blob: 8283284143c7a4ec321ae640968a6b01cec66707 [file] [log] [blame]
package server
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
type ServerAndInterfaces struct {
Server tc.ServerV40
Interface tc.ServerInterfaceInfoV40
func getTestServers() []ServerAndInterfaces {
servers := []ServerAndInterfaces{}
testServer := tc.ServerV40{
Cachegroup: util.StrPtr("Cachegroup"),
CachegroupID: util.IntPtr(1),
CDNID: util.IntPtr(1),
CDNName: util.StrPtr("cdnName"),
DomainName: util.StrPtr("domainName"),
GUID: util.StrPtr("guid"),
HostName: util.StrPtr("server1"),
HTTPSPort: util.IntPtr(443),
ID: util.IntPtr(1),
ILOIPAddress: util.StrPtr("iloIpAddress"),
ILOIPGateway: util.StrPtr("iloIpGateway"),
ILOIPNetmask: util.StrPtr("iloIpNetmask"),
ILOPassword: util.StrPtr("iloPassword"),
ILOUsername: util.StrPtr("iloUsername"),
LastUpdated: &tc.TimeNoMod{Time: time.Now()},
MgmtIPAddress: util.StrPtr("mgmtIpAddress"),
MgmtIPGateway: util.StrPtr("mgmtIpGateway"),
MgmtIPNetmask: util.StrPtr("mgmtIpNetmask"),
OfflineReason: util.StrPtr("offlineReason"),
PhysLocation: util.StrPtr("physLocation"),
PhysLocationID: util.IntPtr(1),
ProfileNames: []string{"profile"},
Rack: util.StrPtr("rack"),
RevalPending: util.BoolPtr(true),
Status: util.StrPtr("status"),
StatusID: util.IntPtr(1),
TCPPort: util.IntPtr(80),
Type: "EDGE",
TypeID: util.IntPtr(1),
UpdPending: util.BoolPtr(true),
XMPPID: util.StrPtr("xmppId"),
XMPPPasswd: util.StrPtr("xmppPasswd"),
StatusLastUpdated: &(time.Time{}),
ConfigUpdateTime: &(time.Time{}),
ConfigApplyTime: &(time.Time{}),
RevalUpdateTime: &(time.Time{}),
RevalApplyTime: &(time.Time{}),
mtu := uint64(9500)
iface := tc.ServerInterfaceInfoV40{
ServerInterfaceInfo: tc.ServerInterfaceInfo{
IPAddresses: []tc.ServerIPAddress{
Address: "ip6Address",
Gateway: nil,
ServiceAddress: true,
MaxBandwidth: nil,
Monitor: true,
MTU: &mtu,
Name: "interfaceName",
RouterHostName: "routerHostName",
RouterPortName: "routerPortName",
servers = append(servers, ServerAndInterfaces{Server: testServer, Interface: iface})
testServer2 := testServer
testServer2.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("cachegroup2")
testServer2.HostName = util.StrPtr("server2")
testServer2.ID = util.IntPtr(2)
servers = append(servers, ServerAndInterfaces{Server: testServer2, Interface: iface})
testServer3 := testServer
testServer3.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("cachegroup3")
testServer3.HostName = util.StrPtr("server3")
testServer3.ID = util.IntPtr(3)
servers = append(servers, ServerAndInterfaces{Server: testServer3, Interface: iface})
return servers
// Test to make sure that updating the "cdn" of a server already assigned to a DS fails
func TestUpdateServer(t *testing.T) {
mockDB, mock, err := sqlmock.New()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("an error '%s' was not expected when opening a stub database connection", err)
defer mockDB.Close()
db := sqlx.NewDb(mockDB, "sqlmock")
defer db.Close()
testServers := getTestServers()
rows := sqlmock.NewRows([]string{"type", "cdn_id"})
// note here that the cdnid is 5, which is not the same as the initial cdnid of the fist traffic server
rows.AddRow(*testServers[0].Server.TypeID, 5)
// Make it return a list of atleast one associated ds
dsrows := sqlmock.NewRows([]string{"array"})
mock.ExpectQuery("SELECT ARRAY").WillReturnRows(dsrows)
s := tc.ServerV40{
CDNID: testServers[0].Server.CDNID,
FqdnTime: time.Time{},
TypeID: testServers[0].Server.TypeID,
ID: testServers[0].Server.ID,
userErr, _, errCode := checkTypeChangeSafety(s, db.MustBegin())
if errCode != 409 {
t.Errorf("Update servers: Expected error code of %v, but got %v", 409, errCode)
expectedErr := "server cdn can not be updated when it is currently assigned to delivery services"
if userErr == nil {
t.Errorf("Update expected error: %v, but got no error with status: %s", expectedErr, http.StatusText(errCode))
func TestGetServersByCachegroup(t *testing.T) {
mockDB, mock, err := sqlmock.New()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("an error '%s' was not expected when opening a stub database connection", err)
defer mockDB.Close()
db := sqlx.NewDb(mockDB, "sqlmock")
defer db.Close()
testServers := getTestServers()
unfilteredCols := []string{"count"}
unfilteredRows := sqlmock.NewRows(unfilteredCols).AddRow(len(testServers))
cols := []string{"cachegroup", "cachegroup_id", "cdn_id", "cdn_name", "domain_name", "guid", "host_name",
"https_port", "id", "ilo_ip_address", "ilo_ip_gateway", "ilo_ip_netmask", "ilo_password", "ilo_username",
"last_updated", "mgmt_ip_address", "mgmt_ip_gateway", "mgmt_ip_netmask", "offline_reason", "phys_location",
"phys_location_id", "profile_name", "rack", "reval_pending", "revalidate_update_time", "revalidate_apply_time",
"status", "status_id", "tcp_port", "server_type", "server_type_id", "upd_pending", "config_update_time",
"config_apply_time", "xmpp_id", "xmpp_passwd", "status_last_updated"}
interfaceCols := []string{"max_bandwidth", "monitor", "mtu", "name", "server", "router_host_name", "router_port_name"}
rows := sqlmock.NewRows(cols)
interfaceRows := sqlmock.NewRows(interfaceCols)
ipCols := []string{"address", "gateway", "service_address", "server", "interface"}
ipRows := sqlmock.NewRows(ipCols)
//TODO: drichardson - build helper to add these Rows from the struct values
// or by CSV if types get in the way
for _, srv := range testServers {
ts := srv.Server
rows = rows.AddRow(
fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", strings.Join(ts.ProfileNames, ",")),
interfaceRows = interfaceRows.AddRow(
for _, ip := range srv.Interface.IPAddresses {
ipRows = ipRows.AddRow(
mock.ExpectPrepare("SELECT COUNT\\(\\) FROM s")
mock.ExpectPrepare("SELECT COUNT\\(\\) FROM s")
mock.ExpectQuery("SELECT COUNT\\(\\) FROM s").WillReturnRows(unfilteredRows)
v := map[string]string{"cachegroup": "2"}
user := auth.CurrentUser{}
version := api.Version{Major: 4, Minor: 0}
servers, _, userErr, sysErr, errCode, _ := getServers(nil, v, db.MustBegin(), &user, false, version)
if userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
t.Errorf("getServers expected: no errors, actual: %v %v with status: %s", userErr, sysErr, http.StatusText(errCode))
if len(servers) != 3 {
t.Errorf("getServers expected: len(servers) == 3, actual: %v", len(servers))
func TestGetMidServers(t *testing.T) {
mockDB, mock, err := sqlmock.New()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("an error '%s' was not expected when opening a stub database connection", err)
defer mockDB.Close()
db := sqlx.NewDb(mockDB, "sqlmock")
defer db.Close()
testServers := getTestServers()
testServers = testServers[0:2]
testServers[1].Server.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("parentCacheGroup")
testServers[1].Server.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(2)
testServers[1].Server.Type = "MID"
unfilteredCols := []string{"count"}
unfilteredRows := sqlmock.NewRows(unfilteredCols).AddRow(len(testServers))
cols := []string{"cachegroup", "cachegroup_id", "cdn_id", "cdn_name", "domain_name", "guid", "host_name",
"https_port", "id", "ilo_ip_address", "ilo_ip_gateway", "ilo_ip_netmask", "ilo_password", "ilo_username",
"last_updated", "mgmt_ip_address", "mgmt_ip_gateway", "mgmt_ip_netmask", "offline_reason", "phys_location",
"phys_location_id", "profile_name", "rack", "reval_pending", "revalidate_update_time", "revalidate_apply_time",
"status", "status_id", "tcp_port", "server_type", "server_type_id", "upd_pending", "config_update_time",
"config_apply_time", "xmpp_id", "xmpp_passwd", "status_last_updated"}
interfaceCols := []string{"max_bandwidth", "monitor", "mtu", "name", "server", "router_host_name", "router_port_name"}
rows := sqlmock.NewRows(cols)
interfaceRows := sqlmock.NewRows(interfaceCols)
ipCols := []string{"address", "gateway", "service_address", "server", "interface"}
ipRows := sqlmock.NewRows(ipCols)
for _, srv := range testServers {
ts := srv.Server
rows = rows.AddRow(
fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", strings.Join(ts.ProfileNames, ",")),
interfaceRows = interfaceRows.AddRow(
for _, ip := range srv.Interface.IPAddresses {
ipRows = ipRows.AddRow(
mock.ExpectPrepare("SELECT COUNT\\(\\) FROM s")
mock.ExpectPrepare("SELECT COUNT\\(\\) FROM s")
mock.ExpectQuery("SELECT COUNT\\(\\) FROM s").WillReturnRows(unfilteredRows)
v := map[string]string{}
user := auth.CurrentUser{}
version := api.Version{Major: 4, Minor: 0}
servers, _, userErr, sysErr, errCode, _ := getServers(nil, v, db.MustBegin(), &user, false, version)
if userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
t.Errorf("getServers expected: no errors, actual: %v %v with status: %s", userErr, sysErr, http.StatusText(errCode))
cols2 := []string{"cachegroup", "cachegroup_id", "cdn_id", "cdn_name", "domain_name", "guid", "host_name",
"https_port", "id", "ilo_ip_address", "ilo_ip_gateway", "ilo_ip_netmask", "ilo_password", "ilo_username",
"last_updated", "mgmt_ip_address", "mgmt_ip_gateway", "mgmt_ip_netmask", "offline_reason", "phys_location",
"phys_location_id", "profile_name", "rack", "reval_pending", "revalidate_update_time", "revalidate_apply_time",
"status", "status_id", "tcp_port", "server_type", "server_type_id", "upd_pending", "config_update_time",
"config_apply_time", "xmpp_id", "xmpp_passwd", "status_last_updated"}
rows2 := sqlmock.NewRows(cols2)
cgs := []tc.CacheGroup{}
testCG1 := tc.CacheGroup{
ID: 1,
Name: "Cachegroup",
ShortName: "cg1",
Latitude: 38.7,
Longitude: 90.7,
ParentCachegroupID: 2,
SecondaryParentCachegroupID: 2,
LocalizationMethods: []tc.LocalizationMethod{
Type: "EDGE_LOC",
TypeID: 6,
LastUpdated: tc.TimeNoMod{Time: time.Now()},
Fallbacks: []string{
FallbackToClosest: true,
cgs = append(cgs, testCG1)
testCG2 := tc.CacheGroup{
ID: 2,
Name: "parentCacheGroup",
ShortName: "pg1",
Latitude: 38.7,
Longitude: 90.7,
ParentCachegroupID: 1,
SecondaryParentCachegroupID: 1,
LocalizationMethods: []tc.LocalizationMethod{
Type: "MID_LOC",
TypeID: 7,
LastUpdated: tc.TimeNoMod{Time: time.Now()},
cgs = append(cgs, testCG2)
serverMap := make(map[int]tc.ServerV40, len(servers))
serverIDs := make([]int, 0, len(servers))
for _, server := range servers {
if server.ID == nil {
t.Fatal("Found server with nil ID")
serverIDs = append(serverIDs, *server.ID)
serverMap[*server.ID] = server
var ts tc.ServerV40
for _, s := range servers {
if s.HostName != nil && *s.HostName == "server2" {
ts = s
*ts.ID = *ts.ID + 1
rows2 = rows2.AddRow(
fmt.Sprintf("{%s}", strings.Join(ts.ProfileNames, ",")),
mid, userErr, sysErr, errCode := getMidServers(serverIDs, serverMap, 0, 0, db.MustBegin(), false)
if userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
t.Fatalf("getMidServers expected: no errors, actual: %v %v with status: %s", userErr, sysErr, http.StatusText(errCode))
if len(mid) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("getMidServers expected: len(mid) == 1, actual: %v", len(mid))
if serverMap[mid[0]].Type != "MID" {
t.Errorf("getMidServers expected: Type == MID, actual: %v", serverMap[mid[0]].Type)
if serverMap[mid[0]].Cachegroup == nil {
t.Error("getMidServers expected: Cachegroup == parentCacheGroup, actual: nil")
} else if *(serverMap[mid[0]].Cachegroup) != "parentCacheGroup" {
t.Errorf("getMidServers expected: Cachegroup == parentCacheGroup, actual: %v", *(serverMap[mid[0]].Cachegroup))
if serverMap[mid[0]].CachegroupID == nil {
t.Error("getMidServers expected: CachegroupID == 2, actual: nil")
} else if *(serverMap[mid[0]].CachegroupID) != 2 {
t.Errorf("getMidServers expected: CachegroupID == 2, actual: %v", *(serverMap[mid[0]].CachegroupID))
func TestV3Validations(t *testing.T) {
mockDB, mock, err := sqlmock.New()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("an error '%s' was not expected when opening a stub database connection", err)
defer mockDB.Close()
db := sqlx.NewDb(mockDB, "sqlmock")
defer db.Close()
goodInterface := tc.ServerInterfaceInfo{
IPAddresses: []tc.ServerIPAddress{
Address: "",
Gateway: nil,
ServiceAddress: true,
MaxBandwidth: nil,
Monitor: true,
MTU: nil,
Name: "eth0",
testServer := tc.ServerV30{
CommonServerProperties: tc.CommonServerProperties{
CDNID: util.IntPtr(1),
HostName: util.StrPtr("test"),
DomainName: util.StrPtr("quest"),
PhysLocationID: new(int),
ProfileID: new(int),
StatusID: new(int),
TypeID: new(int),
UpdPending: new(bool),
CachegroupID: new(int),
Interfaces: []tc.ServerInterfaceInfo{goodInterface},
typeCols := []string{"name", "use_in_table"}
cdnCols := []string{"cdn"}
ipCols := []string{"id", "address"}
typeRows := sqlmock.NewRows(typeCols).AddRow("EDGE", "server")
cdnRows := sqlmock.NewRows(cdnCols).AddRow(*testServer.CDNID)
ipRows := sqlmock.NewRows(ipCols)
mock.ExpectQuery("SELECT name, use_in_table").WillReturnRows(typeRows)
mock.ExpectQuery("SELECT cdn").WillReturnRows(cdnRows)
mock.ExpectQuery("SELECT s.ID").WillReturnRows(ipRows)
tx := db.MustBegin().Tx
_, err, _ = validateV3(&testServer, tx)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Unexpected error validating test server: %v", err)
testServer.Interfaces = []tc.ServerInterfaceInfo{}
typeRows = sqlmock.NewRows(typeCols).AddRow("EDGE", "server")
cdnRows = sqlmock.NewRows(cdnCols).AddRow(*testServer.CDNID)
mock.ExpectQuery("SELECT name, use_in_table").WillReturnRows(typeRows)
_, err, _ = validateV3(&testServer, tx)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected a server with no interfaces to be invalid")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error validating server with no interfaces: %v", err)
testServer.Interfaces = nil
typeRows = sqlmock.NewRows(typeCols).AddRow("EDGE", "server")
cdnRows = sqlmock.NewRows(cdnCols).AddRow(*testServer.CDNID)
mock.ExpectQuery("SELECT name, use_in_table").WillReturnRows(typeRows)
_, err, _ = validateV3(&testServer, tx)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected a server with nil interfaces to be invalid")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error validating server with nil interfaces: %v", err)
badIface := goodInterface
var badMTU uint64 = 1279
badIface.MTU = &badMTU
testServer.Interfaces = []tc.ServerInterfaceInfo{badIface}
typeRows = sqlmock.NewRows(typeCols).AddRow("EDGE", "server")
cdnRows = sqlmock.NewRows(cdnCols).AddRow(*testServer.CDNID)
mock.ExpectQuery("SELECT name, use_in_table").WillReturnRows(typeRows)
_, err, _ = validateV3(&testServer, tx)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected a server an MTU < 1280 to be invalid")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error validating server with an MTU < 1280: %v", err)
badIface.MTU = nil
badIface.IPAddresses = []tc.ServerIPAddress{}
testServer.Interfaces = []tc.ServerInterfaceInfo{badIface}
typeRows = sqlmock.NewRows(typeCols).AddRow("EDGE", "server")
cdnRows = sqlmock.NewRows(cdnCols).AddRow(*testServer.CDNID)
mock.ExpectQuery("SELECT name, use_in_table").WillReturnRows(typeRows)
_, err, _ = validateV3(&testServer, tx)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected a server with no IP addresses to be invalid")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error validating server with no IP addresses: %v", err)
badIface.IPAddresses = nil
testServer.Interfaces = []tc.ServerInterfaceInfo{badIface}
typeRows = sqlmock.NewRows(typeCols).AddRow("EDGE", "server")
cdnRows = sqlmock.NewRows(cdnCols).AddRow(*testServer.CDNID)
mock.ExpectQuery("SELECT name, use_in_table").WillReturnRows(typeRows)
_, err, _ = validateV3(&testServer, tx)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected a server with nil IP addresses to be invalid")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error validating server with nil IP addresses: %v", err)
badIface = goodInterface
badIP := tc.ServerIPAddress{
Address: "",
Gateway: nil,
ServiceAddress: false,
badIface.IPAddresses = []tc.ServerIPAddress{badIP}
testServer.Interfaces = []tc.ServerInterfaceInfo{badIface}
typeRows = sqlmock.NewRows(typeCols).AddRow("EDGE", "server")
cdnRows = sqlmock.NewRows(cdnCols).AddRow(*testServer.CDNID)
mock.ExpectQuery("SELECT name, use_in_table").WillReturnRows(typeRows)
_, err, _ = validateV3(&testServer, tx)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected a server with no service addresses to be invalid")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error validating server with no service addresses: %v", err)
testServer.Interfaces = []tc.ServerInterfaceInfo{goodInterface, goodInterface}
typeRows = sqlmock.NewRows(typeCols).AddRow("EDGE", "server")
cdnRows = sqlmock.NewRows(cdnCols).AddRow(*testServer.CDNID)
mock.ExpectQuery("SELECT name, use_in_table").WillReturnRows(typeRows)
_, err, _ = validateV3(&testServer, tx)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected a server with too many interfaces with service addresses to be invalid")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error validating server with too many interfaces with service addresses: %v", err)
badIface = goodInterface
badIface.IPAddresses = append(badIface.IPAddresses, tc.ServerIPAddress{
Address: "",
Gateway: nil,
ServiceAddress: true,
testServer.Interfaces = []tc.ServerInterfaceInfo{badIface}
typeRows = sqlmock.NewRows(typeCols).AddRow("EDGE", "server")
cdnRows = sqlmock.NewRows(cdnCols).AddRow(*testServer.CDNID)
mock.ExpectQuery("SELECT name, use_in_table").WillReturnRows(typeRows)
_, err, _ = validateV3(&testServer, tx)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected a server with no service addresses to be invalid")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error validating server with no service addresses: %v", err)
type SortableServers []tc.Server
func (s SortableServers) Len() int {
return len(s)
func (s SortableServers) Swap(i, j int) {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
func (s SortableServers) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s[i].HostName < s[j].HostName