blob: 29b40589b83ddca28e8c89b9dd0e6a46d0227a2e [file] [log] [blame]
package coordinate
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
validation ""
//we need a type alias to define functions on
type TOCoordinate struct {
api.APIInfoImpl `json:"-"`
func (v *TOCoordinate) SetLastUpdated(t tc.TimeNoMod) { v.LastUpdated = &t }
func (v *TOCoordinate) InsertQuery() string { return insertQuery() }
func (v *TOCoordinate) NewReadObj() interface{} { return &tc.CoordinateNullable{} }
func (v *TOCoordinate) SelectQuery() string { return selectQuery() }
func (v *TOCoordinate) ParamColumns() map[string]dbhelpers.WhereColumnInfo {
return map[string]dbhelpers.WhereColumnInfo{
"id": dbhelpers.WhereColumnInfo{Column: "id", Checker: api.IsInt},
"name": dbhelpers.WhereColumnInfo{Column: "name"},
func (v *TOCoordinate) GetLastUpdated() (*time.Time, bool, error) {
return api.GetLastUpdated(v.APIInfo().Tx, *v.ID, "coordinate")
func (v *TOCoordinate) UpdateQuery() string { return updateQuery() }
func (v *TOCoordinate) DeleteQuery() string { return deleteQuery() }
func (coordinate TOCoordinate) GetKeyFieldsInfo() []api.KeyFieldInfo {
return []api.KeyFieldInfo{{Field: "id", Func: api.GetIntKey}}
//Implementation of the Identifier, Validator interface functions
func (coordinate TOCoordinate) GetKeys() (map[string]interface{}, bool) {
if coordinate.ID == nil {
return map[string]interface{}{"id": 0}, false
return map[string]interface{}{"id": *coordinate.ID}, true
func (coordinate TOCoordinate) GetAuditName() string {
if coordinate.Name != nil {
return *coordinate.Name
if coordinate.ID != nil {
return strconv.Itoa(*coordinate.ID)
return "0"
func (coordinate TOCoordinate) GetType() string {
return "coordinate"
func (coordinate *TOCoordinate) SetKeys(keys map[string]interface{}) {
i, _ := keys["id"].(int) //this utilizes the non panicking type assertion, if the thrown away ok variable is false i will be the zero of the type, 0 here.
coordinate.ID = &i
func isValidCoordinateChar(r rune) bool {
if r >= 'a' && r <= 'z' {
return true
if r >= 'A' && r <= 'Z' {
return true
if r >= '0' && r <= '9' {
return true
if r == '.' || r == '-' || r == '_' {
return true
return false
// IsValidCoordinateName returns true if the name contains only characters valid for a Coordinate name
func IsValidCoordinateName(str string) bool {
i := strings.IndexFunc(str, func(r rune) bool { return !isValidCoordinateChar(r) })
return i == -1
// Validate fulfills the api.Validator interface.
func (coordinate TOCoordinate) Validate() (error, error) {
validName := validation.NewStringRule(IsValidCoordinateName, "invalid characters found - Use alphanumeric . or - or _ .")
latitudeErr := "Must be a floating point number within the range +-90"
longitudeErr := "Must be a floating point number within the range +-180"
errs := validation.Errors{
"name": validation.Validate(coordinate.Name, validation.Required, validName),
"latitude": validation.Validate(coordinate.Latitude, validation.Min(-90.0).Error(latitudeErr), validation.Max(90.0).Error(latitudeErr)),
"longitude": validation.Validate(coordinate.Longitude, validation.Min(-180.0).Error(longitudeErr), validation.Max(180.0).Error(longitudeErr)),
return util.JoinErrs(tovalidate.ToErrors(errs)), nil
func (coord *TOCoordinate) Create() (error, error, int) { return api.GenericCreate(coord) }
func (coord *TOCoordinate) Read(h http.Header, useIMS bool) ([]interface{}, error, error, int, *time.Time) {
api.DefaultSort(coord.APIInfo(), "name")
return api.GenericRead(h, coord, useIMS)
func (v *TOCoordinate) SelectMaxLastUpdatedQuery(where, orderBy, pagination, tableName string) string {
return `SELECT max(t) from (
SELECT max(last_updated) as t from ` + tableName + ` c ` + where + orderBy + pagination +
select max(last_updated) as t from last_deleted l where l.table_name='` + tableName + `') as res`
func (coord *TOCoordinate) Update(h http.Header) (error, error, int) {
return api.GenericUpdate(h, coord)
func (coord *TOCoordinate) Delete() (error, error, int) { return api.GenericDelete(coord) }
func selectQuery() string {
query := `SELECT
FROM coordinate c`
return query
func updateQuery() string {
query := `UPDATE
coordinate SET
WHERE id=:id RETURNING last_updated`
return query
func insertQuery() string {
query := `INSERT INTO coordinate (
name) VALUES (
:name) RETURNING id,last_updated`
return query
func deleteQuery() string {
return `DELETE FROM coordinate WHERE id = :id`