blob: 7f2c96eb40619693874fa5dbdac4002caf8a2cb3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use JSON;
use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/;
use Data::Dumper;
use Encode;
my %query_params = &getFormData();
my $json = JSON->new->utf8;
my $json_obj;
my $unixtime = time();
my $server_name = $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'};
my $cdn_domain_name = "<CDN-DOMAIN_NAME>";
my $hex_string = $server_name;
$hex_string =~ s/(.)/sprintf("%d",ord($1))/eg;
my $int1 = int($hex_string) % 4;
my $int2 = $hex_string % 40;
my $int3 = $hex_string % 400;
my $int4 = $hex_string % 4000;
my $int5 = $hex_string % 40000;
my $int6 = $hex_string % 400000;
my $int7 = $hex_string % 4000000;
my $int8 = $hex_string % 40000000;
my $int9 = $hex_string % 40000000;
my $int10 = $hex_string % 400000000;
my $hit_fresh = int($int10 + $unixtime + $int4);
my $hit_fresh_process = int($hit_fresh);
my $hit_revalidated = int(($int10/2) + $unixtime + $int1);
my $miss_cold = int(($int10/2) + $unixtime + $int3);
my $miss_not_cacheable = int(($int7/3) + $unixtime + $int1);
my $miss_changed = int(($unixtime/10000000) + $int1);
my $miss_client_no_cache = 0;
my $aborts = int(($unixtime/10000000) + $int2*2);
my $possible_aborts = 0;
my $connect_failed = int(($unixtime/1000000) + $int2*4 + $int1*2);
my $other = int((($unixtime/1000000) + $int3)/100);
my $unclassified = 0;
my $write_bytes = int($unixtime*50 + $int4*$int5);
my $current_client_connections = int($int5*rand());
my $bytes_used = int($write_bytes/20 + $int2*$int5);
my $bytes_total = int($bytes_used + $int10);
my $v1_bytes_used = int($bytes_used);
my $v1_bytes_total = int($bytes_total);
my $load_avg_1 = sprintf("%.2f",$unixtime/100000000+(8*rand()));
my $load_avg_5 = sprintf("%.2f",$load_avg_1 / 2);
my $load_avg_15 = sprintf("%.2f",$load_avg_1 / 3);
my $running_procs = int(15*rand($int1));
my $total_procs = int(2*$running_procs+($int1+2)*2);
my $last_proc_id = $int5;
my $proc_loadavg = "$load_avg_1 $load_avg_5 $load_avg_15 $running_procs/$total_procs $last_proc_id";
my $if_rbytes = int($unixtime*760000000+$bytes_total);
my $if_rpackets = int($if_rbytes/875);
my $if_rmcast = int($if_rpackets/$int4);
my $if_tbytes = int($if_rbytes/1.5);
my $if_tpackets = int($if_tbytes/1500);
my $proc_net_dev = $query_params{''}. ":$if_rbytes $if_rpackets 0 0 0 0 0 $if_rmcast $if_tbytes $if_tpackets 0 0 0 0 0 0";
my @ds_bytes;
my @ds_bytes_in;
my @ds_200s;
my @ds_400s;
my @ds_500s;
for (my $i=1;$i<10;$i++) {
my $rand1 = undef;
$rand1 = rand($int1);
$ds_bytes[$i] = int($if_tbytes/10 + ($rand1*$rand1));
$ds_bytes_in[$i] = int($if_rbytes/10 + ($rand1*$rand1));
$ds_200s[$i] = int($ds_bytes[$i]/9000*0.95);
$ds_400s[$i] = int($ds_bytes[$i]/9000*0.04);
$ds_500s[$i] = int($ds_bytes[$i]/9000*0.01);
$ds_bytes[10] = int($if_tbytes/10 + rand($int1) * rand($int1));
$ds_bytes_in[10] = int($if_rbytes/10 + rand($int1) * rand($int1));
$ds_200s[10] = int($ds_bytes[10]/9000*0.95);
$ds_400s[10] = int($ds_bytes[10]/9000*0.04);
$ds_500s[10] = int($ds_bytes[10]/9000*0.01); "bond0:181566812618839 43321349767 0 0 0 0 0 4710035 517574148613675 34658736727 0 0 0 0 0 0"
if (exists $query_params{'application'} ) {
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"proxy.process.http.transaction_counts.hit_fresh"} = $hit_fresh;
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"proxy.process.http.transaction_counts.hit_fresh.process"} = $hit_fresh_process;
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"proxy.process.http.transaction_counts.hit_revalidated"} = $hit_revalidated;
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"proxy.process.http.transaction_counts.miss_cold"} = $miss_cold;
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"proxy.process.http.transaction_counts.miss_not_cacheable"} = $miss_not_cacheable;
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"proxy.process.http.transaction_counts.miss_changed"} = $miss_changed;
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"proxy.process.http.transaction_counts.miss_client_no_cache"} = $miss_client_no_cache;
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"proxy.process.http.transaction_counts.errors.aborts"} = $aborts;
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"proxy.process.http.transaction_counts.errors.possible_aborts"} = $possible_aborts;
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"proxy.process.http.transaction_counts.errors.connect_failed"} = $connect_failed;
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"proxy.process.http.transaction_counts.errors.other"} = $other;
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"proxy.process.http.transaction_counts.other.unclassified"} = $unclassified;
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{""} = $write_bytes;
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"proxy.process.http.current_client_connections"} = $current_client_connections;
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"proxy.process.cache.bytes_used"} = $bytes_used;
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"proxy.process.cache.bytes_total"} = $bytes_total;
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"proxy.process.cache.volume_1.bytes_used"} = $v1_bytes_used;
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"proxy.process.cache.volume_1.bytes_total"} = $v1_bytes_total;
for(my $i=1;$i<10;$i++) {
my $number = sprintf('%.2d', $i);
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"plugin.remap_stats." . $server_name . ".omg-" . $number . "$cdn_domain_name.out_bytes"} = $ds_bytes[$i];
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"plugin.remap_stats." . $server_name . ".omg-" . $number . "$cdn_domain_name.in_bytes"} = $ds_bytes_in[$i];
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"plugin.remap_stats." . $server_name . ".omg-" . $number . "$cdn_domain_name.status_2xx"} = $ds_200s[$i];
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"plugin.remap_stats." . $server_name . ".omg-" . $number . "$cdn_domain_name.status_4xx"} = $ds_400s[$i];
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"plugin.remap_stats." . $server_name . ".omg-" . $number . "$cdn_domain_name.status_5xx"} = $ds_500s[$i];
my $number = 10;
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"plugin.remap_stats." . $server_name . ".omg-" . $number . "$cdn_domain_name.out_bytes"} = $ds_bytes[10];
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"plugin.remap_stats." . $server_name . ".omg-" . $number . "$cdn_domain_name.in_bytes"} = $ds_bytes_in[10];
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"plugin.remap_stats." . $server_name . ".omg-" . $number . "$cdn_domain_name.status_2xx"} = $ds_200s[10];
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"plugin.remap_stats." . $server_name . ".omg-" . $number . "$cdn_domain_name.status_4xx"} = $ds_400s[10];
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"plugin.remap_stats." . $server_name . ".omg-" . $number . "$cdn_domain_name.status_5xx"} = $ds_500s[10];
$json_obj->{'ats'}->{"server"} = "3.3.0-dev";
$json_obj->{'system'}->{""} = $query_params{""};
$json_obj->{'system'}->{"inf.speed"} = "10000";
$json_obj->{'system'}->{""} = $proc_net_dev;
$json_obj->{'system'}->{"proc.loadavg"} = $proc_loadavg;
$json_obj->{'system'}->{"something"} = "here";
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print $json->utf8->encode( $json_obj );
sub getFormData {
my $buffer = "";
my %hash = ();
my @params = ();
if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET') {
$buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
else {
read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
if ($buffer =~ m/\&/) {
@params = split(/\&/,$buffer);
else {
@params = split(/\;/,$buffer);
foreach my $p (@params) {
(my $key, my $value) = split(/\=/,$p);
return %hash;