blob: 20f1bfe035d69d83c7f92940f7509c2200728c05 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
* A brief file description
* @section license License
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include "tscore/Allocator.h"
#include "tscore/List.h"
#include "tscore/Ptr.h"
#include "I_IOBuffer.h"
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include "QUICTypes.h"
class QUICFrame;
class QUICStreamFrame;
class QUICCryptoFrame;
class QUICPacket;
class QUICFrameGenerator;
using QUICFrameId = uint64_t;
class QUICFrame
constexpr static int MAX_INSTANCE_SIZE = 256;
virtual ~QUICFrame() {}
static QUICFrameType type(const uint8_t *buf);
QUICFrameId id() const;
virtual QUICFrameType type() const;
virtual size_t size() const = 0;
virtual bool is_probing_frame() const;
virtual bool is_flow_controlled() const;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const = 0;
virtual Ptr<IOBufferBlock> to_io_buffer_block(size_t limit) const;
virtual int debug_msg(char *msg, size_t msg_len) const;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len){};
virtual QUICFrameGenerator *generated_by();
bool valid() const;
LINK(QUICFrame, link);
virtual void _reset(){};
QUICFrame(QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr) : _id(id), _owner(owner) {}
size_t _size = 0;
bool _valid = false;
QUICFrameId _id = 0;
QUICFrameGenerator *_owner = nullptr;
// STREAM Frame
class QUICStreamFrame : public QUICFrame
QUICStreamFrame(QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr) : QUICFrame(id, owner) {}
QUICStreamFrame(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
QUICStreamFrame(Ptr<IOBufferBlock> &block, QUICStreamId streamid, QUICOffset offset, bool last = false,
bool has_offset_field = true, bool has_length_field = true, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
QUICStreamFrame(const QUICStreamFrame &o);
virtual QUICFrameType type() const override;
virtual size_t size() const override;
virtual bool is_flow_controlled() const override;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
virtual Ptr<IOBufferBlock> to_io_buffer_block(size_t limit) const override;
virtual int debug_msg(char *msg, size_t msg_len) const override;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit, bool include_length_field) const;
QUICStreamId stream_id() const;
QUICOffset offset() const;
IOBufferBlock *data() const;
uint64_t data_length() const;
bool has_offset_field() const;
bool has_length_field() const;
bool has_fin_flag() const;
LINK(QUICStreamFrame, link);
static constexpr uint8_t MAX_HEADER_SIZE = 32;
virtual void _reset() override;
size_t _store_header(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, bool include_length_field) const;
Ptr<IOBufferBlock> _block;
QUICStreamId _stream_id = 0;
QUICOffset _offset = 0;
bool _fin = false;
bool _has_offset_field = true;
bool _has_length_field = true;
// CRYPTO Frame
class QUICCryptoFrame : public QUICFrame
QUICCryptoFrame(QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr) : QUICFrame(id, owner) {}
QUICCryptoFrame(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
QUICCryptoFrame(Ptr<IOBufferBlock> &block, QUICOffset offset, QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
QUICCryptoFrame(const QUICCryptoFrame &o);
virtual QUICFrameType type() const override;
virtual size_t size() const override;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
virtual int debug_msg(char *msg, size_t msg_len) const override;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
QUICOffset offset() const;
uint64_t data_length() const;
IOBufferBlock *data() const;
LINK(QUICCryptoFrame, link);
virtual void _reset() override;
QUICOffset _offset = 0;
Ptr<IOBufferBlock> _block;
// ACK Frame
class QUICAckFrame : public QUICFrame
class PacketNumberRange
PacketNumberRange(QUICPacketNumber first, QUICPacketNumber last) : _first(first), _last(last) {}
PacketNumberRange(PacketNumberRange &&a) noexcept;
QUICPacketNumber first() const;
QUICPacketNumber last() const;
uint64_t size() const;
bool contains(QUICPacketNumber x) const;
operator<(const PacketNumberRange &b) const
return static_cast<uint64_t>(this->first()) < static_cast<uint64_t>(b.first());
QUICPacketNumber _first;
QUICPacketNumber _last;
class AckBlock
AckBlock(uint64_t g, uint64_t l) : _gap(g), _length(l) {}
uint64_t gap() const;
uint64_t length() const;
size_t size() const;
LINK(QUICAckFrame::AckBlock, link);
size_t _get_gap_size() const;
size_t _get_length_size() const;
uint64_t _gap = 0;
uint64_t _length = 0;
class AckBlockSection
class const_iterator : public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, QUICAckFrame::AckBlock>
const_iterator(uint8_t index, const std::vector<QUICAckFrame::AckBlock> *ack_blocks);
const QUICAckFrame::AckBlock &operator*() const { return this->_current_block; };
const QUICAckFrame::AckBlock *operator->() const { return &this->_current_block; };
const QUICAckFrame::AckBlock &operator++();
const bool operator!=(const const_iterator &ite) const;
const bool operator==(const const_iterator &ite) const;
uint8_t _index = 0;
QUICAckFrame::AckBlock _current_block = {UINT64_C(0), UINT64_C(0)};
const std::vector<QUICAckFrame::AckBlock> *_ack_blocks = nullptr;
AckBlockSection(uint64_t first_ack_block) : _first_ack_block(first_ack_block) {}
uint8_t count() const;
size_t size() const;
size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const;
uint64_t first_ack_block() const;
void add_ack_block(const AckBlock block);
const_iterator begin() const;
const_iterator end() const;
bool has_protected() const;
uint64_t _first_ack_block = 0;
uint8_t _ack_block_count = 0;
std::vector<QUICAckFrame::AckBlock> _ack_blocks;
class EcnSection
EcnSection(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
size_t size() const;
bool valid() const;
uint64_t ect0_count() const;
uint64_t ect1_count() const;
uint64_t ecn_ce_count() const;
bool _valid = false;
size_t _size = 0;
uint64_t _ect0_count = 0;
uint64_t _ect1_count = 0;
uint64_t _ecn_ce_count = 0;
QUICAckFrame(QUICFrameId id = 0) : QUICFrame(id) {}
QUICAckFrame(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
QUICAckFrame(QUICPacketNumber largest_acknowledged, uint64_t ack_delay, uint64_t first_ack_block, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
// There's no reasont restrict copy, but we need to write the copy constructor. Otherwise it will crash on destruct.
QUICAckFrame(const QUICAckFrame &) = delete;
virtual ~QUICAckFrame();
virtual QUICFrameType type() const override;
virtual size_t size() const override;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
virtual int debug_msg(char *msg, size_t msg_len) const override;
QUICPacketNumber largest_acknowledged() const;
uint64_t ack_delay() const;
uint64_t ack_block_count() const;
const AckBlockSection *ack_block_section() const;
AckBlockSection *ack_block_section();
const EcnSection *ecn_section() const;
EcnSection *ecn_section();
virtual void _reset() override;
QUICPacketNumber _largest_acknowledged = 0;
uint64_t _ack_delay = 0;
AckBlockSection *_ack_block_section = nullptr;
EcnSection *_ecn_section = nullptr;
class QUICRstStreamFrame : public QUICFrame
QUICRstStreamFrame(QUICFrameId id = 0) : QUICFrame(id) {}
QUICRstStreamFrame(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
QUICRstStreamFrame(QUICStreamId stream_id, QUICAppErrorCode error_code, QUICOffset final_offset, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
virtual QUICFrameType type() const override;
virtual size_t size() const override;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
virtual int debug_msg(char *msg, size_t msg_len) const override;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
QUICStreamId stream_id() const;
QUICAppErrorCode error_code() const;
QUICOffset final_offset() const;
virtual void _reset() override;
QUICStreamId _stream_id = 0;
QUICAppErrorCode _error_code = 0;
QUICOffset _final_offset = 0;
class QUICPingFrame : public QUICFrame
QUICPingFrame(QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr) : QUICFrame(id, owner) {}
QUICPingFrame(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
virtual QUICFrameType type() const override;
virtual size_t size() const override;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
class QUICPaddingFrame : public QUICFrame
QUICPaddingFrame() {}
QUICPaddingFrame(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
virtual QUICFrameType type() const override;
virtual size_t size() const override;
virtual bool is_probing_frame() const override;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
class QUICConnectionCloseFrame : public QUICFrame
QUICConnectionCloseFrame(QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr) : QUICFrame(id, owner) {}
QUICConnectionCloseFrame(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
// Constructor for transport error codes
QUICConnectionCloseFrame(uint16_t error_code, QUICFrameType frame_type, uint64_t reason_phrase_length, const char *reason_phrase,
QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
// Constructor for application protocol error codes
QUICConnectionCloseFrame(uint16_t error_code, uint64_t reason_phrase_length, const char *reason_phrase, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
virtual QUICFrameType type() const override;
virtual size_t size() const override;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
virtual int debug_msg(char *msg, size_t msg_len) const override;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
uint16_t error_code() const;
QUICFrameType frame_type() const;
uint64_t reason_phrase_length() const;
const char *reason_phrase() const;
virtual void _reset() override;
uint8_t _type = 0;
uint16_t _error_code;
QUICFrameType _frame_type = QUICFrameType::UNKNOWN;
uint64_t _reason_phrase_length = 0;
const char *_reason_phrase = nullptr;
class QUICMaxDataFrame : public QUICFrame
QUICMaxDataFrame(QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr) : QUICFrame(id, owner) {}
QUICMaxDataFrame(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
QUICMaxDataFrame(uint64_t maximum_data, QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
virtual QUICFrameType type() const override;
virtual size_t size() const override;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
virtual int debug_msg(char *msg, size_t msg_len) const override;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
uint64_t maximum_data() const;
virtual void _reset() override;
uint64_t _maximum_data = 0;
class QUICMaxStreamDataFrame : public QUICFrame
QUICMaxStreamDataFrame(QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr) : QUICFrame(id, owner) {}
QUICMaxStreamDataFrame(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
QUICMaxStreamDataFrame(QUICStreamId stream_id, uint64_t maximum_stream_data, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
virtual QUICFrameType type() const override;
virtual size_t size() const override;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
virtual int debug_msg(char *msg, size_t msg_len) const override;
QUICStreamId stream_id() const;
uint64_t maximum_stream_data() const;
virtual void _reset() override;
QUICStreamId _stream_id = 0;
uint64_t _maximum_stream_data = 0;
class QUICMaxStreamsFrame : public QUICFrame
QUICMaxStreamsFrame(QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr) : QUICFrame(id, owner) {}
QUICMaxStreamsFrame(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
QUICMaxStreamsFrame(QUICStreamId maximum_streams, QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
virtual QUICFrameType type() const override;
virtual size_t size() const override;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
uint64_t maximum_streams() const;
virtual void _reset() override;
uint64_t _maximum_streams = 0;
class QUICDataBlockedFrame : public QUICFrame
QUICDataBlockedFrame(QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr) : QUICFrame(id, owner) {}
QUICDataBlockedFrame(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
QUICDataBlockedFrame(QUICOffset offset, QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr)
: QUICFrame(id, owner), _offset(offset){};
virtual QUICFrameType type() const override;
virtual size_t size() const override;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
virtual int debug_msg(char *msg, size_t msg_len) const override;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
QUICOffset offset() const;
virtual void _reset() override;
QUICOffset _offset = 0;
class QUICStreamDataBlockedFrame : public QUICFrame
QUICStreamDataBlockedFrame(QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr) : QUICFrame(id, owner) {}
QUICStreamDataBlockedFrame(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
QUICStreamDataBlockedFrame(QUICStreamId s, QUICOffset o, QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr)
: QUICFrame(id, owner), _stream_id(s), _offset(o){};
virtual QUICFrameType type() const override;
virtual size_t size() const override;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
virtual int debug_msg(char *msg, size_t msg_len) const override;
QUICStreamId stream_id() const;
QUICOffset offset() const;
virtual void _reset() override;
QUICStreamId _stream_id = 0;
QUICOffset _offset = 0;
class QUICStreamIdBlockedFrame : public QUICFrame
QUICStreamIdBlockedFrame(QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr) : QUICFrame(id, owner) {}
QUICStreamIdBlockedFrame(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
QUICStreamIdBlockedFrame(QUICStreamId s, QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr)
: QUICFrame(id, owner), _stream_id(s)
virtual QUICFrameType type() const override;
virtual size_t size() const override;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
QUICStreamId stream_id() const;
virtual void _reset() override;
QUICStreamId _stream_id = 0;
class QUICNewConnectionIdFrame : public QUICFrame
QUICNewConnectionIdFrame(QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr) : QUICFrame(id, owner) {}
QUICNewConnectionIdFrame(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
QUICNewConnectionIdFrame(uint64_t seq, const QUICConnectionId &cid, QUICStatelessResetToken token, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr)
: QUICFrame(id, owner), _sequence(seq), _connection_id(cid), _stateless_reset_token(token){};
virtual QUICFrameType type() const override;
virtual size_t size() const override;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
virtual int debug_msg(char *msg, size_t msg_len) const override;
uint64_t sequence() const;
QUICConnectionId connection_id() const;
QUICStatelessResetToken stateless_reset_token() const;
virtual void _reset() override;
uint64_t _sequence = 0;
QUICConnectionId _connection_id = QUICConnectionId::ZERO();
QUICStatelessResetToken _stateless_reset_token;
class QUICStopSendingFrame : public QUICFrame
QUICStopSendingFrame(QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr) : QUICFrame(id, owner) {}
QUICStopSendingFrame(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
QUICStopSendingFrame(QUICStreamId stream_id, QUICAppErrorCode error_code, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
virtual QUICFrameType type() const override;
virtual size_t size() const override;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
QUICStreamId stream_id() const;
QUICAppErrorCode error_code() const;
virtual void _reset() override;
QUICStreamId _stream_id = 0;
QUICAppErrorCode _error_code = 0;
class QUICPathChallengeFrame : public QUICFrame
static constexpr uint8_t DATA_LEN = 8;
QUICPathChallengeFrame(QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr) : QUICFrame(id, owner) {}
QUICPathChallengeFrame(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
QUICPathChallengeFrame(ats_unique_buf data, QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr)
: QUICFrame(id, owner), _data(std::move(data))
virtual QUICFrameType type() const override;
virtual size_t size() const override;
virtual bool is_probing_frame() const override;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
const uint8_t *data() const;
virtual void _reset() override;
ats_unique_buf _data = {nullptr};
class QUICPathResponseFrame : public QUICFrame
static constexpr uint8_t DATA_LEN = 8;
QUICPathResponseFrame(QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr) : QUICFrame(id, owner) {}
QUICPathResponseFrame(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
QUICPathResponseFrame(ats_unique_buf data, QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr)
: QUICFrame(id, owner), _data(std::move(data))
virtual QUICFrameType type() const override;
virtual size_t size() const override;
virtual bool is_probing_frame() const override;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
const uint8_t *data() const;
virtual void _reset() override;
ats_unique_buf _data = {nullptr};
class QUICNewTokenFrame : public QUICFrame
QUICNewTokenFrame(QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr) : QUICFrame(id, owner) {}
QUICNewTokenFrame(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
QUICNewTokenFrame(ats_unique_buf token, size_t token_length, QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr)
: QUICFrame(id, owner), _token_length(token_length), _token(std::move(token))
virtual QUICFrameType type() const override;
virtual size_t size() const override;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
uint64_t token_length() const;
const uint8_t *token() const;
virtual void _reset() override;
uint64_t _token_length = 0;
ats_unique_buf _token = {nullptr};
class QUICRetireConnectionIdFrame : public QUICFrame
QUICRetireConnectionIdFrame(QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr) : QUICFrame(id, owner) {}
QUICRetireConnectionIdFrame(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
QUICRetireConnectionIdFrame(uint64_t seq_num, QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr)
: QUICFrame(id, owner), _seq_num(seq_num)
virtual QUICFrameType type() const override;
virtual size_t size() const override;
virtual size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
virtual void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
virtual int debug_msg(char *msg, size_t msg_len) const override;
uint64_t seq_num() const;
virtual void _reset() override;
uint64_t _seq_num = 0;
class QUICUnknownFrame : public QUICFrame
QUICFrameType type() const override;
size_t size() const override;
size_t store(uint8_t *buf, size_t *len, size_t limit) const override;
void parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) override;
int debug_msg(char *msg, size_t msg_len) const override;
// QUICFrameFactory
class QUICFrameFactory
* This is used for creating a QUICFrame object based on received data.
static QUICFrame *create(uint8_t *buf, const uint8_t *src, size_t len);
* This works almost the same as create() but it reuses created objects for performance.
* If you create a frame object which has the same frame type that you created before, the object will be reset by new data.
const QUICFrame &fast_create(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len);
* Creates a STREAM frame.
* You have to make sure that the data size won't exceed the maximum size of QUIC packet.
static QUICStreamFrame *create_stream_frame(uint8_t *buf, Ptr<IOBufferBlock> &block, QUICStreamId stream_id, QUICOffset offset,
bool last = false, bool has_offset_field = true, bool has_length_field = true,
QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
* Creates a CRYPTO frame.
* You have to make sure that the data size won't exceed the maximum size of QUIC packet.
static QUICCryptoFrame *create_crypto_frame(uint8_t *buf, Ptr<IOBufferBlock> &block, QUICOffset offset, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
* Creates a ACK frame.
* You shouldn't call this directly but through QUICAckFrameCreator because QUICAckFrameCreator manages packet numbers that we
* need to ack.
static QUICAckFrame *create_ack_frame(uint8_t *buf, QUICPacketNumber largest_acknowledged, uint64_t ack_delay,
uint64_t first_ack_block, QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
* Creates a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame.
static QUICConnectionCloseFrame *create_connection_close_frame(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t error_code, QUICFrameType frame_type,
uint16_t reason_phrase_length = 0,
const char *reason_phrase = nullptr, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
static QUICConnectionCloseFrame *create_connection_close_frame(uint8_t *buf, QUICConnectionError &error, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
* Creates a MAX_DATA frame.
static QUICMaxDataFrame *create_max_data_frame(uint8_t *buf, uint64_t maximum_data, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
/ * Creates a MAX_STREAM_DATA frame.
static QUICMaxStreamDataFrame *create_max_stream_data_frame(uint8_t *buf, QUICStreamId stream_id, uint64_t maximum_stream_data,
QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
* Creates a MAX_STREAMS frame.
static QUICMaxStreamsFrame *create_max_streams_frame(uint8_t *buf, QUICStreamId maximum_streams, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
* Creates a PING frame
static QUICPingFrame *create_ping_frame(uint8_t *buf, QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
* Creates a PATH_CHALLENGE frame
static QUICPathChallengeFrame *create_path_challenge_frame(uint8_t *buf, const uint8_t *data, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
* Creates a PATH_RESPONSE frame
static QUICPathResponseFrame *create_path_response_frame(uint8_t *buf, const uint8_t *data, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
* Creates a BLOCKED frame.
static QUICDataBlockedFrame *create_data_blocked_frame(uint8_t *buf, QUICOffset offset, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
* Creates a STREAM_DATA_BLOCKED frame.
static QUICStreamDataBlockedFrame *create_stream_data_blocked_frame(uint8_t *buf, QUICStreamId stream_id, QUICOffset offset,
QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
* Creates a STREAMS_BLOCKED frame.
static QUICStreamIdBlockedFrame *create_stream_id_blocked_frame(uint8_t *buf, QUICStreamId stream_id, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
* Creates a RESET_STREAM frame.
static QUICRstStreamFrame *create_rst_stream_frame(uint8_t *buf, QUICStreamId stream_id, QUICAppErrorCode error_code,
QUICOffset final_offset, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
static QUICRstStreamFrame *create_rst_stream_frame(uint8_t *buf, QUICStreamError &error, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
* Creates a STOP_SENDING frame.
static QUICStopSendingFrame *create_stop_sending_frame(uint8_t *buf, QUICStreamId stream_id, QUICAppErrorCode error_code,
QUICFrameId id = 0, QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
* Creates a NEW_CONNECTION_ID frame.
static QUICNewConnectionIdFrame *create_new_connection_id_frame(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t sequence, QUICConnectionId connectoin_id,
QUICStatelessResetToken stateless_reset_token, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
* Creates a NEW_TOKEN frame
static QUICNewTokenFrame *create_new_token_frame(uint8_t *buf, const QUICResumptionToken &token, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
* Creates a RETIRE_CONNECTION_ID frame
static QUICRetireConnectionIdFrame *create_retire_connection_id_frame(uint8_t *buf, uint64_t seq_num, QUICFrameId id = 0,
QUICFrameGenerator *owner = nullptr);
// FIXME Actual number of frame types is several but some of the values are not sequential.
QUICFrame *_reusable_frames[256] = {nullptr};
uint8_t _buf_for_fast_create[256 * QUICFrame::MAX_INSTANCE_SIZE];
QUICUnknownFrame _unknown_frame;
class QUICFrameInfo
QUICFrameInfo(QUICFrameId id, QUICFrameGenerator *generator) : _id(id), _generator(generator) {}
QUICFrameId id() const;
QUICFrameGenerator *generated_by() const;
QUICFrameId _id = 0;
QUICFrameGenerator *_generator;