blob: a741e810f3703da4ce595674e0bd4f55a5077d4a [file] [log] [blame]
Verify that a given JSON replay file fulfills basic expectations.
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import argparse
import json
import jsonschema
import sys
expected_sensitive_value = \
'''0000000 0000001 0000002 0000003 0000004 0000005 0000006 0000007 0000008 0000009 000000a 000000b 000000c 000000d ''' \
'''000000e 000000f 0000010 0000011 0000012 0000013 0000014 0000015 0000016 0000017 0000018 0000019 000001a 000001b ''' \
'''000001c 000001d 000001e 000001f 0000020 0000021 0000022 0000023 0000024 0000025 0000026 0000027 0000028 0000029 ''' \
'''000002a 000002b 000002c 000002d 000002e 000002f 0000030 0000031 0000032 0000033 0000034 0000035 0000036 0000037 ''' \
'''0000038 0000039 000003a 000003b 000003c 000003d 000003e 000003f 0000040 0000041 0000042 0000043 0000044 0000045 ''' \
'''0000046 0000047 0000048 0000049 000004a 000004b 000004c 000004d 000004e 000004f 0000050 0000051 0000052 0000053 ''' \
'''0000054 0000055 0000056 0000057 0000058 0000059 000005a 000005b 000005c 000005d 000005e 000005f 0000060 0000061 ''' \
'''0000062 0000063 0000064 0000065 0000066 0000067 0000068 0000069 000006a 000006b 000006c 000006d 000006e 000006f ''' \
'''0000070 0000071 0000072 0000073 0000074 0000075 0000076 0000077 0000078 0000079 000007a 000007b 000007c 000007d ''' \
'''000007e 000007f 0000080 0000081 0000082 0000083 0000084 0000085 0000086 0000087 0000088 0000089 000008a 000008b ''' \
'''000008c 000008d 000008e 000008f 0000090 0000091 0000092 0000093 0000094 0000095 0000096 0000097 0000098 0000099 ''' \
'''000009a 000009b 000009c 000009d 000009e 000009f 00000a0 00000a1 00000a2 00000a3 00000a4 00000a5 00000a6 00000a7 ''' \
'''00000a8 00000a9 00000aa 00000ab 00000ac 00000ad 00000ae 00000af 00000b0 00000b1 00000b2 00000b3 00000b4 00000b5 ''' \
'''00000b6 00000b7 00000b8 00000b9 00000ba 00000bb 00000bc 00000bd 00000be 00000bf 00000c0 00000c1 00000c2 00000c3 ''' \
'''00000c4 00000c5 00000c6 00000c7 00000c8 00000c9 00000ca 00000cb 00000cc 00000cd 00000ce 00000cf 00000d0 00000d1 ''' \
'''00000d2 00000d3 00000d4 00000d5 00000d6 00000d7 00000d8 00000d9 00000da 00000db 00000dc 00000dd 00000de 00000df ''' \
'''00000e0 00000e1 00000e2 00000e3 00000e4 00000e5 00000e6 00000e7 00000e8 00000e9 00000ea 00000eb 00000ec 00000ed ''' \
'''00000ee 00000ef 00000f0 00000f1 00000f2 00000f3 00000f4 00000f5 00000f6 00000f7 00000f8 00000f9 00000fa 00000fb ''' \
'''00000fc 00000fd 00000fe 00000ff'''
def validate_json(schema_json, replay_json):
Validate the replay file against the provided schema.
jsonschema.validate(instance=replay_json, schema=schema_json)
except jsonschema.ValidationError as e:
print("The replay file does not validate against the schema: {}".format(e))
return False
return True
def verify_there_was_a_transaction(replay_json):
Verify that the replay file has a sensible looking transaction.
transactions = replay_json['sessions'][0]['transactions']
except KeyError:
print("The replay file did not have transactions in it.")
return False
if len(transactions) < 1:
print("There are no transactions in the replay file.")
return False
transaction = transactions[0]
if not ('client-request' in transaction and 'proxy-response' in transaction):
print("There was not request and response in the transaction of the replay file.")
return False
return True
def verify_request_target(replay_json, request_target):
Verify that the 'url' element of the first transaction contains the request target.
url = replay_json['sessions'][0]['transactions'][0]['client-request']['url']
except KeyError:
print("The replay file did not have a first transaction with a url element.")
return False
if url != request_target:
print("Mismatched request target. Expected: {}, received: {}".format(request_target, url))
return False
return True
def verify_client_request_size(replay_json, client_request_size):
Verify that the 'url' element of the first transaction contains the request target.
size = int(replay_json['sessions'][0]['transactions'][0]['client-request']['content']['size'])
except KeyError:
print("The replay file did not have content size element in the first client-request.")
return False
if size != client_request_size:
print("Mismatched client-request request size. Expected: {}, received: {}".format(
client_request_size, size))
return False
return True
def verify_sensitive_fields_not_dumped(replay_json, sensitive_fields):
Verify that all of the cookie fields have the expected value.
message_types = ['client-request', 'proxy-request', 'server-response', 'proxy-response']
for session in replay_json['sessions']:
for transaction in session['transactions']:
for message_type in transaction:
if message_type not in message_types:
message = transaction[message_type]
for field in message['headers']['fields']:
field_name = field[0].lower()
if field_name in sensitive_fields:
field_value = field[1]
if field_value not in expected_sensitive_value:
print("Found an unexpected cookie: {}: {}".format(field[0], field[1]))
return False
except KeyError:
print("Could not find headers in the replay file.")
return False
return True
def verify_protocols_helper(replay_json, expected_protocols, is_client):
if is_client:
protocol_node = replay_json['sessions'][0]['protocol']
protocol_node = replay_json['sessions'][0]['transactions'][0]['proxy-request']['protocol']
dumped_protocols = ''
is_first_protocol = True
for protocol in protocol_node:
if not is_first_protocol:
dumped_protocols += ","
is_first_protocol = False
dumped_protocols += protocol['name']
if dumped_protocols == expected_protocols:
return True
host_name = "client" if is_client else "server"
print('Unexpected protocol {} stack. Expected: "{}", found: "{}".'.format(
host_name, expected_protocols, dumped_protocols))
return False
except KeyError:
print("Could not find {} protocol stack node in the replay file.".format(host_name))
return False
def verify_client_protocols(replay_json, expected_protocols):
return verify_protocols_helper(replay_json, expected_protocols, is_client=True)
def verify_server_protocols(replay_json, expected_protocols):
return verify_protocols_helper(replay_json, expected_protocols, is_client=False)
def get_tls_features(replay_json, is_client):
session = replay_json['sessions'][0]
if is_client:
protocol_parent = session['protocol']
protocol_parent = session['transactions'][0]['proxy-request']['protocol']
for protocol in protocol_parent:
if protocol['name'] == "tls":
return protocol
raise KeyError('The "tls" protocol node was not found.')
def verify_tls_features(expected_tls_features, found_tls_features):
for expected_tls_feature in expected_tls_features.split(','):
expected_key, expected_value = expected_tls_feature.split(':')
found_value = found_tls_features[expected_key]
except KeyError:
print("Could not find tls feature in the replay file: {}".format(expected_key))
return False
value_matches = False
if isinstance(found_value, bool) or (found_value in ('true', 'false')):
if expected_value.lower() == "false":
expected_value = False
elif expected_value.lower() == "true":
expected_value = True
raise ValueError("Cannot convert expected value to a boolean: {}, found: {}".format(
expected_value, found_value))
if found_value == 'true':
found_value = True
elif found_value == 'false':
found_value = False
value_matches = found_value == bool(expected_value)
elif isinstance(found_value, str):
value_matches = found_value == expected_value
elif isinstance(found_value, int):
value_matches = found_value == int(expected_value)
raise ValueError("Cannot determine type of found value: {}".format(
if not value_matches:
print('Mismatched value for "{}", expected "{}", received "{}"'.format(
expected_key, expected_value, found_value))
return False
return True
def verify_client_tls_features(replay_json, expected_tls_features):
tls_features = get_tls_features(replay_json, is_client=True)
except KeyError:
print("Could not find client tls node in the replay file.")
return False
if not verify_tls_features(expected_tls_features, tls_features):
print('Failed to verify client tls features in "{}"'.format(
return False
return True
def verify_server_tls_features(replay_json, expected_tls_features):
tls_features = get_tls_features(replay_json, is_client=False)
except KeyError:
print("Could not find server tls node in the replay file.")
return False
if not verify_tls_features(expected_tls_features, tls_features):
print('Failed to verify server tls features in "{}"'.format(
return False
return True
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help="The schema in which to interpret validate the replay file.")
help="The replay file to validate.")
help="The request target ('url' element) to expect in the replay file.")
help="The expected size value in the client-request node.")
help="The fields that are considered sensitive and replaced with insensitive values.")
help="The comma-separated sequence of protocols to expect for the client connection.")
help="The comma-separated sequence of protocols to expect for the server connection.")
help="The TLS values to expect for the client connection.")
help="The TLS values to expect for the server connection.")
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
args = parse_args()
schema_json = json.load(args.schema_file)
replay_json = json.load(args.replay_file)
if not validate_json(schema_json, replay_json):
return 1
# Verifying that there is a transaction in the replay file may seem
# unnecessary since the replay file validated against the schema. But a JSON
# file that doesn't have conflicting entry names will pass the schema. For
# instance, this passes against our replay schema:
# {"name": "Bob", "languages": ["English", "French"]}
# Thus we do the following sanity check to make sure that the replay file
# appears to have some transaction in it.
if not verify_there_was_a_transaction(replay_json):
return 1
if args.request_target and not verify_request_target(replay_json, args.request_target):
return 1
if args.client_request_size and not verify_client_request_size(replay_json, args.client_request_size):
return 1
if args.sensitive_fields and not verify_sensitive_fields_not_dumped(replay_json, args.sensitive_fields):
return 1
if args.client_protocols and not verify_client_protocols(replay_json, args.client_protocols):
return 1
if args.server_protocols and not verify_server_protocols(replay_json, args.server_protocols):
return 1
if args.client_tls_features and not verify_client_tls_features(replay_json, args.client_tls_features):
return 1
if args.server_tls_features and not verify_server_tls_features(replay_json, args.server_tls_features):
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':