blob: c24ea22fc371e63d7bd626e24bc0954a48b3e849 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package towrap wraps two versions of Traffic Ops clients to give up-to-date
// information, possibly using legacy API versions.
package towrap
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
legacyClient ""
client ""
jsoniter ""
const localHostIP = ""
// ErrNilSession is the error returned by operations performed on a nil session.
var ErrNilSession = errors.New("nil session")
// ByteTime is a structure for associating a set of raw data with some CDN
// Snapshot statistics, and a certain time.
type ByteTime struct {
bytes []byte
time time.Time
stats *tc.CRConfigStats
// ByteMapCache is a thread-access-safe map of cache server hostnames to
// ByteTime structures.
type ByteMapCache struct {
cache *map[string]ByteTime
m *sync.RWMutex
// NewByteMapCache constructs a new, empty ByteMapCache.
func NewByteMapCache() ByteMapCache {
return ByteMapCache{m: &sync.RWMutex{}, cache: &map[string]ByteTime{}}
// Set sets the entry given by 'key' to a new ByteTime structure with the given
// raw data ('newBytes') and the given statistics ('stats') at the current time.
func (c ByteMapCache) Set(key string, newBytes []byte, stats *tc.CRConfigStats) {
defer c.m.Unlock()
(*c.cache)[key] = ByteTime{bytes: newBytes, stats: stats, time: time.Now()}
// Get retrieves the raw data, associated time, and statistics of the entry
// given by 'key'.
func (c ByteMapCache) Get(key string) ([]byte, time.Time, *tc.CRConfigStats) {
defer c.m.RUnlock()
if byteTime, ok := (*c.cache)[key]; !ok {
return nil, time.Time{}, nil
} else {
return byteTime.bytes, byteTime.time, byteTime.stats
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) BackupFileExists() bool {
if _, err := os.Stat(s.CRConfigBackupFile); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
if _, err = os.Stat(s.TMConfigBackupFile); !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return true
return false
// CRConfigStat represents a set of statistics from a CDN Snapshot requested at
// a particular time.
type CRConfigStat struct {
// Err contains any error that may have occurred when obtaining the
// statistics.
Err error `json:"error"`
// ReqAddr is the network address from which the statistics were requested.
ReqAddr string `json:"request_address"`
// ReqTime is the time at which the request for statistics was made.
ReqTime time.Time `json:"request_time"`
// Stats contains the actual statistics.
Stats tc.CRConfigStats `json:"stats"`
// CopyCRConfigStat makes a deep copy of a slice of CRConfigStats.
func CopyCRConfigStat(old []CRConfigStat) []CRConfigStat {
newStats := make([]CRConfigStat, len(old))
copy(newStats, old)
return newStats
// CRConfigHistoryThreadsafe stores history in a circular buffer.
type CRConfigHistoryThreadsafe struct {
hist *[]CRConfigStat
m *sync.RWMutex
limit *uint64
length *uint64
pos *uint64
// NewCRConfigHistoryThreadsafe constructs a new, empty
// CRConfigHistoryThreadsafe - this is the ONLY way to safely create a
// CRConfigHistoryThreadsafe, using the zero value of the structure will cause
// all operations to encounter segmentation faults, and there is no way to
// preempt this.
// 'limit' indicates the size of the circular buffer - effectively the number of
// entries it will be capable of storing.
func NewCRConfigHistoryThreadsafe(limit uint64) CRConfigHistoryThreadsafe {
hist := make([]CRConfigStat, limit, limit)
length := uint64(0)
pos := uint64(0)
return CRConfigHistoryThreadsafe{hist: &hist, m: &sync.RWMutex{}, limit: &limit, length: &length, pos: &pos}
// Add adds the given stat to the history. Does not add new additions with the
// same remote address and CRConfig Date as the previous.
func (h CRConfigHistoryThreadsafe) Add(i *CRConfigStat) {
defer h.m.Unlock()
if *h.length != 0 {
last := (*h.hist)[(*h.pos-1)%*h.limit]
datesEqual := (i.Stats.DateUnixSeconds == nil && last.Stats.DateUnixSeconds == nil) || (i.Stats.DateUnixSeconds != nil && last.Stats.DateUnixSeconds != nil && *i.Stats.DateUnixSeconds == *last.Stats.DateUnixSeconds)
cdnsEqual := (i.Stats.CDNName == nil && last.Stats.CDNName == nil) || (i.Stats.CDNName != nil && last.Stats.CDNName != nil && *i.Stats.CDNName == *last.Stats.CDNName)
reqAddrsEqual := i.ReqAddr == last.ReqAddr
if reqAddrsEqual && datesEqual && cdnsEqual {
(*h.hist)[*h.pos] = *i
*h.pos = (*h.pos + 1) % *h.limit
if *h.length < *h.limit {
// Get retrieves the stored history of CRConfigStat entries.
func (h CRConfigHistoryThreadsafe) Get() []CRConfigStat {
defer h.m.RUnlock()
if *h.length < *h.limit {
return CopyCRConfigStat((*h.hist)[:*h.length])
newStats := make([]CRConfigStat, *h.limit)
copy(newStats, (*h.hist)[*h.pos:])
copy(newStats[*h.length-*h.pos:], (*h.hist)[:*h.pos])
return newStats
// Len gives the number of currently stored items in the buffer.
// An uninitialized buffer has zero length.
func (h CRConfigHistoryThreadsafe) Len() uint64 {
if h.length == nil {
return 0
return *h.length
// TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe provides access to the Traffic Ops client safe
// for multiple goroutines. This fulfills the ITrafficOpsSession interface.
type TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe struct {
session **client.Session // pointer-to-pointer, because we're given a pointer from the Traffic Ops package, and we don't want to copy it.
legacySession **legacyClient.Session
m *sync.Mutex
lastCRConfig ByteMapCache
crConfigHist CRConfigHistoryThreadsafe
CRConfigBackupFile string
TMConfigBackupFile string
// NewTrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe returns a new threadsafe
// TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe wrapping the given `Session`.
func NewTrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe(s *client.Session, ls *legacyClient.Session, histLimit uint64, cfg config.Config) TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe {
return TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe{
CRConfigBackupFile: cfg.CRConfigBackupFile,
crConfigHist: NewCRConfigHistoryThreadsafe(histLimit),
lastCRConfig: NewByteMapCache(),
m: &sync.Mutex{},
session: &s,
legacySession: &ls,
TMConfigBackupFile: cfg.TMConfigBackupFile,
// Initialized tells whether or not the TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe has been
// properly initialized with non-nil sessions.
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) Initialized() bool {
return s.session != nil && *s.session != nil && s.legacySession != nil && *s.legacySession != nil
// Update updates the TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe's connection information with
// the provided information. It's safe for calling by multiple goroutines, being
// aware that they will race.
func (s *TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) Update(
url string,
username string,
password string,
insecure bool,
userAgent string,
useCache bool,
timeout time.Duration,
) error {
if s == nil {
return errors.New("cannot update nil session")
defer s.m.Unlock()
// always set unauthenticated sessions first which can eventually authenticate themselves when attempting requests
if err := s.setSession(url, username, password, insecure, userAgent, useCache, timeout); err != nil {
return err
if err := s.setLegacySession(url, username, password, insecure, userAgent, useCache, timeout); err != nil {
return err
session, _, err := client.LoginWithAgent(url, username, password, insecure, userAgent, useCache, timeout)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("logging in using up-to-date client: %v", err)
legacySession, _, err := legacyClient.LoginWithAgent(url, username, password, insecure, userAgent, useCache, timeout)
if err != nil || legacySession == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("logging in using legacy client: %v", err)
return err
*s.legacySession = legacySession
} else {
*s.session = session
return nil
// setSession sets the session for the up-to-date client without logging in.
func (s *TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) setSession(url, username, password string, insecure bool, userAgent string, useCache bool, timeout time.Duration) error {
options := cookiejar.Options{
PublicSuffixList: publicsuffix.List,
jar, err := cookiejar.New(&options)
if err != nil {
return err
to := client.NewSession(username, password, url, userAgent, &http.Client{
Timeout: timeout,
Transport: &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: insecure},
Jar: jar,
}, useCache)
*s.session = to
return nil
// setSession sets the session for the legacy client without logging in.
func (s *TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) setLegacySession(url, username, password string, insecure bool, userAgent string, useCache bool, timeout time.Duration) error {
options := cookiejar.Options{
PublicSuffixList: publicsuffix.List,
jar, err := cookiejar.New(&options)
if err != nil {
return err
to := legacyClient.NewSession(username, password, url, userAgent, &http.Client{
Timeout: timeout,
Transport: &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: insecure},
Jar: jar,
}, useCache)
*s.legacySession = to
return nil
// getThreadsafeSession is used internally to get a copy of the session pointer,
// or nil if it doesn't exist. This should not be used outside
// TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe, and never stored, because part of the purpose of
// rafficOpsSessionThreadsafe is to store a pointer to the Session pointer, so
// it can be updated by one goroutine and immediately used by another. This
// should only be called immediately before using the session, since someone
// else may update it concurrently.
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) get() *client.Session {
defer s.m.Unlock()
if s.session == nil || *s.session == nil {
return nil
return *s.session
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) getLegacy() *legacyClient.Session {
defer s.m.Unlock()
if s.legacySession == nil || *s.legacySession == nil {
return nil
return *s.legacySession
// CRConfigHistory gets all of the stored, historical data about CRConfig
// Snapshots' Stats sections.
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) CRConfigHistory() []CRConfigStat {
return s.crConfigHist.Get()
// CRConfigValid checks if the passed tc.CRConfig structure is valid, and
// ensures that it is from the same CDN as the last CRConfig Snapshot, as well
// as that it is newer than the last CRConfig Snapshot.
func (s *TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) CRConfigValid(crc *tc.CRConfig, cdn string) error {
if crc == nil {
return errors.New("CRConfig is nil")
if crc.Stats.CDNName == nil {
return errors.New("CRConfig.Stats.CDN missing")
if crc.Stats.DateUnixSeconds == nil {
return errors.New("CRConfig.Stats.Date missing")
// Note this intentionally takes intended CDN, rather than trusting
// crc.Stats
lastCrc, lastCrcTime, lastCrcStats := s.lastCRConfig.Get(cdn)
if lastCrc == nil {
return nil
if lastCrcStats.DateUnixSeconds == nil {
log.Warnln("TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe.CRConfigValid returning no error, but last CRConfig Date was missing!")
return nil
if lastCrcStats.CDNName == nil {
log.Warnln("TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe.CRConfigValid returning no error, but last CRConfig CDN was missing!")
return nil
if *lastCrcStats.CDNName != *crc.Stats.CDNName {
return errors.New("CRConfig.Stats.CDN " + *crc.Stats.CDNName + " different than last received CRConfig.Stats.CDNName " + *lastCrcStats.CDNName + " received at " + lastCrcTime.Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
if *lastCrcStats.DateUnixSeconds > *crc.Stats.DateUnixSeconds {
return errors.New("CRConfig.Stats.Date " + strconv.FormatInt(*crc.Stats.DateUnixSeconds, 10) + " older than last received CRConfig.Stats.Date " + strconv.FormatInt(*lastCrcStats.DateUnixSeconds, 10) + " received at " + lastCrcTime.Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
return nil
// CRConfigRaw returns the CRConfig from the Traffic Ops. This is safe for
// multiple goroutines.
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) CRConfigRaw(cdn string) ([]byte, error) {
var remoteAddr string
var err error
var crConfig *tc.CRConfig
var configBytes []byte
json := jsoniter.ConfigFastest
ss := s.get()
if ss == nil {
return nil, ErrNilSession
response, reqInf, err := ss.GetCRConfig(cdn, client.RequestOptions{})
if reqInf.RemoteAddr != nil {
remoteAddr = reqInf.RemoteAddr.String()
if err != nil {
log.Warnln("getting CRConfig from Traffic Ops using up-to-date client: " + err.Error() + ". Retrying with legacy client")
ls := s.getLegacy()
if ls == nil {
return nil, ErrNilSession
configBytes, reqInf, err = ls.GetCRConfig(cdn)
if reqInf.RemoteAddr != nil {
remoteAddr = reqInf.RemoteAddr.String()
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("getting CRConfig from Traffic Ops using legacy client: " + err.Error() + ". Checking for backup")
} else {
crConfig = &response.Response
configBytes, err = json.Marshal(crConfig)
if err != nil {
crConfig = nil
log.Warnln("failed to marshal CRConfig using up-to-date client: " + err.Error())
if err == nil {
log.Infoln("successfully got CRConfig from Traffic Ops. Writing to backup file")
if wErr := ioutil.WriteFile(s.CRConfigBackupFile, configBytes, 0644); wErr != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to write CRConfig backup file: %v", wErr)
} else {
if s.BackupFileExists() {
log.Errorln("using backup file for CRConfig snapshot due to error fetching CRConfig snapshot from Traffic Ops: " + err.Error())
configBytes, err = ioutil.ReadFile(s.CRConfigBackupFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading CRConfig backup file: %v", err)
remoteAddr = localHostIP
err = nil
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get CRConfig from Traffic Ops (%v), and there is no backup file", err)
hist := &CRConfigStat{
Err: err,
ReqAddr: remoteAddr,
ReqTime: time.Now(),
Stats: tc.CRConfigStats{},
defer s.crConfigHist.Add(hist)
if crConfig == nil {
if err = json.Unmarshal(configBytes, crConfig); err != nil {
err = errors.New("invalid JSON: " + err.Error())
hist.Err = err
return configBytes, err
hist.Stats = crConfig.Stats
if err = s.CRConfigValid(crConfig, cdn); err != nil {
err = errors.New("invalid CRConfig: " + err.Error())
hist.Err = err
return configBytes, err
s.lastCRConfig.Set(cdn, configBytes, &crConfig.Stats)
return configBytes, nil
// LastCRConfig returns the last CRConfig requested from CRConfigRaw, and the
// time it was returned. This is designed to be used in conjunction with a
// poller which regularly calls CRConfigRaw. If no last CRConfig exists, because
// CRConfigRaw has never been called successfully, this calls CRConfigRaw once
// to try to get the CRConfig from Traffic Ops.
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) LastCRConfig(cdn string) ([]byte, time.Time, error) {
crConfig, crConfigTime, _ := s.lastCRConfig.Get(cdn)
if len(crConfig) == 0 {
b, err := s.CRConfigRaw(cdn)
return b, time.Now(), err
return crConfig, crConfigTime, nil
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) fetchTMConfig(cdn string) (*tc.TrafficMonitorConfig, error) {
ss := s.get()
if ss == nil {
return nil, ErrNilSession
m, _, e := ss.GetTrafficMonitorConfig(cdn, client.NewRequestOptions())
return &m.Response, e
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) fetchLegacyTMConfig(cdn string) (*tc.TrafficMonitorConfig, error) {
ss := s.getLegacy()
if ss == nil {
return nil, ErrNilSession
m, _, e := ss.GetTrafficMonitorConfig(cdn)
if m == nil {
return nil, e
return m, e
// trafficMonitorConfigMapRaw returns the Traffic Monitor config map from the
// Traffic Ops, directly from the monitoring endpoint. This is not usually
// what is needed, rather monitoring needs the snapshotted CRConfig data, which
// is filled in by `LegacyTrafficMonitorConfigMap`. This is safe for multiple
// goroutines.
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) trafficMonitorConfigMapRaw(cdn string) (*tc.TrafficMonitorConfigMap, error) {
var config *tc.TrafficMonitorConfig
var configMap *tc.TrafficMonitorConfigMap
var err error
config, err = s.fetchTMConfig(cdn)
if err != nil {
log.Warnln("getting Traffic Monitor config from Traffic Ops using up-to-date client: " + err.Error() + ". Retrying with legacy client")
config, err = s.fetchLegacyTMConfig(cdn)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("getting Traffic Monitor config from Traffic Ops using legacy client: " + err.Error())
if err == nil {
log.Infoln("successfully got Traffic Monitor config from Traffic Ops")
if config == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("nil Traffic Monitor config after successful fetch")
configMap, err = tc.TrafficMonitorTransformToMap(config)
if err != nil {
// Default error case, no backup file exists
if !s.BackupFileExists() {
return nil, err
log.Errorln("using backup file for monitoring config snapshot due to invalid monitoring config snapshot from Traffic Ops: " + err.Error())
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(s.TMConfigBackupFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("reading TMConfigBackupFile: " + err.Error())
json := jsoniter.ConfigFastest
var tmConfig tc.TrafficMonitorConfig
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &tmConfig); err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("unmarshalling backup file monitoring.json: " + err.Error())
return tc.TrafficMonitorTransformToMap(&tmConfig)
json := jsoniter.ConfigFastest
data, err := json.Marshal(*config)
if err == nil {
if wErr := ioutil.WriteFile(s.TMConfigBackupFile, data, 0644); wErr != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to write TM config backup file: %v", wErr)
return configMap, err
// TrafficMonitorConfigMap returns the Traffic Monitor config map from the
// Traffic Ops. This is safe for multiple goroutines.
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) TrafficMonitorConfigMap(cdn string) (*tc.TrafficMonitorConfigMap, error) {
mc, err := s.trafficMonitorConfigMapRaw(cdn)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("getting monitor config map: %v", err)
return mc, nil
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) fetchServerByHostname(hostName string) (tc.ServerV40, error) {
ss := s.get()
if ss == nil {
return tc.ServerV40{}, ErrNilSession
params := url.Values{}
params.Set("hostName", hostName)
resp, _, err := ss.GetServers(client.RequestOptions{QueryParameters: params})
if err != nil {
return tc.ServerV40{}, fmt.Errorf("fetching server by hostname '%s': %v", hostName, err)
respLen := len(resp.Response)
if respLen < 1 {
return tc.ServerV40{}, fmt.Errorf("no server '%s' found in Traffic Ops", hostName)
var server tc.ServerV40
var num int
found := false
for i, srv := range resp.Response {
num = i
if srv.CDNName != nil && srv.HostName != nil && *srv.HostName == hostName {
server = srv
found = true
if !found {
return tc.ServerV40{}, fmt.Errorf("either no server '%s' found in Traffic Ops, or none by that hostName had non-nil CDN", hostName)
if respLen > 1 {
log.Warnf("Getting monitor server by hostname '%s' returned %d servers - selecting #%d", hostName, respLen, num)
return server, nil
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) fetchLegacyServerByHostname(hostName string) (tc.ServerV40, error) {
ss := s.getLegacy()
if ss == nil {
return tc.ServerV40{}, ErrNilSession
params := url.Values{}
params.Set("hostName", hostName)
resp, _, err := ss.GetServersWithHdr(&params, nil)
if err != nil {
return tc.ServerV40{}, fmt.Errorf("fetching server by hostname '%s': %v", hostName, err)
respLen := len(resp.Response)
if respLen < 1 {
return tc.ServerV40{}, fmt.Errorf("no server '%s' found in Traffic Ops", hostName)
var server tc.ServerV30
var num int
found := false
for i, srv := range resp.Response {
num = i
if srv.CDNName != nil && srv.HostName != nil && *srv.HostName == hostName {
server = srv
found = true
if !found {
return tc.ServerV40{}, fmt.Errorf("either no server '%s' found in Traffic Ops, or none by that hostName had non-nil CDN", hostName)
if respLen > 1 {
log.Warnf("Getting monitor server by hostname '%s' returned %d servers - selecting #%d", hostName, respLen, num)
if server.Profile == nil {
return tc.ServerV40{}, fmt.Errorf("server with hostname '%s' has no profile", hostName)
newServer, err := server.UpgradeToV40([]string{*server.Profile})
if err != nil {
return newServer, fmt.Errorf("coercing legacy server to new format: %v", err)
return newServer, nil
// MonitorCDN returns the name of the CDN of a Traffic Monitor with the given
// hostName.
func (s TrafficOpsSessionThreadsafe) MonitorCDN(hostName string) (string, error) {
var server tc.ServerV40
var err error
server, err = s.fetchServerByHostname(hostName)
if err != nil {
log.Warnln("getting server by hostname '" + hostName + "' using up-to-date client: " + err.Error() + ". Retrying with legacy client")
server, err = s.fetchLegacyServerByHostname(hostName)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("getting monitor CDN: %v", err)
// nil-dereference checks done already in each 'fetch' method; they'll just
// return an error in that case
return *server.CDNName, nil