blob: 8431167cb18918cbe367eb0bdfc00840257fbd15 [file] [log] [blame]
package cachesstats
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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import (
const ATSCurrentConnectionsStat = "ats.proxy.process.http.current_client_connections"
func Get(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
inf, userErr, sysErr, errCode := api.NewInfo(r, nil, nil)
if userErr != nil || sysErr != nil {
api.HandleErr(w, r, inf.Tx.Tx, errCode, userErr, sysErr)
defer inf.Close()
api.RespWriter(w, r, inf.Tx.Tx)(getCachesStats(inf.Tx.Tx))
func getCachesStats(tx *sql.Tx) ([]CacheData, error) {
monitors, err := monitorhlp.GetURLs(tx)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("getting monitors: " + err.Error())
client, err := monitorhlp.GetClient(tx)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("getting monitor client: " + err.Error())
cacheData, err := getCacheData(tx)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("getting cache data: " + err.Error())
for cdn, monitorFQDNs := range monitors {
if len(monitorFQDNs) == 0 {
log.Warnln("getCachesStats: cdn '" + string(cdn) + "' has no online monitors, skipping!")
success := false
errs := []error{}
for _, monitorFQDN := range monitorFQDNs {
crStates, err := monitorhlp.GetCRStates(monitorFQDN, client)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, errors.New("getting CRStates for CDN '"+string(cdn)+"' monitor '"+monitorFQDN+"': "+err.Error()))
var cacheStats tc.Stats
var url string
stats := []string{ATSCurrentConnectionsStat, tc.StatNameBandwidth}
cacheStats, url, err = monitorhlp.GetCacheStats(monitorFQDN, client, stats)
if err != nil {
legacyCacheStats, legacyUrl, err := monitorhlp.GetLegacyCacheStats(monitorFQDN, client, stats)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, errors.New("getting CacheStats for CDN '"+string(cdn)+"' monitor '"+monitorFQDN+"': "+err.Error()))
url = legacyUrl
cacheStats = monitorhlp.UpgradeLegacyStats(legacyCacheStats)
cacheData = addHealth(cacheData, crStates)
cacheData = addStats(cacheData, cacheStats, url)
success = true
if !success {
return nil, errors.New("getting cache stats from all monitors failed for cdn '" + string(cdn) + "': " + util.JoinErrs(errs).Error())
// if we succeeded, log the monitor failures but don't return them
for _, err := range errs {
cacheData = addTotals(cacheData)
return cacheData, nil
// addTotals sums each cachegroup, and adds the sum to an object with the cache-specific fields set to "ALL", and the cachegroup. It then sums all cachegroups, and adds the total to an object with all fields set to "ALL".
// TODO in the next API version, add totals in their own JSON objects, not amidst the cachegroup keys.
func addTotals(data []CacheData) []CacheData {
all := "ALL"
cachegroups := map[tc.CacheGroupName]CacheData{}
total := CacheData{Profile: all, Status: all, Healthy: true, HostName: tc.CacheName(all), CacheGroup: tc.CacheGroupName(all)}
for _, d := range data {
cg := cachegroups[tc.CacheGroupName(d.CacheGroup)]
cg.CacheGroup = d.CacheGroup
cg.Connections += d.Connections
cg.KBPS += d.KBPS
cachegroups[tc.CacheGroupName(d.CacheGroup)] = cg
total.Connections += d.Connections
total.KBPS += d.KBPS
for _, cg := range cachegroups {
cg.Profile = all
cg.Status = all
cg.Healthy = true
cg.HostName = tc.CacheName(all)
data = append(data, cg)
data = append(data, total)
return data
func addStats(cacheData []CacheData, stats tc.Stats, url string) []CacheData {
var err error
if stats.Caches == nil {
return cacheData // TODO warn?
for i, cache := range cacheData {
stat, ok := stats.Caches[string(cache.HostName)]
if !ok {
bandwidth, ok := stat.Stats[tc.StatNameBandwidth]
if ok && len(bandwidth) > 0 {
if kbps, ok := bandwidth[0].Val.(string); !ok {
log.Warnf("bandwidth %v of cache %s from url %s couldn't be converted into string", bandwidth[0].Val, string(cache.HostName), url)
} else {
cache.KBPS, err = strconv.ParseUint(kbps, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("'bandwidth' stat %v of cache %s from url %s couldn't be converted into uint64", kbps, string(cache.HostName), url)
connections, ok := stat.Stats[ATSCurrentConnectionsStat]
if ok && len(connections) > 0 {
if conn, ok := connections[0].Val.(string); !ok {
log.Warnf("'connections' stat %v of cache %s from url %s couldn't be converted into string", connections[0].Val, string(cache.HostName), url)
} else {
cache.Connections, err = strconv.ParseUint(conn, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("'connections' stat %v of cache %s from url %s couldn't be converted into uint64", conn, string(cache.HostName), url)
cacheData[i] = cache
return cacheData
func addHealth(cacheData []CacheData, crStates tc.CRStates) []CacheData {
if crStates.Caches == nil {
return cacheData // TODO warn?
for i, cache := range cacheData {
crsCache, ok := crStates.Caches[cache.HostName]
if !ok {
cache.Healthy = crsCache.IsAvailable
cacheData[i] = cache
return cacheData
type CacheData struct {
HostName tc.CacheName `json:"hostname"`
CacheGroup tc.CacheGroupName `json:"cachegroup"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Profile string `json:"profile"`
IP *string `json:"ip"`
Healthy bool `json:"healthy"`
KBPS uint64 `json:"kbps"`
Connections uint64 `json:"connections"`
// getCacheData gets the cache data from the servers table. Note this only gets from the database, and thus does not set the Healthy member.
func getCacheData(tx *sql.Tx) ([]CacheData, error) {
qry := `
s.host_name, as cachegroup, as status, as profile,
(select address from ip_address where = ip_address.server and service_address = true AND family(address) = 4) as ip
server s
JOIN cachegroup cg ON s.cachegroup =
JOIN status st ON s.status =
JOIN profile p ON s.profile =
WHERE LIKE '` + tc.CacheTypeEdge.String() + `%' OR LIKE '` + tc.CacheTypeMid.String() + `%'
rows, err := tx.Query(qry)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("querying cache data: " + err.Error())
defer rows.Close()
data := []CacheData{}
for rows.Next() {
d := CacheData{}
if err := rows.Scan(&d.HostName, &d.CacheGroup, &d.Status, &d.Profile, &d.IP); err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("scanning cache data: " + err.Error())
data = append(data, d)
return data, nil