blob: 3439c3f08c1e9700036e1082b37b298bce3e3156 [file] [log] [blame]
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
image ''
registryUrl ''
label 'docker'
// We need host networking for clang-format to download
args '--network host'
stages {
stage('Clone') {
steps {
dir('src') {
echo "${sha1}"
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM',
branches: [[name: sha1]],
extensions: [],
userRemoteConfigs: [[url: github_url, refspec: '+refs/pull/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*']]])
sh 'head -1 README'
echo 'Finished Cloning'
stage('Build') {
steps {
echo 'Starting build'
dir('src') {
sh '''#!/bin/bash
git grep -IE ' +$' | fgrep -v '.gold:'
if [ "1" != "$?" ]; then
echo "Error: Trailing whitespaces are not allowed!"
echo "Error: Please run: git grep -IE ' +$'"
exit 1
echo "Success! No trailing whitespace"
git grep -IE $'\r$' | fgrep -v 'lib/yamlcpp'
if [ "1" != "$?" ]; then
echo "Error: Please make sure to run dos2unix on the above file(s)"
exit 1
echo "Success! No DOS carriage return"
set -x
autoreconf -if && ./configure && make clang-format
[ "0" != "$?" ] && exit 1
# Only enforce autopep8 on branches where the pre-commit hook was updated to
# check it. Otherwise, none of the PRs for older branches will pass this check.
if grep -q autopep8 tools/git/pre-commit; then
make autopep8
[ "0" != "$?" ] && exit 1
git diff --exit-code
[ "0" != "$?" ] && exit 1
# Normal exit
exit 0
post {
cleanup {