blob: 01529c8eae8ca0785a8a44244e5e7f014d96f9ea [file] [log] [blame]
package main
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
_ ""
_ ""
type dbConfig struct {
Development envConfig `yaml:"development"`
Test envConfig `yaml:"test"`
Integration envConfig `yaml:"integration"`
Production envConfig `yaml:"production"`
type envConfig struct {
Driver string `yaml:"driver"`
Open string `yaml:"open"`
func (conf dbConfig) getEnvironmentConfig(env string) (envConfig, error) {
switch env {
case envDevelopment:
return conf.Development, nil
case envTest:
return conf.Test, nil
case envIntegration:
return conf.Integration, nil
case envProduction:
return conf.Production, nil
return envConfig{}, errors.New("invalid environment: " + env)
// the possible environments to use.
const (
envDevelopment = "development"
envTest = "test"
envIntegration = "integration"
envProduction = "production"
// keys in the database config's "open" string value.
const (
hostKey = "host"
portKey = "port"
userKey = "user"
passwordKey = "password"
dbNameKey = "dbname"
sslModeKey = "sslmode"
// available commands.
const (
cmdCreateDB = "createdb"
cmdDropDB = "dropdb"
cmdCreateMigration = "create_migration"
cmdCreateUser = "create_user"
cmdDropUser = "drop_user"
cmdShowUsers = "show_users"
cmdReset = "reset"
cmdUpgrade = "upgrade"
cmdMigrate = "migrate"
cmdUp = "up"
cmdDown = "down"
cmdRedo = "redo"
// Deprecated: Migrate only tracks migration timestamp and dirty status, not a status for each migration.
// Use CmdDBVersion to check the migration timestamp and dirty status.
cmdStatus = "status"
cmdDBVersion = "dbversion"
cmdSeed = "seed"
cmdLoadSchema = "load_schema"
cmdPatch = "patch"
// Default file system paths for TODB files.
const (
defaultDBDir = "db/"
defaultDBConfigPath = defaultDBDir + "dbconf.yml"
defaultDBMigrationsPath = defaultDBDir + "migrations"
defaultDBSeedsPath = defaultDBDir + "seeds.sql"
defaultDBSchemaPath = defaultDBDir + "create_tables.sql"
defaultDBPatchesPath = defaultDBDir + "patches.sql"
// Default file system paths for TV files.
const (
defaultTrafficVaultDir = defaultDBDir + "trafficvault/"
defaultTrafficVaultDBConfigPath = defaultTrafficVaultDir + "dbconf.yml"
defaultTrafficVaultMigrationsPath = defaultTrafficVaultDir + "migrations"
defaultTrafficVaultSchemaPath = defaultTrafficVaultDir + "create_tables.sql"
// Default connection information.
const (
defaultEnvironment = envDevelopment
defaultDBSuperUser = "postgres"
const (
// 2021012200000000_max_request_header_bytes_default_zero.sql.
lastSquashedMigrationTimestamp uint = 2021012200000000
// 2021012700000000_update_interfaces_multiple_routers.up.sql.
firstMigrationTimestamp uint = 2021012700000000
// globals that are passed in via CLI flags and used in commands.
var (
environment string
trafficVault bool
dbVersion uint
dbVersionDirty bool
// globals that are parsed out of DBConfigFile and used in commands.
var (
connectionString string
dbDriver string
dbName string
dbSuperUser = defaultDBSuperUser
dbUser string
dbPassword string
hostIP string
hostPort string
sslMode string
migrateInstance *migrate.Migrate
migrationName string
// Actual TODB file paths.
var (
dbConfigPath = defaultDBConfigPath
dbMigrationsDir = defaultDBMigrationsPath
dbSeedsPath = defaultDBSeedsPath
dbSchemaPath = defaultDBSchemaPath
dbPatchesPath = defaultDBPatchesPath
// Actual TV file paths.
var (
trafficVaultDBConfigPath = defaultTrafficVaultDBConfigPath
trafficVaultMigrationsPath = defaultTrafficVaultMigrationsPath
trafficVaultSchemaPath = defaultTrafficVaultSchemaPath
func parseDBConfig() error {
var cfgPath string
if trafficVault {
cfgPath = trafficVaultDBConfigPath
} else {
cfgPath = dbConfigPath
confBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cfgPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("reading DB conf '%s': %w", cfgPath, err)
dbConfig := dbConfig{}
err = yaml.Unmarshal(confBytes, &dbConfig)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("unmarshalling DB conf yaml: " + err.Error())
envConfig, err := dbConfig.getEnvironmentConfig(environment)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("getting environment config: " + err.Error())
dbDriver = envConfig.Driver
// parse the 'open' string into a map
open := make(map[string]string)
pairs := strings.Split(envConfig.Open, " ")
for _, pair := range pairs {
if pair == "" {
kv := strings.Split(pair, "=")
if len(kv) != 2 || kv[0] == "" || kv[1] == "" {
open[kv[0]] = kv[1]
ok := false
stringPointers := []*string{&hostIP, &hostPort, &dbUser, &dbPassword, &dbName, &sslMode}
keys := []string{hostKey, portKey, userKey, passwordKey, dbNameKey, sslModeKey}
for index, stringPointer := range stringPointers {
key := keys[index]
*stringPointer, ok = open[key]
if !ok {
return errors.New("unable to get '" + key + "' for environment '" + environment + "'")
return nil
func createDB() {
dbExistsCmd := exec.Command("psql", "-h", hostIP, "-U", dbSuperUser, "-p", hostPort, "-tAc", "SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname='"+dbName+"'")
stderr := bytes.Buffer{}
dbExistsCmd.Stderr = &stderr
out, err := dbExistsCmd.Output()
// An error is returned if the database could not be found, which is to be expected. Don't exit on this error.
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "unable to check if DB already exists: "+err.Error()+", stderr: "+stderr.String())
if len(out) > 0 {
fmt.Println("Database " + dbName + " already exists")
createDBCmd := exec.Command("createdb", "-h", hostIP, "-p", hostPort, "-U", dbSuperUser, "-e", "--owner", dbUser, dbName)
out, err = createDBCmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
die("Can't create db " + dbName + ": " + err.Error())
func dropDB() {
fmt.Println("Dropping database: " + dbName)
cmd := exec.Command("dropdb", "-h", hostIP, "-p", hostPort, "-U", dbSuperUser, "-e", "--if-exists", dbName)
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
die("Can't drop db " + dbName + ": " + err.Error())
func createMigration() {
const apacheLicense2 = `/*
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this
* work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF
* licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
var err error
if err = os.MkdirAll(dbMigrationsDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
die("Creating migrations directory " + dbMigrationsDir + ": " + err.Error())
migrationTime := time.Now()
formattedMigrationTime := migrationTime.Format("20060102150405") + fmt.Sprintf("%02d", migrationTime.Nanosecond()%100)
for _, direction := range []string{"up", "down"} {
var migrationFile *os.File
basename := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s.%s.sql", formattedMigrationTime, migrationName, direction)
filename := filepath.Join(dbMigrationsDir, basename)
if migrationFile, err = os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, 0644); err != nil {
die("Creating migration " + filename + ": " + err.Error())
defer log.Close(migrationFile, "closing migration "+filename)
if _, err = migrationFile.Write([]byte(apacheLicense2)); err != nil {
die("Writing content to migration " + filename + ": " + err.Error())
fmt.Println("Created migration ", filename)
func createUser() {
fmt.Println("Creating user: " + dbUser)
userExistsCmd := exec.Command("psql", "-h", hostIP, "-U", dbSuperUser, "-p", hostPort, "-tAc", "SELECT 1 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname='"+dbUser+"'")
stderr := bytes.Buffer{}
userExistsCmd.Stderr = &stderr
out, err := userExistsCmd.Output()
// An error is returned if the user could not be found, which is to be expected. Don't exit on this error.
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "unable to check if user already exists: "+err.Error()+", stderr: "+stderr.String())
if len(out) > 0 {
fmt.Println("User " + dbUser + " already exists")
createUserCmd := exec.Command("psql", "-h", hostIP, "-p", hostPort, "-U", dbSuperUser, "-etAc", "CREATE USER "+dbUser+" WITH LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '"+dbPassword+"'")
out, err = createUserCmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
die("Can't create user " + dbUser)
func dropUser() {
cmd := exec.Command("dropuser", "-h", hostIP, "-p", hostPort, "-U", dbSuperUser, "-i", "-e", dbUser)
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
die("Can't drop user " + dbUser)
func showUsers() {
cmd := exec.Command("psql", "-h", hostIP, "-p", hostPort, "-U", dbSuperUser, "-ec", `\du`)
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
die("Can't show users")
func reset() {
func upgrade() {
if !trafficVault {
func maybeMigrateFromGoose() bool {
var versionErr error
dbVersion, dbVersionDirty, versionErr = migrateInstance.Version()
if versionErr == nil {
return false
if !errors.Is(versionErr, migrate.ErrNilVersion) {
die("Error running migrate version: " + versionErr.Error())
if err := migrateInstance.Steps(1); err != nil {
die("Error migrating to Migrate from Goose: " + err.Error())
dbVersion, dbVersionDirty, _ = migrateInstance.Version()
return true
// runFirstMigration is essentially Migrate.Migrate(FirstMigrationTimestamp) but without the obligatory Migrate.versionExists() call.
// If calling Migrate.versionExists() is made optional, runFirstMigration() can be replaced.
func runFirstMigration() error {
sourceDriver, sourceDriverErr := source.Open("file:" + dbMigrationsDir)
if sourceDriverErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("opening the migration source driver: " + sourceDriverErr.Error())
dbDriver, dbDriverErr := database.Open(connectionString)
if dbDriverErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("opening the dbdriver: " + dbDriverErr.Error())
firstMigration, firstMigrationName, migrationReadErr := sourceDriver.ReadUp(firstMigrationTimestamp)
if migrationReadErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("reading migration %s: %w", firstMigrationName, migrationReadErr)
if setDirtyVersionErr := dbDriver.SetVersion(int(firstMigrationTimestamp), true); setDirtyVersionErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("setting the dirty version: %w", setDirtyVersionErr)
if migrateErr := dbDriver.Run(firstMigration); migrateErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("running the migration: %w", migrateErr)
if setVersionErr := dbDriver.SetVersion(int(firstMigrationTimestamp), false); setVersionErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("setting the version after successfully running the migration: %w", setVersionErr)
return nil
func runMigrations() {
migratedFromGoose, migrationsShouldRun := initMigrate()
if !migrationsShouldRun {
if !trafficVault && dbVersion == lastSquashedMigrationTimestamp && !dbVersionDirty {
if migrateErr := runFirstMigration(); migrateErr != nil {
die(fmt.Sprintf("Error migrating from DB version %d to %d: %s", lastSquashedMigrationTimestamp, firstMigrationTimestamp, migrateErr.Error()))
if upErr := migrateInstance.Up(); errors.Is(upErr, migrate.ErrNoChange) {
if !migratedFromGoose {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, upErr.Error())
} else if upErr != nil {
die("Error running migrate up: " + upErr.Error())
func runUp() {
func down() {
if err := migrateInstance.Steps(-1); err != nil {
die("Error running migrate down: " + err.Error())
func redo() {
if downErr := migrateInstance.Steps(-1); downErr != nil {
die("Error running migrate down 1 in 'redo': " + downErr.Error())
if upErr := migrateInstance.Steps(1); upErr != nil {
die("Error running migrate up 1 in 'redo': " + upErr.Error())
// Deprecated: Migrate does not track migration status of past migrations. Use dbversion() to check the migration timestamp and dirty status.
func status() {
func getDBVersion() {
fmt.Printf("dbversion %d", dbVersion)
if dbVersionDirty {
fmt.Printf(" (dirty)")
func seed() {
if trafficVault {
die("seed not supported for trafficvault environment")
fmt.Println("Seeding database w/ required data.")
seedsBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(dbSeedsPath)
if err != nil {
die("unable to read '" + dbSeedsPath + "': " + err.Error())
cmd := exec.Command("psql", "-h", hostIP, "-p", hostPort, "-d", dbName, "-U", dbUser, "-e", "-v", "ON_ERROR_STOP=1")
cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewBuffer(seedsBytes)
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "PGPASSWORD="+dbPassword)
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
die("Can't patch database w/ required data")
func loadSchema() {
fmt.Println("Creating database tables.")
schemaPath := dbSchemaPath
if trafficVault {
schemaPath = trafficVaultSchemaPath
schemaBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(schemaPath)
if err != nil {
die("unable to read '" + schemaPath + "': " + err.Error())
cmd := exec.Command("psql", "-h", hostIP, "-p", hostPort, "-d", dbName, "-U", dbUser, "-e", "-v", "ON_ERROR_STOP=1")
cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewBuffer(schemaBytes)
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "PGPASSWORD="+dbPassword)
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
die("Can't create database tables")
func patch() {
if trafficVault {
die("patch not supported for trafficvault environment")
fmt.Println("Patching database with required data fixes.")
patchesBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(dbPatchesPath)
if err != nil {
die("unable to read '" + dbPatchesPath + "': " + err.Error())
cmd := exec.Command("psql", "-h", hostIP, "-p", hostPort, "-d", dbName, "-U", dbUser, "-e", "-v", "ON_ERROR_STOP=1")
cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewBuffer(patchesBytes)
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "PGPASSWORD="+dbPassword)
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
die("Can't patch database w/ required data")
func die(message string) {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, message)
func usage() string {
programName := os.Args[0]
var buff strings.Builder
buff.WriteString("Usage: ")
-c, --config CFG Provide a path to a database configuration file,
instead of using the default (./db/dbconf.yml or
./db/trafficvault/dbconf.yml for Traffic Vault)
-e, --env ENV Use configuration for environment ENV (defined in
the database configuration file)
-h, --help Show usage information and exit
-m, --migrations-dir DIR Use DIR as the migrations directory, instead of the
default (./db/migrations/ or
./db/trafficvault/migrations for Traffic Vault)
-p, --patches PATCH Provide a path to a set of database patch statements,
instead of using the default (./db/patches.sql)
-s, --schema SCHEMA Provide a path to a schema file, instead of using the
default (./db/create_tables.sql or
./db/trafficvault/create_tables.sql for Traffic Vault)
-S, --seeds SEEDS Provide a path to a seeds statements file, instead of
using the default (./db/seeds.sql)
-v, --trafficvault Perform operations for Traffic Vault instead of the
Traffic Ops database
OPERATION The operation to perform; one of the following:
migrate - Execute migrate (without seeds or patches) on the database for the
current environment.
up - Alias for 'migrate'
down - Roll back a single migration from the current version.
createdb - Execute db 'createdb' the database for the current environment.
dropdb - Execute db 'dropdb' on the database for the current environment.
create_migration NAME
- Creates a pair of timestamped up/down migrations titled NAME.
create_user - Execute 'create_user' the user for the current environment
dbversion - Prints the current migration timestamp
drop_user - Execute 'drop_user' the user for the current environment
patch - Execute sql from db/patches.sql for loading post-migration data
patches (NOTE: not supported with --trafficvault option).
redo - Roll back the most recently applied migration, then run it again.
reset - Execute db 'dropdb', 'createdb', load_schema, migrate on the
database for the current environment.
seed - Execute sql from db/seeds.sql for loading static data (NOTE: not
supported with --trafficvault option).
show_users - Execute sql to show all of the user for the current environment.
status - Prints the current migration timestamp (Deprecated, status is now an
alias for dbversion and will be removed in a future Traffic
Control release).
upgrade - Execute migrate, seed, and patches on the database for the current
return buff.String()
// collapses two options for 'name', using a default if given, stored into 'dest'.
// if the two option values conflict, the whole program dies and an error is printed to
// stderr.
func collapse(o1, o2, name, def string, dest *string) {
if o1 == "" {
if o2 == "" {
*dest = def
*dest = o2
if o2 == "" {
*dest = o1
if o1 != o2 {
die("conflicting definitions of '" + name + "' - must be specified only once\n" + usage())
*dest = o1
func main() {
flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usage()) }
var shortCfg string
var longCfg string
flag.StringVar(&shortCfg, "c", "", "Provide a path to a database configuration file, instead of using the default (./db/dbconf.yml or ./db/trafficvault/dbconf.yml for Traffic Vault)")
flag.StringVar(&longCfg, "config", "", "Provide a path to a database configuration file, instead of using the default (./db/dbconf.yml or ./db/trafficvault/dbconf.yml for Traffic Vault)")
var shortEnv string
var longEnv string
flag.StringVar(&shortEnv, "e", "", "Use configuration for environment ENV (defined in the database configuration file)")
flag.StringVar(&longEnv, "env", "", "Use configuration for environment ENV (defined in the database configuration file)")
var shortMigrations string
var longMigrations string
flag.StringVar(&shortMigrations, "m", "", "Use DIR as the migrations directory, instead of the default (./db/migrations/ or ./db/trafficvault/migrations for Traffic Vault)")
flag.StringVar(&longMigrations, "migrations-dir", "", "Use DIR as the migrations directory, instead of the default (./db/migrations/ or ./db/trafficvault/migrations for Traffic Vault)")
var shortPatches string
var longPatches string
flag.StringVar(&shortPatches, "p", "", "Provide a path to a set of database patch statements, instead of using the default (./db/patches.sql)")
flag.StringVar(&longPatches, "patches", "", "Provide a path to a set of database patch statements, instead of using the default (./db/patches.sql)")
var shortSchema string
var longSchema string
flag.StringVar(&shortSchema, "s", "", "Provide a path to a schema file, instead of using the default (./db/create_tables.sql or ./db/trafficvault/create_tables.sql for Traffic Vault)")
flag.StringVar(&longSchema, "schema", "", "Provide a path to a schema file, instead of using the default (./db/create_tables.sql or ./db/trafficvault/create_tables.sql for Traffic Vault)")
var shortSeeds string
var longSeeds string
flag.StringVar(&shortSeeds, "S", "", "Provide a path to a seeds statements file, instead of using the default (./db/seeds.sql)")
flag.StringVar(&longSeeds, "seeds", "", "Provide a path to a seeds statements file, instead of using the default (./db/seeds.sql)")
flag.BoolVar(&trafficVault, "v", false, "Perform operations for Traffic Vault instead of the Traffic Ops database")
flag.BoolVar(&trafficVault, "trafficvault", false, "Perform operations for Traffic Vault instead of the Traffic Ops database")
if trafficVault {
collapse(shortCfg, longCfg, "config", defaultTrafficVaultDBConfigPath, &trafficVaultDBConfigPath)
collapse(shortMigrations, longMigrations, "migrations-dir", defaultTrafficVaultMigrationsPath, &trafficVaultMigrationsPath)
collapse(shortSchema, longSchema, "schema", defaultTrafficVaultSchemaPath, &trafficVaultSchemaPath)
} else {
collapse(shortCfg, longCfg, "config", defaultDBConfigPath, &dbConfigPath)
collapse(shortMigrations, longMigrations, "migrations-dir", defaultDBMigrationsPath, &dbMigrationsDir)
collapse(shortSchema, longSchema, "schema", defaultDBSchemaPath, &dbSchemaPath)
collapse(shortEnv, longEnv, "environment", defaultEnvironment, &environment)
collapse(shortPatches, longPatches, "patches", defaultDBPatchesPath, &dbPatchesPath)
collapse(shortSeeds, longSeeds, "seeds", defaultDBSeedsPath, &dbSeedsPath)
if flag.Arg(0) == cmdCreateMigration {
if len(flag.Args()) != 2 {
migrationName = flag.Arg(1)
} else if len(flag.Args()) != 1 || flag.Arg(0) == "" {
if environment == "" {
if err := parseDBConfig(); err != nil {
commands := make(map[string]func())
commands[cmdCreateDB] = createDB
commands[cmdDropDB] = dropDB
commands[cmdCreateMigration] = createMigration
commands[cmdCreateUser] = createUser
commands[cmdDropUser] = dropUser
commands[cmdShowUsers] = showUsers
commands[cmdReset] = reset
commands[cmdUpgrade] = upgrade
commands[cmdMigrate] = runMigrations
commands[cmdUp] = runUp
commands[cmdDown] = down
commands[cmdRedo] = redo
commands[cmdStatus] = status
commands[cmdDBVersion] = getDBVersion
commands[cmdSeed] = seed
commands[cmdLoadSchema] = loadSchema
commands[cmdPatch] = patch
userCmd := flag.Arg(0)
if cmd, ok := commands[userCmd]; ok {
} else {
die("invalid command: " + userCmd + "\n" + usage())
// initMigrate initializes Migrate and returns whether a migration from Goose to
// Migrate was performed during said initialization and whether or not there are
// any actual migrations to run.
// If the second return value is false, then the global "Migrate" variable IS
// NOT SET so the caller must skip all migrations.
func initMigrate() (bool, bool) {
var err error
connectionString = fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s?sslmode=%s", dbDriver, dbUser, dbPassword, hostIP, hostPort, dbName, sslMode)
if trafficVault {
migrateInstance, err = migrate.New("file:"+trafficVaultMigrationsPath, connectionString)
} else {
migrateInstance, err = migrate.New("file:"+dbMigrationsDir, connectionString)
if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return false, false
if err != nil {
die("Starting Migrate: " + err.Error())
migrateInstance.Log = &Log{}
return maybeMigrateFromGoose(), true
// Log represents the logger
type Log struct {
verbose bool
// Printf prints out formatted string into a log
func (l *Log) Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if l.verbose {
fmt.Printf(format, v...)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format, v...)
// Println prints out args into a log
func (l *Log) Println(args ...interface{}) {
if l.verbose {
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, args...)
// Verbose shows if verbose print enabled
func (l *Log) Verbose() bool {
return l.verbose