blob: 2911d72a7ab12d75f5142b80ccf45ce7aee8a56e [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
Traffic Server SDK API header file
@section license License
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
@section developers Developers
Developers, when adding a new element to an enum, append it. DO NOT
insert it. Otherwise, binary compatibility of plugins will be broken!
#pragma once
#if !defined(__cplusplus) || __cplusplus < 201703L
#error "Must compile ATS plugin code with C++ version 17 or later."
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include "tsutil/DbgCtl.h"
#include "ts/apidefs.h"
class DiagsConfigState;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Memory */
void *_TSmalloc(size_t size, const char *path);
void *_TSrealloc(void *ptr, size_t size, const char *path);
char *_TSstrdup(const char *str, int64_t length, const char *path);
size_t TSstrlcpy(char *dst, const char *str, size_t siz);
size_t TSstrlcat(char *dst, const char *str, size_t siz);
void TSfree(void *ptr);
inline void *
TSmalloc(size_t s)
return _TSmalloc(s, TS_RES_MEM_PATH);
inline void *
TSrealloc(void *p, size_t s)
return _TSrealloc(p, s, TS_RES_MEM_PATH);
inline char *
TSstrdup(const char *p)
return _TSstrdup(p, -1, TS_RES_MEM_PATH);
inline char *
TSstrndup(const char *p, int64_t n)
return _TSstrdup(p, n, TS_RES_MEM_PATH);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Component object handles */
Releases the TSMLoc mloc created from the TSMLoc parent.
If there is no parent TSMLoc, use TS_NULL_MLOC.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the TSMLoc handle to be
@param parent location of the parent object from which the handle
was created.
@param mloc location of the handle to be released.
TSReturnCode TSHandleMLocRelease(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc parent, TSMLoc mloc);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Install and plugin locations */
Gets the path of the directory in which Traffic Server is installed.
Use this function to specify the location of files that the
plugin uses.
@return pointer to Traffic Server install directory.
const char *TSInstallDirGet(void);
Gets the path of the directory of Traffic Server configuration.
@return pointer to Traffic Server configuration directory.
const char *TSConfigDirGet(void);
Gets the path of the directory of Traffic Server runtime.
@return pointer to Traffic Server runtime directory.
const char *TSRuntimeDirGet(void);
Gets the path of the plugin directory relative to the Traffic Server
install directory. For example, to open the file "config_ui.txt" in
the plugin directory:
@return pointer to plugin directory relative to Traffic Server install
const char *TSPluginDirGet(void);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Traffic Server Version */
Gets the version of Traffic Server currently running. Use this
function to make sure that the plugin version and Traffic Server
version are compatible. See the SDK sample code for usage.
@return pointer to version of Traffic Server running the plugin.
const char *TSTrafficServerVersionGet(void);
/** Get the major version of Traffic Server currently running.
This is the same as the first element of the string
returned by @c TSTrafficServerVersionGet
@return The major version as an integer.
int TSTrafficServerVersionGetMajor(void);
/** Get the minor version of Traffic Server currently running.
This is the same as the second element of the string
returned by @c TSTrafficServerVersionGet
@return The minor version as an integer.
int TSTrafficServerVersionGetMinor(void);
/** Get the patch version of Traffic Server currently running.
This is the same as the third element of the string
returned by @c TSTrafficServerVersionGet
@return The patch version as an integer.
int TSTrafficServerVersionGetPatch(void);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Plugin registration */
This function registers your plugin with a particular version
of Traffic Server SDK. Use this function to make sure that the
Traffic Server version currently running also supports your plugin.
See the SDK sample code for usage.
@param plugin_info contains registration information about your
plugin. See TSPluginRegistrationInfo.
@return TS_ERROR if the plugin registration failed.
TSReturnCode TSPluginRegister(const TSPluginRegistrationInfo *plugin_info);
This function provides the ability to enable/disable programmatically
the plugin dynamic reloading when the same Dynamic Shared Object (DSO)
is also used as a remap plugin. This overrides `proxy.config.plugin.dynamic_reload_mode`
configuration variable.
@param enabled boolean flag. 0/false will disable the reload on the caller plugin.
@return TS_ERROR if the function is not called from within TSPluginInit or if TS is
unable to get the canonical path from the plugin's path. TS_SUCCESS otherwise.
@note This function should be called from within TSPluginInit
TSReturnCode TSPluginDSOReloadEnable(int enabled);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Files */
Opens a file for reading or writing and returns a descriptor for
accessing the file. The current implementation cannot open a file
for both reading or writing. See the SDK Programmer's Guide for
sample code.
@param filename file to be opened.
@param mode specifies whether to open the file for reading or
writing. If mode is "r" then the file is opened for reading.
If mode is "w" then the file is opened for writing. Currently
"r" and "w" are the only two valid modes for opening a file.
@return descriptor for the file that TSfopen opens. Descriptors of
type TSFile can be greater than 256.
TSFile TSfopen(const char *filename, const char *mode);
Closes the file to which filep points and frees the data structures
and buffers associated with it. If the file was opened for writing,
any pending data is flushed.
@param filep file to be closed.
void TSfclose(TSFile filep);
Attempts to read length bytes of data from the file pointed to by
filep into the buffer buf.
@param filep name of the file to read from.
@param buf buffer to read into.
@param length amount of data to read, in bytes.
@return number of bytes read. If end of the file, it returns 0.
If the file was not opened for reading or if an error occurs
while reading the file, it returns -1.
ssize_t TSfread(TSFile filep, void *buf, size_t length);
Attempts to write length bytes of data from the buffer buf
to the file filep. Make sure that filep is open for writing.
You might want to check the number of bytes written (TSfwrite()
returns this value) against the value of length. If it is less,
there might be insufficient space on disk, for example.
@param filep file to write into.
@param buf buffer containing the data to be written.
@param length amount of data to write to filep, in bytes.
@return number of bytes written to filep. If the file was not
opened for writing, it returns -1. If an error occurs while
writing, it returns the number of bytes successfully written.
ssize_t TSfwrite(TSFile filep, const void *buf, size_t length);
Flushes pending data that has been buffered up in memory from
previous calls to TSfwrite().
@param filep file to flush.
void TSfflush(TSFile filep);
Reads a line from the file pointed to by filep into the buffer buf.
Lines are terminated by a line feed character, '\n'. The line
placed in the buffer includes the line feed character and is
terminated with a null. If the line is longer than length bytes
then only the first length-minus-1 bytes are placed in buf.
@param filep file to read from.
@param buf buffer to read into.
@param length size of the buffer to read into.
@return pointer to the string read into the buffer buf.
char *TSfgets(TSFile filep, char *buf, size_t length);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Error logging */
Writes printf-style error messages to the Traffic Server error
log. One advantage of TSError over printf is that each call is
atomically placed into the error log and is not garbled with other
error entries. This is not an issue in single-threaded programs
but is a definite nuisance in multi-threaded programs.
@param fmt printf format description.
@param ... argument for the printf format description.
Note: Your log monitoring (e.g. Splunk) needs to alert Ops of log
messages that contain ' ALERT: ' or ' EMERGENCY: ', these require
immediate attention.
void TSStatus(const char *fmt, ...) TS_PRINTFLIKE(1, 2); // Log information
void TSNote(const char *fmt, ...) TS_PRINTFLIKE(1, 2); // Log significant information
void TSWarning(const char *fmt, ...) TS_PRINTFLIKE(1, 2); // Log concerning information
void TSError(const char *fmt, ...) TS_PRINTFLIKE(1, 2); // Log operational failure, fail CI
void TSFatal(const char *fmt, ...) TS_PRINTFLIKE(1, 2); // Log recoverable crash, fail CI, exit & restart
void TSAlert(const char *fmt, ...) TS_PRINTFLIKE(1, 2); // Log recoverable crash, fail CI, exit & restart, Ops attention
void TSEmergency(const char *fmt, ...) TS_PRINTFLIKE(1, 2); // Log unrecoverable crash, fail CI, exit, Ops attention
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Assertions */
void _TSReleaseAssert(const char *txt, const char *f, int l) TS_NORETURN;
int _TSAssert(const char *txt, const char *f, int l);
#define TSReleaseAssert(EX) ((void)((EX) ? (void)0 : _TSReleaseAssert(#EX, __FILE__, __LINE__)))
#define TSAssert(EX) (void)((EX) || (_TSAssert(#EX, __FILE__, __LINE__)))
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Marshal buffers */
Creates a new marshal buffer and initializes the reference count
to 1.
TSMBuffer TSMBufferCreate(void);
Ignores the reference count and destroys the marshal buffer bufp.
The internal data buffer associated with the marshal buffer is
also destroyed if the marshal buffer allocated it.
@param bufp marshal buffer to be destroyed.
TSReturnCode TSMBufferDestroy(TSMBuffer bufp);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
URLs */
Creates a new URL within the marshal buffer bufp. Returns a
location for the URL within the marshal buffer.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the new URL.
@param locp pointer to a TSMLoc to store the MLoc into.
TSReturnCode TSUrlCreate(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc *locp);
Copies the URL located at src_url within src_bufp to a URL
location within the marshal buffer dest_bufp, and returns the
TSMLoc location of the copied URL. Unlike TSUrlCopy(), you do
not have to create the destination URL before cloning. Release
the returned TSMLoc handle with a call to TSHandleMLocRelease().
@param dest_bufp marshal buffer containing the cloned URL.
@param src_bufp marshal buffer containing the URL to be cloned.
@param src_url location of the URL to be cloned, within the marshal
buffer src_bufp.
@param locp pointer to a TSMLoc to store the MLoc into.
TSReturnCode TSUrlClone(TSMBuffer dest_bufp, TSMBuffer src_bufp, TSMLoc src_url, TSMLoc *locp);
Copies the contents of the URL at location src_loc within the
marshal buffer src_bufp to the location dest_loc within the marshal
buffer dest_bufp. TSUrlCopy() works correctly even if src_bufp
and dest_bufp point to different marshal buffers. Important: create
the destination URL before copying into it. Use TSUrlCreate().
@param dest_bufp marshal buffer to contain the copied URL.
@param dest_offset location of the URL to be copied.
@param src_bufp marshal buffer containing the source URL.
@param src_offset location of the source URL within src_bufp.
TSReturnCode TSUrlCopy(TSMBuffer dest_bufp, TSMLoc dest_offset, TSMBuffer src_bufp, TSMLoc src_offset);
Formats a URL stored in an TSMBuffer into an TSIOBuffer.
@param bufp marshal buffer contain the URL to be printed.
@param offset location of the URL within bufp.
@param iobufp destination TSIOBuffer for the URL.
void TSUrlPrint(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, TSIOBuffer iobufp);
Parses a URL. The start pointer is both an input and an output
parameter and marks the start of the URL to be parsed. After
a successful parse, the start pointer equals the end pointer.
The end pointer must be one byte after the last character you
want to parse. The URL parsing routine assumes that everything
between start and end is part of the URL. It is up to higher level
parsing routines, such as TSHttpHdrParseReq(), to determine the
actual end of the URL. Returns TS_PARSE_ERROR if an error occurs,
otherwise TS_PARSE_DONE is returned to indicate success.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL to be parsed.
@param offset location of the URL to be parsed.
@param start points to the start of the URL to be parsed AND at
the end of a successful parse it will equal the end pointer.
@param end must be one byte after the last character.
TSParseResult TSUrlParse(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char **start, const char *end);
Calculates the length of the URL located at url_loc within the
marshal buffer bufp if it were returned as a string. This length
is the same as the length returned by TSUrlStringGet().
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL whose length you want.
@param offset location of the URL within the marshal buffer bufp.
@return string length of the URL.
int TSUrlLengthGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
Constructs a string representation of the URL located at url_loc
within bufp. TSUrlStringGet() stores the length of the allocated
string in the parameter length. This is the same length that
TSUrlLengthGet() returns. The returned string is allocated by a
call to TSmalloc(). It should be freed by a call to TSfree().
The length parameter must be present, providing storage for the
URL string length value.
Note: To get the effective URL from a request, use the alternative
TSHttpTxnEffectiveUrlStringGet or
TSHttpHdrEffectiveUrlBufGet APIs.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL you want to get.
@param offset location of the URL within bufp.
@param length string length of the URL.
@return The URL as a string.
char *TSUrlStringGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int *length);
Retrieves the scheme portion of the URL located at url_loc within
the marshal buffer bufp. TSUrlSchemeGet() places the length of
the string in the length argument. If the length is null then no
attempt is made to dereference it.
@param bufp marshal buffer storing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL within bufp.
@param length length of the returned string.
@return The scheme portion of the URL, as a string.
const char *TSUrlRawSchemeGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int *length);
Retrieves the scheme portion of the URL located at url_loc within
the marshal buffer bufp. TSUrlSchemeGet() places the length of
the string in the length argument. If the length is null then no
attempt is made to dereference it. If there is no explicit scheme,
a scheme of http is returned if the URL type is HTTP, and a scheme
of https is returned if the URL type is HTTPS.
@param bufp marshal buffer storing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL within bufp.
@param length length of the returned string.
@return The scheme portion of the URL, as a string.
const char *TSUrlSchemeGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int *length);
Sets the scheme portion of the URL located at url_loc within
the marshal buffer bufp to the string value. If length is -1
then TSUrlSchemeSet() assumes that value is null-terminated.
Otherwise, the length of the string value is taken to be length.
TSUrlSchemeSet() copies the string to within bufp, so it is OK
to modify or delete value after calling TSUrlSchemeSet().
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL.
@param value value to set the URL's scheme to.
@param length string stored in value.
TSReturnCode TSUrlSchemeSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char *value, int length);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Internet specific URLs */
Retrieves the user portion of the URL located at url_loc
within bufp. Note: the returned string is not guaranteed to
be null-terminated.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL.
@param length length of the returned string.
@return user portion of the URL.
const char *TSUrlUserGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int *length);
Sets the user portion of the URL located at url_loc within bufp
to the string value. If length is -1 then TSUrlUserSet() assumes
that value is null-terminated. Otherwise, the length of the string
value is taken to be length. TSUrlUserSet() copies the string to
within bufp, so it is OK to modify or delete value after calling
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL whose user is to be set.
@param value holds the new user name.
@param length string length of value.
TSReturnCode TSUrlUserSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char *value, int length);
Retrieves the password portion of the URL located at url_loc
within bufp. TSUrlPasswordGet() places the length of the returned
string in the length argument. Note: the returned string is
not guaranteed to be null-terminated.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset
@param length of the returned password string.
@return password portion of the URL.
const char *TSUrlPasswordGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int *length);
Sets the password portion of the URL located at url_loc within
bufp to the string value. If length is -1 then TSUrlPasswordSet()
assumes that value is null-terminated. Otherwise, the length
of value is taken to be length. TSUrlPasswordSet() copies the
string to within bufp, so it is okay to modify or delete value
after calling TSUrlPasswordSet().
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset
@param value new password.
@param length of the new password.
TSReturnCode TSUrlPasswordSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char *value, int length);
Retrieves the host portion of the URL located at url_loc
within bufp. Note: the returned string is not guaranteed to be
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL.
@param length of the returned string.
@return Host portion of the URL.
const char *TSUrlHostGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int *length);
Sets the host portion of the URL at url_loc to the string value.
If length is -1 then TSUrlHostSet() assumes that value is
null-terminated. Otherwise, the length of the string value is
taken to be length. The string is copied to within bufp, so you
can modify or delete value after calling TSUrlHostSet().
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL to modify.
@param offset location of the URL.
@param value new host name for the URL.
@param length string length of the new host name of the URL.
TSReturnCode TSUrlHostSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char *value, int length);
Returns the port portion of the URL located at url_loc if explicitly present,
otherwise the canonical port for the URL.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL.
@return port portion of the URL.
int TSUrlPortGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
Returns the port portion of the URL located at url_loc if explicitly present,
otherwise 0.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL.
@return port portion of the URL.
int TSUrlRawPortGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
Sets the port portion of the URL located at url_loc.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL.
@param port new port setting for the URL.
TSReturnCode TSUrlPortSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int port);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HTTP specific URLs */
Retrieves the path portion of the URL located at url_loc within
bufp. TSUrlPathGet() places the length of the returned string in
the length argument. Note: the returned string is not guaranteed to
be null-terminated.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL.
@param length of the returned string.
@return path portion of the URL.
const char *TSUrlPathGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int *length);
Sets the path portion of the URL located at url_loc within bufp
to the string value. If length is -1 then TSUrlPathSet() assumes
that value is null-terminated. Otherwise, the length of the value
is taken to be length. TSUrlPathSet() copies the string into bufp,
so you can modify or delete value after calling TSUrlPathSet().
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL.
@param value new path string for the URL.
@param length of the new path string.
TSReturnCode TSUrlPathSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char *value, int length);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
FTP specific URLs */
Retrieves the FTP type of the URL located at url_loc within bufp.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL.
@return FTP type of the URL.
int TSUrlFtpTypeGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
Sets the FTP type portion of the URL located at url_loc within
bufp to the value type.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL to modify.
@param type new FTP type for the URL.
TSReturnCode TSUrlFtpTypeSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int type);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HTTP specific URLs */
Retrieves the HTTP params portion of the URL located at url_loc
within bufp. The length of the returned string is in the length
argument. Note: the returned string is not guaranteed to be
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL.
@param length of the returned string.
@return HTTP params portion of the URL.
const char *TSUrlHttpParamsGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int *length);
Sets the HTTP params portion of the URL located at url_loc within
bufp to the string value. If length is -1 that TSUrlHttpParamsSet()
assumes that value is null-terminated. Otherwise, the length of
the string value is taken to be length. TSUrlHttpParamsSet()
copies the string to within bufp, so you can modify or delete
value after calling TSUrlHttpParamsSet().
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL.
@param value HTTP params string to set in the URL.
@param length string length of the new HTTP params value.
TSReturnCode TSUrlHttpParamsSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char *value, int length);
Retrieves the HTTP query portion of the URL located at url_loc
within bufp. The length of the returned string is in the length
argument. Note: the returned string is not guaranteed to be
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL.
@param length of the returned string.
@return HTTP query portion of the URL.
const char *TSUrlHttpQueryGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int *length);
Sets the HTTP query portion of the URL located at url_loc within
bufp to value. If length is -1, the string value is assumed to
be null-terminated; otherwise, the length of value is taken to be
length. TSUrlHttpQuerySet() copies the string to within bufp, so
you can modify or delete value after calling TSUrlHttpQuerySet().
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL within bufp.
@param value new HTTP query string for the URL.
@param length of the new HTTP query string.
TSReturnCode TSUrlHttpQuerySet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char *value, int length);
Retrieves the HTTP fragment portion of the URL located at url_loc
within bufp. The length of the returned string is in the length
argument. Note: the returned string is not guaranteed to be
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL.
@param length of the returned string.
@return HTTP fragment portion of the URL.
const char *TSUrlHttpFragmentGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int *length);
Sets the HTTP fragment portion of the URL located at url_loc
within bufp to value. If length is -1, the string value is
assumed to be null-terminated; otherwise, the length of value
is taken to be length. TSUrlHttpFragmentSet() copies the string
to within bufp, so you can modify or delete value after calling
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL within bufp.
@param value new HTTP fragment string for the URL.
@param length of the new HTTP query string.
TSReturnCode TSUrlHttpFragmentSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char *value, int length);
Perform percent-encoding of the string in the buffer, storing the
new string in the destination buffer. The length parameter will be
set to the new (encoded) string length, or 0 if the encoding failed.
@param str the string buffer to encode.
@param str_len length of the string buffer.
@param dst destination buffer.
@param dst_size size of the destination buffer.
@param length amount of data written to the destination buffer.
@param map optional (can be null) map of characters to encode.
TSReturnCode TSStringPercentEncode(const char *str, int str_len, char *dst, size_t dst_size, size_t *length,
const unsigned char *map);
Similar to TSStringPercentEncode(), but works on a URL object.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the URL.
@param offset location of the URL within bufp.
@param dst destination buffer.
@param dst_size size of the destination buffer.
@param length amount of data written to the destination buffer.
@param map optional (can be null) map of characters to encode.
TSReturnCode TSUrlPercentEncode(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, char *dst, size_t dst_size, size_t *length,
const unsigned char *map);
Perform percent-decoding of the string in the buffer, writing
to the output buffer. The source and destination can be the same,
in which case they overwrite. The decoded string is always
guaranteed to be no longer than the source string.
@param str the string to decode (and possibly write to).
@param str_len length of the input string (or 0).
@param dst output buffer (can be the same as src).
@param dst_len size of the output buffer.
@param length amount of data written to the destination buffer.
TSReturnCode TSStringPercentDecode(const char *str, size_t str_len, char *dst, size_t dst_size, size_t *length);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
MIME headers */
Creates a MIME parser. The parser's data structure contains
information about the header being parsed. A single MIME
parser can be used multiple times, though not simultaneously.
Before being used again, the parser must be cleared by calling
TSMimeParser TSMimeParserCreate(void);
Clears the specified MIME parser so that it can be used again.
@param parser to be cleared.
void TSMimeParserClear(TSMimeParser parser);
Destroys the specified MIME parser and frees the associated memory.
@param parser to destroy.
void TSMimeParserDestroy(TSMimeParser parser);
Parse a MIME header date string. Candidate for deprecation in v10.0.0
time_t TSMimeParseDate(char const *const value_str, int const value_len);
Creates a new MIME header within bufp. Release with a call to
@param bufp marshal buffer to contain the new MIME header.
@param locp buffer pointer to contain the MLoc
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrCreate(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc *locp);
Destroys the MIME header located at hdr_loc within bufp.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the MIME header to destroy.
@param offset location of the MIME header.
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrDestroy(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
Copies a specified MIME header to a specified marshal buffer,
and returns the location of the copied MIME header within the
destination marshal buffer. Unlike TSMimeHdrCopy(), you do not
have to create the destination MIME header before cloning. Release
the returned TSMLoc handle with a call to TSHandleMLocRelease().
@param dest_bufp destination marshal buffer.
@param src_bufp source marshal buffer.
@param src_hdr location of the source MIME header.
@param locp where to store the location of the copied MIME header.
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrClone(TSMBuffer dest_bufp, TSMBuffer src_bufp, TSMLoc src_hdr, TSMLoc *locp);
Copies the contents of the MIME header located at src_loc
within src_bufp to the MIME header located at dest_loc within
dest_bufp. TSMimeHdrCopy() works correctly even if src_bufp and
dest_bufp point to different marshal buffers. Important: you must
create the destination MIME header before copying into it--use
@param dest_bufp is the destination marshal buffer.
@param dest_offset
@param src_bufp is the source marshal buffer.
@param src_offset
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrCopy(TSMBuffer dest_bufp, TSMLoc dest_offset, TSMBuffer src_bufp, TSMLoc src_offset);
Formats the MIME header located at hdr_loc within bufp into the
TSIOBuffer iobufp.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the header to be copied to
an TSIOBuffer.
@param offset
@param iobufp target TSIOBuffer.
void TSMimeHdrPrint(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, TSIOBuffer iobufp);
Parses a MIME header. The MIME header must have already been
allocated and both bufp and hdr_loc must point within that header.
It is possible to parse a MIME header a single byte at a time
using repeated calls to TSMimeHdrParse(). As long as an error
does not occur, TSMimeHdrParse() consumes each single byte and
asks for more.
@param parser parses the specified MIME header.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the MIME header to be parsed.
@param offset
@param start both an input and output. On input, the start
argument points to the current position of the buffer being
parsed. On return, start is modified to point past the last
character parsed.
@param end points to one byte after the end of the buffer.
@return One of 3 possible int values:
- TS_PARSE_ERROR if there is a parsing error.
- TS_PARSE_DONE is returned when a "\r\n\r\n" pattern is
encountered, indicating the end of the header.
- TS_PARSE_CONT is returned if parsing of the header stopped
because the end of the buffer was reached.
TSParseResult TSMimeHdrParse(TSMimeParser parser, TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char **start, const char *end);
Calculates the length of the MIME header located at hdr_loc if it
were returned as a string. This the length of the MIME header in
its unparsed form.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the MIME header.
@param offset location of the MIME header.
@return string length of the MIME header located at hdr_loc.
int TSMimeHdrLengthGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
Removes and destroys all the MIME fields within the MIME header
located at hdr_loc within the marshal buffer bufp.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the MIME header.
@param offset location of the MIME header.
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldsClear(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
Returns a count of the number of MIME fields within the MIME header
located at hdr_loc within the marshal buffer bufp.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the MIME header.
@param offset location of the MIME header within bufp.
@return number of MIME fields within the MIME header located
at hdr_loc.
int TSMimeHdrFieldsCount(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
Retrieves the location of a specified MIME field within the
MIME header located at hdr_loc within bufp. The idx parameter
specifies which field to retrieve. The fields are numbered from 0
to TSMimeHdrFieldsCount(bufp, hdr_loc) - 1. If idx does not lie
within that range then TSMimeHdrFieldGet returns 0. Release the
returned handle with a call to TSHandleMLocRelease.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the MIME header.
@param hdr location of the MIME header.
@param idx index of the field to get with base at 0.
@return location of the specified MIME field.
TSMLoc TSMimeHdrFieldGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, int idx);
Retrieves the TSMLoc location of a specified MIME field from within
the MIME header located at hdr. The name and length parameters
specify which field to retrieve. For each MIME field in the MIME
header, a case insensitive string comparison is done between
the field name and name. If TSMimeHdrFieldFind() cannot find the
requested field, it returns TS_NULL_MLOC. Release the returned
TSMLoc handle with a call to TSHandleMLocRelease().
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the MIME header field to find.
@param hdr location of the MIME header containing the field.
@param name of the field to retrieve.
@param length string length of the string name. If length is -1,
then name is assumed to be null-terminated.
@return location of the requested MIME field. If the field could
not be found, returns TS_NULL_MLOC.
TSMLoc TSMimeHdrFieldFind(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, const char *name, int length);
Returns the TSMLoc location of a specified MIME field from within
the MIME header located at hdr. The retrieved_str parameter
specifies which field to retrieve. For each MIME field in the
MIME header, a pointer comparison is done between the field name
and retrieved_str. This is a much quicker retrieval function
than TSMimeHdrFieldFind() since it obviates the need for a
string comparison. However, retrieved_str must be one of the
predefined field names of the form TS_MIME_FIELD_XXX for the
call to succeed. Release the returned TSMLoc handle with a call
to TSHandleMLocRelease().
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the MIME field.
@param hdr location of the MIME header containing the field.
@param retrieved_str specifies the field to retrieve. Must be
one of the predefined field names of the form TS_MIME_FIELD_XXX.
@return location of the requested MIME field. If the requested
field cannot be found, returns 0.
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldAppend(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field);
Removes the MIME field located at field within bufp from the
header located at hdr within bufp. If the specified field cannot
be found in the list of fields associated with the header then
nothing is done.
Note: removing the field does not destroy the field, it only
detaches the field, hiding it from the printed output. The field
can be reattached with a call to TSMimeHdrFieldAppend(). If you
do not use the detached field you should destroy it with a call to
TSMimeHdrFieldDestroy() and release the handle field with a call
to TSHandleMLocRelease().
@param bufp contains the MIME field to remove.
@param hdr location of the header containing the MIME field to
be removed. This header could be an HTTP header or MIME header.
@param field is the location of the field to remove.
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldRemove(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field);
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldCreate(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc *locp);
* Create a new field and assign it a name all in one call
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldCreateNamed(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc mh_mloc, const char *name, int name_len, TSMLoc *locp);
Destroys the MIME field located at field within bufp. You must
release the TSMLoc field with a call to TSHandleMLocRelease().
@param bufp contains the MIME field to be destroyed.
@param hdr location of the parent header containing the field
to be destroyed. This could be the location of a MIME header or
HTTP header.
@param field location of the field to be destroyed.
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldDestroy(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field);
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldClone(TSMBuffer dest_bufp, TSMLoc dest_hdr, TSMBuffer src_bufp, TSMLoc src_hdr, TSMLoc src_field,
TSMLoc *locp);
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldCopy(TSMBuffer dest_bufp, TSMLoc dest_hdr, TSMLoc dest_field, TSMBuffer src_bufp, TSMLoc src_hdr,
TSMLoc src_field);
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldCopyValues(TSMBuffer dest_bufp, TSMLoc dest_hdr, TSMLoc dest_field, TSMBuffer src_bufp, TSMLoc src_hdr,
TSMLoc src_field);
TSMLoc TSMimeHdrFieldNext(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field);
TSMLoc TSMimeHdrFieldNextDup(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field);
int TSMimeHdrFieldLengthGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field);
const char *TSMimeHdrFieldNameGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int *length);
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldNameSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, const char *name, int length);
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValuesClear(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field);
int TSMimeHdrFieldValuesCount(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field);
const char *TSMimeHdrFieldValueStringGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx, int *value_len_ptr);
int TSMimeHdrFieldValueIntGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx);
int64_t TSMimeHdrFieldValueInt64Get(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx);
unsigned int TSMimeHdrFieldValueUintGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx);
time_t TSMimeHdrFieldValueDateGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field);
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueStringSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx, const char *value, int length);
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueIntSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx, int value);
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueInt64Set(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx, int64_t value);
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueUintSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx, unsigned int value);
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueDateSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, time_t value);
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueAppend(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx, const char *value, int length);
/* These Insert() APIs should be considered. Use the corresponding Set() API instead */
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueStringInsert(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx, const char *value, int length);
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueIntInsert(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx, int value);
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueUintInsert(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx, unsigned int value);
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueDateInsert(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, time_t value);
TSReturnCode TSMimeHdrFieldValueDelete(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc hdr, TSMLoc field, int idx);
const char *TSMimeHdrStringToWKS(const char *str, int length);
* Print as a MIME header date string.
TSReturnCode TSMimeFormatDate(time_t const value_time, char *const value_str, int *const value_len);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HTTP headers */
TSHttpParser TSHttpParserCreate(void);
void TSHttpParserClear(TSHttpParser parser);
void TSHttpParserDestroy(TSHttpParser parser);
Parses an HTTP request header. The HTTP header must have already
been created, and must reside inside the marshal buffer bufp.
The start argument points to the current position of the string
buffer being parsed. The end argument points to one byte after the
end of the buffer to be parsed. On return, TSHttpHdrParseReq()
modifies start to point past the last character parsed.
It is possible to parse an HTTP request header a single byte at
a time using repeated calls to TSHttpHdrParseReq(). As long as
an error does not occur, the TSHttpHdrParseReq() function will
consume that single byte and ask for more.
@param parser parses the HTTP header.
@param bufp marshal buffer containing the HTTP header to be parsed.
@param offset location of the HTTP header within bufp.
@param start both an input and output. On input, it points to the
current position of the string buffer being parsed. On return,
start is modified to point past the last character parsed.
@param end points to one byte after the end of the buffer to be parsed.
@return status of the parse:
- TS_PARSE_ERROR means there was a parsing error.
- TS_PARSE_DONE means that the end of the header was reached
(the parser encountered a "\r\n\r\n" pattern).
- TS_PARSE_CONT means that parsing of the header stopped because
the parser reached the end of the buffer (large headers can
span multiple buffers).
TSParseResult TSHttpHdrParseReq(TSHttpParser parser, TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char **start, const char *end);
TSParseResult TSHttpHdrParseResp(TSHttpParser parser, TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char **start, const char *end);
TSMLoc TSHttpHdrCreate(TSMBuffer bufp);
Destroys the HTTP header located at hdr_loc within the marshal
buffer bufp. Do not forget to release the handle hdr_loc with a
call to TSHandleMLocRelease().
void TSHttpHdrDestroy(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
TSReturnCode TSHttpHdrClone(TSMBuffer dest_bufp, TSMBuffer src_bufp, TSMLoc src_hdr, TSMLoc *locp);
Copies the contents of the HTTP header located at src_loc within
src_bufp to the HTTP header located at dest_loc within dest_bufp.
TSHttpHdrCopy() works correctly even if src_bufp and dest_bufp
point to different marshal buffers. Make sure that you create the
destination HTTP header before copying into it.
Note: TSHttpHdrCopy() appends the port number to the domain
of the URL portion of the header. For example, a copy of appears as in
the destination buffer.
@param dest_bufp marshal buffer to contain the copied header.
@param dest_offset location of the copied header.
@param src_bufp marshal buffer containing the source header.
@param src_offset location of the source header.
TSReturnCode TSHttpHdrCopy(TSMBuffer dest_bufp, TSMLoc dest_offset, TSMBuffer src_bufp, TSMLoc src_offset);
void TSHttpHdrPrint(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, TSIOBuffer iobufp);
int TSHttpHdrLengthGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
TSHttpType TSHttpHdrTypeGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
TSReturnCode TSHttpHdrTypeSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, TSHttpType type);
int TSHttpHdrVersionGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
TSReturnCode TSHttpHdrVersionSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int ver);
const char *TSHttpHdrMethodGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int *length);
TSReturnCode TSHttpHdrMethodSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char *value, int length);
const char *TSHttpHdrHostGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int *length);
TSReturnCode TSHttpHdrUrlGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, TSMLoc *locp);
TSReturnCode TSHttpHdrUrlSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, TSMLoc url);
TSHttpStatus TSHttpHdrStatusGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset);
TSReturnCode TSHttpHdrStatusSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, TSHttpStatus status);
const char *TSHttpHdrReasonGet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, int *length);
TSReturnCode TSHttpHdrReasonSet(TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc offset, const char *value, int length);
const char *TSHttpHdrReasonLookup(TSHttpStatus status);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Threads */
TSThread TSThreadCreate(TSThreadFunc func, void *data);
TSThread TSThreadInit(void);
void TSThreadDestroy(TSThread thread);
void TSThreadWait(TSThread thread);
TSThread TSThreadSelf(void);
TSEventThread TSEventThreadSelf(void);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mutexes */
TSMutex TSMutexCreate(void);
void TSMutexDestroy(TSMutex mutexp);
void TSMutexLock(TSMutex mutexp);
TSReturnCode TSMutexLockTry(TSMutex mutexp);
void TSMutexUnlock(TSMutex mutexp);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
cachekey */
Creates (allocates memory for) a new cache key.
TSCacheKey TSCacheKeyCreate(void);
Generates a key for an object to be cached (written to the cache).
@param key to be associated with the cached object. Before
calling TSCacheKeySetDigest() you must create the key with
@param input string that uniquely identifies the object. In most
cases, it is the URL of the object.
@param length of the string input.
TSReturnCode TSCacheKeyDigestSet(TSCacheKey key, const char *input, int length);
TSReturnCode TSCacheKeyDigestFromUrlSet(TSCacheKey key, TSMLoc url);
Associates a host name to the cache key. Use this function if the
cache has been partitioned by hostname. The hostname tells the
cache which volume to use for the object.
@param key of the cached object.
@param hostname to associate with the cache key.
@param host_len length of the string hostname.
TSReturnCode TSCacheKeyHostNameSet(TSCacheKey key, const char *hostname, int host_len);
TSReturnCode TSCacheKeyPinnedSet(TSCacheKey key, time_t pin_in_cache);
Destroys a cache key. You must destroy cache keys when you are
finished with them, i.e. after all reads and writes are completed.
@param key to be destroyed.
TSReturnCode TSCacheKeyDestroy(TSCacheKey key);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
cache url */
TSReturnCode TSCacheUrlSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, const char *url, int length);
TSReturnCode TSCacheKeyDataTypeSet(TSCacheKey key, TSCacheDataType type);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Configuration */
unsigned int TSConfigSet(unsigned int id, void *data, TSConfigDestroyFunc funcp);
TSConfig TSConfigGet(unsigned int id);
void TSConfigRelease(unsigned int id, TSConfig configp);
void *TSConfigDataGet(TSConfig configp);
TSReturnCode TSMgmtConfigFileAdd(const char *parent, const char *fileName);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Management */
void TSMgmtUpdateRegister(TSCont contp, const char *plugin_name, const char *plugin_file_name = nullptr);
TSReturnCode TSMgmtIntGet(const char *var_name, TSMgmtInt *result);
TSReturnCode TSMgmtCounterGet(const char *var_name, TSMgmtCounter *result);
TSReturnCode TSMgmtFloatGet(const char *var_name, TSMgmtFloat *result);
TSReturnCode TSMgmtStringGet(const char *var_name, TSMgmtString *result);
TSReturnCode TSMgmtSourceGet(const char *var_name, TSMgmtSource *source);
TSReturnCode TSMgmtConfigFileAdd(const char *parent, const char *fileName);
TSReturnCode TSMgmtDataTypeGet(const char *var_name, TSRecordDataType *result);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
TSHRTime, this is a candidate for deprecation in v10.0.0 */
TSHRTime TShrtime(void);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Continuations */
TSCont TSContCreate(TSEventFunc funcp, TSMutex mutexp);
void TSContDestroy(TSCont contp);
void TSContDataSet(TSCont contp, void *data);
void *TSContDataGet(TSCont contp);
TSAction TSContScheduleOnPool(TSCont contp, TSHRTime timeout, TSThreadPool tp);
TSAction TSContScheduleOnThread(TSCont contp, TSHRTime timeout, TSEventThread ethread);
std::vector<TSAction> TSContScheduleOnEntirePool(TSCont contp, TSHRTime timeout, TSThreadPool tp);
TSAction TSContScheduleEveryOnPool(TSCont contp, TSHRTime every /* millisecs */, TSThreadPool tp);
TSAction TSContScheduleEveryOnThread(TSCont contp, TSHRTime every /* millisecs */, TSEventThread ethread);
std::vector<TSAction> TSContScheduleEveryOnEntirePool(TSCont contp, TSHRTime every /* millisecs */, TSThreadPool tp);
TSReturnCode TSContThreadAffinitySet(TSCont contp, TSEventThread ethread);
TSEventThread TSContThreadAffinityGet(TSCont contp);
void TSContThreadAffinityClear(TSCont contp);
TSAction TSHttpSchedule(TSCont contp, TSHttpTxn txnp, TSHRTime timeout);
int TSContCall(TSCont contp, TSEvent event, void *edata);
TSMutex TSContMutexGet(TSCont contp);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Plugin lifecycle hooks */
void TSLifecycleHookAdd(TSLifecycleHookID id, TSCont contp);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HTTP hooks */
void TSHttpHookAdd(TSHttpHookID id, TSCont contp);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HTTP sessions */
void TSHttpSsnHookAdd(TSHttpSsn ssnp, TSHttpHookID id, TSCont contp);
void TSHttpSsnReenable(TSHttpSsn ssnp, TSEvent event);
int TSHttpSsnTransactionCount(TSHttpSsn ssnp);
/* Get the TSVConn from a session. */
TSVConn TSHttpSsnClientVConnGet(TSHttpSsn ssnp);
TSVConn TSHttpSsnServerVConnGet(TSHttpSsn ssnp);
/* Get the TSVConn from a transaction. */
TSVConn TSHttpTxnServerVConnGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
SSL connections */
/* Re-enable an SSL connection from a hook.
This must be called exactly once before the SSL connection will resume. */
void TSVConnReenable(TSVConn sslvcp);
/* Extended version that allows for passing a status event on reenabling
void TSVConnReenableEx(TSVConn sslvcp, TSEvent event);
/* Set the connection to go into blind tunnel mode */
TSReturnCode TSVConnTunnel(TSVConn sslp);
/* Return the SSL object associated with the connection */
TSSslConnection TSVConnSslConnectionGet(TSVConn sslp);
/* Return the file descriptoer associated with the connection */
int TSVConnFdGet(TSVConn sslp);
/* Return the intermediate X509StoreCTX object that references the certificate being validated */
TSSslVerifyCTX TSVConnSslVerifyCTXGet(TSVConn sslp);
/* Fetch a SSL context from the global lookup table */
TSSslContext TSSslContextFindByName(const char *name);
TSSslContext TSSslContextFindByAddr(struct sockaddr const *);
/* Fetch SSL client contexts from the global lookup table */
TSReturnCode TSSslClientContextsNamesGet(int n, const char **result, int *actual);
TSSslContext TSSslClientContextFindByName(const char *ca_paths, const char *ck_paths);
/* Update SSL certs in internal storage from given path */
TSReturnCode TSSslClientCertUpdate(const char *cert_path, const char *key_path);
TSReturnCode TSSslServerCertUpdate(const char *cert_path, const char *key_path);
/* Update the transient secret table for SSL_CTX loading */
TSReturnCode TSSslSecretSet(const char *secret_name, int secret_name_length, const char *secret_data, int secret_data_length);
/* Returns secret with given name (not null terminted). If there is no secret with the given name, return value will
** be null and secret_data_lenght will be zero. Calling code must free data buffer by calling TSfree(). */
char *TSSslSecretGet(const char *secret_name, int secret_name_length, int *secret_data_length);
TSReturnCode TSSslSecretUpdate(const char *secret_name, int secret_name_length);
/* Create a new SSL context based on the settings in records.yaml */
TSSslContext TSSslServerContextCreate(TSSslX509 cert, const char *certname, const char *rsp_file);
void TSSslContextDestroy(TSSslContext ctx);
TSReturnCode TSSslTicketKeyUpdate(char *ticketData, int ticketDataLen);
TSAcceptor TSAcceptorGet(TSVConn sslp);
TSAcceptor TSAcceptorGetbyID(int ID);
int TSAcceptorCount();
int TSAcceptorIDGet(TSAcceptor acceptor);
TSReturnCode TSVConnProtocolDisable(TSVConn connp, const char *protocol_name);
TSReturnCode TSVConnProtocolEnable(TSVConn connp, const char *protocol_name);
/* Returns 1 if the sslp argument refers to a SSL connection */
int TSVConnIsSsl(TSVConn sslp);
/* Returns 1 if a certificate was provided in the TLS handshake, 0 otherwise.
int TSVConnProvidedSslCert(TSVConn sslp);
const char *TSVConnSslSniGet(TSVConn sslp, int *length);
TSSslSession TSSslSessionGet(const TSSslSessionID *session_id);
int TSSslSessionGetBuffer(const TSSslSessionID *session_id, char *buffer, int *len_ptr);
TSReturnCode TSSslSessionInsert(const TSSslSessionID *session_id, TSSslSession add_session, TSSslConnection ssl_conn);
TSReturnCode TSSslSessionRemove(const TSSslSessionID *session_id);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HTTP transactions */
void TSHttpTxnHookAdd(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSHttpHookID id, TSCont contp);
TSHttpSsn TSHttpTxnSsnGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
/* Gets the client request header for a specified HTTP transaction. */
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnClientReqGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer *bufp, TSMLoc *offset);
/* Gets the client response header for a specified HTTP transaction. */
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnClientRespGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer *bufp, TSMLoc *offset);
/* Gets the server request header from a specified HTTP transaction. */
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnServerReqGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer *bufp, TSMLoc *offset);
/* Gets the server response header from a specified HTTP transaction. */
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnServerRespGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer *bufp, TSMLoc *offset);
/* Gets the cached request header for a specified HTTP transaction. */
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnCachedReqGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer *bufp, TSMLoc *offset);
/* Gets the cached response header for a specified HTTP transaction. */
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnCachedRespGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer *bufp, TSMLoc *offset);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnPristineUrlGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer *bufp, TSMLoc *url_loc);
* @brief Gets the number of transactions between the Traffic Server proxy and the origin server from a single session.
* Any value greater than zero indicates connection reuse.
* @param txnp The transaction
* @return int The number of transactions between the Traffic Server proxy and the origin server from a single session
int TSHttpTxnServerSsnTransactionCount(TSHttpTxn txnp);
/** Get the effective URL for the transaction.
The effective URL is the URL taking in to account both the explicit
URL in the request and the HOST field.
A possibly non-null terminated string is returned.
@note The returned string is allocated and must be freed by the caller
after use with @c TSfree.
char *TSHttpTxnEffectiveUrlStringGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int *length /**< String length return, may be @c nullptr. */
/** Get the effective URL for in the header (if any), with the scheme and host normalized to lower case letter.
The effective URL is the URL taking in to account both the explicit
URL in the request and the HOST field.
A possibly non-null terminated string is returned.
@return TS_SUCCESS if successful, TS_ERROR if no URL in header or other error.
TSReturnCode TSHttpHdrEffectiveUrlBufGet(TSMBuffer hdr_buf, TSMLoc hdr_loc, char *buf, int64_t size, int64_t *length);
void TSHttpTxnRespCacheableSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int flag);
void TSHttpTxnReqCacheableSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int flag);
/** Set flag indicating whether or not to cache the server response for
given TSHttpTxn
@note This should be done in the HTTP_READ_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK or earlier.
@note If TSHttpTxnRespCacheableSet() is not working the way you expect,
this may be the function you should use instead.
@param txnp The transaction whose server response you do not want to store.
@param flag Set 0 to allow storing and 1 to disable storing.
@return TS_SUCCESS.
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnServerRespNoStoreSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int flag);
/** Get flag indicating whether or not to cache the server response for
given TSHttpTxn
@param txnp The transaction whose server response you do not want to store.
@return TS_SUCCESS.
bool TSHttpTxnServerRespNoStoreGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
TSReturnCode TSFetchPageRespGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer *bufp, TSMLoc *offset);
char *TSFetchRespGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int *length);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnCacheLookupStatusGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int *lookup_status);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnTransformRespGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer *bufp, TSMLoc *offset);
/** Set the @a port value for the inbound (user agent) connection in the transaction @a txnp.
This is used primarily where the connection is synthetic and therefore does not have a port.
@note @a port is in @b host @b order.
void TSHttpTxnClientIncomingPortSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int port);
/** Get client address for transaction @a txnp.
Retrieves the socket address of the remote client that has
connected to Traffic Server for transaction @a txnp. The
return structure is the generic socket address storage in
order to be address-family agnostic. The user of this function
can then go on to do the appropriate thing with the type
specified in the ss_family field of the structure whether
that be for IPv4, IPv6, or any other address family.
@return Client address for connection to client in transaction @a txnp.
struct sockaddr const *TSHttpTxnClientAddrGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
/** Get the incoming address.
@note The pointer is valid only for the current callback. Clients
that need to keep the value across callbacks must maintain their
own storage.
@return Local address of the client connection for transaction @a txnp.
struct sockaddr const *TSHttpTxnIncomingAddrGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
/** Get the outgoing address.
@note The pointer is valid only for the current callback. Clients
that need to keep the value across callbacks must maintain their
own storage.
@return Local address of the server connection for transaction @a txnp.
struct sockaddr const *TSHttpTxnOutgoingAddrGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
/** Get the origin server address.
@note The pointer is valid only for the current callback. Clients
that need to keep the value across callbacks must maintain their
own storage.
@return The address of the origin server for transaction @a txnp.
struct sockaddr const *TSHttpTxnServerAddrGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
/** Set the origin server address.
This must be invoked before the origin server address is looked up.
If called no lookup is done, the address @a addr is used instead.
@return @c TS_SUCCESS if the origin server address is set, @c TS_ERROR otherwise.
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnServerAddrSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, struct sockaddr const *addr /**< Address for origin server. */
/** Get the next hop address.
@note The pointer is valid only for the current callback. Clients
that need to keep the value across callbacks must maintain their
own storage.
@return The address of the next hop for transaction @a txnp.
struct sockaddr const *TSHttpTxnNextHopAddrGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
/** Get the next hop name.
@note The pointer is valid only for the current callback. Clients
that need to keep the value across callbacks must maintain their
own storage.
@return The name of the next hop for transaction @a txnp.
const char *TSHttpTxnNextHopNameGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
/** Get the next hop port.
Retrieves the next hop parent port.
Returns -1 if not valid.
@return The port of the next hop for transaction @a txnp.
int TSHttpTxnNextHopPortGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnClientFdGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int *fdp);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnOutgoingAddrSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, struct sockaddr const *addr);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnOutgoingTransparencySet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int flag);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnServerFdGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int *fdp);
/* TS-1008: the above TXN calls for the Client conn should work with SSN */
struct sockaddr const *TSHttpSsnClientAddrGet(TSHttpSsn ssnp);
struct sockaddr const *TSHttpSsnIncomingAddrGet(TSHttpSsn ssnp);
TSReturnCode TSHttpSsnClientFdGet(TSHttpSsn ssnp, int *fdp);
/* TS-1008 END */
/** Change packet firewall mark for the client side connection
@note The change takes effect immediately
@return TS_SUCCESS if the client connection was modified
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnClientPacketMarkSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int mark);
/** Change packet firewall mark for the server side connection
@note The change takes effect immediately, if no OS connection has been
made, then this sets the mark that will be used IF an OS connection
is established
@return TS_SUCCESS if the (future?) server connection was modified
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnServerPacketMarkSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int mark);
/** Change packet DSCP for the client side connection
@note The change takes effect immediately
@return TS_SUCCESS if the client connection was modified
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnClientPacketDscpSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int dscp);
/** Change packet DSCP for the server side connection
@note The change takes effect immediately, if no OS connection has been
made, then this sets the mark that will be used IF an OS connection
is established
@return TS_SUCCESS if the (future?) server connection was modified
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnServerPacketDscpSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int dscp);
Sets an error type body to a transaction. Note that both string arguments
must be allocated with TSmalloc() or TSstrdup(). The mimetype argument is
optional, if not provided it defaults to "text/html". Sending an empty
string would prevent setting a content type header (but that is not advised).
@param txnp HTTP transaction whose parent proxy to get.
@param buf The body message (must be heap allocated).
@param buflength Length of the body message.
@param mimetype The MIME type to set the response to (can be null, but must
be heap allocated if non-null).
void TSHttpTxnErrorBodySet(TSHttpTxn txnp, char *buf, size_t buflength, char *mimetype);
Retrives the error body, if any, from a transaction. This would be a body as set
via the API body.
@param txnp HTTP transaction whose parent proxy to get.
@param buflength Optional outpu pointer to the length of the body message.
@param mimetype Optional output pointer to the MIME type of the response.
char *TSHttpTxnErrorBodyGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, size_t *buflength, char **mimetype);
Retrieves the parent proxy hostname and port, if parent
proxying is enabled. If parent proxying is not enabled,
TSHttpTxnParentProxyGet() sets hostname to nullptr and port to -1.
@param txnp HTTP transaction whose parent proxy to get.
@param hostname of the parent proxy.
@param port parent proxy's port.
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnParentProxyGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, const char **hostname, int *port);
Sets the parent proxy name and port. The string hostname is copied
into the TSHttpTxn; you can modify or delete the string after
calling TSHttpTxnParentProxySet().
@param txnp HTTP transaction whose parent proxy to set.
@param hostname parent proxy host name string.
@param port parent proxy port to set.
void TSHttpTxnParentProxySet(TSHttpTxn txnp, const char *hostname, int port);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnParentSelectionUrlGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc obj);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnParentSelectionUrlSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc obj);
void TSHttpTxnUntransformedRespCache(TSHttpTxn txnp, int on);
void TSHttpTxnTransformedRespCache(TSHttpTxn txnp, int on);
Notifies the HTTP transaction txnp that the plugin is
finished processing the current hook. The plugin tells the
transaction to either continue (TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE) or stop
You must always reenable the HTTP transaction after the processing
of each transaction event. However, never reenable twice.
Reenabling twice is a serious error.
@param txnp transaction to be reenabled.
@param event tells the transaction how to continue:
- TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE, which means that the transaction
should continue.
- TS_EVENT_HTTP_ERROR which terminates the transaction
and sends an error to the client if no response has already
been sent.
void TSHttpTxnReenable(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSEvent event);
TSReturnCode TSHttpCacheReenable(TSCacheTxn txnp, const TSEvent event, const void *data, const uint64_t size);
/* The reserve API should only be use in TSAPI plugins, during plugin initialization!
The lookup methods can be used anytime, but are best used during initialization as well,
or at least "cache" the results for best performance. */
TSReturnCode TSUserArgIndexReserve(TSUserArgType type, const char *name, const char *description, int *arg_idx);
TSReturnCode TSUserArgIndexNameLookup(TSUserArgType type, const char *name, int *arg_idx, const char **description);
TSReturnCode TSUserArgIndexLookup(TSUserArgType type, int arg_idx, const char **name, const char **description);
void TSUserArgSet(void *data, int arg_idx, void *arg);
void *TSUserArgGet(void *data, int arg_idx);
void TSHttpTxnStatusSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSHttpStatus status);
TSHttpStatus TSHttpTxnStatusGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
void TSHttpTxnActiveTimeoutSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int timeout);
void TSHttpTxnConnectTimeoutSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int timeout);
void TSHttpTxnDNSTimeoutSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int timeout);
void TSHttpTxnNoActivityTimeoutSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int timeout);
TSServerState TSHttpTxnServerStateGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Transaction specific debugging control */
Set the transaction specific debugging flag for this transaction.
When turned on, internal debug messages related to this transaction
will be written even if the debug tag isn't on.
@param txnp transaction to change.
@param on set to 1 to turn on, 0 to turn off.
void TSHttpTxnDebugSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int on);
Returns the transaction specific debugging flag for this transaction.
@param txnp transaction to check.
@return 1 if enabled, 0 otherwise.
int TSHttpTxnDebugGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
Set the session specific debugging flag for this client session.
When turned on, internal debug messages related to this session and all transactions
in the session will be written even if the debug tag isn't on.
@param ssnp Client session to change.
@param on set to 1 to turn on, 0 to turn off.
void TSHttpSsnDebugSet(TSHttpSsn ssnp, int on);
Returns the transaction specific debugging flag for this client session.
@param txnp Client session to check.
@return 1 if enabled, 0 otherwise.
int TSHttpSsnDebugGet(TSHttpSsn ssnp, int *on);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Intercepting Http Transactions */
Allows a plugin take over the servicing of the request as though
it was the origin server. contp will be sent TS_EVENT_NET_ACCEPT.
The edata passed with TS_NET_EVENT_ACCEPT is an TSVConn just as
it would be for a normal accept. The plugin must act as if it is
an http server and read the http request and body off the TSVConn
and send an http response header and body.
TSHttpTxnIntercept() must be called be called from only
TS_HTTP_READ_REQUEST_HOOK. Using TSHttpTxnIntercept will
bypass the Traffic Server cache. If response sent by the plugin
should be cached, use TSHttpTxnServerIntercept() instead.
TSHttpTxnIntercept() primary use is allow plugins to serve data
about their functioning directly.
TSHttpTxnIntercept() must only be called once per transaction.
@param contp continuation called to handle the interception.
@param txnp transaction to be intercepted.
void TSHttpTxnIntercept(TSCont contp, TSHttpTxn txnp);
Allows a plugin take over the servicing of the request as though
it was the origin server. In the event a request needs to be
made to the server for transaction txnp, contp will be sent
is an TSVConn just as it would be for a normal accept. The plugin
must act as if it is an http server and read the http request and
body off the TSVConn and send an http response header and body.
TSHttpTxnInterceptServer() must be not be called after
the connection to the server has taken place. The last hook
last hook in that TSHttpTxnIntercept() can be called from is
TS_HTTP_READ_CACHE_HDR_HOOK. If a connection to the server is
not necessary, contp is not called.
The response from the plugin is cached subject to standard
and configured http caching rules. Should the plugin wish the
response not be cached, the plugin must use appropriate http
response headers to prevent caching. The primary purpose of
TSHttpTxnInterceptServer() is allow plugins to provide gateways
to other protocols or to allow to plugin to it's own transport for
the next hop to the server. TSHttpTxnInterceptServer() overrides
parent cache configuration.
TSHttpTxnInterceptServer() must only be called once per
@param contp continuation called to handle the interception
@param txnp transaction to be intercepted.
void TSHttpTxnServerIntercept(TSCont contp, TSHttpTxn txnp);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Initiate Http Connection */
Allows the plugin to initiate an http connection. The TSVConn the
plugin receives as the result of successful operates identically to
one created through TSNetConnect. Aside from allowing the plugin
to set the client ip and port for logging, the functionality of
TSHttpConnect() is identical to connecting to localhost on the
proxy port with TSNetConnect(). TSHttpConnect() is more efficient
than TSNetConnect() to localhost since it avoids the overhead of
passing the data through the operating system.
This returns a VConn that connected to the transaction.
@param options a TSHttpConnectPluginOptions structure that specifies options.
TSVConn TSHttpConnectPlugin(TSHttpConnectOptions *options);
/** Backwards compatible version.
This function calls This provides a @a buffer_index of 8 and a @a buffer_water_mark of 0.
@param addr Target address of the origin server.
@param tag A logging tag that can be accessed via the pitag field. May be @c nullptr.
@param id A logging id that can be access via the piid field.
TSVConn TSHttpConnectWithPluginId(struct sockaddr const *addr, const char *tag, int64_t id);
/** Backwards compatible version.
This provides a @a tag of "plugin" and an @a id of 0.
TSVConn TSHttpConnect(struct sockaddr const *addr);
Get an instance of TSHttpConnectOptions with default values.
TSHttpConnectOptions TSHttpConnectOptionsGet(TSConnectType connect_type);
Get the value of from the TSHttpTxn
TSIOBufferSizeIndex TSPluginVCIOBufferIndexGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
Get the value of from the TSHttpTxn
TSIOBufferWaterMark TSPluginVCIOBufferWaterMarkGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Initiate Transparent Http Connection */
Allows the plugin to initiate a transparent http connection. This operates
identically to TSHttpConnect except that it is treated as an intercepted
transparent connection by the session and transaction state machines.
@param client_addr the address that the resulting connection will be seen as
coming from
@param server_addr the address that the resulting connection will be seen as
attempting to connect to when intercepted
@param vc will be set to point to the new TSVConn on success.
TSVConn TSHttpConnectTransparent(struct sockaddr const *client_addr, struct sockaddr const *server_addr);
TSFetchSM TSFetchUrl(const char *request, int request_len, struct sockaddr const *addr, TSCont contp,
TSFetchWakeUpOptions callback_options, TSFetchEvent event);
void TSFetchPages(TSFetchUrlParams_t *params);
* Extended FetchSM's AIPs
* Create FetchSM, this API will enable stream IO automatically.
* @param contp: continuation to be callbacked.
* @param method: request method.
* @param url: scheme://host[:port]/path.
* @param version: client http version, eg: "HTTP/1.1".
* @param client_addr: client addr sent to log.
* @param flags: can be bitwise OR of several TSFetchFlags.
* return TSFetchSM which should be destroyed by TSFetchDestroy().
TSFetchSM TSFetchCreate(TSCont contp, const char *method, const char *url, const char *version, struct sockaddr const *client_addr,
int flags);
* Set fetch flags to FetchSM Context
* @param fetch_sm: returned value of TSFetchCreate().
* @param flags: can be bitwise OR of several TSFetchFlags.
* return void
void TSFetchFlagSet(TSFetchSM fetch_sm, int flags);
* Create FetchSM, this API will enable stream IO automatically.
* @param fetch_sm: returned value of TSFetchCreate().
* @param name: name of header.
* @param name_len: len of name.
* @param value: value of header.
* @param name_len: len of value.
* return TSFetchSM which should be destroyed by TSFetchDestroy().
void TSFetchHeaderAdd(TSFetchSM fetch_sm, const char *name, int name_len, const char *value, int value_len);
* Write data to FetchSM
* @param fetch_sm: returned value of TSFetchCreate().
* @param data/len: data to be written to fetch sm.
void TSFetchWriteData(TSFetchSM fetch_sm, const void *data, size_t len);
* Read up to *len* bytes from FetchSM into *buf*.
* @param fetch_sm: returned value of TSFetchCreate().
* @param buf/len: buffer to contain data from fetch sm.
ssize_t TSFetchReadData(TSFetchSM fetch_sm, void *buf, size_t len);
* Launch FetchSM to do http request, before calling this API,
* you should append http request header into fetch sm through
* TSFetchWriteData() API
* @param fetch_sm: comes from returned value of TSFetchCreate().
void TSFetchLaunch(TSFetchSM fetch_sm);
* Destroy FetchSM
* @param fetch_sm: returned value of TSFetchCreate().
void TSFetchDestroy(TSFetchSM fetch_sm);
* Set user-defined data in FetchSM
void TSFetchUserDataSet(TSFetchSM fetch_sm, void *data);
* Get user-defined data in FetchSM
void *TSFetchUserDataGet(TSFetchSM fetch_sm);
* Get client response hdr mbuffer
TSMBuffer TSFetchRespHdrMBufGet(TSFetchSM fetch_sm);
* Get client response hdr mloc
TSMLoc TSFetchRespHdrMLocGet(TSFetchSM fetch_sm);
/* Check if HTTP State machine is internal or not */
int TSHttpTxnIsInternal(TSHttpTxn txnp);
int TSHttpSsnIsInternal(TSHttpSsn ssnp);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HTTP alternate selection */
TSReturnCode TSHttpAltInfoClientReqGet(TSHttpAltInfo infop, TSMBuffer *bufp, TSMLoc *offset);
TSReturnCode TSHttpAltInfoCachedReqGet(TSHttpAltInfo infop, TSMBuffer *bufp, TSMLoc *offset);
TSReturnCode TSHttpAltInfoCachedRespGet(TSHttpAltInfo infop, TSMBuffer *bufp, TSMLoc *offset);
void TSHttpAltInfoQualitySet(TSHttpAltInfo infop, float quality);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Actions */
void TSActionCancel(TSAction actionp);
int TSActionDone(TSAction actionp);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
VConnections */
TSVIO TSVConnReadVIOGet(TSVConn connp);
TSVIO TSVConnWriteVIOGet(TSVConn connp);
int TSVConnClosedGet(TSVConn connp);
TSVIO TSVConnRead(TSVConn connp, TSCont contp, TSIOBuffer bufp, int64_t nbytes);
TSVIO TSVConnWrite(TSVConn connp, TSCont contp, TSIOBufferReader readerp, int64_t nbytes);
void TSVConnClose(TSVConn connp);
void TSVConnAbort(TSVConn connp, int error);
void TSVConnShutdown(TSVConn connp, int read, int write);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cache VConnections */
int64_t TSVConnCacheObjectSizeGet(TSVConn connp);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Transformations */
TSVConn TSTransformCreate(TSEventFunc event_funcp, TSHttpTxn txnp);
TSVConn TSTransformOutputVConnGet(TSVConn connp);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net VConnections */
struct sockaddr const *TSNetVConnRemoteAddrGet(TSVConn vc);
Opens a network connection to the host specified by ip on the port
specified by port. If the connection is successfully opened, contp
is called back with the event TS_EVENT_NET_CONNECT and the new
network vconnection will be passed in the event data parameter.
If the connection is not successful, contp is called back with
@return something allows you to check if the connection is complete,
or cancel the attempt to connect.
TSAction TSNetConnect(
TSCont contp, /**< continuation that is called back when the attempted net connection either succeeds or fails. */
struct sockaddr const *to /**< Address to which to connect. */
* Retrieves the continuation associated with creating the TSVConn
TSCont TSNetInvokingContGet(TSVConn conn);
* Retrieves the transaction associated with creating the TSVConn
TSHttpTxn TSNetInvokingTxnGet(TSVConn conn);
TSAction TSNetAccept(TSCont contp, int port, int domain, int accept_threads);
Attempt to attach the contp continuation to sockets that have already been
opened by the traffic Server and defined as belonging to plugins (based on
records.yaml configuration). If a connection is successfully accepted,
the TS_EVENT_NET_ACCEPT is delivered to the continuation. The event
data will be a valid TSVConn bound to the accepted connection.
In order to configure such a socket, add the "plugin" keyword to a port
in proxy.config.http.server_ports like "8082:plugin"
Transparency/IP settings can also be defined, but a port cannot have
both the "ssl" or "plugin" keywords configured.
Need to update records.yaml comments on proxy.config.http.server_ports
when this option is promoted from experimental.
TSReturnCode TSPluginDescriptorAccept(TSCont contp);
Listen on all SSL ports for connections for the specified protocol name.
TSNetAcceptNamedProtocol registers the specified protocol for all
statically configured TLS ports. When a client using the TLS Next Protocol
Negotiation extension negotiates the requested protocol, TrafficServer will
route the request to the given handler. Note that the protocol is not
registered on ports opened by other plugins.
The event and data provided to the handler are the same as for
TSNetAccept(). If a connection is successfully accepted, the event code
will be TS_EVENT_NET_ACCEPT and the event data will be a valid TSVConn
bound to the accepted connection.
Neither contp nor protocol are copied. They must remain valid for the
lifetime of the plugin.
TSNetAcceptNamedProtocol fails if the requested protocol cannot be
registered on all of the configured TLS ports. If it fails, the protocol
will not be registered on any ports (ie.. no partial failure).
TSReturnCode TSNetAcceptNamedProtocol(TSCont contp, const char *protocol);
Create a new port from the string specification used by the
proxy.config.http.server_ports configuration value.
TSPortDescriptor TSPortDescriptorParse(const char *descriptor);
Start listening on the given port descriptor. If a connection is
successfully accepted, the TS_EVENT_NET_ACCEPT is delivered to the
continuation. The event data will be a valid TSVConn bound to the accepted
TSReturnCode TSPortDescriptorAccept(TSPortDescriptor, TSCont);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
DNS Lookups */
TSAction TSHostLookup(TSCont contp, const char *hostname, size_t namelen);
/** Retrieve an address from the host lookup.
* @param lookup_result Result handle passed to event callback.
* @return A @c sockaddr with the address if successful, a @c nullptr if not.
struct sockaddr const *TSHostLookupResultAddrGet(TSHostLookupResult lookup_result);
/* TODO: Eventually, we might want something like this as well, but it requires
support for building the HostDBInfo struct:
void TSHostLookupResultSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSHostLookupResult result);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cache VConnections */
Asks the Traffic Server cache if the object corresponding to key
exists in the cache and can be read. If the object can be read,
the Traffic Server cache calls the continuation contp back with
the event TS_EVENT_CACHE_OPEN_READ. In this case, the cache also
passes contp a cache vconnection and contp can then initiate a
read operation on that vconnection using TSVConnRead.
If the object cannot be read, the cache calls contp back with
the event TS_EVENT_CACHE_OPEN_READ_FAILED. The user (contp)
has the option to cancel the action returned by TSCacheRead.
Note that reentrant calls are possible, i.e. the cache can call
back the user (contp) in the same call.
@param contp continuation to be called back if a read operation
is permissible.
@param key cache key corresponding to the object to be read.
@return something allowing the user to cancel or schedule the
cache read.
TSAction TSCacheRead(TSCont contp, TSCacheKey key);
Asks the Traffic Server cache if contp can start writing the
object (corresponding to key) to the cache. If the object
can be written, the cache calls contp back with the event
TS_EVENT_CACHE_OPEN_WRITE. In this case, the cache also passes
contp a cache vconnection and contp can then initiate a write
operation on that vconnection using TSVConnWrite. The object
is not committed to the cache until the vconnection is closed.
When all data has been transferred, the user (contp) must do
an TSVConnClose. In case of any errors, the user MUST do an
TSVConnAbort(contp, 0).
If the object cannot be written, the cache calls contp back with
the event TS_EVENT_CACHE_OPEN_WRITE_FAILED. This can happen,
for example, if there is another object with the same key being
written to the cache. The user (contp) has the option to cancel
the action returned by TSCacheWrite.
Note that reentrant calls are possible, i.e. the cache can call
back the user (contp) in the same call.
@param contp continuation that the cache calls back (telling it
whether the write operation can proceed or not).
@param key cache key corresponding to the object to be cached.
@return something allowing the user to cancel or schedule the
cache write.
TSAction TSCacheWrite(TSCont contp, TSCacheKey key);
Removes the object corresponding to key from the cache. If the
object was removed successfully, the cache calls contp back
with the event TS_EVENT_CACHE_REMOVE. If the object was not
found in the cache, the cache calls contp back with the event
In both of these callbacks, the user (contp) does not have to do
anything. The user does not get any vconnection from the cache,
since no data needs to be transferred. When the cache calls
contp back with TS_EVENT_CACHE_REMOVE, the remove has already
been committed.
@param contp continuation that the cache calls back reporting the
success or failure of the remove.
@param key cache key corresponding to the object to be removed.
@return something allowing the user to cancel or schedule the
TSAction TSCacheRemove(TSCont contp, TSCacheKey key);
TSReturnCode TSCacheReady(int *is_ready);
TSAction TSCacheScan(TSCont contp, TSCacheKey key, int KB_per_second);
/* Cache APIs that are not yet fully supported and/or frozen nor complete. */
TSReturnCode TSCacheBufferInfoGet(TSCacheTxn txnp, uint64_t *length, uint64_t *offset);
TSCacheHttpInfo TSCacheHttpInfoCreate();
void TSCacheHttpInfoReqGet(TSCacheHttpInfo infop, TSMBuffer *bufp, TSMLoc *obj);
void TSCacheHttpInfoRespGet(TSCacheHttpInfo infop, TSMBuffer *bufp, TSMLoc *obj);
void TSCacheHttpInfoReqSet(TSCacheHttpInfo infop, TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc obj);
void TSCacheHttpInfoRespSet(TSCacheHttpInfo infop, TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc obj);
void TSCacheHttpInfoKeySet(TSCacheHttpInfo infop, TSCacheKey key);
void TSCacheHttpInfoSizeSet(TSCacheHttpInfo infop, int64_t size);
int TSCacheHttpInfoVector(TSCacheHttpInfo infop, void *data, int length);
int64_t TSCacheHttpInfoSizeGet(TSCacheHttpInfo infop);
void TSVConnCacheHttpInfoSet(TSVConn connp, TSCacheHttpInfo infop);
TSCacheHttpInfo TSCacheHttpInfoCopy(TSCacheHttpInfo infop);
void TSCacheHttpInfoReqGet(TSCacheHttpInfo infop, TSMBuffer *bufp, TSMLoc *offset);
void TSCacheHttpInfoRespGet(TSCacheHttpInfo infop, TSMBuffer *bufp, TSMLoc *offset);
void TSCacheHttpInfoDestroy(TSCacheHttpInfo infop);
time_t TSCacheHttpInfoReqSentTimeGet(TSCacheHttpInfo infop);
time_t TSCacheHttpInfoRespReceivedTimeGet(TSCacheHttpInfo infop);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnCachedRespTimeGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, time_t *resp_time);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
VIOs */
void TSVIOReenable(TSVIO viop);
TSIOBuffer TSVIOBufferGet(TSVIO viop);
TSIOBufferReader TSVIOReaderGet(TSVIO viop);
int64_t TSVIONBytesGet(TSVIO viop);
void TSVIONBytesSet(TSVIO viop, int64_t nbytes);
int64_t TSVIONDoneGet(TSVIO viop);
void TSVIONDoneSet(TSVIO viop, int64_t ndone);
int64_t TSVIONTodoGet(TSVIO viop);
TSMutex TSVIOMutexGet(TSVIO viop);
TSCont TSVIOContGet(TSVIO viop);
TSVConn TSVIOVConnGet(TSVIO viop);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Buffers */
TSIOBuffer TSIOBufferCreate(void);
Creates a new TSIOBuffer of the specified size. With this function,
you can create smaller buffers than the 32K buffer created by
TSIOBufferCreate(). In some situations using smaller buffers can
improve performance.
@param index size of the new TSIOBuffer to be created.
@param new TSIOBuffer of the specified size.
TSIOBuffer TSIOBufferSizedCreate(TSIOBufferSizeIndex index);
The watermark of an TSIOBuffer is the minimum number of bytes
of data that have to be in the buffer before calling back any
continuation that has initiated a read operation on this buffer.
TSIOBufferWaterMarkGet() will provide the size of the watermark,
in bytes, for a specified TSIOBuffer.
@param bufp buffer whose watermark the function gets.
int64_t TSIOBufferWaterMarkGet(TSIOBuffer bufp);
The watermark of an TSIOBuffer is the minimum number of bytes
of data that have to be in the buffer before calling back any
continuation that has initiated a read operation on this buffer.
As a writer feeds data into the TSIOBuffer, no readers are called
back until the amount of data reaches the watermark. Setting
a watermark can improve performance because it avoids frequent
callbacks to read small amounts of data. TSIOBufferWaterMarkSet()
assigns a watermark to a particular TSIOBuffer.
@param bufp buffer whose water mark the function sets.
@param water_mark watermark setting, as a number of bytes.
void TSIOBufferWaterMarkSet(TSIOBuffer bufp, int64_t water_mark);
void TSIOBufferDestroy(TSIOBuffer bufp);
TSIOBufferBlock TSIOBufferStart(TSIOBuffer bufp);
int64_t TSIOBufferCopy(TSIOBuffer bufp, TSIOBufferReader readerp, int64_t length, int64_t offset);
Writes length bytes of data contained in the string buf to the
TSIOBuffer bufp. Returns the number of bytes of data successfully
written to the TSIOBuffer.
@param bufp is the TSIOBuffer to write into.
@param buf string to write into the TSIOBuffer.
@param length of the string buf.
@return length of data successfully copied into the buffer,
in bytes.
int64_t TSIOBufferWrite(TSIOBuffer bufp, const void *buf, int64_t length);
void TSIOBufferProduce(TSIOBuffer bufp, int64_t nbytes);
TSIOBufferBlock TSIOBufferBlockNext(TSIOBufferBlock blockp);
const char *TSIOBufferBlockReadStart(TSIOBufferBlock blockp, TSIOBufferReader readerp, int64_t *avail);
int64_t TSIOBufferBlockReadAvail(TSIOBufferBlock blockp, TSIOBufferReader readerp);
char *TSIOBufferBlockWriteStart(TSIOBufferBlock blockp, int64_t *avail);
int64_t TSIOBufferBlockWriteAvail(TSIOBufferBlock blockp);
TSIOBufferReader TSIOBufferReaderAlloc(TSIOBuffer bufp);
TSIOBufferReader TSIOBufferReaderClone(TSIOBufferReader readerp);
void TSIOBufferReaderFree(TSIOBufferReader readerp);
TSIOBufferBlock TSIOBufferReaderStart(TSIOBufferReader readerp);
void TSIOBufferReaderConsume(TSIOBufferReader readerp, int64_t nbytes);
int64_t TSIOBufferReaderAvail(TSIOBufferReader readerp);
int64_t TSIOBufferReaderCopy(TSIOBufferReader readerp, void *buf, int64_t length);
struct sockaddr const *TSNetVConnLocalAddrGet(TSVConn vc);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stats and configs based on librecords raw stats (this is preferred API until we
rewrite stats).
This is available as of Apache TS v2.2.*/
enum TSStatPersistence {
enum TSStatSync {
/* APIs to create new records.yaml configurations */
TSReturnCode TSMgmtStringCreate(TSRecordType rec_type, const char *name, const TSMgmtString data_default,
TSRecordUpdateType update_type, TSRecordCheckType check_type, const char *check_regex,
TSRecordAccessType access_type);
TSReturnCode TSMgmtIntCreate(TSRecordType rec_type, const char *name, TSMgmtInt data_default, TSRecordUpdateType update_type,
TSRecordCheckType check_type, const char *check_regex, TSRecordAccessType access_type);
/* Note that only TS_RECORDDATATYPE_INT is supported at this point. */
int TSStatCreate(const char *the_name, TSRecordDataType the_type, TSStatPersistence persist, TSStatSync sync);
void TSStatIntIncrement(int the_stat, TSMgmtInt amount);
void TSStatIntDecrement(int the_stat, TSMgmtInt amount);
/* Currently not supported. */
/* void TSStatFloatIncrement(int the_stat, float amount); */
/* void TSStatFloatDecrement(int the_stat, float amount); */
TSMgmtInt TSStatIntGet(int the_stat);
void TSStatIntSet(int the_stat, TSMgmtInt value);
/* Currently not supported. */
/* TSReturnCode TSStatFloatGet(int the_stat, float* value); */
/* TSReturnCode TSStatFloatSet(int the_stat, float value); */
TSReturnCode TSStatFindName(const char *name, int *idp);
Records.yaml file handling API.
If you need to parse a records.yaml file and need to handle each node separately then
this API should be used, an example of this would be the conf_remap plugin.
Callback function for the caller to deal with each parsed node. ``cfg`` holds
the details of the parsed field. `data` can be used to pass information along.
using TSYAMLRecNodeHandler = TSReturnCode (*)(const TSYAMLRecCfgFieldData *cfg, void *data);
Parse a YAML node following the record structure internals. On every scalar node
the @a handler callback will be invoked with the appropriate parsed fields. @a data
can be used to pass information along to every callback, this could be handy when
you need to read/set data inside the @c TSYAMLRecNodeHandler to be read at a later stage.
This will return TS_ERROR if there was an issue while parsing the file. Particular node errors
should be handled by the @c TSYAMLRecNodeHandler implementation.
TSReturnCode TSRecYAMLConfigParse(TSYaml node, TSYAMLRecNodeHandler handler, void *data);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
logging api */
The following enum values are flags, so they should be powers
of two. With the exception of TS_LOG_MODE_INVALID_FLAG, they
are all used to configure the creation of an TSTextLogObject
through the mode argument to TSTextLogObjectCreate().
TS_LOG_MODE_INVALID_FLAG is used internally to check the validity
of this argument. Insert new flags before TS_LOG_MODE_INVALID_FLAG,
and set TS_LOG_MODE_INVALID_FLAG to the largest power of two of
the enum.
enum {
This type represents a custom log file that you create with
TSTextLogObjectCreate(). Your plugin writes entries into this
log file using TSTextLogObjectWrite().
using TSTextLogObject = struct tsapi_textlogobject *;
using TSRecordDumpCb = void (*)(TSRecordType rec_type, void *edata, int registered, const char *name, TSRecordDataType data_type,
TSRecordData *datum);
void TSRecordDump(int rec_type, TSRecordDumpCb callback, void *edata);
Creates a new custom log file that your plugin can write to. You
can design the fields and inputs to the log file using the
TSTextLogObjectWrite() function. The logs you create are treated
like ordinary logs; they are rolled if log rolling is enabled.
@param filename new log file being created. The new log file
is created in the logs directory. You can specify a path to a
subdirectory within the log directory, e.g. subdir/filename,
but make sure you create the subdirectory first. If you do
not specify a file name extension, the extension ".log" is
automatically added.
@param mode is one (or both) of the following:
- TS_LOG_MODE_ADD_TIMESTAMP Whenever the plugin makes a log
entry using TSTextLogObjectWrite (see below), it prepends
the entry with a timestamp.
- TS_LOG_MODE_DO_NOT_RENAME This means that if there is a
filename conflict, Traffic Server should not attempt to rename
the custom log. The consequence of a name conflict is that the
custom log will simply not be created, e.g. suppose you call:
log = TSTextLogObjectCreate("squid" , mode, nullptr, &error);
If mode is TS_LOG_MODE_DO_NOT_RENAME, you will NOT get a new
log (you'll get a null pointer) if squid.log already exists.
If mode is not TS_LOG_MODE_DO_NOT_RENAME, Traffic Server
tries to rename the log to a new name (it will try squid_1.log).
@param new_log_obj new custom log file.
@return error code:
- TS_LOG_ERROR_NO_ERROR No error; the log object has been
created successfully.
- TS_LOG_ERROR_OBJECT_CREATION Log object not created. This
error is rare and would most likely be caused by the system
running out of memory.
- TS_LOG_ERROR_FILENAME_CONFLICTS You get this error if mode =
TS_LOG_MODE_DO_NOT_RENAME, and if there is a naming conflict.
The log object is not created.
- TS_LOG_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS Log object not created because of
a file access problem (for example, no write permission to the
logging directory, or a specified subdirectory for the log file
does not exist).
TSReturnCode TSTextLogObjectCreate(const char *filename, int mode, TSTextLogObject *new_log_obj);
Writes a printf-style formatted statement to an TSTextLogObject
(a plugin custom log).
@param the_object log object to write to. You must first create
this object with TSTextLogObjectCreate().
@param format printf-style formatted statement to be printed.
@param ... parameters in the formatted statement. A newline is
automatically added to the end.
@return one of the following errors:
- TS_LOG_ERROR_NO_ERROR Means that the write was successful.
- TS_LOG_ERROR_LOG_SPACE_EXHAUSTED Means that Traffic Server
ran out of disk space for logs. If you see this error you might
want to roll logs more often.
- TS_LOG_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR Indicates some internal problem
with a log entry (such as an entry larger than the size of the
log write buffer). This error is very unusual.
TSReturnCode TSTextLogObjectWrite(TSTextLogObject the_object, const char *format, ...) TS_PRINTFLIKE(2, 3);
This immediately flushes the contents of the log write buffer for
the_object to disk. Use this call only if you want to make sure that
log entries are flushed immediately. This call has a performance
cost. Traffic Server flushes the log buffer automatically about
every 1 second.
@param the_object custom log file whose write buffer is to be
void TSTextLogObjectFlush(TSTextLogObject the_object);
Destroys a log object and releases the memory allocated to it.
Use this call if you are done with the log.
@param the_object custom log to be destroyed.
TSReturnCode TSTextLogObjectDestroy(TSTextLogObject the_object);
Set log header.
void TSTextLogObjectHeaderSet(TSTextLogObject the_object, const char *header);
Enable/disable rolling.
@param rolling_enabled a valid proxy.config.log.rolling_enabled value.
TSReturnCode TSTextLogObjectRollingEnabledSet(TSTextLogObject the_object, int rolling_enabled);
Set the rolling interval.
void TSTextLogObjectRollingIntervalSecSet(TSTextLogObject the_object, int rolling_interval_sec);
Set the rolling offset. rolling_offset_hr specifies the hour (between 0 and 23) when log rolling
should take place.
void TSTextLogObjectRollingOffsetHrSet(TSTextLogObject the_object, int rolling_offset_hr);
Set the rolling size. rolling_size_mb specifies the size in MB when log rolling
should take place.
void TSTextLogObjectRollingSizeMbSet(TSTextLogObject the_object, int rolling_size_mb);
Async disk IO read
TSReturnCode TSAIORead(int fd, off_t offset, char *buf, size_t buffSize, TSCont contp);
Async disk IO buffer get
@return char* to the buffer
char *TSAIOBufGet(TSAIOCallback data);
Async disk IO get number of bytes
@return the number of bytes
int TSAIONBytesGet(TSAIOCallback data);
Async disk IO write
TSReturnCode TSAIOWrite(int fd, off_t offset, char *buf, size_t bufSize, TSCont contp);
Async disk IO set number of threads
TSReturnCode TSAIOThreadNumSet(int thread_num);
Check if transaction was aborted (due client/server errors etc.)
Client_abort is set as True, in case the abort was caused by the Client.
@return 1 if transaction was aborted
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnAborted(TSHttpTxn txnp, bool *client_abort);
TSVConn TSVConnCreate(TSEventFunc event_funcp, TSMutex mutexp);
TSVConn TSVConnFdCreate(int fd);
/* api functions to access stats */
/* ClientResp APIs exist as well and are exposed in PrivateFrozen */
int TSHttpTxnClientReqHdrBytesGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
int64_t TSHttpTxnClientReqBodyBytesGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
int TSHttpTxnServerReqHdrBytesGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
int64_t TSHttpTxnServerReqBodyBytesGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
int TSHttpTxnPushedRespHdrBytesGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
int64_t TSHttpTxnPushedRespBodyBytesGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
int TSHttpTxnServerRespHdrBytesGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
int64_t TSHttpTxnServerRespBodyBytesGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
int TSHttpTxnClientRespHdrBytesGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
int64_t TSHttpTxnClientRespBodyBytesGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
int TSVConnIsSslReused(TSVConn sslp);
* Allow to set the body of a POST request.
void TSHttpTxnServerRequestBodySet(TSHttpTxn txnp, char *buf, int64_t buflength);
Return the current (if set) SSL Cipher. This is still owned by the
core, and must not be free'd.
@param sslp The connection pointer
@return the SSL Cipher
const char *TSVConnSslCipherGet(TSVConn sslp);
Return the current (if set) SSL Protocol. This is still owned by the
core, and must not be free'd.
@param sslp The connection pointer
@return the SSL Protocol
const char *TSVConnSslProtocolGet(TSVConn sslp);
Return the current (if set) SSL Curve. This is still owned by the
core, and must not be free'd.
@param txnp the transaction pointer
@return the SSL Curve
const char *TSVConnSslCurveGet(TSVConn sslp);
/* NetVC timeout APIs. */
void TSVConnInactivityTimeoutSet(TSVConn connp, TSHRTime timeout);
void TSVConnInactivityTimeoutCancel(TSVConn connp);
void TSVConnActiveTimeoutSet(TSVConn connp, TSHRTime timeout);
void TSVConnActiveTimeoutCancel(TSVConn connp);
ability to skip the remap phase of the State Machine
this only really makes sense in TS_HTTP_READ_REQUEST_HDR_HOOK
void TSSkipRemappingSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int flag);
Set or get various overridable configurations, for a transaction. This should
probably be done as early as possible, e.g. TS_HTTP_READ_REQUEST_HDR_HOOK.
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnConfigIntSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSOverridableConfigKey conf, TSMgmtInt value);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnConfigIntGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSOverridableConfigKey conf, TSMgmtInt *value);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnConfigFloatSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSOverridableConfigKey conf, TSMgmtFloat value);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnConfigFloatGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSOverridableConfigKey conf, TSMgmtFloat *value);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnConfigStringSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSOverridableConfigKey conf, const char *value, int length);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnConfigStringGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSOverridableConfigKey conf, const char **value, int *length);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnConfigFind(const char *name, int length, TSOverridableConfigKey *conf, TSRecordDataType *type);
This is a generalization of the old TSHttpTxnFollowRedirect(), but gives finer
control over the behavior. Instead of using the Location: header for the new
destination, this API takes the new URL as a parameter. Calling this API
transfers the ownership of the URL from the plugin to the core, so you must
make sure it is heap allocated, and that you do not free it.
Calling this API implicitly also enables the "Follow Redirect" feature, so
there is no need to set that overridable configuration as well.
@param txnp the transaction pointer
@param url a heap allocated string with the URL
@param url_len the length of the URL
void TSHttpTxnRedirectUrlSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, const char *url, const int url_len);
Return the current (if set) redirection URL string. This is still owned by the
core, and must not be free'd.
@param txnp the transaction pointer
@param url_len_ptr a pointer to where the URL length is to be stored
@return the url string
const char *TSHttpTxnRedirectUrlGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int *url_len_ptr);
Return the number of redirection retries we have done. This starts off
at zero, and can be used to select different URLs based on which attempt this
is. This can be useful for example when providing a list of URLs to try, and
do so in order until one succeeds.
@param txnp the transaction pointer
@return the redirect try count
int TSHttpTxnRedirectRetries(TSHttpTxn txnp);
/* Get current HTTP connection stats */
int TSHttpCurrentClientConnectionsGet(void);
int TSHttpCurrentActiveClientConnectionsGet(void);
int TSHttpCurrentIdleClientConnectionsGet(void);
int TSHttpCurrentCacheConnectionsGet(void);
int TSHttpCurrentServerConnectionsGet(void);
/* ===== Http Transactions ===== */
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnCachedRespModifiableGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer *bufp, TSMLoc *offset);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnCacheLookupStatusSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int cachelookup);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnCacheLookupUrlGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc obj);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnCacheLookupUrlSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer bufp, TSMLoc obj);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnPrivateSessionSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int private_session);
const char *TSHttpTxnCacheDiskPathGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int *length);
int TSHttpTxnBackgroundFillStarted(TSHttpTxn txnp);
int TSHttpTxnIsWebsocket(TSHttpTxn txnp);
/* Get the Txn's (HttpSM's) unique identifier, which is a sequence number since server start) */
uint64_t TSHttpTxnIdGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
/* Get the Ssn's unique identifier */
int64_t TSHttpSsnIdGet(TSHttpSsn ssnp);
/* Expose internal Base64 Encoding / Decoding */
TSReturnCode TSBase64Decode(const char *str, size_t str_len, unsigned char *dst, size_t dst_size, size_t *length);
TSReturnCode TSBase64Encode(const char *str, size_t str_len, char *dst, size_t dst_size, size_t *length);
/* Get milestone timers, useful for measuring where we are spending time in the transaction processing */
Return the particular milestone timer for the transaction. If 0 is returned, it means
the transaction has not yet reached that milestone. Asking for an "unknown" milestone is
an error.
@param txnp the transaction pointer
@param milestone the requested milestone timer
was created.
@param time a pointer to a TSHRTime where we will store the timer
@return @c TS_SUCCESS if the milestone is supported, TS_ERROR otherwise
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnMilestoneGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMilestonesType milestone, TSHRTime *time);
Test whether a request / response header pair would be cacheable under the current
configuration. This would typically be used in TS_HTTP_READ_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK, when
you have both the client request and server response ready.
@param txnp the transaction pointer
@param request the client request header. If null, use the transactions client request.
@param response the server response header. If null, use the transactions origin response.
@return 1 if the request / response is cacheable, 0 otherwise
int TSHttpTxnIsCacheable(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer request, TSMBuffer response);
Get the maximum age in seconds as indicated by the origin server.
This would typically be used in TS_HTTP_READ_RESPONSE_HDR_HOOK, when you have
the server response ready.
@param txnp the transaction pointer
@param response the server response header. If null, use the transactions origin response.
@return the age in seconds if specified by Cache-Control, -1 otherwise
int TSHttpTxnGetMaxAge(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMBuffer response);
Return a string representation for a TSServerState value. This is useful for plugin debugging.
@param state the value of this TSServerState
@return the string representation of the state
const char *TSHttpServerStateNameLookup(TSServerState state);
Return a string representation for a TSHttpHookID value. This is useful for plugin debugging.
@param hook the value of this TSHttpHookID
@return the string representation of the hook ID
const char *TSHttpHookNameLookup(TSHttpHookID hook);
Return a string representation for a TSEvent value. This is useful for plugin debugging.
@param event the value of this TSHttpHookID
@return the string representation of the event
const char *TSHttpEventNameLookup(TSEvent event);
/* APIs for dealing with UUIDs, either self made, or the system wide process UUID. See
TSUuid TSUuidCreate(void);
TSReturnCode TSUuidInitialize(TSUuid uuid, TSUuidVersion v);
void TSUuidDestroy(TSUuid uuid);
TSReturnCode TSUuidCopy(TSUuid dest, const TSUuid src);
const char *TSUuidStringGet(const TSUuid uuid);
TSUuidVersion TSUuidVersionGet(const TSUuid uuid);
TSReturnCode TSUuidStringParse(TSUuid uuid, const char *uuid_str);
TSReturnCode TSClientRequestUuidGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, char *uuid_str);
/* Get the process global UUID, resets on every startup */
TSUuid TSProcessUuidGet(void);
Returns the plugin_tag.
const char *TSHttpTxnPluginTagGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
* Return information about the client protocols.
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnClientProtocolStackGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int count, const char **result, int *actual);
TSReturnCode TSHttpSsnClientProtocolStackGet(TSHttpSsn ssnp, int count, const char **result, int *actual);
const char *TSHttpTxnClientProtocolStackContains(TSHttpTxn txnp, char const *tag);
const char *TSHttpSsnClientProtocolStackContains(TSHttpSsn ssnp, char const *tag);
const char *TSNormalizedProtocolTag(char const *tag);
const char *TSRegisterProtocolTag(char const *tag);
* Return information about the server protocols.
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnServerProtocolStackGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int count, const char **result, int *actual);
const char *TSHttpTxnServerProtocolStackContains(TSHttpTxn txnp, char const *tag);
// If, for the given transaction, the URL has been remapped, this function puts the memory location of the "from" URL object in
// the variable pointed to by urlLocp, and returns TS_SUCCESS. (The URL object will be within memory allocated to the
// transaction object.) Otherwise, the function returns TS_ERROR.
TSReturnCode TSRemapFromUrlGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMLoc *urlLocp);
// If, for the given transaction, the URL has been remapped, this function puts the memory location of the "to" URL object in the
// variable pointed to by urlLocp, and returns TS_SUCCESS. (The URL object will be within memory allocated to the transaction
// object.) Otherwise, the function returns TS_ERROR.
TSReturnCode TSRemapToUrlGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSMLoc *urlLocp);
// Get some plugin details from the TSRemapPluginInfo
void *TSRemapDLHandleGet(TSRemapPluginInfo plugin_info);
// Override response behavior, and hard-set the state machine for whether to succeed or fail, and how.
void TSHttpTxnResponseActionSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSResponseAction *action);
// Get the overridden response behavior set by previously called plugins.
void TSHttpTxnResponseActionGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSResponseAction *action);
* Get a TSIOBufferReader to read the buffered body. The return value needs to be freed.
TSIOBufferReader TSHttpTxnPostBufferReaderGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
* @brief Get the client error received from the transaction
* @param txnp The transaction where the error code is stored
* @param error_class Either session/connection or stream/transaction error
* @param error_code Error code received from the client
void TSHttpTxnClientReceivedErrorGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, uint32_t *error_class, uint64_t *error_code);
* @brief Get the client error sent from the transaction
* @param txnp The transaction where the error code is stored
* @param error_class Either session/connection or stream/transaction error
* @param error_code Error code sent to the client
void TSHttpTxnClientSentErrorGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, uint32_t *error_class, uint64_t *error_code);
* @brief Get the server error received from the transaction
* @param txnp The transaction where the error code is stored
* @param error_class Either session/connection or stream/transaction error
* @param error_code Error code sent from the server
void TSHttpTxnServerReceivedErrorGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, uint32_t *error_class, uint64_t *error_code);
* @brief Get the server error sent from the transaction
* @param txnp The transaction where the error code is stored
* @param error_class Either session/connection or stream/transaction error
* @param error_code Error code sent to the server
void TSHttpTxnServerSentErrorGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, uint32_t *error_class, uint64_t *error_code);
* Initiate an HTTP/2 Server Push preload request.
* Use this api to register a URL that you want to preload with HTTP/2 Server Push.
* @param url the URL string to preload.
* @param url_len the length of the URL string.
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnServerPush(TSHttpTxn txnp, const char *url, int url_len);
/** Retrieve the client side stream id for the stream of which the
* provided transaction is a part.
* @param[in] txnp The Transaction for which the stream id should be retrieved.
* @param[out] stream_id The stream id for this transaction.
* @return TS_ERROR if a stream id cannot be retrieved for the given
* transaction given its protocol. For instance, if txnp is an HTTP/1.1
* transaction, then a TS_ERROR will be returned because HTTP/1.1 does not
* implement streams.
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnClientStreamIdGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, uint64_t *stream_id);
/** Retrieve the client side priority for the stream of which the
* provided transaction is a part.
* @param[in] txnp The Transaction for which the stream id should be retrieved.
* @param[out] priority The priority for the stream in this transaction.
* @return TS_ERROR if a priority cannot be retrieved for the given
* transaction given its protocol. For instance, if txnp is an HTTP/1.1
* transaction, then a TS_ERROR will be returned because HTTP/1.1 does not
* implement stream priorities.
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnClientStreamPriorityGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSHttpPriority *priority);
* Returns TS_SUCCESS if hostname is this machine, as used for parent and remap self-detection.
* Returns TS_ERROR if hostname is not this machine.
TSReturnCode TSHostnameIsSelf(const char *hostname, size_t hostname_len);
* Gets the status of hostname in the outparam status, and the status reason in the outparam reason.
* The reason is a logical-or combination of the reasons in TSHostStatusReason.
* If either outparam is null, it will not be set and no error will be returned.
* Returns TS_SUCCESS if the hostname was a parent and existed in the HostStatus, else TS_ERROR.
TSReturnCode TSHostStatusGet(const char *hostname, const size_t hostname_len, TSHostStatus *status, unsigned int *reason);
* Sets the status of hostname in status, down_time, and reason.
* The reason is a logical-or combination of the reasons in TSHostStatusReason.
void TSHostStatusSet(const char *hostname, const size_t hostname_len, TSHostStatus status, const unsigned int down_time,
const unsigned int reason);
* Set or get various HTTP Transaction control settings.
bool TSHttpTxnCntlGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSHttpCntlType ctrl);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnCntlSet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSHttpCntlType ctrl, bool data);
* JSONRPC callback signature for method calls.
using TSRPCMethodCb = void (*)(const char *id, TSYaml params);
* JSONRPC callback signature for notification calls
using TSRPCNotificationCb = void (*)(TSYaml params);
* @brief Method to perform a registration and validation when a plugin is expected to handle JSONRPC calls.
* @note YAMLCPP The JSONRPC library will only provide binary compatibility within the life-span of a major release. Plugins must
* check-in if they intent to handle RPC commands, passing their yamlcpp library version this function will validate it against
* the one used internally in TS.
* @param provider_name The name of the provider.
* @param provider_len The length of the provider string.
* @param yamlcpp_lib_version a string with the yamlcpp library version.
* @param yamlcpp_lib_len The length of the yamlcpp_lib_len string.
* @return A new TSRPCProviderHandle, nullptr if the yamlcpp_lib_version was not set, or the yamlcpp version does not match with
* the one used internally in TS. The returned TSRPCProviderHandle will be set with the provider's name. The caller should pass
* the returned TSRPCProviderHandle object to each subsequent TSRPCRegisterMethod/Notification* call.
TSRPCProviderHandle TSRPCRegister(const char *provider_name, size_t provider_len, const char *yamlcpp_lib_version,
size_t yamlcpp_lib_len);
* @brief Add new registered method handler to the JSON RPC engine.
* @param name Call name to be exposed by the RPC Engine, this should match the incoming request. i.e: If you register 'get_stats'
* then the incoming jsonrpc call should have this very same name in the 'method' field. .. {...'method':
* 'get_stats'...} .
* @param name_len The length of the name string.
* @param callback The function to be registered. See @c TSRPCMethodCb
* @param info TSRPCProviderHandle pointer, this will be used to provide more context information about this call. This object
* ideally should be the one returned by the TSRPCRegister API.
* @param opt Pointer to @c TSRPCHandlerOptions object. This will be used to store specifics about a particular call, the rpc
* manager will use this object to perform certain actions. A copy of this object wil be stored by the rpc manager.
* @return TS_SUCCESS if the handler was successfully registered, TS_ERROR if the handler is already registered.
TSReturnCode TSRPCRegisterMethodHandler(const char *name, size_t name_len, TSRPCMethodCb callback, TSRPCProviderHandle info,
const TSRPCHandlerOptions *opt);
* @brief Add new registered notification handler to the JSON RPC engine.
* @param name Call name to be exposed by the RPC Engine, this should match the incoming request. i.e: If you register 'get_stats'
* then the incoming jsonrpc call should have this very same name in the 'method' field. .. {...'method':
* 'get_stats'...} .
* @param name_len The length of the name string.
* @param callback The function to be registered. See @c TSRPCNotificationCb
* @param info TSRPCProviderHandle pointer, this will be used to provide more description for instance, when logging before or
* after a call. This object ideally should be the one returned by the TSRPCRegister API.
* @param opt Pointer to @c TSRPCHandlerOptions object. This will be used to store specifics about a particular call, the rpc
* manager will use this object to perform certain actions. A copy of this object wil be stored by the rpc manager.
* @return TS_SUCCESS if the handler was successfully registered, TS_ERROR if the handler is already registered.
TSReturnCode TSRPCRegisterNotificationHandler(const char *name, size_t name_len, TSRPCNotificationCb callback,
TSRPCProviderHandle info, const TSRPCHandlerOptions *opt);
* @brief Function to notify the JSONRPC engine that the current handler is done working.
* This function must be used when implementing a 'method' rpc handler. Once the work is done and the response is ready to be sent
* back to the client, this function should be called. Is expected to set the YAML node as response. If the response is empty a
* 'success' message will be added to the client's response.
* @note This should not be used if you registered your handler as a notification: @c TSRPCNotificationCb
* @param resp The YAML node that contains the call response.
* @return TS_SUCCESS if no issues. TS_ERROR otherwise.
TSReturnCode TSRPCHandlerDone(TSYaml resp);
* @brief Function to notify the JSONRPC engine that the current handler is done working and an error has arisen.
* @note This should not be used if you registered your handler as a notification: @c TSRPCNotificationCb
* call.
* @param code Error code.
* @param descr A text with a description of the error.
* @param descr_len The length of the description string.
* @note The @c code and @c descr will be part of the @c 'data' field in the jsonrpc error response.
* @return TS_SUCCESS if no issues. TS_ERROR otherwise.
TSReturnCode TSRPCHandlerError(int code, const char *descr, size_t descr_len);
/** Do another cache lookup with a different cache key.
* @param txnp Transaction.
* @param url URL to use for cache key.
* @param length Length of the string in @a url
* @return @c TS_SUCCESS on success, @c TS_ERROR if the @a txnp is invalid or the @a url is
* not a valid URL.
* If @a length is negative, @c strlen will be used to determine the length of @a url.
* @a url must be syntactically a URL, but otherwise it is just a string and does not need to
* be retrievable.
* This can only be called in a @c TS_HTTP_CACHE_LOOKUP_COMPLETE_HOOK callback. To set the cache
* key for the first lookup, use @c TSCacheUrlSet.
* @see TSCacheUrlSet
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnRedoCacheLookup(TSHttpTxn txnp, const char *url, int length);
/* IP addr parsing. This is a candidate for deprecation in v10.0.0, in favor of libswoc */
TSReturnCode TSIpStringToAddr(const char *str, size_t str_len, struct sockaddr *addr);
* Return information about the type of the transaction. Is it a tunnel transaction or fully parsed?
* If tunneled is it due to parse failures and TR_PASS or is it due to an explicit configuration.
* @param[in] txnp The Transaction for which the type should be retrieved.
* @return enun value of type TSTxnType
TSTxnType TSHttpTxnTypeGet(TSHttpTxn txnp);
/* Get Arbitrary Txn info such as cache lookup details etc as defined in TSHttpTxnInfoKey */
Return the particular txn info requested.
@param txnp the transaction pointer
@param key the requested txn info.
@param TSMgmtInt a pointer to a integer where the return value is stored
@return @c TS_SUCCESS if the requested info is supported, TS_ERROR otherwise
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnInfoIntGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSHttpTxnInfoKey key, TSMgmtInt *value);
/* Get Arbitrary Ssn info such as total transaction count etc as defined in TSHttpSsnInfoKey */
Return the particular ssn info requested.
@param ssnp the transaction pointer
@param key the requested ssn info.
@param TSMgmtInt a pointer to a integer where the return value is stored
@return @c TS_SUCCESS if the requested info is supported, TS_ERROR otherwise
TSReturnCode TSHttpSsnInfoIntGet(TSHttpSsn ssnp, TSHttpSsnInfoKey key, TSMgmtInt *value, uint64_t sub_key = 0);
* TSHttpTxnCacheLookupCountGet
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnCacheLookupCountGet(TSHttpTxn txnp, int *lookup_count);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnServerRespIgnore(TSHttpTxn txnp);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnShutDown(TSHttpTxn txnp, TSEvent event);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnCloseAfterResponse(TSHttpTxn txnp, int should_close);
int TSHttpTxnClientReqIsServerStyle(TSHttpTxn txnp);
TSReturnCode TSHttpTxnUpdateCachedObject(TSHttpTxn txnp);
Opens a network connection to the host specified by the 'to' sockaddr
spoofing the client addr to equal the 'from' sockaddr.
If the connection is successfully opened, contp
is called back with the event TS_EVENT_NET_CONNECT and the new
network vconnection will be passed in the event data parameter.
If the connection is not successful, contp is called back with
Note: It is possible to receive TS_EVENT_NET_CONNECT
even if the connection failed, because of the implementation of
network sockets in the underlying operating system. There is an
exception: if a plugin tries to open a connection to a port on
its own host machine, then TS_EVENT_NET_CONNECT is sent only
if the connection is successfully opened. In general, however,
your plugin needs to look for an TS_EVENT_VCONN_WRITE_READY to
be sure that the connection is successfully opened.
@return TSAction which allows you to check if the connection is complete,
or cancel the attempt to connect.
TSAction TSNetConnectTransparent(
TSCont contp, /**< continuation that is called back when the attempted net connection either succeeds or fails. */
struct sockaddr const *from, /**< Address to spoof as connection origin */
struct sockaddr const *to /**< Address to which to connect. */
Allocates contiguous, aligned, raw (no construction) memory for a given number number of instances of type T.
@return Pointer to raw (in spite of pointer type) memory for first instance.
template <typename T>
T *
TSRalloc(size_t count = 1 /**< Number of instances of T to allocate storage for. */
return static_cast<std::remove_cv_t<T> *>(TSmalloc(count * sizeof(T)));