blob: 988913cc9db3d77c0795cc39db8493cd6567236e [file] [log] [blame]
package topology
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
validation ""
// TOTopology is a type alias on which we can define functions.
type TOTopology struct {
api.APIInfoImpl `json:"-"`
Alerts tc.Alerts `json:"-"`
RequestedName string `json:"-"`
// GetAlerts implements the AlertsResponse interface.
func (topology *TOTopology) GetAlerts() tc.Alerts {
return topology.Alerts
// DeleteQueryBase holds a delete query with no WHERE clause and is a
// requirement of the api.GenericOptionsDeleter interface.
func (topology *TOTopology) DeleteQueryBase() string {
return deleteQueryBase()
// ParamColumns maps query parameters to their respective database columns.
func (topology *TOTopology) ParamColumns() map[string]dbhelpers.WhereColumnInfo {
return map[string]dbhelpers.WhereColumnInfo{
"name": {Column: ""},
"description": {Column: "t.description"},
"lastUpdated": {Column: "t.last_updated"},
// GenericOptionsDeleter is required by the api.GenericOptionsDeleter interface
// and is called by api.GenericOptionsDelete().
func (topology *TOTopology) DeleteKeyOptions() map[string]dbhelpers.WhereColumnInfo {
return topology.ParamColumns()
func (topology *TOTopology) SetLastUpdated(time tc.TimeNoMod) { topology.LastUpdated = &time }
// GetKeyFieldsInfo is a requirement of the api.Updater interface.
func (topology TOTopology) GetKeyFieldsInfo() []api.KeyFieldInfo {
return []api.KeyFieldInfo{{Field: "name", Func: api.GetStringKey}}
// GetType returns the human-readable type of TOTopology as a string.
func (topology *TOTopology) GetType() string {
return "topology"
// Validate is a requirement of the api.Validator interface.
func (topology *TOTopology) Validate() (error, error) {
currentTopoName := topology.APIInfoImpl.ReqInfo.Params["name"]
nameRule := validation.NewStringRule(tovalidate.IsAlphanumericUnderscoreDash, "must consist of only alphanumeric, dash, or underscore characters.")
rules := validation.Errors{}
rules["name"] = validation.Validate(topology.Name, validation.Required, nameRule)
nodeCount := len(topology.Nodes)
if nodeCount < 1 {
rules["length"] = fmt.Errorf("must provide 1 or more node, %v found", nodeCount)
var (
cacheGroups = make([]tc.CacheGroupNullable, nodeCount)
cacheGroupsExist = true
err error
userErr error
sysErr error
cacheGroupMap map[string]tc.CacheGroupNullable
exists bool
_ = err
cacheGroupNames := make([]string, len(topology.Nodes))
for index, node := range topology.Nodes {
rules[fmt.Sprintf("node %v parents size", index)] = validation.Validate(node.Parents, validation.Length(0, 2))
rules[fmt.Sprintf("node %v duplicate parents", index)] = checkForDuplicateParents(topology.Nodes, index)
rules[fmt.Sprintf("node %v self parent", index)] = checkForSelfParents(topology.Nodes, index)
cacheGroupNames[index] = node.Cachegroup
if cacheGroupMap, userErr, sysErr, _ = cachegroup.GetCacheGroupsByName(cacheGroupNames, topology.APIInfoImpl.ReqInfo.Tx); userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
return userErr, sysErr
cacheGroups = make([]tc.CacheGroupNullable, len(topology.Nodes))
for index, node := range topology.Nodes {
if cacheGroups[index], exists = cacheGroupMap[node.Cachegroup]; !exists {
rules[fmt.Sprintf("cachegroup %s not found", node.Cachegroup)] = fmt.Errorf("node %d references nonexistent cachegroup %s", index, node.Cachegroup)
cacheGroupsExist = false
rules["duplicate cachegroup name"] = checkUniqueCacheGroupNames(topology.Nodes)
if !cacheGroupsExist {
return util.JoinErrs(tovalidate.ToErrors(rules)), nil
for index, node := range topology.Nodes {
rules[fmt.Sprintf("parent '%v' edge type", node.Cachegroup)] = topology.checkForEdgeParents(cacheGroups, index)
cacheGroupIds := make([]int, len(cacheGroupNames))
for index, cacheGroup := range cacheGroups {
cacheGroupIds[index] = *cacheGroup.ID
dsCDNs, err := dbhelpers.GetDeliveryServiceCDNsByTopology(topology.ReqInfo.Tx.Tx, currentTopoName)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("unable to validate topology"), fmt.Errorf("validating Topology: %w", err)
rules["empty cachegroups"] = topology_validation.CheckForEmptyCacheGroups(topology.ReqInfo.Tx, cacheGroupIds, dsCDNs, false, nil)
rules["required capabilities"] = topology.validateDSRequiredCapabilities(currentTopoName)
//Get current Topology-CG for the requested change.
topoCachegroupNames := topology.getCachegroupNames()
userErr, sysErr, _ = dbhelpers.CheckTopologyOrgServerCGInDSCG(topology.ReqInfo.Tx.Tx, dsCDNs, currentTopoName, topoCachegroupNames)
if userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
return userErr, sysErr
/* Only perform further checks if everything so far is valid */
if err = util.JoinErrs(tovalidate.ToErrors(rules)); err != nil {
return err, nil
for _, leafMid := range checkForLeafMids(topology.Nodes, cacheGroups) {
rules[fmt.Sprintf("node %v leaf mid", leafMid.Cachegroup)] = fmt.Errorf("cachegroup %v's type is %v; it cannot be a leaf (it must have at least 1 primary or secondary child cache group)", leafMid.Cachegroup, tc.CacheGroupMidTypeName)
_, rules["topology cycles"] = checkForCycles(topology.Nodes)
rules["super-topology cycles"] = topology.checkForCyclesAcrossTopologies()
return util.JoinErrs(tovalidate.ToErrors(rules)), nil
func (topology *TOTopology) nodesInOtherTopologies() ([]tc.TopologyNode, map[string][]string, error) {
currentTopoName := topology.APIInfoImpl.ReqInfo.Params["name"]
baseError := errors.New("unable to verify that there are no cycles across all topologies")
where := `WHERE name != :topology_name`
query := selectQueryWithParentNames() + where + `
UNION ` + selectNonTopologyCacheGroupsQuery() + `
UNION ` + selectNonTopologyParentCacheGroupsQuery()
parameters := map[string]interface{}{
"topology_name": currentTopoName,
"edge_type_prefix": strings.ToLower(tc.EdgeTypePrefix) + "%",
"mid_type_prefix": strings.ToLower(tc.MidTypePrefix) + "%",
rows, err := topology.ReqInfo.Tx.NamedQuery(query, parameters)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, baseError
defer log.Close(rows, "unable to close DB connection")
parentMapMap := map[string]map[string]bool{}
topologiesMapByCacheGroup := map[string]map[string]bool{}
for index := 0; rows.Next(); index++ {
var (
topologyName string
cacheGroup string
parents []string
topologyNode := tc.TopologyNode{}
topologyNode.Parents = []int{}
if err = rows.Scan(
); err != nil {
return nil, nil, baseError
if _, exists := parentMapMap[cacheGroup]; !exists {
parentMapMap[cacheGroup] = map[string]bool{}
if _, exists := topologiesMapByCacheGroup[cacheGroup]; !exists {
topologiesMapByCacheGroup[cacheGroup] = map[string]bool{}
for _, parent := range parents {
parentMapMap[cacheGroup][parent] = true
topologiesMapByCacheGroup[cacheGroup][topologyName] = true
topologiesByCacheGroup := map[string][]string{}
// Build the list of topologies containing each cache group
for cacheGroup, topologiesMap := range topologiesMapByCacheGroup {
var topologies []string
for topology, _ := range topologiesMap {
topologies = append(topologies, topology)
topologiesByCacheGroup[cacheGroup] = topologies
// Add nodes for the topology we are validating
for _, node := range topology.Nodes {
if _, exists := parentMapMap[node.Cachegroup]; !exists {
parentMapMap[node.Cachegroup] = map[string]bool{}
for _, parentCacheGroupIndex := range node.Parents {
parentMapMap[node.Cachegroup][topology.Nodes[parentCacheGroupIndex].Cachegroup] = true
indexByCachegroup := map[string]int{}
var cacheGroups []string
index := 0
// Get an index for each cachegroup
for cacheGroup, _ := range parentMapMap {
cacheGroups = append(cacheGroups, cacheGroup)
indexByCachegroup[cacheGroup] = index
var nodes []tc.TopologyNode
// Reduce parentMapMap to an array of TopologyNodes
// We can't rely on iterating through parentMapMap in the same order twice, so we iterate through
// cacheGroups instead
for _, cacheGroup := range cacheGroups {
parentMap := parentMapMap[cacheGroup]
node := tc.TopologyNode{Cachegroup: cacheGroup}
for parent, _ := range parentMap {
node.Parents = append(node.Parents, indexByCachegroup[parent])
nodes = append(nodes, node)
return nodes, topologiesByCacheGroup, nil
func (topology TOTopology) validateDSRequiredCapabilities(currentTopoName string) error {
baseError := errors.New("unable to verify that delivery service required capabilities are satisfied")
tx := topology.APIInfo().Tx.Tx
dsRequiredCapabilities, dsCDNs, err := getDSRequiredCapabilitiesByTopology(currentTopoName, tx)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("validating delivery service required capabilities for topology %s: %v", currentTopoName, err)
return baseError
if len(dsRequiredCapabilities) == 0 {
return nil
cachegroups := topology.getCachegroupNames()
cdnMap := make(map[int]struct{})
for _, cdn := range dsCDNs {
cdnMap[cdn] = struct{}{}
CDNs := []int{}
for cdn := range cdnMap {
CDNs = append(CDNs, cdn)
q := `
ARRAY_REMOVE(ARRAY_AGG(ssc.server_capability ORDER BY ssc.server_capability), NULL) AS capabilities
FROM server s
LEFT JOIN server_server_capability ssc ON ssc.server =
JOIN cachegroup c ON = s.cachegroup
AND s.cdn_id = ANY($2)
AND c.type != (SELECT id FROM type WHERE name = '` + tc.CacheGroupOriginTypeName + `')
GROUP BY, s.cdn_id,
rows, err := tx.Query(q, pq.Array(cachegroups), pq.Array(CDNs))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("querying server capabilities in topology.validateDSRequiredCapabilities: %v", err)
return baseError
cachegroupServers, serverCapabilities, serverCDNs, err := dbhelpers.ScanCachegroupsServerCapabilities(rows)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("validating delivery service required capabilities for topology %s: %v", currentTopoName, err)
return baseError
cdnCachegroupServers := make(map[int]map[string][]int)
for _, cdn := range dsCDNs {
if _, ok := cdnCachegroupServers[cdn]; !ok {
cdnCachegroupServers[cdn] = make(map[string][]int)
for cg, servers := range cachegroupServers {
for _, s := range servers {
cdnCachegroupServers[serverCDNs[s]][cg] = append(cdnCachegroupServers[serverCDNs[s]][cg], s)
invalidDSes := []string{}
for ds, dsReqCaps := range dsRequiredCapabilities {
invalidCachegroups := deliveryservice.GetInvalidCachegroupsForRequiredCapabilities(cdnCachegroupServers[dsCDNs[ds]], serverCapabilities, dsReqCaps)
if len(invalidCachegroups) > 0 {
invalidDSes = append(invalidDSes, fmt.Sprintf("%s: cachegroups [%s] do not meet required capabilities", ds, strings.Join(invalidCachegroups, ", ")))
if len(invalidDSes) > 0 {
return errors.New("cannot update topology. The following delivery services would not be satisfied: " + strings.Join(invalidDSes, "; "))
return nil
// getDSRequiredCapabilitiesByTopology returns a map of DS xml_id to required capabilities,
// a map of xml_id to cdn_id, and an error (if one occurs).
func getDSRequiredCapabilitiesByTopology(name string, tx *sql.Tx) (map[string][]string, map[string]int, error) {
q := `
ARRAY_AGG(drc.required_capability) AS required_capabilities
FROM deliveryservice d
JOIN deliveryservices_required_capability drc ON = drc.deliveryservice_id
d.topology = $1
GROUP BY d.xml_id, d.cdn_id
rows, err := tx.Query(q, name)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("querying delivery service required capabilities by topology: %v", err)
defer log.Close(rows, "closing rows in getDSRequiredCapabilitiesByTopology")
requiredCapabilities := make(map[string][]string)
dsCdnIDs := make(map[string]int)
for rows.Next() {
xmlID := ""
cdnID := 0
reqCaps := []string{}
if err := rows.Scan(&xmlID, &cdnID, pq.Array(&reqCaps)); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("scanning delivery service required capabilities by topology: %v", err)
requiredCapabilities[xmlID] = reqCaps
dsCdnIDs[xmlID] = cdnID
return requiredCapabilities, dsCdnIDs, nil
func (topology TOTopology) getCachegroupNames() []string {
cgSet := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, n := range topology.Nodes {
cgSet[n.Cachegroup] = struct{}{}
cachegroups := make([]string, 0, len(cgSet))
for c := range cgSet {
cachegroups = append(cachegroups, c)
return cachegroups
// Implementation of the Identifier, Validator interface functions
func (topology TOTopology) GetKeys() (map[string]interface{}, bool) {
return map[string]interface{}{"name": topology.Name}, true
// SetKeys is a requirement of the api.Updater interface and is called by
// api.UpdateHandler().
func (topology *TOTopology) SetKeys(keys map[string]interface{}) {
topology.RequestedName = topology.Name
topology.Name, _ = keys["name"].(string)
// GetAuditName is a requirement of the api.Identifier interface.
func (topology *TOTopology) GetAuditName() string {
return topology.Name
// Create is a requirement of the api.Creator interface.
func (topology *TOTopology) Create() (error, error, int) {
tx := topology.APIInfo().Tx.Tx
userErr, sysErr, statusCode := topology.checkIfTopologyCanBeAlteredByCurrentUser()
if userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
return userErr, sysErr, statusCode
err := tx.QueryRow(insertQuery(), topology.Name, topology.Description).Scan(&topology.Name, &topology.Description, &topology.LastUpdated)
if err != nil {
return api.ParseDBError(err)
if userErr, sysErr, errCode := topology.addNodes(); userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
return userErr, sysErr, errCode
if userErr, sysErr, errCode := topology.addParents(); userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
return userErr, sysErr, errCode
return nil, nil, 0
// Read is a requirement of the api.Reader interface and is called by api.ReadHandler().
func (topology *TOTopology) Read(h http.Header, useIMS bool) ([]interface{}, error, error, int, *time.Time) {
var maxTime time.Time
var runSecond bool
interfaces := make([]interface{}, 0)
where, orderBy, pagination, queryValues, errs := dbhelpers.BuildWhereAndOrderByAndPagination(topology.ReqInfo.Params, topology.ParamColumns())
if len(errs) > 0 {
return nil, util.JoinErrs(errs), nil, http.StatusBadRequest, nil
if useIMS {
runSecond, maxTime = ims.TryIfModifiedSinceQuery(topology.ReqInfo.Tx, h, queryValues, selectMaxLastUpdatedQuery(where))
if !runSecond {
log.Debugln("IMS HIT")
return interfaces, nil, nil, http.StatusNotModified, &maxTime
log.Debugln("IMS MISS")
} else {
log.Debugln("Non IMS request")
// Case where we need to run the second query
query := selectQuery() + where + orderBy + pagination
rows, err := topology.ReqInfo.Tx.NamedQuery(query, queryValues)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.New("topology read: querying: " + err.Error()), http.StatusInternalServerError, nil
defer log.Close(rows, "unable to close DB connection")
topologies := map[string]*tc.Topology{}
indices := map[int]int{}
for index := 0; rows.Next(); index++ {
var (
name, description string
lastUpdated tc.TimeNoMod
topologyNode := tc.TopologyNode{}
topologyNode.Parents = []int{}
var parents pq.Int64Array
if err = rows.Scan(
); err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.New("topology read: scanning: " + err.Error()), http.StatusInternalServerError, nil
for _, id := range parents {
topologyNode.Parents = append(topologyNode.Parents, int(id))
indices[topologyNode.Id] = index
if _, exists := topologies[name]; !exists {
topology := tc.Topology{Nodes: []tc.TopologyNode{}}
topologies[name] = &topology
topology.Name = name
topology.Description = description
topology.LastUpdated = &lastUpdated
topologies[name].Nodes = append(topologies[name].Nodes, topologyNode)
for _, topology := range topologies {
nodeMap := map[int]int{}
for index, node := range topology.Nodes {
nodeMap[node.Id] = index
for _, node := range topology.Nodes {
for parentIndex := 0; parentIndex < len(node.Parents); parentIndex++ {
node.Parents[parentIndex] = nodeMap[node.Parents[parentIndex]]
interfaces = append(interfaces, *topology)
return interfaces, nil, nil, http.StatusOK, &maxTime
func (topology *TOTopology) removeParents() error {
_, err := topology.ReqInfo.Tx.Exec(deleteParentsQuery(), topology.Name)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("topology update: error deleting old parents: " + err.Error())
return nil
func (topology *TOTopology) removeNodes(cachegroups *[]string) error {
_, err := topology.ReqInfo.Tx.Exec(deleteNodesQuery(), topology.Name, pq.Array(*cachegroups))
if err != nil {
return errors.New("topology update: error removing old unused nodes: " + err.Error())
return nil
func (topology *TOTopology) addNodes() (error, error, int) {
var cachegroupsToInsert []string
var indices = make([]int, 0)
for index, node := range topology.Nodes {
if node.Id == 0 {
cachegroupsToInsert = append(cachegroupsToInsert, node.Cachegroup)
indices = append(indices, index)
if len(cachegroupsToInsert) == 0 {
return nil, nil, http.StatusOK
rows, err := topology.ReqInfo.Tx.Query(nodeInsertQuery(), topology.Name, pq.Array(cachegroupsToInsert))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("error adding nodes: " + err.Error()), http.StatusInternalServerError
defer log.Close(rows, "unable to close DB connection")
for _, index := range indices {
err = rows.Scan(&topology.Nodes[index].Id, &topology.Name, &topology.Nodes[index].Cachegroup)
if err != nil {
return api.ParseDBError(err)
return nil, nil, http.StatusOK
func (topology *TOTopology) addParents() (error, error, int) {
var (
children []int
parents []int
ranks []int
for _, node := range topology.Nodes {
for rank := 1; rank <= len(node.Parents); rank++ {
parent := topology.Nodes[node.Parents[rank-1]]
children = append(children, node.Id)
parents = append(parents, parent.Id)
ranks = append(ranks, rank)
rows, err := topology.ReqInfo.Tx.Query(nodeParentInsertQuery(), pq.Array(children), pq.Array(parents), pq.Array(ranks))
if err != nil {
return api.ParseDBError(err)
defer log.Close(rows, "unable to close DB connection")
for _, node := range topology.Nodes {
for rank := 1; rank <= len(node.Parents); rank++ {
parent := topology.Nodes[node.Parents[rank-1]]
err = rows.Scan(&node.Id, &parent.Id, &rank)
if err != nil {
return api.ParseDBError(err)
return nil, nil, http.StatusOK
func (topology *TOTopology) setTopologyDetails() (error, error, int) {
rows, err := topology.ReqInfo.Tx.Query(updateQuery(), topology.RequestedName, topology.Description, topology.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("topology update: error setting the name and/or description for topology %v: %v", topology.Name, err.Error()), http.StatusInternalServerError
defer log.Close(rows, "unable to close DB connection")
for rows.Next() {
err = rows.Scan(&topology.Name, &topology.Description, &topology.LastUpdated)
if err != nil {
return api.ParseDBError(err)
return nil, nil, http.StatusOK
// Update is a requirement of the api.Updater interface.
func (topology *TOTopology) Update(h http.Header) (error, error, int) {
topologies, userErr, sysErr, errCode, _ := topology.Read(h, false)
if userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
return userErr, sysErr, errCode
if len(topologies) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot find exactly 1 topology with the query string provided"), nil, http.StatusBadRequest
// check if the entity was already updated
userErr, sysErr, errCode = api.CheckIfUnModifiedByName(h, topology.ReqInfo.Tx, topology.Name, "topology")
if userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
return userErr, sysErr, errCode
userErr, sysErr, statusCode := topology.checkIfTopologyCanBeAlteredByCurrentUser()
if userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
return userErr, sysErr, statusCode
oldTopology := TOTopology{APIInfoImpl: topology.APIInfoImpl, Topology: topologies[0].(tc.Topology)}
if err := oldTopology.removeParents(); err != nil {
return nil, err, http.StatusInternalServerError
var oldNodes, newNodes = map[string]int{}, map[string]int{}
for index, node := range oldTopology.Nodes {
oldNodes[node.Cachegroup] = index
for index, node := range topology.Nodes {
newNodes[node.Cachegroup] = index
var toRemove []string
for cachegroupName := range oldNodes {
if _, exists := newNodes[cachegroupName]; !exists {
toRemove = append(toRemove, cachegroupName)
} else {
topology.Nodes[newNodes[cachegroupName]].Id = oldTopology.Nodes[oldNodes[cachegroupName]].Id
if len(toRemove) > 0 {
if err := oldTopology.removeNodes(&toRemove); err != nil {
return nil, err, http.StatusInternalServerError
if userErr, sysErr, errCode := topology.setTopologyDetails(); userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
return userErr, sysErr, errCode
if userErr, sysErr, errCode := topology.addNodes(); userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
return userErr, sysErr, errCode
if userErr, sysErr, errCode := topology.addParents(); userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
return userErr, sysErr, errCode
return nil, nil, http.StatusOK
// Delete is unused and simply satisfies the Deleter interface
// (although TOTOpology is used as an OptionsDeleter)
func (topology *TOTopology) Delete() (error, error, int) {
userErr, sysErr, statusCode := topology.checkIfTopologyCanBeAlteredByCurrentUser()
if userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
return userErr, sysErr, statusCode
return nil, nil, 0
// OptionsDelete is a requirement of the OptionsDeleter interface.
func (topology *TOTopology) OptionsDelete() (error, error, int) {
topologies, userErr, sysErr, errCode, _ := topology.Read(nil, false)
if userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
return userErr, sysErr, errCode
if len(topologies) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot find exactly 1 topology with the query string provided"), nil, http.StatusBadRequest
topology.Topology = topologies[0].(tc.Topology)
userErr, sysErr, statusCode := topology.checkIfTopologyCanBeAlteredByCurrentUser()
if userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
return userErr, sysErr, statusCode
return api.GenericOptionsDelete(topology)
func insertQuery() string {
query := `
INSERT INTO topology (name, description)
VALUES ($1, $2)
RETURNING name, description, last_updated
return query
func nodeInsertQuery() string {
query := `
INSERT INTO topology_cachegroup (topology, cachegroup)
VALUES ($1, unnest($2::text[]))
RETURNING id, topology, cachegroup
return query
func nodeParentInsertQuery() string {
query := `
INSERT INTO topology_cachegroup_parents (child, parent, rank)
VALUES (unnest($1::int[]), unnest($2::int[]), unnest($3::int[]))
RETURNING child, parent, rank
return query
func selectQuery() string {
query := `
SELECT, t.description, t.last_updated,, tc.cachegroup,
(SELECT COALESCE (ARRAY_AGG (CAST (tcp.parent as INT) ORDER BY tcp.rank ASC)) AS parents
FROM topology_cachegroup tc2
INNER JOIN topology_cachegroup_parents tcp ON = tcp.child
WHERE tc2.topology = tc.topology
AND tc2.cachegroup = tc.cachegroup
FROM topology t
JOIN topology_cachegroup tc on = tc.topology
return query
func selectQueryWithParentNames() string {
query := `
SELECT, tc.cachegroup,
(SELECT COALESCE (ARRAY_AGG (tcpc.cachegroup)) AS parents
FROM topology_cachegroup tc2
INNER JOIN topology_cachegroup_parents tcp ON = tcp.child
INNER JOIN topology_cachegroup tcpc ON tcp.parent =
WHERE tc2.topology = tc.topology
AND tc2.cachegroup = tc.cachegroup
FROM topology t
JOIN topology_cachegroup tc on = tc.topology
return query
func selectNonTopologyCacheGroupsQuery() string {
query := `
SELECT 'non-topology cachegroups' AS name, c."name" AS cachegroup,
(SELECT COALESCE (ARRAY_AGG (pc."name")) AS parents
FROM cachegroup pc
WHERE = c.parent_cachegroup_id
OR = c.secondary_parent_cachegroup_id
FROM cachegroup c
JOIN "type" t ON c."type" =
WHERE (LOWER( LIKE :edge_type_prefix
OR LOWER( LIKE :mid_type_prefix)
AND (c.parent_cachegroup_id IS NOT NULL
OR c.secondary_parent_cachegroup_id IS NOT NULL)
return query
func selectNonTopologyParentCacheGroupsQuery() string {
query := `
SELECT 'non-topology cachegroups' AS name, pc2."name" AS cachegroup,
(SELECT COALESCE (ARRAY_AGG (pc."name")) AS parents
FROM cachegroup pc
WHERE = pc2.parent_cachegroup_id
OR = pc2.secondary_parent_cachegroup_id
FROM cachegroup c
JOIN "type" t ON c."type" =
JOIN cachegroup pc2 ON c.parent_cachegroup_id =
OR c.secondary_parent_cachegroup_id =
WHERE (LOWER( LIKE :edge_type_prefix
OR LOWER( LIKE :mid_type_prefix)
AND (c.parent_cachegroup_id IS NOT NULL
OR c.secondary_parent_cachegroup_id IS NOT NULL)
return query
func deleteQueryBase() string {
query := `
DELETE FROM topology t
return query
func deleteNodesQuery() string {
query := `
DELETE FROM topology_cachegroup tc
WHERE tc.topology = $1
AND tc.cachegroup = ANY ($2::text[])
return query
func deleteParentsQuery() string {
query := `
DELETE FROM topology_cachegroup_parents tcp
WHERE tcp.child IN
FROM topology t
JOIN topology_cachegroup tc on = tc.topology
WHERE = $1)
return query
func updateQuery() string {
query := `
UPDATE topology t SET
name = $1,
description = $2
WHERE = $3
RETURNING, t.description, t.last_updated
return query
func selectMaxLastUpdatedQuery(where string) string {
return `SELECT max(ti) from (
SELECT max(t.last_updated) as ti from topology t JOIN topology_cachegroup tc on = tc.topology` + where +
select max(last_updated) as ti from last_deleted l where l.table_name='topology') as res`
func (topology *TOTopology) checkIfTopologyCanBeAlteredByCurrentUser() (error, error, int) {
cachegroups := topology.getCachegroupNames()
serverIDs, err := dbhelpers.GetServerIDsFromCachegroupNames(topology.ReqInfo.Tx.Tx, cachegroups)
if err != nil {
return nil, err, http.StatusInternalServerError
cdns, err := dbhelpers.GetCDNNamesFromServerIds(topology.ReqInfo.Tx.Tx, serverIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err, http.StatusInternalServerError
userErr, sysErr, statusCode := dbhelpers.CheckIfCurrentUserCanModifyCDNs(topology.ReqInfo.Tx.Tx, cdns, topology.ReqInfo.User.UserName)
if userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
return userErr, sysErr, statusCode
return nil, nil, http.StatusOK