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     <div class="row content">
       <div class="twelvecol">
         <div id="content">
-          <p>The latest stable release of Apache Traffic Server is v9.1.0, released on 2021-08-17.
-In addition, we continue to support the v8.1.x LTS release train, currently v8.1.2,
-which was released on 2021-06-24. We follow the <a href="">Semantic Versioning</a>
+          <p>The latest stable release of Apache Traffic Server is v9.1.1, released on 2021-11-2.
+In addition, we continue to support the v8.1.x LTS release train, currently v8.1.3,
+which was released on 2021-11-02. We follow the <a href="">Semantic Versioning</a>
 scheme. The goal is to release patch releases frequently, and minor releases as needed.
 Within the major versions, all such patch and minor releases are all compatible.</p>
 <p>When downloading from a mirror, please be sure to <a href="">verify the hash and OpenPGP
@@ -72,25 +72,25 @@
 will be needed.  You can also
 <a href="">browse through all releases</a>
 and hash signatures.</p>
-<h1 id='current-v9x-release-910-910'>Current v9.x Release -- 9.1.0 <a href='#current-v9x-release-910-910' title='Permanent link to this' class='headerlink'>&para;</a></h1>
-<p>Apache Traffic Server v9.1.0 was released on August 17th, 2021.
- [<a href=""><code>PGP</code></a>]
- [<a href=""><code>SHA512</code></a>]</p>
-<p><a href=""
- class="download_ts">Traffic Server 9.1.0</a></p>
+<h1 id='current-v9x-release-911-911'>Current v9.x Release -- 9.1.1 <a href='#current-v9x-release-911-911' title='Permanent link to this' class='headerlink'>&para;</a></h1>
+<p>Apache Traffic Server v9.1.0 was released on November 2nd, 2021.
+ [<a href=""><code>PGP</code></a>]
+ [<a href=""><code>SHA512</code></a>]</p>
+<p><a href=""
+ class="download_ts">Traffic Server 9.1.1</a></p>
 <p>v9.1.0 is our latest stable release. Additional details for this release are in the
-<a href="">CHANGELOG</a>
-and the the related <a href="">Github Issues and PRs</a>.</p>
+<a href="">CHANGELOG</a>
+and the the related <a href="">Github Issues and PRs</a>.</p>
 <p>For details on the v9.x release, please see
 <a href="">9.0.x News</a>. There are also
 details about <a href="">upgrading to 9.x</a>.</p>
-<h1 id='current-v8x-release-812-812'>Current v8.x Release -- 8.1.2 <a href='#current-v8x-release-812-812' title='Permanent link to this' class='headerlink'>&para;</a></h1>
-<p>Apache Traffic Server v8.1.2 was released on June 24th, 2020.
- [<a href=""><code>PGP</code></a>]
- [<a href=""><code>SHA512</code></a>]</p>
-<p><a href="" class="download_ts">Traffic Server 8.1.2</a></p>
+<h1 id='current-v8x-release-813-813'>Current v8.x Release -- 8.1.3 <a href='#current-v8x-release-813-813' title='Permanent link to this' class='headerlink'>&para;</a></h1>
+<p>Apache Traffic Server v8.1.3 was released on November 2nd, 2021.
+ [<a href=""><code>PGP</code></a>]
+ [<a href=""><code>SHA512</code></a>]</p>
+<p><a href="" class="download_ts">Traffic Server 8.1.3</a></p>
 <p>v8.1.2 is our current stable release in the previous release train. Additional details for this release are in the
-<a href="">CHANGELOG</a>
+<a href="">CHANGELOG</a>
 and the the related <a href="">Github Issues and PRs</a>.</p>
 <p>For details on the v8.0.x release, please see
 <a href="'s+New+in+v8.0.x">8.0.x News</a>. There are also
diff --git a/content/index.html b/content/index.html
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       <div id="blurbbox">
+          <li><b>November 2, 2021:</b>We are releasing both v9.1.1 and v8.1.3 which include security fixes. We recommend everyone to upgrade to one of these versions of ATS.</li>
           <li><b>August 17, 2021:</b>We are releasing both v9.1.0, which is our next current release.</li>
           <li><b>June 24, 2021:</b>We are releasing both v9.0.2 and v8.1.1 which include security fixes. We recommend everyone to upgrade to one of these versions of ATS.</li>
           <li><b>April 16, 2021:</b>We are pleased to announce v9.0.1, which is bug-fix release on the v9.x LTS train.</li>
           <li><b>December 14, 2020:</b>We are pleased to announce the first release of ATS v9.0.0, which is our new LTS release cycle. It's available for immediate downloads from the regular Downloads page.</li>
           <li><b>December 2, 2020:</b>We are releasing both v8.1.1 and v7.1.12 which include bug fixes. We recommend everyone to upgrade to one of these versions of ATS.</b>
           <li><b>August 29, 2020:</b>We are pleased to announce the availability of our latest stable release, v8.1.0! This is a significant bug and performance improvement over the last v8.0.x release, and this is also our current LTS train. No new release for 8.0.x is planned.</li>
-          <li><b>June 23, 2020:</b>We are releasing both v8.0.8 and v7.1.11 which include bug fixes.  We recommend everyone to upgrade to one of these versions of ATS.</li>
-          <li><b>Apr 16, 2020:</b>We are releasing both v8.0.7 and v7.1.10 which include bug fixes.  We recommend everyone to upgrade to one of these versions of ATS.</li>
-          <li><b>Feb 29, 2020:</b>We are releasing both v8.0.6 and v7.1.9 which include bug fixes.  We recommend everyone to upgrade to one of these versions of ATS.</li>