blob: 80ec690e10be09af74a490ff781a85e8e62b1114 [file] [log] [blame]
# @(#) 1.5.4 ( 05/20/96
# AUTHOR: Leif Hedstrom <>
# clean [ -adefmnpruvFT] [-i [yn]] [-s string] [names ...]
# 21-Jul-1991 Leif Initial version
# 23-Mar-1992 Leif Bugs, makeregexp, framemaker, -b option, ver 1.1
# 5-Apr-1992 Leif Added -a and -n option, ver 1.2
# 26-Sep-1993 Leif Added -u and cleaned man page, ver 1.3
# 25-Jan-1994 Leif Fixed NFS mount points traversal, fixed a bug in
# answer, added -T, cleaned up, ver 1.4
# 5-Feb-1994 Leif Added -m for deleted MH files, performance boost,
# ignore symbolic links, ver. 1.5
# 22-Oct-1994 Leif Fixed %-bug, ver. 1.5.1
# 16-Jan-1995 Leif Works with Perl ver. 5.000 now.
# 22-Jan-1995 Leif Added `-c' option, and changed `%' matching.
# 20-May-1996 Leif Added `-e' switch, to remove emacs .save files. I
# also moved the other emacs regexp's to $emexp.
# 14-Mar-2012 Leif Wow, I've used this tool for 21 years... It finally
# broke, sort of, with the deprecation of
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
use Getopt::Std;
# Global variables.
$USAGE = "clean [ -acdefmnprtvuFT] [-i [yn]] [-s string] [names ...]";
$stdexp = '[^%]*\%$|^core$';
$emexp = '^\.saves-[0-9]+|.*\~$|^\#.*\#$';
$texexp = '.*\.(cp|fn|ky|pg|tp|vr|aux|log|toc|fns)$';
$sysexp = '^\.nfs.*';
$framexp = '.*\.backup$|.*\.lck';
$mhexp = '^[,#][0-9]+$';
%anslist = ('^[yY]([eE][sS])?$', 1, '^[Nn]([oO])?$', 0);
# Subroutines.
sub answer { # answer(STR prompt, STR default)
local($regexp); # STR: Holds a reg. exp.
local($retval); # INT: Return value of reg. exp.
local($value) = -1; # INT: Calculated return value
print $_[0];
chop($_ = <>);
$_ = $_[1] if /^$/o; # Default choice
while(($regexp, $retval) = each %anslist){
$value = $retval if $_ =~ /$regexp/ ;
return $value;
sub makeregexp { # makeregexp(STR regexp)
$_ = "^core$|" if $opt_c;
$_ = "$stdexp|" if $opt_d || $opt_a;
$_ .= "$texexp|" if $opt_t || $opt_a;
$_ .= "$framexp|" if $opt_f || $opt_a;
$_ .= "$sysexp|" if $opt_u || $opt_a;
$_ .= "$mhexp|" if $opt_m || $opt_a;
$_ .= "$emexp|" if $opt_e || $opt_a;
$_ .= $_[0] if $_[0];
chop if !$_[0];
$_ = $stdexp if $_ eq "";
s/ //g; # Don't allow space in filenames
$stdexp = $_;
print "Searchstring is: $stdexp\n" if $opt_v;
sub handledir { # handledir(STR directory)
local(@files); # ARR[STR]: Files in directory
if (opendir(thedir, $_[0]) == 0) {
print STDERR "WARNING:can't access directory $_[0]\n";
return 0;
print "Now processing directory \'$_[0]\'\n" if $opt_v;
@files = readdir(thedir); # No close, will be done on next open!
grep(substr($_, 0, 0) = "$_[0]/", @files);
foreach (@files) {
next if /\/\.$/ || /\/\.\.$/;
if (-d) {
next if (-l && !$opt_F);
next if (!$opt_T && ($org_dev != (stat(_))[0]));
&handledir($_) if $opt_r;
} else {
sub handlefile { # handlefile(STR file)
$file = substr($_[0], rindex($_[0], "/") + 1);
if ($file =~ /$stdexp/o) {
print "$_[0]\n" if (!$opt_i && ($opt_p || $opt_v || $opt_n));
return if $opt_n;
if ($opt_i) { # Interactive mode
$key = -1;
$key = &answer("Delete $_[0] [$opt_i]? ", "$opt_i") while $key < 0;
return if ($key != 1); # Don't remove anything!
unlink $_[0] || print STDERR "Could not delete $_[0]\n";
# Here starts the main program.
unshift (@ARGV, split(/ /, $ENV{"CLEAN_OPTIONS"})); # Env. options
&getopts('acdefmnprtuvFTi:s:') || die "Usage: $USAGE\n";
$opt_i = 'n' if (defined ($opt_i) && $opt_i eq "");
if ($#ARGV < $[) {
($org_dev) = stat(".");
} else {
foreach (@ARGV) {
if (-f) {
($org_dev) = stat(".");
} elsif (-d) { # Recursive
($org_dev) = stat(_);
} else {
print STDERR "$_: file not found!\n";