of tokens
* setMaxTokens() - sets the maximum number of tokens. Once maxTokens
* is reached, delimiters are ignored and the
* last token is rest of the string. Negative numbers
* mean no limit on the number of tokens
* getMaxTokens() - returns maxTokens. UINT_MAX means no limit
* Print() - Debugging method to print out the tokens
#include "tscore/ink_apidefs.h"
#define COPY_TOKS (1u << 0)
#define SHARE_TOKS (1u << 1)
#define ALLOW_EMPTY_TOKS (1u << 2)
#define ALLOW_SPACES (1u << 3)
struct tok_node {
tok_node *next;
struct tok_iter_state {
tok_node *node;
int index;
class Tokenizer
inkcoreapi Tokenizer(const char *StrOfDelimiters);
inkcoreapi ~Tokenizer();
unsigned Initialize(char *str, unsigned options);
inkcoreapi unsigned Initialize(const char *str); // Automatically sets option to copy
const char *operator[](unsigned index) const;
setMaxTokens(unsigned max)
maxTokens = max;
getMaxTokens() const
return maxTokens;
unsigned count() const;
void Print(); // Debugging print out
inkcoreapi const char *iterFirst(tok_iter_state *state);
inkcoreapi const char *iterNext(tok_iter_state *state);
// noncopyable
Tokenizer &operator=(const Tokenizer &) = delete;
Tokenizer(const Tokenizer &) = delete;
int isDelimiter(char c);
void addToken(char *startAddr, int length);
void ReUse();
char *strOfDelimit;
tok_node start_node;
unsigned numValidTokens;
unsigned maxTokens;
int options;
bool quoteFound;
// State about where to add the next token
tok_node *add_node;
int add_index;