blob: ca76e54c469964dda8d534f88c8f36abb131774e [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package watcher
import (
v1beta1 ""
// IgHandler implements EventHandler
type IgHandler struct {
ResourceName string
Ep *endpoint.Endpoint
func (g *IgHandler) Add(obj interface{}) {
log.Printf("\n\nIn INGRESS_HANDLER ADD %#v \n\n", obj)
func (g *IgHandler) add(obj interface{}) {
ingressObj, ok := obj.(*v1beta1.Ingress)
if !ok {
log.Println("In HandlerIngress Add; cannot cast to *v1beta1.Ingress")
namespace := ingressObj.GetNamespace()
ingressClass, _ := util.ExtractIngressClass(ingressObj.GetAnnotations())
if !g.Ep.NsManager.IncludeNamespace(namespace) || !g.Ep.ATSManager.IncludeIngressClass(ingressClass) {
log.Println("Namespace not included or Ingress Class not matched")
// add the script before adding route
snippet, snippetErr := util.ExtractServerSnippet(ingressObj.GetAnnotations())
if snippetErr == nil {
name := ingressObj.GetName()
version := ingressObj.GetResourceVersion()
nameversion := util.ConstructNameVersionString(namespace, name, version)
g.Ep.RedisClient.DBOneSAdd(nameversion, snippet)
tlsHosts := make(map[string]string)
for _, ingressTLS := range ingressObj.Spec.TLS {
for _, tlsHost := range ingressTLS.Hosts {
tlsHosts[tlsHost] = "1"
for _, ingressRule := range ingressObj.Spec.Rules {
host := ingressRule.Host
scheme := "http"
if _, ok := tlsHosts[host]; ok {
scheme = "https"
for _, httpPath := range ingressRule.HTTP.Paths {
path := httpPath.Path
hostPath := util.ConstructHostPathString(scheme, host, path)
service := httpPath.Backend.ServiceName
port := httpPath.Backend.ServicePort.String()
svcport := util.ConstructSvcPortString(namespace, service, port)
g.Ep.RedisClient.DBOneSAdd(hostPath, svcport)
if snippetErr == nil {
name := ingressObj.GetName()
version := ingressObj.GetResourceVersion()
nameversion := util.ConstructNameVersionString(namespace, name, version)
g.Ep.RedisClient.DBOneSAdd(hostPath, nameversion)
// Update for EventHandler
func (g *IgHandler) Update(obj, newObj interface{}) {
log.Printf("\n\nIn INGRESS_HANDLER UPDATE %#v \n\n", newObj)
g.update(obj, newObj)
func (g *IgHandler) update(obj, newObj interface{}) {
ingressObj, ok := obj.(*v1beta1.Ingress)
if !ok {
log.Println("In HandlerIngress Update; cannot cast to *v1beta1.Ingress")
newIngressObj, ok := newObj.(*v1beta1.Ingress)
if !ok {
log.Println("In HandlerIngress Update; cannot cast to *v1beta1.Ingress")
m := make(map[string]string)
namespace := ingressObj.GetNamespace()
ingressClass, _ := util.ExtractIngressClass(ingressObj.GetAnnotations())
if g.Ep.NsManager.IncludeNamespace(namespace) && g.Ep.ATSManager.IncludeIngressClass(ingressClass) {
log.Println("Old Namespace included")
_, snippetErr := util.ExtractServerSnippet(ingressObj.GetAnnotations())
tlsHosts := make(map[string]string)
for _, ingressTLS := range ingressObj.Spec.TLS {
for _, tlsHost := range ingressTLS.Hosts {
tlsHosts[tlsHost] = "1"
for _, ingressRule := range ingressObj.Spec.Rules {
host := ingressRule.Host
scheme := "http"
if _, ok := tlsHosts[host]; ok {
scheme = "https"
for _, httpPath := range ingressRule.HTTP.Paths {
path := httpPath.Path
hostPath := util.ConstructHostPathString(scheme, host, path)
g.Ep.RedisClient.DBOneSUnionStore("temp_"+hostPath, hostPath)
m["temp_"+hostPath] = hostPath
service := httpPath.Backend.ServiceName
port := httpPath.Backend.ServicePort.String()
svcport := util.ConstructSvcPortString(namespace, service, port)
g.Ep.RedisClient.DBOneSRem("temp_"+hostPath, svcport)
if snippetErr == nil {
name := ingressObj.GetName()
version := ingressObj.GetResourceVersion()
nameversion := util.ConstructNameVersionString(namespace, name, version)
g.Ep.RedisClient.DBOneSRem("temp_"+hostPath, nameversion)
newNamespace := ingressObj.GetNamespace()
newIngressClass, _ := util.ExtractIngressClass(ingressObj.GetAnnotations())
if g.Ep.NsManager.IncludeNamespace(newNamespace) && g.Ep.ATSManager.IncludeIngressClass(newIngressClass) {
log.Println("New Namespace included")
newSnippet, newSnippetErr := util.ExtractServerSnippet(newIngressObj.GetAnnotations())
if newSnippetErr == nil {
newName := newIngressObj.GetName()
newVersion := newIngressObj.GetResourceVersion()
newNameversion := util.ConstructNameVersionString(newNamespace, newName, newVersion)
g.Ep.RedisClient.DBOneSAdd(newNameversion, newSnippet)
newTlsHosts := make(map[string]string)
for _, newIngressTLS := range newIngressObj.Spec.TLS {
for _, newTlsHost := range newIngressTLS.Hosts {
newTlsHosts[newTlsHost] = "1"
for _, ingressRule := range newIngressObj.Spec.Rules {
host := ingressRule.Host
scheme := "http"
if _, ok := newTlsHosts[host]; ok {
scheme = "https"
for _, httpPath := range ingressRule.HTTP.Paths {
path := httpPath.Path
hostPath := util.ConstructHostPathString(scheme, host, path)
service := httpPath.Backend.ServiceName
port := httpPath.Backend.ServicePort.String()
svcport := util.ConstructSvcPortString(namespace, service, port)
g.Ep.RedisClient.DBOneSAdd("temp_"+hostPath, svcport)
m["temp_"+hostPath] = hostPath
if newSnippetErr == nil {
newName := newIngressObj.GetName()
newVersion := newIngressObj.GetResourceVersion()
newNameversion := util.ConstructNameVersionString(newNamespace, newName, newVersion)
g.Ep.RedisClient.DBOneSAdd("temp_"+hostPath, newNameversion)
for key, value := range m {
g.Ep.RedisClient.DBOneSUnionStore(value, key)
// Delete for EventHandler
func (g *IgHandler) Delete(obj interface{}) {
log.Printf("\n\nIn INGRESS_HANDLER DELETE %#v \n\n", obj)
// Helper for Deletes
func (g *IgHandler) delete(obj interface{}) {
ingressObj, ok := obj.(*v1beta1.Ingress)
if !ok {
log.Println("In HandlerIngress Delete; cannot cast to *v1beta1.Ingress")
namespace := ingressObj.GetNamespace()
ingressClass, _ := util.ExtractIngressClass(ingressObj.GetAnnotations())
if !g.Ep.NsManager.IncludeNamespace(namespace) || !g.Ep.ATSManager.IncludeIngressClass(ingressClass) {
log.Println("Namespace not included or Ingress Class not matched")
_, snippetErr := util.ExtractServerSnippet(ingressObj.GetAnnotations())
tlsHosts := make(map[string]string)
for _, ingressTLS := range ingressObj.Spec.TLS {
for _, tlsHost := range ingressTLS.Hosts {
tlsHosts[tlsHost] = "1"
for _, ingressRule := range ingressObj.Spec.Rules {
host := ingressRule.Host
scheme := "http"
if _, ok := tlsHosts[host]; ok {
scheme = "https"
for _, httpPath := range ingressRule.HTTP.Paths {
path := httpPath.Path
hostPath := util.ConstructHostPathString(scheme, host, path)
service := httpPath.Backend.ServiceName
port := httpPath.Backend.ServicePort.String()
svcport := util.ConstructSvcPortString(namespace, service, port)
g.Ep.RedisClient.DBOneSRem(hostPath, svcport)
if snippetErr == nil {
name := ingressObj.GetName()
version := ingressObj.GetResourceVersion()
nameversion := util.ConstructNameVersionString(namespace, name, version)
g.Ep.RedisClient.DBOneSRem(hostPath, nameversion)
// GetResourceName returns the resource name
func (g *IgHandler) GetResourceName() string {
return g.ResourceName