blob: 1ffcaa6c305fbe0ab06ac8a3c421c680def111c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Type definitions for jasmine-reporters
// Project:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
interface AppVeyorOptions {
batchSize?: number;
color?: boolean;
verbosity?: number;
interface JUnitXmlOptions {
savePath?: string;
consolidate?: boolean;
consolidateAll?: boolean;
useDotNotation?: boolean;
useFullTestName?: boolean;
filePrefix?: string;
package?: string;
stylesheetPath?: string;
modifySuiteName?: CallableFunction;
systemOut?: CallableFunction;
captureStdout?: boolean;
interface FormattedSuiteData {
disabled: number;
failures: number;
tests: number;
time: number;
interface NUnitXmlOptions {
savePath?: string;
filename?: string;
reportName?: string;
interface TeamCityOptions {
modifySuiteName?: CallableFunction;
interface TerminalOptions {
color?: boolean;
showStack?: boolean;
verbosity?: number;
declare module "jasmine-reporters" {
class AppVeyorReporter {
public api: {
endpoint?: "/api/tests/batch";
host?: string;
port?: string;
public batchSize: number;
public color: boolean;
public options: AppVeyorOptions;
public unreportedSpecs: Array<unknown>;
public verbosity: number;
constructor(options?: AppVeyorOptions);
public jasmineDone(details?: jasmine.RunDetails): void;
public specDone(spec: object): void;
public specStarted(spec: object): void;
class JUnitXmlReporter {
public started: boolean;
public finished: boolean;
public savePath: string;
public consolidate: boolean;
public consolidateAll: boolean;
public useDotNotation: boolean;
public useFullTestName: boolean;
public filePrefix: string;
public package: string | undefined;
public stylesheetPath: string | undefined;
public captureStdout: boolean;
public logEntries: Array<string>;
constructor(options?: JUnitXmlOptions);
public removeStdoutWrapper: (callback: CallableFunction) => (string?: string) => void;
public jasmineStarted(arg?: jasmine.SuiteInfo): void;
public suiteStarted(suite: jasmine.CustomReporterResult): void;
public specStarted(spec: jasmine.CustomReporterResult): void;
public specDOne(spec: jasmine.Spec): void;
public suiteDone(suite: jasmine.CustomReporterResult): void;
public jasmineDone(details?: jasmine.RunDetails): void;
public formatSuiteData(suite: jasmine.Suite): FormattedSuiteData;
public getNestedSuiteData(suite: jasmine.Suite): FormattedSuiteData;
public getOrWriteNestedOutput(suite: jasmine.Suite): string;
public writeFile(filename: string, text: string): void;
class NUnitXmlReporter {
public started: boolean;
public finished: boolean;
public savePath: string;
public filename: string;
public reportName: string;
constructor(opts?: NUnitXmlOptions);
public jasmineStarted(summary?: jasmine.SuiteInfo): void;
public suiteStarted(suite: jasmine.CustomReporterResult): void;
public specStarted(spec: jasmine.CustomReporterResult): void;
public specDone(spec: jasmine.Spec): void;
public suiteDone(suite: jasmine.CustomReporterResult): void;
public jasmineDone(details?: jasmine.RunDetails): void;
public writeFile(text: string): void;
class TapReporter {
started: boolean;
finished: boolean;
public jasmineStarted(summary: jasmine.SuiteInfo): void;
public suiteStarted(suite: jasmine.CustomReporterResult): void;
public specStarted(): void;
public specDone(spec: jasmine.Spec): void;
public suiteDone(suite: jasmine.CustomReporterResult): void;
public jasmineDone(details?: jasmine.RunDetails): void;
class TeamCityReporter {
public started: boolean;
public finished: boolean;
constructor(opts?: TeamCityOptions)
public jasmineStarted(): void;
public suiteStarted(suite: jasmine.CustomReporterResult): void;
public specStarted(spec: jasmine.Spec): void;
public specDone(spec: jasmine.Spec): void;
public suiteDone(suite: jasmine.CustomReporterResult): void;
public jasmineDone(): void;
class TerminalReporter {
public started: boolean;
public finished: boolean;
public color: boolean | undefined;
public showStack: boolean | undefined;
constructor(opts?: TerminalOptions);
public jasmineStarted(suiteInfo: jasmine.SuiteInfo): void;
public suiteStarted(suite: jasmine.CustomReporterResult): void;
public specStarted(spec: jasmine.Spec): void;
public specDone(spec: jasmine.Spec): void;
public suiteDone(suite: jasmine.CustomReporterResult): void;
public jasmineDone(): void;