blob: 7e54a0fdb37a86c6ff60f9ea00be3ed0316cb415 [file] [log] [blame]
package deliveryservice
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
func GetCapacity(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
inf, userErr, sysErr, errCode := api.NewInfo(r, []string{"id"}, []string{"id"})
if userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
api.HandleErr(w, r, inf.Tx.Tx, errCode, userErr, sysErr)
defer inf.Close()
dsID := inf.IntParams["id"]
userErr, sysErr, errCode = tenant.CheckID(inf.Tx.Tx, inf.User, dsID)
if userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
api.HandleErr(w, r, inf.Tx.Tx, errCode, userErr, sysErr)
ds, cdn, ok, err := dbhelpers.GetDSNameAndCDNFromID(inf.Tx.Tx, dsID)
if err != nil {
api.HandleErr(w, r, inf.Tx.Tx, http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, errors.New("getting delivery service name from ID: "+err.Error()))
if !ok {
api.HandleErr(w, r, inf.Tx.Tx, http.StatusNotFound, nil, nil)
capacity, err := getCapacity(inf.Tx.Tx, ds, cdn)
if err != nil {
api.HandleErr(w, r, inf.Tx.Tx, http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, errors.New("getting delivery service capacity: "+err.Error()))
api.WriteResp(w, r, capacity)
type CapacityResp struct {
AvailablePercent float64 `json:"availablePercent"`
UnavailablePercent float64 `json:"unavailablePercent"`
UtilizedPercent float64 `json:"utilizedPercent"`
MaintenancePercent float64 `json:"maintenancePercent"`
type CapData struct {
Available float64
Unavailable float64
Maintenance float64
Capacity float64
func getCapacity(tx *sql.Tx, ds tc.DeliveryServiceName, cdn tc.CDNName) (CapacityResp, error) {
monitors, err := monitorhlp.GetURLs(tx)
if err != nil {
return CapacityResp{}, errors.New("getting monitor URLs: " + err.Error())
client, err := monitorhlp.GetClient(tx)
if err != nil {
return CapacityResp{}, errors.New("getting monitor client: " + err.Error())
thresholds, err := getEdgeProfileHealthThresholdBandwidth(tx)
if err != nil {
return CapacityResp{}, errors.New("getting profile thresholds: " + err.Error())
monitorFQDNs, ok := monitors[cdn]
if !ok {
return CapacityResp{}, nil // TODO emulates perl; change to error?
errs := []error{}
for _, monitorFQDN := range monitorFQDNs {
crStates, err := monitorhlp.GetCRStates(monitorFQDN, client)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, errors.New("getting CRStates for delivery service '"+string(ds)+"' monitor '"+monitorFQDN+"': "+err.Error()))
crConfig, err := monitorhlp.GetCRConfig(monitorFQDN, client)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, errors.New("getting CRConfig for delivery service '"+string(ds)+"' monitor '"+monitorFQDN+"': "+err.Error()))
statsToFetch := []string{tc.StatNameMaxKBPS, tc.StatNameKBPS}
cacheStats, _, err := monitorhlp.GetCacheStats(monitorFQDN, client, statsToFetch)
if err != nil {
legacyCacheStats, _, err := monitorhlp.GetLegacyCacheStats(monitorFQDN, client, statsToFetch)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, errors.New("getting CacheStats for delivery service '"+string(ds)+"' monitor '"+monitorFQDN+"': "+err.Error()))
cacheStats = monitorhlp.UpgradeLegacyStats(legacyCacheStats)
cap := addCapacity(CapData{}, ds, cacheStats, crStates, crConfig, thresholds)
if cap.Capacity == 0 {
if dsHasServer(ds, crConfig) {
return CapacityResp{}, errors.New("Delivery service '" + string(ds) + "' has servers, but capacity was zero!'")
log.Warnf("Delivery service '" + string(ds) + "' has no servers. Returning 0 capacity'")
return CapacityResp{}, nil // avoid divide-by-zero below.
return CapacityResp{
UtilizedPercent: (cap.Available * 100) / cap.Capacity,
UnavailablePercent: (cap.Unavailable * 100) / cap.Capacity,
MaintenancePercent: (cap.Maintenance * 100) / cap.Capacity,
AvailablePercent: ((cap.Capacity - cap.Unavailable - cap.Maintenance - cap.Available) * 100) / cap.Capacity,
}, nil
return CapacityResp{}, errors.New("getting capacity: " + util.JoinErrs(errs).Error())
// dsHasServer checks whether a given DS has servers.
func dsHasServer(ds tc.DeliveryServiceName, crConfig tc.CRConfig) bool {
for _, server := range crConfig.ContentServers {
if _, ok := server.DeliveryServices[string(ds)]; ok {
return true
return false
func addCapacity(
cap CapData,
ds tc.DeliveryServiceName,
cacheStats tc.Stats,
crStates tc.CRStates,
crConfig tc.CRConfig,
thresholds map[string]float64,
) CapData {
for cacheName, statsCache := range cacheStats.Caches {
cache, ok := crConfig.ContentServers[string(cacheName)]
if !ok {
log.Warnln("Getting delivery service capacity: delivery service '" + string(ds) + "' cache '" + string(cacheName) + "' in CacheStats but not CRConfig, skipping")
if _, ok := cache.DeliveryServices[string(ds)]; !ok {
if cache.ServerType == nil || !strings.HasPrefix(string(*cache.ServerType), string(tc.CacheTypeEdge)) {
stat := statsCache.Stats
if len(stat[tc.StatNameKBPS]) < 1 || len(stat[tc.StatNameMaxKBPS]) < 1 {
log.Warnln("Getting delivery service capacity: delivery service '" + string(ds) + "' cache '" + string(cacheName) + "' CacheStats has no kbps or maxKbps, skipping")
kbps, err := statToFloat(stat[tc.StatNameKBPS][0].Val)
if err != nil {
log.Warnln("Getting delivery service capacity: delivery service '" + string(ds) + "' cache '" + string(cacheName) + "' CacheStats kbps is not a number, skipping")
maxKBPS, err := statToFloat(stat[tc.StatNameMaxKBPS][0].Val)
if err != nil {
log.Warnln("Getting delivery service capacity: delivery service '" + string(ds) + "' cache '" + string(cacheName) + "' CacheStats maxKps is not a number, skipping")
if cache.ServerStatus == nil {
log.Warnln("Getting delivery service capacity: delivery service '" + string(ds) + "' cache '" + string(cacheName) + "' CRConfig Status is nil, skipping")
if cache.Profile == nil {
log.Warnln("Getting delivery service capacity: delivery service '" + string(ds) + "' cache '" + string(cacheName) + "' CRConfig Profile is nil, skipping")
if tc.CacheStatus(*cache.ServerStatus) == tc.CacheStatusReported || tc.CacheStatus(*cache.ServerStatus) == tc.CacheStatusOnline {
if crStates.Caches[tc.CacheName(cacheName)].IsAvailable {
cap.Available += kbps
} else {
cap.Unavailable += kbps
} else if tc.CacheStatus(*cache.ServerStatus) == tc.CacheStatusAdminDown {
cap.Maintenance += kbps
} else {
continue // don't add capacity for OFFLINE or other statuses
cap.Capacity += maxKBPS - thresholds[*cache.Profile]
return cap
// statToFloat converts a CacheStats stat interface{} to a float64
func statToFloat(s interface{}) (float64, error) {
switch v := s.(type) {
case int:
return float64(v), nil
case int64:
return float64(v), nil
case float64:
return v, nil
case string:
iv, err := strconv.ParseFloat(v, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0.0, errors.New("stat is a string which is not a number: " + err.Error())
return iv, nil
return 0.0, fmt.Errorf("unknown stat type: %T", s)
func getEdgeProfileHealthThresholdBandwidth(tx *sql.Tx) (map[string]float64, error) {
rows, err := tx.Query(`
SELECT as profile,, pa.config_file, pa.value
FROM parameter as pa
JOIN profile_parameter as pp ON pp.parameter =
JOIN profile as pr ON pp.profile =
JOIN server as s ON s.profile =
JOIN cdn as c ON = s.cdn_id
JOIN type as t ON s.type =
AND pa.config_file = 'rascal-config.txt'
AND = 'health.threshold.availableBandwidthInKbps'
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("querying thresholds: " + err.Error())
defer rows.Close()
profileThresholds := map[string]float64{}
for rows.Next() {
profile := ""
threshStr := ""
if err := rows.Scan(&profile, &threshStr); err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("scanning thresholds: " + err.Error())
threshStr = strings.TrimPrefix(threshStr, ">")
thresh, err := strconv.ParseFloat(threshStr, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("profile '" + profile + "' health.threshold.availableBandwidthInKbps is not a number")
profileThresholds[profile] = thresh
return profileThresholds, nil