blob: 1b9ebaedfc39a6fca98869a1521203db94394434 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package GenerateCert;
use strict;
use base qw{ Exporter };
our @EXPORT_OK = qw{ createCert };
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => \@EXPORT_OK );
use JSON;
use InstallUtils;
use File::Temp;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Copy;
use InstallUtils qw{ :all };
my $ca = "/etc/pki/tls/certs/";
my $csr = "/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.csr";
my $cert = "/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt";
my $cdn_conf = "/opt/traffic_ops/app/conf/cdn.conf";
my $key = "/etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key";
my $msg = << 'EOF';
We're now running a script to generate a self signed X509 SSL certificate.
# Check the cdn.conf for the cert and key file references -- abort if they don't match what's defined here
# This normally wouldn't happen unless the user modified the cdn.conf to reference different file names, and in that
# case, they're probably generating certs outside of this anyway: this check is just here for safety..
sub checkCdnConf {
my $cdn_conf = shift;
my $conf;
# load cdn.conf
local $/; # slurp mode
open my $fh, '<', $cdn_conf or die "Cannot load $cdn_conf\n";
$conf = decode_json(scalar <$fh>);
my $listen = $conf->{hypnotoad}{listen}[0];
my $msg;
if (!defined $listen) {
my $msg = <<"EOF";
The "listen" portion of $cdn_conf is missing from $cdn_conf.
Please ensure it contains the same structure as the one originally installed.
if ($listen !~ m@cert=$cert@ || $listen !~ m@key=$key@) {
$msg = << "EOF";
The "listen" portion of $cdn_conf is:
and does not reference the same "cert=" and "key=" values as are created here.
Please modify $cdn_conf to add the following as parameters:
return $msg;
# execOpenssl takes a description of the command being done, and an array of arguments to OpenSSL,
# and tries to execute the command, on failure prompting the user to retry.
# The description should be capitalized, but not terminated with punctuation.
# Returns the OpenSSL exit code.
sub execOpenssl {
my ( $description, @args ) = @_;
InstallUtils::logger( $description, "info" );
my $result = 1;
while ( $result != 0 ) {
$result = InstallUtils::execCommand( "openssl", @args );
if ( $result != 0 ) {
my $ans = "";
while ( $ans !~ /^[yY]/ && $ans !~ /^[nN]/ ) {
$ans = InstallUtils::promptUser( $description . " failed. Try again (y/n)", "y" );
if ( $ans =~ /^[nN]/ ) {
return $result;
return $result;
# creates a certificate with parameters used from postinstall passed into $config
sub createCert {
# the file used for ssl configuration
my $config = shift;
InstallUtils::logger( $msg, "info" );
InstallUtils::logger( "Postinstall SSL Certificate Creation", "info" );
my $params;
my $passphrase;
# create the string of parameters
$params = "/C=$config->{country}/ST=$config->{state}/L=$config->{locality}/O=$config->{company}/OU=$config->{org_unit}/CN=$config->{common_name}/";
$passphrase = $config->{rsaPassword};
InstallUtils::logger( "The server key has been generated", "info" );
if ( execOpenssl( "Generating an RSA Private Server Key", "genrsa", "-des3", "-out", "server.key", "-passout", "pass:$passphrase", "1024" ) != 0 ) {
exit 1;
if ( execOpenssl( "Creating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)", "req", "-new", "-key", "server.key", "-out", "server.csr", "-passin", "pass:$passphrase", "-subj", $params ) != 0 ) {
exit 1;
InstallUtils::logger( "The Certificate Signing Request has been generated", "info" );
InstallUtils::execCommand( "/bin/mv", "server.key", "server.key.orig" );
if ( execOpenssl( "Removing the pass phrase from the server key", "rsa", "-in", "server.key.orig", "-out", "server.key", "-passin", "pass:$passphrase" ) != 0 ) {
exit 1;
InstallUtils::logger( "The pass phrase has been removed from the server key", "info" );
if ( execOpenssl( "Generating a Self-signed certificate", "x509", "-req", "-days", "365", "-in", "server.csr", "-signkey", "server.key", "-out", "server.crt" ) != 0 ) {
exit 1;
InstallUtils::logger( "A server key and self signed certificate has been generated", "info" );
InstallUtils::logger( "Installing the server key and server certificate", "info" );
my $result = InstallUtils::execCommand( "/bin/cp", "server.key", "$key" );
if ( $result != 0 ) {
errorOut("Failed to install the private server key");
$result = InstallUtils::execCommand( "/bin/chmod", "600", "$key" );
$result = InstallUtils::execCommand( "/bin/chown", "trafops:trafops", "$key" );
if ( $result != 0 ) {
errorOut("Failed to install the private server key");
InstallUtils::logger( "The private key has been installed", "info" );
InstallUtils::logger( "Installing the self signed certificate", "info" );
$result = InstallUtils::execCommand( "/bin/cp", "server.crt", "$cert" );
if ( $result != 0 ) {
errorOut("Failed to install the self signed certificate");
$result = InstallUtils::execCommand( "/bin/chmod", "600", "$cert" );
$result = InstallUtils::execCommand( "/bin/chown", "trafops:trafops", "$cert" );
if ( $result != 0 ) {
errorOut("Failed to install the self signed certificate");
InstallUtils::logger( "Saving the self signed csr", "info" );
$result = InstallUtils::execCommand( "/bin/cp", "server.csr", "$csr" );
if ( $result != 0 ) {
errorOut("Failed to save the self signed csr");
$result = InstallUtils::execCommand( "/bin/chmod", "664", "$csr" );
$result = InstallUtils::execCommand( "/bin/chown", "trafops:trafops", "$csr" );
my $msg = << 'EOF';
The self signed certificate has now been installed.
You may obtain a certificate signed by a Certificate Authority using the
server.csr file saved in the current directory. Once you have obtained
a signed certificate, copy it to /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt and
restart Traffic Ops.
InstallUtils::logger( $msg, "info" );
my $error = checkCdnConf($cdn_conf);
if ($error) {
errorOut( $error, "error ");
exit 1;
return 0;