blob: 3c95b2728bd1e07ede864dcf6331d28c5a263c8a [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
A brief file description
@section license License
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <string_view>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include "tscore/ink_config.h"
#include <pcre/pcre.h>
#include <pcre.h>
/// Match flags for regular expression evaluation.
enum REFlags {
RE_CASE_INSENSITIVE = 0x0001, ///< Ignore case (default: case sensitive).
RE_UNANCHORED = 0x0002, ///< Unanchored (DFA defaults to anchored).
RE_ANCHORED = 0x0004, ///< Anchored (Regex defaults to unanchored).
/** Wrapper for PCRE evaluation.
class Regex
/// Default number of capture groups.
static constexpr size_t DEFAULT_GROUP_COUNT = 10;
Regex() = default;
Regex(Regex const &) = delete; // No copying.
Regex(Regex &&that) noexcept;
/** Compile the @a pattern into a regular expression.
* @param pattern Source pattern for regular expression (null terminated).
* @param flags Compilation flags.
* @return @a true if compiled successfully, @a false otherwise.
* @a flags should be the bitwise @c or of @c REFlags values.
bool compile(const char *pattern, unsigned flags = 0);
/** Execute the regular expression.
* @param str String to match against.
* @return @c true if the patter matched, @a false if not.
* It is safe to call this method concurrently on the same instance of @a this.
bool exec(std::string_view const &str);
/** Execute the regular expression.
* @param str String to match against.
* @param ovector Capture results.
* @param ovecsize Number of elements in @a ovector.
* @return @c true if the patter matched, @a false if not.
* It is safe to call this method concurrently on the same instance of @a this.
* Each capture group takes 3 elements of @a ovector, therefore @a ovecsize must
* be a multiple of 3 and at least three times the number of desired capture groups.
bool exec(std::string_view const &str, int *ovector, int ovecsize);
/// @return The number of groups captured in the last call to @c exec.
int get_capture_count();
pcre *regex = nullptr;
pcre_extra *regex_extra = nullptr;
/** Deterministic Finite state Automata container.
* This contains a set of patterns (which may be of size 1) and matches if any of the patterns
* match.
class DFA
DFA() = default;
/// @return The number of patterns successfully compiled.
int compile(std::string_view const &pattern, unsigned flags = 0);
/// @return The number of patterns successfully compiled.
int compile(std::string_view *patterns, int npatterns, unsigned flags = 0);
/// @return The number of patterns successfully compiled.
int compile(const char **patterns, int npatterns, unsigned flags = 0);
/** Match @a str against the internal patterns.
* @param str String to match.
* @return Index of the matched pattern, -1 if no match.
int match(std::string_view const &str) const;
struct Pattern {
Pattern(Regex &&rxp, std::string &&s) : _re(std::move(rxp)), _p(std::move(s)) {}
Regex _re; ///< The compile pattern.
std::string _p; ///< The original pattern.
/** Compile @a pattern and add it to the pattern set.
* @param pattern Regular expression to compile.
* @param flags Regular expression compilation flags.
* @return @c true if @a pattern was successfully compiled, @c false if not.
bool build(std::string_view const &pattern, unsigned flags = 0);
std::vector<Pattern> _patterns;