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package deliveryservice
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func PutDNSSecKeys(tx *sql.Tx, xmlID string, cdnName string, exampleURLs []string, tv trafficvault.TrafficVault, ctx context.Context) (error, error, int) {
keys, ok, err := tv.GetDNSSECKeys(cdnName, tx, ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("getting DNSSec keys from Traffic Vault: " + err.Error()), http.StatusInternalServerError
} else if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("there are no DNSSec keys for the CDN %s which is required to create keys for the deliveryservice", cdnName), nil, http.StatusBadRequest
cdnKeys, ok := keys[cdnName]
// TODO warn and continue?
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("there are no DNSSec keys for the CDN %s which is required to create keys for the deliveryservice", cdnName), nil, http.StatusBadRequest
kExp := getKeyExpiration(cdnKeys.KSK, dnssecDefaultKSKExpiration)
zExp := getKeyExpiration(cdnKeys.ZSK, dnssecDefaultZSKExpiration)
overrideTTL := false
dsKeys, err := CreateDNSSECKeys(exampleURLs, cdnKeys, kExp, zExp, dnssecDefaultTTL, overrideTTL)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("creating DNSSEC keys for delivery service '" + xmlID + "': " + err.Error()), http.StatusInternalServerError
keys[xmlID] = dsKeys
if err := tv.PutDNSSECKeys(cdnName, keys, tx, ctx); err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("putting DNSSEC keys in Traffic Vault: " + err.Error()), http.StatusInternalServerError
return nil, nil, http.StatusOK
// CreateDNSSECKeys creates DNSSEC keys for the given delivery service, updating existing keys if they exist. The overrideTTL parameter determines whether to reuse existing key TTLs if they exist, or to override existing TTLs with the ttl parameter's value.
func CreateDNSSECKeys(exampleURLs []string, cdnKeys tc.DNSSECKeySetV11, kskExpiration time.Duration, zskExpiration time.Duration, ttl time.Duration, overrideTTL bool) (tc.DNSSECKeySetV11, error) {
if len(cdnKeys.ZSK) == 0 {
return tc.DNSSECKeySetV11{}, errors.New("getting DNSSec keys from Traffic Vault: no DNSSec ZSK keys for CDN")
if len(cdnKeys.KSK) == 0 {
return tc.DNSSECKeySetV11{}, errors.New("getting DNSSec keys from Traffic Vault: no DNSSec ZSK keys for CDN")
if !overrideTTL {
ttl = getKeyTTL(cdnKeys.KSK, ttl)
dsName, err := GetDSDomainName(exampleURLs)
if err != nil {
return tc.DNSSECKeySetV11{}, errors.New("creating DS domain name: " + err.Error())
inception := time.Now()
zExpiration := inception.Add(zskExpiration)
kExpiration := inception.Add(kskExpiration)
tld := false
effectiveDate := inception
zsk, err := GetDNSSECKeysV11(tc.DNSSECZSKType, dsName, ttl, inception, zExpiration, tc.DNSSECKeyStatusNew, effectiveDate, tld)
if err != nil {
return tc.DNSSECKeySetV11{}, errors.New("getting DNSSEC keys for ZSK: " + err.Error())
ksk, err := GetDNSSECKeysV11(tc.DNSSECKSKType, dsName, ttl, inception, kExpiration, tc.DNSSECKeyStatusNew, effectiveDate, tld)
if err != nil {
return tc.DNSSECKeySetV11{}, errors.New("getting DNSSEC keys for KSK: " + err.Error())
return tc.DNSSECKeySetV11{ZSK: []tc.DNSSECKeyV11{zsk}, KSK: []tc.DNSSECKeyV11{ksk}}, nil
func GetDNSSECKeysV11(keyType string, dsName string, ttl time.Duration, inception time.Time, expiration time.Time, status string, effectiveDate time.Time, tld bool) (tc.DNSSECKeyV11, error) {
key := tc.DNSSECKeyV11{
InceptionDateUnix: inception.Unix(),
ExpirationDateUnix: expiration.Unix(),
Name: dsName,
TTLSeconds: uint64(ttl / time.Second),
Status: status,
EffectiveDateUnix: effectiveDate.Unix(),
isKSK := keyType != tc.DNSSECZSKType
err := error(nil)
key.Public, key.Private, key.DSRecord, err = genKeys(dsName, isKSK, ttl, tld)
return key, err
// genKeys generates keys for DNSSEC for a delivery service. Returns the public key, private key, and DS record (which will be nil if ksk or tld is false).
// This emulates the old Perl Traffic Ops behavior: the public key is of the RFC1035 single-line zone file format, base64 encoded; the private key is of the BIND private-key-file format, base64 encoded; the DSRecord contains the algorithm, digest type, and digest.
func genKeys(dsName string, ksk bool, ttl time.Duration, tld bool) (string, string, *tc.DNSSECKeyDSRecordV11, error) {
bits := 1024
flags := 256
algorithm := dns.RSASHA1 // 5 -
protocol := 3
if ksk {
flags |= 1
bits *= 2
// Note: currently, the Router appears to hard-code this in what it generates for the DS record (or at least the "Publish this" log message).
// DO NOT change this, without verifying the Router works correctly with this digest/type, and specifically with the text generated by MakeDSRecordText inserted in the parent resolver.
digestType := dns.SHA256
dnskey := dns.DNSKEY{
Hdr: dns.RR_Header{
Name: dsName,
Rrtype: dns.TypeDNSKEY,
Class: dns.ClassINET,
Ttl: uint32(ttl / time.Second),
Flags: uint16(flags),
Protocol: uint8(protocol),
Algorithm: algorithm,
priKey, err := dnskey.Generate(bits)
if err != nil {
return "", "", nil, errors.New("error generating DNS key: " + err.Error())
priKeyStr := dnskey.PrivateKeyString(priKey) // BIND9 private-key-file format; cooresponds to Perl Net::DNS::SEC::Private->generate_rsa.dump_rsa_priv
priKeyStrBase64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(priKeyStr))
pubKeyStr := dnskey.String() // RFC1035 single-line zone file format; cooresponds to Perl Net::DNS::RR.plain
pubKeyStrBase64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(pubKeyStr))
keyDS := (*tc.DNSSECKeyDSRecordV11)(nil)
if ksk && tld {
dsRecord := dnskey.ToDS(digestType)
if dsRecord == nil {
return "", "", nil, fmt.Errorf("creating DS record from DNSKEY record: converting dnskey %++v to DS failed", dnskey)
keyDS = &tc.DNSSECKeyDSRecordV11{Algorithm: int64(dsRecord.Algorithm), DigestType: int64(dsRecord.DigestType), Digest: dsRecord.Digest}
return pubKeyStrBase64, priKeyStrBase64, keyDS, nil
// TODO change ttl to time.Duration
func GetDSDomainName(dsExampleURLs []string) (string, error) {
// TODO move somewhere generic
if len(dsExampleURLs) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("no example URLs")
dsName := dsExampleURLs[0] + "."
firstDot := strings.Index(dsName, ".")
if firstDot == -1 {
return "", errors.New("malformed example URL, no dots")
if len(dsName) < firstDot+2 {
return "", errors.New("malformed example URL, nothing after first dot")
dsName = dsName[firstDot+1:]
dsName = strings.ToLower(dsName)
return dsName, nil
const dnssecDefaultKSKExpiration = time.Duration(365) * time.Hour * 24
const dnssecDefaultZSKExpiration = time.Duration(30) * time.Hour * 24
const dnssecDefaultTTL = 30
func getKeyExpiration(keys []tc.DNSSECKeyV11, defaultExpiration time.Duration) time.Duration {
for _, key := range keys {
if key.Status != tc.DNSSECKeyStatusNew {
return time.Duration(key.ExpirationDateUnix-key.InceptionDateUnix) * time.Second
return defaultExpiration
func getKeyTTL(keys []tc.DNSSECKeyV11, defaultTTL time.Duration) time.Duration {
for _, key := range keys {
if key.Status != tc.DNSSECKeyStatusNew {
return time.Duration(key.TTLSeconds) * time.Second
return defaultTTL
// MakeDNSSECKeySetFromRiakKeySet creates a DNSSECKeySet (as served by Traffic Ops) from a DNSSECKeysRiak (as stored in Riak), adding any computed data.
// Notably, this adds the full DS Record text to CDN KSKs
func MakeDNSSECKeysFromTrafficVaultKeys(riakKeys tc.DNSSECKeysTrafficVault, dsTTL time.Duration) (tc.DNSSECKeys, error) {
keys := map[string]tc.DNSSECKeySet{}
for name, riakKeySet := range riakKeys {
newKeySet := tc.DNSSECKeySet{}
for _, zsk := range riakKeySet.ZSK {
newZSK := tc.DNSSECKey{DNSSECKeyV11: zsk}
// ZSKs don't have DSRecords, so we don't need to check here
newKeySet.ZSK = append(newKeySet.ZSK, newZSK)
for _, ksk := range riakKeySet.KSK {
newKSK := tc.DNSSECKey{DNSSECKeyV11: ksk}
if ksk.DSRecord != nil {
newKSK.DSRecord = &tc.DNSSECKeyDSRecord{DNSSECKeyDSRecordV11: *ksk.DSRecord}
err := error(nil)
newKSK.DSRecord.Text, err = MakeDSRecordText(ksk, dsTTL)
if err != nil {
return tc.DNSSECKeys{}, errors.New("making DS record text: " + err.Error())
newKeySet.KSK = append(newKeySet.KSK, newKSK)
keys[name] = newKeySet
return tc.DNSSECKeys(keys), nil
func MakeDSRecordText(ksk tc.DNSSECKeyV11, ttl time.Duration) (string, error) {
kskPublic := strings.Replace(ksk.Public, `\n`, "", -1) // note this is replacing the actual string slash-n not a newline. Because Perl.
kskPublic = strings.Replace(kskPublic, "\n", "", -1)
kskPublicBts := []byte(kskPublic)
publicKeyBtsLen := base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(kskPublicBts))
publicKeyBts := make([]byte, publicKeyBtsLen)
publicKeyBtsLen, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(publicKeyBts, kskPublicBts)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("decoding ksk public key base64: %w", err)
publicKeyBts = publicKeyBts[:publicKeyBtsLen]
// ksk.Public isn't just the public key, it's the RFC 1035 single-line zone file format: "name ttl IN DNSKEY flags protocol algorithm keyBytes".
fields := strings.Fields(string(publicKeyBts))
if len(fields) < 8 {
return "", errors.New("malformed ksk public key: not enough fields")
flagsStr := fields[4]
protocolStr := fields[5]
flags, err := strconv.ParseUint(flagsStr, 10, 16)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("malformed ksk public key: can't parse flags '%s' as uint16: %w", flagsStr, err)
protocol, err := strconv.ParseUint(protocolStr, 10, 8)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("malformed ksk public key: can't parse protocol '%s' as uint8: %w", protocolStr, err)
realPublicKey := fields[7] // the Riak ksk.Public key is actually the RFC1035 single-line zone file format. For which the 7th field from 0 is the actual public key.
dnsKey := dns.DNSKEY{
Hdr: dns.RR_Header{
Name: ksk.Name,
Rrtype: dns.TypeDNSKEY,
Class: dns.ClassINET,
Ttl: uint32(ttl / time.Second), // NOT ksk.TTLSeconds, which is the DNSKEY TTL. The DS has its own TTL, which in Traffic Ops (as of this writing) comes from the Parameter name 'tld.ttls.DS' config 'CRConfig.json' assigned to the profile of a Router on this CDN.
Flags: uint16(flags),
Protocol: uint8(protocol),
Algorithm: uint8(ksk.DSRecord.Algorithm),
PublicKey: realPublicKey,
ds := dnsKey.ToDS(uint8(ksk.DSRecord.DigestType))
if ds == nil {
return "", errors.New("failed to convert DNSKEY to DS record (is some field in the KSK invalid?)")
return ds.String(), nil