blob: d35eed14201272c90d6c96724ab20ce150e31db4 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
This file implements the LogConfig object.
@section license License
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include "tscore/ink_platform.h"
#include "tscore/I_Layout.h"
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <memory>
#include "tscore/ink_platform.h"
#include "tscore/ink_file.h"
#include "tscore/List.h"
#include "tscore/Filenames.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "LogField.h"
#include "LogFilter.h"
#include "LogFormat.h"
#include "LogFile.h"
#include "LogBuffer.h"
#include "LogObject.h"
#include "LogConfig.h"
#include "LogUtils.h"
#include "tscore/SimpleTokenizer.h"
#include "YamlLogConfig.h"
"Access logging to local log directory suspended - " \
"configured space allocation exhausted."
"Access logging to local log directory suspended - " \
"no more space on the logging partition."
"Access logging to local log directory suspended - " \
"configured space allocation almost exhausted."
#define DISK_IS_ACTUAL_LOW_MESSAGE "Access logging to local log directory suspended - partition space is low."
#define DIAGS_LOG_FILENAME "diags.log"
#define MANAGER_LOG_FILENAME "manager.log"
const unsigned int bufSize = 512;
char name[bufSize];
if (!gethostname(name, bufSize)) {
ink_strlcpy(name, "unknown_host_name", sizeof(name));
hostname = ats_strdup(name);
log_buffer_size = static_cast<int>(10 * LOG_KILOBYTE);
max_secs_per_buffer = 5;
max_space_mb_for_logs = 100;
max_space_mb_headroom = 10;
logfile_perm = 0644;
logfile_dir = ats_strdup(".");
preproc_threads = 1;
rolling_enabled = Log::NO_ROLLING;
rolling_interval_sec = 86400; // 24 hours
rolling_offset_hr = 0;
rolling_size_mb = 10;
rolling_max_count = 0;
rolling_allow_empty = false;
auto_delete_rolled_files = true;
roll_log_files_now = false;
sampling_frequency = 1;
file_stat_frequency = 16;
space_used_frequency = 900;
ascii_buffer_size = 4 * 9216;
max_line_size = 9216; // size of pipe buffer for SunOS 5.6
logbuffer_max_iobuf_index = BUFFER_SIZE_INDEX_32K;
void LogConfig::reconfigure_mgmt_variables(ts::MemSpan<void>)
Note("received log reconfiguration event, rolling now");
Log::config->roll_log_files_now = true;
LogConfig::register_rolled_log_auto_delete(std::string_view logname, int rolling_min_count)
if (!auto_delete_rolled_files) {
// Nothing to do if auto-deletion is not configured.
Debug("logspace", "Registering rotated log deletion for %s with min roll count %d", std::string(logname).c_str(),
rolledLogDeleter.register_log_type_for_deletion(logname, rolling_min_count);
int val;
char *ptr;
val = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.log.log_buffer_size"));
if (val > 0) {
log_buffer_size = val;
val = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.log.max_secs_per_buffer"));
if (val > 0) {
max_secs_per_buffer = val;
val = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.log.max_space_mb_for_logs"));
if (val > 0) {
max_space_mb_for_logs = val;
val = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.log.max_space_mb_headroom"));
if (val > 0) {
max_space_mb_headroom = val;
val = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger(""));
if (val > 0) {
logbuffer_max_iobuf_index = val;
ptr = REC_ConfigReadString("proxy.config.log.logfile_perm");
int logfile_perm_parsed = ink_fileperm_parse(ptr);
if (logfile_perm_parsed != -1) {
logfile_perm = logfile_perm_parsed;
ptr = REC_ConfigReadString("proxy.config.log.hostname");
if (ptr != nullptr) {
hostname = ptr;
logfile_dir = ats_stringdup(RecConfigReadLogDir());
if (access(logfile_dir, R_OK | W_OK | X_OK) == -1) {
// Try 'system_root_dir/var/log/trafficserver' directory
fprintf(stderr, "unable to access log directory '%s': %d, %s\n", logfile_dir, errno, strerror(errno));
fprintf(stderr, "please set 'proxy.config.log.logfile_dir'\n");
val = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.log.preproc_threads"));
if (val > 0 && val <= 128) {
preproc_threads = val;
// we don't check for valid values of rolling_enabled, rolling_interval_sec,
// rolling_offset_hr, or rolling_size_mb because the LogObject takes care of this
rolling_interval_sec = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.log.rolling_interval_sec"));
rolling_offset_hr = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.log.rolling_offset_hr"));
rolling_size_mb = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.log.rolling_size_mb"));
rolling_min_count = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.log.rolling_min_count"));
val = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.log.rolling_enabled"));
if (LogRollingEnabledIsValid(val)) {
rolling_enabled = static_cast<Log::RollingEnabledValues>(val);
} else {
Warning("invalid value '%d' for '%s', disabling log rolling", val, "proxy.config.log.rolling_enabled");
rolling_enabled = Log::NO_ROLLING;
val = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.log.auto_delete_rolled_files"));
auto_delete_rolled_files = (val > 0);
val = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.log.rolling_allow_empty"));
rolling_allow_empty = (val > 0);
// Read in min_count control values for auto deletion
if (auto_delete_rolled_files) {
// The majority of register_rolled_log_auto_delete() updates come in
// through LogObject. However, not all ATS logs are managed by LogObject.
// The following register these other core logs for log rotation deletion.
// For diagnostic logs
val = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.diags.logfile.rolling_min_count"));
register_rolled_log_auto_delete(DIAGS_LOG_FILENAME, val);
register_rolled_log_auto_delete(MANAGER_LOG_FILENAME, val);
// For traffic.out
char *configured_name(REC_ConfigReadString("proxy.config.output.logfile"));
const char *traffic_logname = configured_name ? configured_name : "traffic.out";
val = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.output.logfile.rolling_min_count"));
register_rolled_log_auto_delete(traffic_logname, val);
rolling_max_count = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.log.rolling_max_count"));
val = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.log.sampling_frequency"));
if (val > 0) {
sampling_frequency = val;
val = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.log.file_stat_frequency"));
if (val > 0) {
file_stat_frequency = val;
val = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.log.space_used_frequency"));
if (val > 0) {
space_used_frequency = val;
val = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.log.ascii_buffer_size"));
if (val > 0) {
ascii_buffer_size = val;
val = static_cast<int>(REC_ConfigReadInteger("proxy.config.log.max_line_size"));
if (val > 0) {
max_line_size = val;
Read the logging configuration variables from the config file and
initialize the LogConfig member variables. Assign some meaningful
default value if we get garbage back from the config file.
// TODO: Is UINT_MAX here really correct?
LogConfig::LogConfig() : m_partition_space_left(static_cast<int64_t>(UINT_MAX))
// Setup the default values for all LogConfig public variables so that
// a LogConfig object is valid upon return from the constructor even
// if no configuration file is read
Delete all config variable strings.
LogConfig::init(LogConfig *prev_config)
LogObject *errlog = nullptr;
// create log objects
if (Log::transaction_logging_enabled()) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Construct a new error log object candidate.
if (Log::error_logging_enabled()) {
std::unique_ptr<LogFormat> fmt(MakeTextLogFormat("error"));
Debug("log", "creating predefined error log object");
errlog = new LogObject(fmt.get(), logfile_dir, "error.log", LOG_FILE_ASCII, nullptr, rolling_enabled, preproc_threads,
rolling_interval_sec, rolling_offset_hr, rolling_size_mb, /* auto_created */ false, rolling_max_count,
} else {
Log::error_log = nullptr;
if (prev_config) {
// Transfer objects from previous configuration.
// After transferring objects, we are going to keep either the new error log or the old one. Figure out
// which one we are keeping and make that the global ...
if (Log::error_log) {
errlog = this->log_object_manager.find_by_format_name(Log::error_log->m_format->name());
ink_atomic_swap(&Log::error_log, errlog);
initialized = true;
Dump the values for the current LogConfig object.
LogConfig::display(FILE *fd)
fprintf(fd, "-----------------------------\n");
fprintf(fd, "--- Logging Configuration ---\n");
fprintf(fd, "-----------------------------\n");
fprintf(fd, "Config variables:\n");
fprintf(fd, " log_buffer_size = %d\n", log_buffer_size);
fprintf(fd, " max_secs_per_buffer = %d\n", max_secs_per_buffer);
fprintf(fd, " max_space_mb_for_logs = %d\n", max_space_mb_for_logs);
fprintf(fd, " max_space_mb_headroom = %d\n", max_space_mb_headroom);
fprintf(fd, " hostname = %s\n", hostname);
fprintf(fd, " logfile_dir = %s\n", logfile_dir);
fprintf(fd, " logfile_perm = 0%o\n", logfile_perm);
fprintf(fd, " preproc_threads = %d\n", preproc_threads);
fprintf(fd, " rolling_enabled = %d\n", rolling_enabled);
fprintf(fd, " rolling_interval_sec = %d\n", rolling_interval_sec);
fprintf(fd, " rolling_offset_hr = %d\n", rolling_offset_hr);
fprintf(fd, " rolling_size_mb = %d\n", rolling_size_mb);
fprintf(fd, " rolling_min_count = %d\n", rolling_min_count);
fprintf(fd, " rolling_max_count = %d\n", rolling_max_count);
fprintf(fd, " rolling_allow_empty = %d\n", rolling_allow_empty);
fprintf(fd, " auto_delete_rolled_files = %d\n", auto_delete_rolled_files);
fprintf(fd, " sampling_frequency = %d\n", sampling_frequency);
fprintf(fd, " file_stat_frequency = %d\n", file_stat_frequency);
fprintf(fd, " space_used_frequency = %d\n", space_used_frequency);
fprintf(fd, " logbuffer_max_iobuf_index = %d\n", logbuffer_max_iobuf_index);
fprintf(fd, "\n");
fprintf(fd, "************ Log Objects (%u objects) ************\n", log_object_manager.get_num_objects());
fprintf(fd, "************ Filter List (%u filters) ************\n", filter_list.count());
fprintf(fd, "************ Format List (%u formats) ************\n", format_list.count());
// setup_log_objects
// Construct: All custom objects.
// Upon return from this function:
// - global_object_list has the aforementioned objects
// - global_filter_list has all custom filters
Debug("log", "creating objects...");
// Evaluate logging.yaml to construct the custom log objects.
// Open local pipes so readers can see them.
if (is_debug_tag_set("log")) {
This is the manager callback for any logging config variable change.
Since we want to access the config variables to build a new config
object, but can't from this function (big lock technology in the
manager), we'll just set a flag and call the real reconfiguration
function from the logging thread.
LogConfig::reconfigure(const char * /* name ATS_UNUSED */, RecDataT /* data_type ATS_UNUSED */, RecData /* data ATS_UNUSED */,
void * /* cookie ATS_UNUSED */)
Debug("log-config", "Reconfiguration request accepted");
Log::config->reconfiguration_needed = true;
return 0;
This static function is called by Log::init to register the config update
function for each of the logging configuration variables.
static const char *names[] = {
"proxy.config.log.log_buffer_size", "proxy.config.log.max_secs_per_buffer", "proxy.config.log.max_space_mb_for_logs",
"proxy.config.log.max_space_mb_headroom", "proxy.config.log.logfile_perm", "proxy.config.log.hostname",
"proxy.config.log.logfile_dir", "proxy.config.log.rolling_enabled", "proxy.config.log.rolling_interval_sec",
"proxy.config.log.rolling_offset_hr", "proxy.config.log.rolling_size_mb", "proxy.config.log.auto_delete_rolled_files",
"proxy.config.log.rolling_max_count", "proxy.config.log.rolling_allow_empty", "proxy.config.log.config.filename",
"proxy.config.log.sampling_frequency", "proxy.config.log.file_stat_frequency", "proxy.config.log.space_used_frequency",
for (unsigned i = 0; i < countof(names); ++i) {
REC_RegisterConfigUpdateFunc(names[i], &LogConfig::reconfigure, nullptr);
This static function is called by Log::init to register the stat update
function for each of the logging stats variables.
// events
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.event_log_error_ok", RECD_COUNTER, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_event_log_error_ok_stat, RecRawStatSyncCount);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.event_log_error_skip", RECD_COUNTER, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_event_log_error_skip_stat, RecRawStatSyncCount);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.event_log_error_aggr", RECD_COUNTER, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_event_log_error_aggr_stat, RecRawStatSyncCount);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.event_log_error_full", RECD_COUNTER, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_event_log_error_full_stat, RecRawStatSyncCount);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.event_log_error_fail", RECD_COUNTER, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_event_log_error_fail_stat, RecRawStatSyncCount);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.event_log_access_ok", RECD_COUNTER, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_event_log_access_ok_stat, RecRawStatSyncCount);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.event_log_access_skip", RECD_COUNTER, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_event_log_access_skip_stat, RecRawStatSyncCount);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.event_log_access_aggr", RECD_COUNTER, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_event_log_access_aggr_stat, RecRawStatSyncCount);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.event_log_access_full", RECD_COUNTER, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_event_log_access_full_stat, RecRawStatSyncCount);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.event_log_access_fail", RECD_COUNTER, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_event_log_access_fail_stat, RecRawStatSyncCount);
// number vs bytes of logs
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.num_sent_to_network", RECD_COUNTER, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_num_sent_to_network_stat, RecRawStatSyncSum);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.num_lost_before_sent_to_network", RECD_COUNTER, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_num_lost_before_sent_to_network_stat, RecRawStatSyncSum);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.num_received_from_network", RECD_COUNTER, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_num_received_from_network_stat, RecRawStatSyncSum);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.num_flush_to_disk", RECD_COUNTER, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_num_flush_to_disk_stat, RecRawStatSyncSum);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.num_lost_before_flush_to_disk", RECD_COUNTER, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_num_lost_before_flush_to_disk_stat, RecRawStatSyncSum);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.bytes_lost_before_preproc", RECD_INT, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_bytes_lost_before_preproc_stat, RecRawStatSyncSum);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.bytes_sent_to_network", RECD_INT, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_bytes_sent_to_network_stat, RecRawStatSyncSum);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.bytes_lost_before_sent_to_network", RECD_INT, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_bytes_lost_before_sent_to_network_stat, RecRawStatSyncSum);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.bytes_received_from_network", RECD_INT, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_bytes_received_from_network_stat, RecRawStatSyncSum);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.bytes_flush_to_disk", RECD_INT, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_bytes_flush_to_disk_stat, RecRawStatSyncSum);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.bytes_lost_before_flush_to_disk", RECD_INT, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_bytes_lost_before_flush_to_disk_stat, RecRawStatSyncSum);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.bytes_written_to_disk", RECD_INT, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_bytes_written_to_disk_stat, RecRawStatSyncSum);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.bytes_lost_before_written_to_disk", RECD_INT, RECP_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_bytes_lost_before_written_to_disk_stat, RecRawStatSyncSum);
// I/O
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.log_files_open", RECD_COUNTER, RECP_NON_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_log_files_open_stat, RecRawStatSyncSum);
RecRegisterRawStat(log_rsb, RECT_PROCESS, "proxy.process.log.log_files_space_used", RECD_INT, RECP_NON_PERSISTENT,
(int)log_stat_log_files_space_used_stat, RecRawStatSyncSum);
This static function is called by Log::init to register the mgmt callback
function for each of the logging mgmt messages.
RecRegisterManagerCb(REC_EVENT_ROLL_LOG_FILES, &LogConfig::reconfigure_mgmt_variables);
This function returns true if there is enough disk space to write the
given number of bytes, false otherwise.
LogConfig::space_to_write(int64_t bytes_to_write) const
int64_t config_space, partition_headroom;
int64_t logical_space_used, physical_space_left;
bool space;
config_space = static_cast<int64_t>(get_max_space_mb()) * LOG_MEGABYTE;
partition_headroom = static_cast<int64_t>(PARTITION_HEADROOM_MB) * LOG_MEGABYTE;
logical_space_used = m_space_used + bytes_to_write;
physical_space_left = m_partition_space_left - bytes_to_write;
space = ((logical_space_used < config_space) && (physical_space_left > partition_headroom));
"logical space used %" PRId64 ", configured space %" PRId64 ", physical space left %" PRId64 ", partition headroom %" PRId64
", space %s available",
logical_space_used, config_space, physical_space_left, partition_headroom, space ? "is" : "is not");
return space;
Update the m_space_used variable by reading the logging dir and counting
the total bytes being occupied by files. If we've used too much space
(space_used > max_space - headroom) then start deleting some files (if
auto_delete_rolled_files is set) to make room. Finally, update the
space_used stat.
This routine will only be executed SINGLE-THREADED, either by the main
thread when a LogConfig is initialized, or by the event thread during the
periodic space check.
// no need to update space used if log directory is inaccessible
if (m_log_directory_inaccessible) {
int64_t total_space_used, partition_space_left;
char path[MAXPATHLEN];
int sret;
struct dirent *entry;
struct stat sbuf;
DIR *ld;
// check if logging directory has been specified
if (!logfile_dir) {
const char *msg = "Logging directory not specified";
Error("%s", msg);
LogUtils::manager_alarm(LogUtils::LOG_ALARM_ERROR, "%s", msg);
m_log_directory_inaccessible = true;
// check if logging directory exists and is searchable readable & writable
int err;
do {
err = access(logfile_dir, R_OK | W_OK | X_OK);
} while ((err < 0) && (errno == EINTR));
if (err < 0) {
const char *msg = "Error accessing logging directory %s: %s.";
Error(msg, logfile_dir, strerror(errno));
LogUtils::manager_alarm(LogUtils::LOG_ALARM_ERROR, msg, logfile_dir, strerror(errno));
m_log_directory_inaccessible = true;
ld = ::opendir(logfile_dir);
if (ld == nullptr) {
const char *msg = "Error opening logging directory %s to perform a space check: %s.";
Error(msg, logfile_dir, strerror(errno));
LogUtils::manager_alarm(LogUtils::LOG_ALARM_ERROR, msg, logfile_dir, strerror(errno));
m_log_directory_inaccessible = true;
total_space_used = 0LL;
while ((entry = readdir(ld))) {
snprintf(path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", logfile_dir, entry->d_name);
sret = ::stat(path, &sbuf);
if (sret != -1 && S_ISREG(sbuf.st_mode)) {
total_space_used += static_cast<int64_t>(sbuf.st_size);
if (auto_delete_rolled_files && LogFile::rolled_logfile(entry->d_name)) {
rolledLogDeleter.consider_for_candidacy(path, sbuf.st_size, sbuf.st_mtime);
// Now check the partition to see if there is enough *actual* space.
partition_space_left = m_partition_space_left;
struct statvfs fs;
if (::statvfs(logfile_dir, &fs) >= 0) {
partition_space_left = static_cast<int64_t>(fs.f_bavail) * static_cast<int64_t>(fs.f_bsize);
// Update the config variables for space used/left
m_space_used = total_space_used;
m_partition_space_left = partition_space_left;
RecSetRawStatSum(log_rsb, log_stat_log_files_space_used_stat, m_space_used);
RecSetRawStatCount(log_rsb, log_stat_log_files_space_used_stat, 1);
Debug("logspace", "%" PRId64 " bytes being used for logs", m_space_used);
Debug("logspace", "%" PRId64 " bytes left on partition", m_partition_space_left);
// Now that we have an accurate picture of the amount of space being
// used by logging, we can see if we're running low on space. If so,
// we might consider deleting some files that are stored in the
// candidate array.
// To delete oldest files first, we'll sort our candidate array by
// timestamps, making the oldest files first in the array (thus first
// selected).
int64_t max_space = static_cast<int64_t>(get_max_space_mb()) * LOG_MEGABYTE;
int64_t headroom = static_cast<int64_t>(max_space_mb_headroom) * LOG_MEGABYTE;
if (!space_to_write(headroom)) {
Debug("logspace", "headroom reached, trying to clear space ...");
if (!rolledLogDeleter.has_candidates()) {
Note("Cannot clear space because there are no recognized Traffic Server rolled logs for auto deletion.");
} else {
Debug("logspace", "Considering %zu delete candidates ...", rolledLogDeleter.get_candidate_count());
while (rolledLogDeleter.has_candidates()) {
if (space_to_write(headroom + log_buffer_size)) {
Debug("logspace", "low water mark reached; stop deleting");
auto victim = rolledLogDeleter.take_next_candidate_to_delete();
// Check if any candidate exists
if (!victim) {
// This shouldn't be triggered unless min_count are configured wrong or extra non-log files occupy the directory
Debug("logspace", "No more victims. Check your rolling_min_count settings and logging directory.");
} else {
Debug("logspace", "auto-deleting %s", victim->rolled_log_path.c_str());
if (unlink(victim->rolled_log_path.c_str()) < 0) {
Note("Traffic Server was unable to auto-delete rolled "
"logfile %s: %s.",
victim->rolled_log_path.c_str(), strerror(errno));
} else {
"The rolled logfile, %s, was auto-deleted; "
"%" PRId64 " bytes were reclaimed.",
victim->rolled_log_path.c_str(), victim->size);
// Update after successful unlink;
m_space_used -= victim->size;
m_partition_space_left += victim->size;
// The set of files in the logs dir may change between iterations to check
// for logs to delete. To deal with this, we simply clear our internal
// candidates metadata and regenerate it on each iteration.
// Now that we've updated the m_space_used value, see if we need to
// issue any alarms or warnings about space
if (!space_to_write(headroom)) {
if (!logging_space_exhausted) {
Note("Logging space exhausted, any logs writing to local disk will be dropped!");
logging_space_exhausted = true;
// Despite our best efforts, we still can't write to the disk.
// Find out why and set/clear warnings.
// First, are we out of space based on configuration?
if (m_space_used >= max_space) {
if (!m_disk_full) {
m_disk_full = true;
LogUtils::manager_alarm(LogUtils::LOG_ALARM_ERROR, DISK_IS_CONFIG_FULL_MESSAGE);
// How about out of actual space on the partition?
else if (m_partition_space_left <= 0) {
if (!m_partition_full) {
m_partition_full = true;
LogUtils::manager_alarm(LogUtils::LOG_ALARM_ERROR, DISK_IS_ACTUAL_FULL_MESSAGE);
// How about being within the headroom limit?
else if (m_space_used + headroom >= max_space) {
if (!m_disk_low) {
m_disk_low = true;
LogUtils::manager_alarm(LogUtils::LOG_ALARM_ERROR, DISK_IS_CONFIG_LOW_MESSAGE);
} else {
if (!m_partition_low) {
m_partition_low = true;
LogUtils::manager_alarm(LogUtils::LOG_ALARM_ERROR, DISK_IS_ACTUAL_LOW_MESSAGE);
} else {
// We have enough space to log again; clear any previous messages
if (logging_space_exhausted) {
Note("Logging space is no longer exhausted.");
logging_space_exhausted = false;
if (m_disk_full || m_partition_full) {
Note("Logging disk is no longer full; access logging to local log directory resumed.");
m_disk_full = false;
m_partition_full = false;
if (m_disk_low || m_partition_low) {
Note("Logging disk is no longer low; access logging to local log directory resumed.");
m_disk_low = false;
m_partition_low = false;
ats_scoped_str path(RecConfigReadConfigPath("proxy.config.log.config.filename", ts::filename::LOGGING));
struct stat sbuf;
if (stat(path.get(), &sbuf) == -1 && errno == ENOENT) {
Warning("logging configuration '%s' doesn't exist", path.get());
return false;
Note("%s loading ...", path.get());
YamlLogConfig y(this);
bool zret = y.parse(path.get());
if (zret) {
Note("%s finished loading", path.get());
} else {
Note("%s failed to load", path.get());
return zret;