blob: f9999e9d67e60f6dd02a928969d0f740d5debdb3 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package v4
import (
client ""
func TestProfileParameters(t *testing.T) {
WithObjs(t, []TCObj{CDNs, Types, Parameters, Profiles, ProfileParameters}, func() {
func CreateDeleteProfileParameterWithLocks(t *testing.T) {
// Create a new user with operations level privileges
user1 := tc.UserV4{
Username: "lock_user1",
RegistrationSent: new(time.Time),
LocalPassword: util.StrPtr("test_pa$$word"),
Role: "operations",
user1.Email = util.StrPtr("")
user1.TenantID = 1
user1.FullName = util.StrPtr("firstName LastName")
_, _, err := TOSession.CreateUser(user1, client.RequestOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not create test user with username: %s", user1.Username)
defer ForceDeleteTestUsersByUsernames(t, []string{"lock_user1"})
// Establish a session with the newly created non admin level user
userSession, _, err := client.LoginWithAgent(Config.TrafficOps.URL, user1.Username, *user1.LocalPassword, true, "to-api-v4-client-tests", false, toReqTimeout)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not login with user lock_user1: %v", err)
if len(testData.Profiles) == 0 {
t.Fatal("no profiles to run the tests on, quitting")
opts := client.NewRequestOptions()
opts.QueryParameters.Set("name", testData.Profiles[0].Name)
profilesResp, _, err := TOSession.GetProfiles(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("couldn't get profiles: %v", err)
if len(profilesResp.Response) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("expected just one profile in the response, but got %d", len(profilesResp.Response))
profileID := profilesResp.Response[0].ID
cdnName := testData.Profiles[0].CDNName
// Create a lock for this user
_, _, err = userSession.CreateCDNLock(tc.CDNLock{
CDN: cdnName,
Message: util.StrPtr("test lock"),
Soft: util.BoolPtr(false),
}, client.RequestOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("couldn't create cdn lock: %v", err)
_, _, err = TOSession.CreateParameter(tc.Parameter{
ConfigFile: "global",
Name: "cdnLocksParam",
Value: "",
}, client.RequestOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("couldn't create a new param, quitting: %v", err)
opts = client.NewRequestOptions()
opts.QueryParameters.Set("name", "cdnLocksParam")
paramsResp, _, err := TOSession.GetParameters(opts)
req := tc.ProfileParameterCreationRequest{ProfileID: profileID, ParameterID: paramsResp.Response[0].ID}
// Try to create a new profile param on a CDN that another user has a hard lock on -> this should fail
_, reqInf, err := TOSession.CreateProfileParameter(req, client.RequestOptions{})
if err == nil {
t.Error("expected an error while creating a new profile param for a CDN for which a hard lock is held by another user, but got nothing")
if reqInf.StatusCode != http.StatusForbidden {
t.Errorf("expected a 403 forbidden status while creating a new profile param for a CDN for which a hard lock is held by another user, but got %d", reqInf.StatusCode)
// Try to create a new ds on a CDN that the same user has a hard lock on -> this should succeed
_, reqInf, err = userSession.CreateProfileParameter(req, client.RequestOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected no error while creating a new profile param for a CDN for which a hard lock is held by the same user, but got %v", err)
// Try to delete a profile param on a CDN that another user has a hard lock on -> this should fail
_, reqInf, err = TOSession.DeleteProfileParameter(profileID, paramsResp.Response[0].ID, client.RequestOptions{})
if err == nil {
t.Error("expected an error while deleting a profile param for a CDN for which a hard lock is held by another user, but got nothing")
if reqInf.StatusCode != http.StatusForbidden {
t.Errorf("expected a 403 forbidden status while deleting a profile param for a CDN for which a hard lock is held by another user, but got %d", reqInf.StatusCode)
// Try to delete a profile param on a CDN that the same user has a hard lock on -> this should succeed
_, reqInf, err = userSession.DeleteProfileParameter(profileID, paramsResp.Response[0].ID, client.RequestOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("expected no error while deleting a profile param for a CDN for which a hard lock is held by the same user, but got %v", err)
func GetTestProfileParametersIMS(t *testing.T) {
opts := client.NewRequestOptions()
futureTime := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 1)
time := futureTime.Format(time.RFC1123)
opts.Header.Set(rfc.IfModifiedSince, time)
for _, pp := range testData.ProfileParameters {
opts.QueryParameters.Set("profileId", strconv.Itoa(pp.ProfileID))
opts.QueryParameters.Set("parameterId", strconv.Itoa(pp.ParameterID))
resp, reqInf, err := TOSession.GetProfileParameters(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected no error, but got: %v - alerts: %+v", err, resp.Alerts)
if reqInf.StatusCode != http.StatusNotModified {
t.Errorf("Expected 304 status code, got %v", reqInf.StatusCode)
func CreateTestProfileParameters(t *testing.T) {
if len(testData.Parameters) < 1 || len(testData.Profiles) < 1 {
t.Fatal("Need at least one Profile and one Parameter to test associating a Parameter with a Profile")
firstProfile := testData.Profiles[0]
opts := client.NewRequestOptions()
opts.QueryParameters.Set("name", firstProfile.Name)
profileResp, _, err := TOSession.GetProfiles(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot get Profile '%s' by name: %v - alerts: %+v", firstProfile.Name, err, profileResp.Alerts)
if len(profileResp.Response) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected exactly one Profile to exist with name '%s', found: %d", firstProfile.Name, len(profileResp.Response))
firstParameter := testData.Parameters[0]
opts.QueryParameters.Set("name", firstParameter.Name)
paramResp, _, err := TOSession.GetParameters(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot get Parameter by name '%s': %v - alerts: %+v", firstParameter.Name, err, paramResp.Alerts)
if len(paramResp.Response) < 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected at least one Parameter to exist with name '%s'", firstParameter.Name)
profileID := profileResp.Response[0].ID
parameterID := paramResp.Response[0].ID
pp := tc.ProfileParameterCreationRequest{
ProfileID: profileID,
ParameterID: parameterID,
resp, _, err := TOSession.CreateProfileParameter(pp, client.RequestOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("could not associate parameters to profile: %v - alerts: %+v", err, resp.Alerts)
func CreateTestProfileParametersAlreadyExists(t *testing.T) {
if len(testData.Parameters) < 1 || len(testData.Profiles) < 1 {
t.Fatal("Need at least one Profile and one Parameter to test associating a Parameter with a Profile")
firstProfile := testData.Profiles[0]
opts := client.NewRequestOptions()
opts.QueryParameters.Set("name", firstProfile.Name)
profileResp, _, err := TOSession.GetProfiles(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot get Profile '%s' by name: %v - alerts: %+v", firstProfile.Name, err, profileResp.Alerts)
if len(profileResp.Response) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected exactly one Profile to exist with name '%s', found: %d", firstProfile.Name, len(profileResp.Response))
firstParameter := testData.Parameters[0]
opts.QueryParameters.Set("name", firstParameter.Name)
paramResp, _, err := TOSession.GetParameters(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot get Parameter by name '%s': %v - alerts: %+v", firstParameter.Name, err, paramResp.Alerts)
if len(paramResp.Response) < 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected at least one Parameter to exist with name '%s'", firstParameter.Name)
profileID := profileResp.Response[0].ID
parameterID := paramResp.Response[0].ID
pp := tc.ProfileParameterCreationRequest{
ProfileID: profileID,
ParameterID: parameterID,
resp, reqInf, err := TOSession.CreateProfileParameter(pp, client.RequestOptions{})
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected error while creating Duplicate profile parameters: %v - alerts: %+v", err, resp.Alerts)
if reqInf.StatusCode != http.StatusBadRequest {
t.Fatalf("Expected 400 status code, got %v", reqInf.StatusCode)
func InvalidCreateTestProfileParameters(t *testing.T) {
pp := tc.ProfileParameterCreationRequest{
ProfileID: 0,
ParameterID: 0,
resp, _, err := TOSession.CreateProfileParameter(pp, client.RequestOptions{})
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("creating invalid profile parameter - expected: error, actual: nil")
foundProfile := false
foundParam := false
for _, alert := range resp.Alerts {
if alert.Level == tc.ErrorLevel.String() {
if strings.Contains(alert.Text, "profileId") {
foundProfile = true
if strings.Contains(alert.Text, "parameterId") {
foundParam = true
if foundProfile && foundParam {
if !foundProfile {
t.Errorf("expected: error message to contain 'profileId', actual: %v - alerts: %+v", err, resp.Alerts)
if !foundParam {
t.Errorf("expected: error message to contain 'parameterId', actual: %v - alerts: %+v", err, resp.Alerts)
func GetTestProfileParameters(t *testing.T) {
opts := client.NewRequestOptions()
for _, pp := range testData.ProfileParameters {
opts.QueryParameters.Set("profileId", strconv.Itoa(pp.ProfileID))
opts.QueryParameters.Set("parameterId", strconv.Itoa(pp.ParameterID))
resp, _, err := TOSession.GetProfileParameters(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot get Profile #%d/Parameter #%d association: %v - alerts: %+v", pp.ProfileID, pp.ParameterID, err, resp.Alerts)
func DeleteTestProfileParameters(t *testing.T) {
if len(testData.Profiles) > 0 && len(testData.Parameters) > 0 {
firstProfile := testData.Profiles[0]
opts := client.NewRequestOptions()
opts.QueryParameters.Set("name", firstProfile.Name)
profileResp, _, err := TOSession.GetProfiles(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot GET Profile by name: %v - %v", firstProfile.Name, err)
if len(profileResp.Response) > 0 {
profileID := profileResp.Response[0].ID
firstParameter := testData.Parameters[0]
opts.QueryParameters.Set("name", firstParameter.Name)
paramResp, _, err := TOSession.GetParameters(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot GET Parameter by name: %v - %v", firstParameter.Name, err)
if len(paramResp.Response) > 0 {
parameterID := paramResp.Response[0].ID
DeleteTestProfileParameter(t, profileID, parameterID)
} else {
t.Errorf("Parameter response is empty")
} else {
t.Errorf("Profile response is empty")
} else {
t.Errorf("Profiles and parameters are not available to delete")
func DeleteTestProfileParameter(t *testing.T, profileId int, parameterId int) {
opts := client.NewRequestOptions()
opts.QueryParameters.Set("profileId", strconv.Itoa(profileId))
opts.QueryParameters.Set("parameterId", strconv.Itoa(parameterId))
// Retrieve the PtofileParameter by profile so we can get the id for the Update
resp, _, err := TOSession.GetProfileParameters(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot get Profile #%d/Parameter #%d association: %v - alerts: %+v", profileId, parameterId, err, resp.Alerts)
if len(resp.Response) > 0 {
delResp, _, err := TOSession.DeleteProfileParameter(profileId, parameterId, client.RequestOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot delete Profile #%d/Parameter #%d association: %v - alerts: %+v", profileId, parameterId, err, delResp.Alerts)
// Retrieve the Parameter to see if it got deleted
pps, _, err := TOSession.GetProfileParameters(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("error getting #%d/Parameter #%d association after deletion: %v - alerts: %+v", profileId, parameterId, err, pps.Alerts)
if len(pps.Response) > 0 {
t.Errorf("expected #%d/Parameter #%d association to be deleted, but it was found in Traffic Ops", profileId, parameterId)
func CreateMultipleProfileParameters(t *testing.T) {
if len(testData.Parameters) < 2 || len(testData.Profiles) < 2 {
t.Fatal("Need at least two Profile and two Parameter to test associating a Parameter with a Profile")
firstProfile1 := testData.Profiles[0]
opts := client.NewRequestOptions()
opts.QueryParameters.Set("name", firstProfile1.Name)
profileResp1, _, err := TOSession.GetProfiles(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot GET Profile by name: %v - %v", firstProfile1.Name, err)
if len(profileResp1.Response) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected exactly one Profile to exist with name '%s', found: %d", firstProfile1.Name, len(profileResp1.Response))
firstProfile2 := testData.Profiles[1]
opts.QueryParameters.Set("name", firstProfile2.Name)
profileResp2, _, err := TOSession.GetProfiles(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot GET Profile by name: %v - %v", firstProfile2.Name, err)
if len(profileResp2.Response) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected exactly one Profile to exist with name '%s', found: %d", firstProfile2.Name, len(profileResp2.Response))
firstParameter1 := testData.Parameters[0]
opts.QueryParameters.Set("name", firstParameter1.Name)
paramResp1, _, err := TOSession.GetParameters(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot get Parameter by name '%s': %v - alerts: %+v", firstParameter1.Name, err, paramResp1.Alerts)
if len(paramResp1.Response) < 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected at least one Parameter to exist with name '%s', found: %d", firstParameter1.Name, len(paramResp1.Response))
firstParameter2 := testData.Parameters[1]
opts.QueryParameters.Set("name", firstParameter2.Name)
paramResp2, _, err := TOSession.GetParameters(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot get Parameter by name '%s': %v - alerts: %+v", firstParameter2.Name, err, paramResp2.Alerts)
if len(paramResp2.Response) < 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected at least one Parameter to exist with name '%s', found: %d", firstParameter2.Name, len(paramResp2.Response))
profileID1 := profileResp1.Response[0].ID
parameterID1 := paramResp1.Response[0].ID
profileID2 := profileResp2.Response[0].ID
parameterID2 := paramResp2.Response[0].ID
DeleteTestProfileParameter(t, profileID1, parameterID1)
DeleteTestProfileParameter(t, profileID2, parameterID2)
pp := tc.ProfileParameterCreationRequest{
ProfileID: profileID1,
ParameterID: parameterID1,
pp2 := tc.ProfileParameterCreationRequest{
ProfileID: profileID2,
ParameterID: parameterID2,
ppSlice := []tc.ProfileParameterCreationRequest{
_, _, err = TOSession.CreateMultipleProfileParameters(ppSlice, client.RequestOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("could not CREATE profile parameters: %v", err)
func CreateProfileWithMultipleParameters(t *testing.T) {
if len(testData.Parameters) < 2 || len(testData.Profiles) < 2 {
t.Fatal("Need at least two Profile and two Parameter to test associating a Parameter with a Profile")
firstProfile1 := testData.Profiles[0]
opts := client.NewRequestOptions()
opts.QueryParameters.Set("name", firstProfile1.Name)
profileResp1, _, err := TOSession.GetProfiles(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot GET Profile by name: %v - %v", firstProfile1.Name, err)
if len(profileResp1.Response) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected exactly one Profile to exist with name '%s', found: %d", firstProfile1.Name, len(profileResp1.Response))
firstProfile2 := testData.Profiles[1]
opts.QueryParameters.Set("name", firstProfile2.Name)
profileResp2, _, err := TOSession.GetProfiles(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot GET Profile by name: %v - %v", firstProfile2.Name, err)
if len(profileResp2.Response) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected exactly one Profile to exist with name '%s', found: %d", firstProfile2.Name, len(profileResp2.Response))
firstParameter1 := testData.Parameters[0]
opts.QueryParameters.Set("name", firstParameter1.Name)
paramResp1, _, err := TOSession.GetParameters(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot get Parameter by name '%s': %v - alerts: %+v", firstParameter1.Name, err, paramResp1.Alerts)
if len(paramResp1.Response) < 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected at least one Parameter to exist with name '%s', found: %d", firstParameter1.Name, len(paramResp1.Response))
firstParameter2 := testData.Parameters[1]
opts.QueryParameters.Set("name", firstParameter2.Name)
paramResp2, _, err := TOSession.GetParameters(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot get Parameter by name '%s': %v - alerts: %+v", firstParameter2.Name, err, paramResp2.Alerts)
if len(paramResp2.Response) < 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected at least one Parameter to exist with name '%s', found: %d", firstParameter2.Name, len(paramResp2.Response))
profileID1 := profileResp1.Response[0].ID
parameterID1 := paramResp1.Response[0].ID
parameterID2 := paramResp2.Response[0].ID
DeleteTestProfileParameter(t, profileID1, parameterID1)
profileID164 := int64(profileID1)
paramID164 := int64(parameterID1)
paramID264 := int64(parameterID2)
ppSlice := tc.PostProfileParam{
ProfileID: &(profileID164),
ParamIDs: &[]int64{paramID164, paramID264},
_, _, err = TOSession.CreateProfileWithMultipleParameters(ppSlice, client.RequestOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("could not CREATE profile parameters: %v", err)
func CreateTestProfileParametersMissingProfileId(t *testing.T) {
if len(testData.Parameters) < 1 {
t.Fatal("Need at least one Parameter to test associating a Parameter with a Profile")
firstParameter := testData.Parameters[0]
opts := client.NewRequestOptions()
opts.QueryParameters.Set("name", firstParameter.Name)
paramResp, _, err := TOSession.GetParameters(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot get Parameter by name '%s': %v - alerts: %+v", firstParameter.Name, err, paramResp.Alerts)
if len(paramResp.Response) < 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected at least one Parameter to exist with name '%s'", firstParameter.Name)
parameterID := paramResp.Response[0].ID
pp := tc.ProfileParameterCreationRequest{
ParameterID: parameterID,
resp, reqInf, err := TOSession.CreateProfileParameter(pp, client.RequestOptions{})
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected 'profileId' cannot be blank, but got - alerts: %+v", resp.Alerts)
if reqInf.StatusCode != http.StatusBadRequest {
t.Errorf("Expected 400 status code, got %v", reqInf.StatusCode)
func CreateTestProfileParametersMissingParameterId(t *testing.T) {
if len(testData.Profiles) < 1 {
t.Fatal("Need at least one Profile to test associating a Parameter with a Profile")
firstProfile := testData.Profiles[0]
opts := client.NewRequestOptions()
opts.QueryParameters.Set("name", firstProfile.Name)
profileResp, _, err := TOSession.GetProfiles(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot get Profile '%s' by name: %v - alerts: %+v", firstProfile.Name, err, profileResp.Alerts)
if len(profileResp.Response) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected exactly one Profile to exist with name '%s', found: %d", firstProfile.Name, len(profileResp.Response))
profileID := profileResp.Response[0].ID
pp := tc.ProfileParameterCreationRequest{
ProfileID: profileID,
resp, reqInf, err := TOSession.CreateProfileParameter(pp, client.RequestOptions{})
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected 'parameterId' cannot be blank, but got - alerts: %+v", resp.Alerts)
if reqInf.StatusCode != http.StatusBadRequest {
t.Errorf("Expected 400 status code, got %v", reqInf.StatusCode)
func CreateTestProfileParametersEmptyBody(t *testing.T) {
pp := tc.ProfileParameterCreationRequest{}
resp, reqInf, err := TOSession.CreateProfileParameter(pp, client.RequestOptions{})
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected 'parameterId' cannot be blank, 'profileId' cannot be blank, but got - alerts: %+v", resp.Alerts)
if reqInf.StatusCode != http.StatusBadRequest {
t.Errorf("Expected 400 status code, got %v", reqInf.StatusCode)