blob: 99e65b102d69a2f4ad70e3a6e65cd43d1c028b6b [file] [log] [blame]
package cdn
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
var noTx = (*sql.Tx)(nil) // make a variable instead of passing nil directly, to reduce copy-paste errors
func RefreshDNSSECKeys(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
_, _, status, usrErr, sysErr := refreshDNSSECKeys(r.Context())
if usrErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
api.HandleErr(w, r, noTx, status, usrErr, sysErr)
api.WriteResp(w, r, "Checking DNSSEC keys for refresh in the background")
func RefreshDNSSECKeysV4(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
asyncStatusID, started, status, usrErr, sysErr := refreshDNSSECKeys(r.Context())
if usrErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
api.HandleErr(w, r, noTx, status, usrErr, sysErr)
message := "the server is already executing a DNSSEC refresh"
if started {
message = "Starting DNSSEC key refresh in the background. This may take a few minutes. Status updates can be found here: " + api.CurrentAsyncEndpoint + strconv.Itoa(asyncStatusID)
w.Header().Add(rfc.Location, api.CurrentAsyncEndpoint+strconv.Itoa(asyncStatusID))
api.WriteAlerts(w, r, http.StatusAccepted, tc.CreateAlerts(tc.SuccessLevel, message))
// refreshDNSSECKeys starts a goroutine to refresh the DNSSEC keys for all delivery services in all CDNs (except for the CDN KSKs which need to be refreshed separately).
// It returns the async status ID, a bool indicating whether the refresh job was started or not, an HTTP status, a user error, and a system error.
func refreshDNSSECKeys(ctx context.Context) (int, bool, int, error, error) {
if setInDNSSECKeyRefresh() {
db, err := api.GetDB(ctx)
if err != nil {
return 0, false, http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, errors.New("RefreshDNSSECKeys getting db from context: " + err.Error())
cfg, err := api.GetConfig(ctx)
if err != nil {
return 0, false, http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, errors.New("RefreshDNSSECKeys getting config from context: " + err.Error())
user, err := auth.GetCurrentUser(ctx)
if err != nil {
return 0, false, http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, errors.New("RefreshDNSSECKeys getting user from context: " + err.Error())
if !cfg.TrafficVaultEnabled {
return 0, false, http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, errors.New("refreshing DNSSEC keys: Traffic Vault not enabled")
tv, err := api.GetTrafficVault(ctx)
if err != nil {
return 0, false, http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, errors.New("RefreshDNSSECKeys getting Traffic Vault from context: " + err.Error())
tx, err := db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return 0, false, http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, errors.New("RefreshDNSSECKeys beginning tx: " + err.Error())
asyncTx, err := db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return 0, false, http.StatusInternalServerError, nil, errors.New("RefreshDNSSECKeys beginning asyncTx: " + err.Error())
jobID, status, usrErr, sysErr := api.InsertAsyncStatus(asyncTx, "DNSSEC refresh started")
if usrErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
return 0, false, status, usrErr, sysErr
go doDNSSECKeyRefresh(tx, db, tv, jobID, user) // doDNSSECKeyRefresh takes ownership of tx and MUST close it.
return jobID, true, http.StatusAccepted, nil, nil
} else {
log.Infoln("RefreshDNSSECKeys called, while server was concurrently executing a refresh, doing nothing")
return 0, false, http.StatusAccepted, nil, nil
const DNSSECKeyRefreshDefaultTTL = time.Duration(60) * time.Second
const DNSSECKeyRefreshDefaultGenerationMultiplier = uint64(10)
const DNSSECKeyRefreshDefaultEffectiveMultiplier = uint64(10)
const DNSSECKeyRefreshDefaultKSKExpiration = time.Duration(365) * time.Hour * 24
const DNSSECKeyRefreshDefaultZSKExpiration = time.Duration(30) * time.Hour * 24
// doDNSSECKeyRefresh refreshes the CDN's DNSSEC keys, as necessary.
// This takes ownership of tx, and MUST call `tx.Close()`.
// This SHOULD only be called if setInDNSSECKeyRefresh() returned true, in which case this MUST call unsetInDNSSECKeyRefresh() before returning.
func doDNSSECKeyRefresh(tx *sql.Tx, asyncDB *sqlx.DB, tv trafficvault.TrafficVault, jobID int, user *auth.CurrentUser) {
doCommit := true
defer func() {
if doCommit {
} else {
defer unsetInDNSSECKeyRefresh()
cdnDNSSECKeyParams, err := getDNSSECKeyRefreshParams(tx)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("refreshing DNSSEC Keys: getting cdn parameters: " + err.Error())
doCommit = false
if asyncErr := api.UpdateAsyncStatus(asyncDB, api.AsyncFailed, "DNSSEC refresh failed", jobID, true); asyncErr != nil {
log.Errorf("updating async status for id %d: %v", jobID, asyncErr)
cdns := []string{}
for _, inf := range cdnDNSSECKeyParams {
if inf.DNSSECEnabled {
cdns = append(cdns, string(inf.CDNName))
// TODO change to return a slice, map is slow and unnecessary
dsInfo, err := getDNSSECKeyRefreshDSInfo(tx, cdns)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("refreshing DNSSEC Keys: getting ds info: " + err.Error())
doCommit = false
if asyncErr := api.UpdateAsyncStatus(asyncDB, api.AsyncFailed, "DNSSEC refresh failed", jobID, true); asyncErr != nil {
log.Errorf("updating async status for id %d: %v", jobID, asyncErr)
dses := []string{}
for ds, _ := range dsInfo {
dses = append(dses, string(ds))
dsMatchlists, err := deliveryservice.GetDeliveryServicesMatchLists(dses, tx)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("refreshing DNSSEC Keys: getting ds matchlists: " + err.Error())
doCommit = false
if asyncErr := api.UpdateAsyncStatus(asyncDB, api.AsyncFailed, "DNSSEC refresh failed", jobID, true); asyncErr != nil {
log.Errorf("updating async status for id %d: %v", jobID, asyncErr)
exampleURLs := map[tc.DeliveryServiceName][]string{}
for ds, inf := range dsInfo {
exampleURLs[ds] = deliveryservice.MakeExampleURLs(inf.Protocol, inf.Type, inf.RoutingName, dsMatchlists[string(ds)], inf.CDNDomain)
errCount := 0
updateCount := 0
putErr := false
for _, cdnInf := range cdnDNSSECKeyParams {
keys, ok, err := tv.GetDNSSECKeys(string(cdnInf.CDNName), tx, context.Background()) // TODO get all in a map beforehand
if err != nil {
log.Warnln("refreshing DNSSEC Keys: getting cdn '" + string(cdnInf.CDNName) + "' keys from Traffic Vault, skipping: " + err.Error())
if !ok {
log.Warnln("refreshing DNSSEC Keys: cdn '" + string(cdnInf.CDNName) + "' has no keys in Traffic Vault, skipping")
ttl := DNSSECKeyRefreshDefaultTTL
if cdnInf.TLDTTLsDNSKEY != nil {
ttl = time.Duration(*cdnInf.TLDTTLsDNSKEY) * time.Second
genMultiplier := DNSSECKeyRefreshDefaultGenerationMultiplier
if cdnInf.DNSKEYGenerationMultiplier != nil {
genMultiplier = *cdnInf.DNSKEYGenerationMultiplier
effectiveMultiplier := DNSSECKeyRefreshDefaultEffectiveMultiplier
if cdnInf.DNSKEYEffectiveMultiplier != nil {
effectiveMultiplier = *cdnInf.DNSKEYEffectiveMultiplier
nowPlusTTL := time.Now().Add(ttl * time.Duration(genMultiplier)) // "key_expiration" in the Perl this was transliterated from
defaultKSKExpiration := DNSSECKeyRefreshDefaultKSKExpiration
for _, key := range keys[string(cdnInf.CDNName)].KSK {
if key.Status != tc.DNSSECKeyStatusNew {
defaultKSKExpiration = time.Unix(key.ExpirationDateUnix, 0).Sub(time.Unix(key.InceptionDateUnix, 0))
defaultZSKExpiration := DNSSECKeyRefreshDefaultZSKExpiration
for _, key := range keys[string(cdnInf.CDNName)].ZSK {
if key.Status != tc.DNSSECKeyStatusNew {
expiration := time.Unix(key.ExpirationDateUnix, 0)
inception := time.Unix(key.InceptionDateUnix, 0)
defaultZSKExpiration = expiration.Sub(inception)
if expiration.After(nowPlusTTL) {
log.Infoln("The ZSK keys for '" + string(cdnInf.CDNName) + "' are expired! Regenerating them now.")
effectiveDate := expiration.Add(ttl * time.Duration(effectiveMultiplier) * -1) // -1 to subtract
isKSK := false
cdnDNSDomain := cdnInf.CDNDomain + "."
newKeys, err := regenExpiredKeys(isKSK, cdnDNSDomain, keys[string(cdnInf.CDNName)], effectiveDate, false, false)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("refreshing DNSSEC Keys: regenerating expired ZSK keys: " + err.Error())
} else {
keys[string(cdnInf.CDNName)] = newKeys
for _, ds := range dsInfo {
if ds.CDNName != cdnInf.CDNName {
if t := ds.Type; !t.UsesDNSSECKeys() {
dsKeys, dsKeysExist := keys[string(ds.DSName)]
if !dsKeysExist {
log.Infoln("Keys do not exist for ds '" + string(ds.DSName) + "'")
cdnKeys, ok := keys[string(ds.CDNName)]
if !ok {
log.Errorln("refreshing DNSSEC Keys: cdn has no keys, cannot create ds keys")
overrideTTL := false
dsKeys, err := deliveryservice.CreateDNSSECKeys(exampleURLs[ds.DSName], cdnKeys, defaultKSKExpiration, defaultZSKExpiration, ttl, overrideTTL)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("refreshing DNSSEC Keys: creating missing ds keys: " + err.Error())
keys[string(ds.DSName)] = dsKeys
for _, key := range dsKeys.KSK {
if key.Status != tc.DNSSECKeyStatusNew {
expiration := time.Unix(key.ExpirationDateUnix, 0)
if expiration.After(nowPlusTTL) {
log.Infoln("The KSK keys for '" + ds.DSName + "' are expired! Regenerating them now.")
effectiveDate := expiration.Add(ttl * time.Duration(effectiveMultiplier) * -1) // -1 to subtract
isKSK := true
newKeys, err := regenExpiredKeys(isKSK, string(ds.DSName), dsKeys, effectiveDate, false, false)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("refreshing DNSSEC Keys: regenerating expired KSK keys for ds '" + string(ds.DSName) + "': " + err.Error())
} else {
keys[string(ds.DSName)] = newKeys
for _, key := range dsKeys.ZSK {
if key.Status != tc.DNSSECKeyStatusNew {
expiration := time.Unix(key.ExpirationDateUnix, 0)
if expiration.After(nowPlusTTL) {
log.Infoln("The ZSK keys for '" + ds.DSName + "' are expired! Regenerating them now.")
effectiveDate := expiration.Add(ttl * time.Duration(effectiveMultiplier) * -1) // -1 to subtract
isKSK := false
newKeys, err := regenExpiredKeys(isKSK, string(ds.DSName), dsKeys, effectiveDate, false, false)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("refreshing DNSSEC Keys: regenerating expired ZSK keys for ds '" + string(ds.DSName) + "': " + err.Error())
} else {
if existingNewKeys, ok := keys[string(ds.DSName)]; ok {
existingNewKeys.ZSK = newKeys.ZSK
newKeys = existingNewKeys
keys[string(ds.DSName)] = newKeys
if updateCount > 0 {
if err := tv.PutDNSSECKeys(string(cdnInf.CDNName), keys, tx, context.Background()); err != nil {
log.Errorln("refreshing DNSSEC Keys: putting keys into Traffic Vault for cdn '" + string(cdnInf.CDNName) + "': " + err.Error())
putErr = true
clMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Refreshed %d DNSSEC keys", updateCount)
status := api.AsyncSucceeded
msg := fmt.Sprintf("DNSSEC refresh completed successfully (%d keys were updated)", updateCount)
if putErr {
status = api.AsyncFailed
msg = fmt.Sprintf("DNSSEC refresh failed (attempted to update %d keys, but an error occurred while attempting to store in Traffic Vault)", updateCount)
clMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Attempted to refresh %d DNSSEC keys, but an error occurred while attempting to store in Traffic Vault", updateCount)
} else if errCount > 0 {
status = api.AsyncFailed
msg = fmt.Sprintf("DNSSEC refresh failed (updated %d keys, but %d errors occurred)", updateCount, errCount)
clMsg = fmt.Sprintf("Refreshed %d DNSSEC keys, but %d errors occurred", updateCount, errCount)
if updateCount > 0 || errCount > 0 || putErr {
api.CreateChangeLogRawTx(api.ApiChange, clMsg, user, tx)
if asyncErr := api.UpdateAsyncStatus(asyncDB, status, msg, jobID, true); asyncErr != nil {
log.Errorf("updating async status for id %d: %v", jobID, asyncErr)
log.Infoln("Done refreshing DNSSEC keys")
type DNSSECKeyRefreshCDNInfo struct {
CDNName tc.CDNName
CDNDomain string
DNSSECEnabled bool
DNSKEYEffectiveMultiplier *uint64
DNSKEYGenerationMultiplier *uint64
// getDNSSECKeyRefreshParams returns returns the CDN's profile's tld.ttls.DNSKEY, DNSKEY.effective.multiplier, and DNSKEY.generation.multiplier parameters. If either parameter doesn't exist, nil is returned.
// If a CDN exists, but has no parameters, it is returned as a key in the map with a nil value.
func getDNSSECKeyRefreshParams(tx *sql.Tx) (map[tc.CDNName]DNSSECKeyRefreshCDNInfo, error) {
qry := `
WITH cdn_profile_ids AS (
DISTINCT( as cdn_name,
c.domain_name as cdn_domain,
c.dnssec_enabled as cdn_dnssec_enabled,
MAX( as profile_id -- We only want 1 profile, so get the probably-newest if there's more than one.
cdn c
LEFT JOIN profile p ON = p.cdn AND (p.type = '` + tc.TrafficRouterProfileType + `')
GROUP BY, c.dnssec_enabled, c.domain_name
MAX( as parameter_name,
MAX(pa.value) as parameter_value
cdn_profile_ids pi
LEFT JOIN profile pr ON pi.profile_id =
LEFT JOIN profile_parameter pp ON = pp.profile
LEFT JOIN parameter pa ON pp.parameter = AND ( = 'tld.ttls.DNSKEY'
OR = 'DNSKEY.effective.multiplier'
OR = 'DNSKEY.generation.multiplier'
GROUP BY pi.cdn_name, pi.cdn_domain, pi.cdn_dnssec_enabled
rows, err := tx.Query(qry)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("getting cdn dnssec key refresh parameters: " + err.Error())
defer rows.Close()
params := map[tc.CDNName]DNSSECKeyRefreshCDNInfo{}
for rows.Next() {
cdnName := tc.CDNName("")
cdnDomain := ""
dnssecEnabled := false
name := util.StrPtr("")
valStr := util.StrPtr("")
if err := rows.Scan(&cdnName, &cdnDomain, &dnssecEnabled, &name, &valStr); err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("scanning cdn dnssec key refresh parameters: " + err.Error())
inf := params[cdnName]
inf.CDNName = cdnName
inf.CDNDomain = cdnDomain
inf.DNSSECEnabled = dnssecEnabled
if name == nil || valStr == nil {
// no DNSKEY parameters, but the CDN still exists.
params[cdnName] = inf
val, err := strconv.ParseUint(*valStr, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Warnln("getting CDN dnssec refresh parameters: parameter '" + *name + "' value '" + *valStr + "' is not a number, skipping")
params[cdnName] = inf
switch *name {
case "tld.ttls.DNSKEY":
inf.TLDTTLsDNSKEY = &val
case "DNSKEY.effective.multiplier":
inf.DNSKEYEffectiveMultiplier = &val
case "DNSKEY.generation.multiplier":
inf.DNSKEYGenerationMultiplier = &val
log.Warnln("getDNSSECKeyRefreshParams got unknown parameter '" + *name + "', skipping")
params[cdnName] = inf
return params, nil
type DNSSECKeyRefreshDSInfo struct {
DSName tc.DeliveryServiceName
Type tc.DSType
Protocol *int
CDNName tc.CDNName
CDNDomain string
RoutingName string
func getDNSSECKeyRefreshDSInfo(tx *sql.Tx, cdns []string) (map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]DNSSECKeyRefreshDSInfo, error) {
qry := `
ds.xml_id, as type,
ds.protocol, as cdn_name,
c.domain_name as cdn_domain,
deliveryservice ds
JOIN type tp ON = ds.type
JOIN cdn c ON = ds.cdn_id
rows, err := tx.Query(qry, pq.Array(cdns))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("getting cdn dnssec key refresh ds info: " + err.Error())
defer rows.Close()
dsInf := map[tc.DeliveryServiceName]DNSSECKeyRefreshDSInfo{}
for rows.Next() {
i := DNSSECKeyRefreshDSInfo{}
if err := rows.Scan(&i.DSName, &i.Type, &i.Protocol, &i.CDNName, &i.CDNDomain, &i.RoutingName); err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("scanning cdn dnssec key refresh ds info: " + err.Error())
dsInf[i.DSName] = i
return dsInf, nil
// inDNSSECKeyRefresh is whether the server is currently processing a refresh in the background.
// This is used to only perform 1 refresh at a time.
// This MUST NOT be changed outside of atomic operations.
// This MUST NOT be changed to a boolean, or set without atomics. Atomic semantics involve more than just setting a memory location.
var inDNSSECKeyRefresh = uint64(0)
// setInDNSSECKeyRefresh attempts to set whether the server is currently executing a DNSSEC key refresh operation.
// Returns false if a refresh operation is already executing.
// If this returns true, the caller MUST call unsetInDNSSECKeyRefresh().
func setInDNSSECKeyRefresh() bool { return atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64(&inDNSSECKeyRefresh, 0, 1) }
// unsetInDNSSECKeyRefresh sets the flag indicating that the server is currently executing a DNSSEC key refresh operation to false.
// This MUST NOT be called, unless setInDNSSECKeyRefresh() was previously called and returned true.
func unsetInDNSSECKeyRefresh() { atomic.StoreUint64(&inDNSSECKeyRefresh, 0) }