blob: 1783311eaf9564115bd6317bd5e02d0e937874b0 [file] [log] [blame]
package tmagent
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
const (
TrafficCtl = "traffic_ctl"
ParentsFile = "parent.config"
StrategiesFile = "strategies.yaml"
// this global is used to auto select the
// proper ATS traffic_ctl command to use
// when querying host status. for ATS
// version 10 and greater this will remain
// at 0. For ATS version 9, this will be
// auto updated to 1
var traffic_ctl_index = 0
type ParentAvailable interface {
available(reasonCode string) bool
// the necessary data required to keep track of trafficserver config
// files, lists of parents a trafficserver instance uses, and directory
// locations used for configuration and trafficserver executables.
type ParentInfo struct {
ParentDotConfig util.ConfigFile
StrategiesDotYaml util.ConfigFile
TrafficServerBinDir string
TrafficServerConfigDir string
Parents map[string]ParentStatus
Cfg config.Cfg
// when reading the 'strategies.yaml', these fields are used to help
// parse out fail_over objects.
type FailOver struct {
MaxSimpleRetries int `yaml:"max_simple_retries,omitempty"`
MaxUnavailableRetries int `yaml:"max_unavailable_retries,omitempty"`
RingMode string `yaml:"ring_mode,omitempty"`
ResponseCodes []int `yaml:"response_codes,omitempty"`
MarkDownCodes []int `yaml:"markdown_codes,omitempty"`
HealthCheck []string `yaml:"health_check,omitempty"`
// the trafficserver 'HostStatus' fields that are necessary to interface
// with the trafficserver 'traffic_ctl' command.
type ParentStatus struct {
Fqdn string
ActiveReason bool
LocalReason bool
ManualReason bool
LastTmPoll int64
UnavailablePollCount int
MarkUpPollCount int
// used to get the overall parent availablity from the
// HostStatus markdown reasons. all markdown reasons
// must be true for a parent to be considered available.
func (p ParentStatus) available(reasonCode string) bool {
rc := false
switch reasonCode {
case "active":
rc = p.ActiveReason
case "local":
rc = p.LocalReason
case "manual":
rc = p.ManualReason
return rc
// used to log that a parent's status is either UP or
// DOWN based upon the HostStatus reason codes. to
// be considered UP, all reason codes must be 'true'.
func (p ParentStatus) Status() string {
if !p.ActiveReason {
return "DOWN"
} else if !p.LocalReason {
return "DOWN"
} else if !p.ManualReason {
return "DOWN"
return "UP"
type StatusReason int
// these are the HostStatus reason codes used withing
// trafficserver.
const (
ACTIVE StatusReason = iota
// used for logging a parent's HostStatus reason code
// setting.
func (s StatusReason) String() string {
switch s {
case ACTIVE:
return "ACTIVE"
case LOCAL:
return "LOCAL"
case MANUAL:
return "MANUAL"
return "UNDEFINED"
// the fields used from 'strategies.yaml' that describe
// a parent.
type Host struct {
HostName string `yaml:"host"`
Protocols []Protocol `yaml:"protocol"`
// the protocol object in 'strategies.yaml' that help to
// describe a parent.
type Protocol struct {
Scheme string `yaml:"scheme"`
Port int `yaml:"port"`
Health_check_url string `yaml:"health_check_url,omitempty"`
Weight float64 `yaml:"weight,omitempty"`
// a trafficserver strategy object from 'strategies.yaml'.
type Strategy struct {
Strategy string `yaml:"strategy"`
Policy string `yaml:"policy"`
HashKey string `yaml:"hash_key,omitempty"`
GoDirect bool `yaml:"go_direct,omitempty"`
ParentIsProxy bool `yaml:"parent_is_proxy,omitempty"`
CachePeerResult bool `yaml:"cache_peer_result,omitempty"`
Scheme string `yaml:"scheme"`
FailOvers FailOver `yaml:"failover,omitempty"`
// the top level array defintions in a trafficserver 'strategies.yaml'
// configuration file.
type Strategies struct {
Strategy []Strategy `yaml:"strategies"`
Hosts []Host `yaml:"hosts"`
Groups []interface{} `yaml:"groups"`
// used at startup to load a trafficservers list of parents from
// it's 'parent.config', 'strategies.yaml' and current parent
// status from trafficservers HostStatus subsystem.
func NewParentInfo(cfg config.Cfg) (*ParentInfo, error) {
parentConfig := filepath.Join(cfg.TrafficServerConfigDir, ParentsFile)
modTime, err := util.GetFileModificationTime(parentConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("error reading " + ParentsFile + ": " + err.Error())
parents := util.ConfigFile{
Filename: parentConfig,
LastModifyTime: modTime,
stratyaml := filepath.Join(cfg.TrafficServerConfigDir, StrategiesFile)
modTime, err = util.GetFileModificationTime(stratyaml)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("error reading " + StrategiesFile + ": " + err.Error())
strategies := util.ConfigFile{
Filename: filepath.Join(cfg.TrafficServerConfigDir, StrategiesFile),
LastModifyTime: modTime,
parentInfo := ParentInfo{
ParentDotConfig: parents,
StrategiesDotYaml: strategies,
TrafficServerBinDir: cfg.TrafficServerBinDir,
TrafficServerConfigDir: cfg.TrafficServerConfigDir,
// initialize the trafficserver parents map.
parentStatus := make(map[string]ParentStatus)
// read the 'parent.config'.
if err := parentInfo.readParentConfig(parentStatus); err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("loading " + ParentsFile + " file: " + err.Error())
// read the strategies.yaml.
if err := parentInfo.readStrategies(parentStatus); err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("loading parent " + StrategiesFile + " file: " + err.Error())
// collect the trafficserver parent status from the HostStatus subsystem.
if err := parentInfo.readHostStatus(parentStatus); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading trafficserver host status: %w", err)
log.Infof("startup loaded %d parent records\n", len(parentStatus))
parentInfo.Parents = parentStatus
parentInfo.Cfg = cfg
return &parentInfo, nil
// Queries a traffic monitor that is monitoring the trafficserver instance running on a host to
// obtain the availability, health, of a parent used by trafficserver.
func (c *ParentInfo) GetCacheStatuses() (tc.CRStates, error) {
tmHostName, err := c.findATrafficMonitor()
if err != nil {
return tc.CRStates{}, errors.New("finding a trafficmonitor: " + err.Error())
tmc := tmclient.New("http://"+tmHostName, config.GetRequestTimeout())
// Use a proxy to query TM if the ProxyURL is set
if c.Cfg.ParsedProxyURL != nil {
tmc.Transport = &http.Transport{Proxy: http.ProxyURL(c.Cfg.ParsedProxyURL)}
return tmc.CRStates(false)
// The main polling function that keeps the parents list current if
// with any changes to the trafficserver 'parent.config' or 'strategies.yaml'.
// Also, it keeps parent status current with the the trafficserver HostStatus
// subsystem. Finally, on each poll cycle a trafficmonitor is queried to check
// that all parents used by this trafficserver are available for use based upon
// the trafficmonitors idea from it's health protocol. Parents are marked up or
// down in the trafficserver subsystem based upon that hosts current status and
// the status that trafficmonitor health protocol has determined for a parent.
func (c *ParentInfo) PollAndUpdateCacheStatus() {
toLoginDispersion := config.GetTOLoginDispersion(c.Cfg.TOLoginDispersionFactor)
log.Infoln("polling started")
log.Infof("TO login dispersion: %v seconds\n", toLoginDispersion.Seconds())
for {
pollingInterval := config.GetTMPollingInterval()
// check for config file updates
newCfg := config.Cfg{
HealthClientConfigFile: c.Cfg.HealthClientConfigFile,
isNew, err := config.LoadConfig(&newCfg)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error reading changed config file %s: %s\n", c.Cfg.HealthClientConfigFile.Filename, err.Error())
if isNew {
if err = config.ReadCredentials(&newCfg, false); err != nil {
log.Errorln("could not load credentials for config updates, keeping the old config")
} else {
if err = config.GetTrafficMonitors(&newCfg); err != nil {
log.Errorln("could not update the list of trafficmonitors, keeping the old config")
} else {
config.UpdateConfig(&c.Cfg, &newCfg)
log.Infoln("the configuration has been successfully updated")
} else { // check for updates to the credentials file
if c.Cfg.CredentialFile.Filename != "" {
modTime, err := util.GetFileModificationTime(c.Cfg.CredentialFile.Filename)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("could not stat the credential file %s", c.Cfg.CredentialFile.Filename)
if modTime > c.Cfg.CredentialFile.LastModifyTime {
log.Infoln("the credential file has changed, loading new credentials")
if err = config.ReadCredentials(&c.Cfg, true); err != nil {
log.Errorf("could not load credentials from the updated credential file: %s", c.Cfg.CredentialFile.Filename)
// check for parent and strategies config file updates, and trafficserver
// host status changes. If an error is encountered reading data the current
// parents lists and hoststatus remains unchanged.
if err := c.UpdateParentInfo(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("could not load new ATS parent info: %s\n", err.Error())
} else {
log.Debugf("updated parent info, total number of parents: %d\n", len(c.Parents))
// read traffic manager cache statuses.
_c, err := c.GetCacheStatuses()
// get the current poll time
now := time.Now().Unix()
caches := _c.Caches
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error in TrafficMonitor polling: %s\n", err.Error())
if err = config.GetTrafficMonitors(&c.Cfg); err != nil {
log.Errorln("could not update the list of trafficmonitors, keeping the old config")
} else {
log.Infoln("updated TrafficMonitor statuses from TrafficOps")
// log the poll state data if enabled
if c.Cfg.EnablePollStateLog {
err = c.WritePollState()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("could not write the poll state log: %s\n", err.Error())
for k, v := range caches {
hostName := string(k)
cs, ok := c.Parents[hostName]
if ok {
// update the polling time
cs.LastTmPoll = now
c.Parents[hostName] = cs
tmAvailable := v.IsAvailable
if cs.available(c.Cfg.ReasonCode) != tmAvailable {
// do not mark down if the configuration disables mark downs.
if !c.Cfg.EnableActiveMarkdowns && !tmAvailable {
log.Infof("TM reports that %s is not available and should be marked DOWN but, mark downs are disabled by configuration", hostName)
} else {
if err = c.markParent(cs.Fqdn, v.Status, tmAvailable); err != nil {
// if the host is available clear the unavailable poll count if not 0.
if cs.available(c.Cfg.ReasonCode) && tmAvailable {
if cs.UnavailablePollCount > 0 {
log.Debugf("resetting the UnavailablePollCount for %s from %d to 0",
hostName, cs.UnavailablePollCount)
cs.UnavailablePollCount = 0
c.Parents[hostName] = cs
// periodically update the TrafficMonitor list and statuses
if toLoginDispersion <= 0 {
toLoginDispersion = config.GetTOLoginDispersion(c.Cfg.TOLoginDispersionFactor)
if err = config.GetTrafficMonitors(&c.Cfg); err != nil {
log.Errorln("could not update the list of trafficmonitors, keeping the old config")
} else {
log.Infoln("updated TrafficMonitor statuses from TrafficOps")
} else {
toLoginDispersion -= pollingInterval
// log the poll state data if enabled
if c.Cfg.EnablePollStateLog {
err = c.WritePollState()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("could not write the poll state log: %s\n", err.Error())
// Used by the polling function to update the parents list from
// changes to 'parent.config' and 'strategies.yaml'. The parents
// availability is also updated to reflect the current state from
// the trafficserver HostStatus subsystem.
func (c *ParentInfo) UpdateParentInfo() error {
ptime, err := util.GetFileModificationTime(c.ParentDotConfig.Filename)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("error reading " + ParentsFile + ": " + err.Error())
stime, err := util.GetFileModificationTime(c.StrategiesDotYaml.Filename)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("error reading " + StrategiesFile + ": " + err.Error())
if c.ParentDotConfig.LastModifyTime < ptime {
// read the 'parent.config'.
if err := c.readParentConfig(c.Parents); err != nil {
return errors.New("updating " + ParentsFile + " file: " + err.Error())
} else {
log.Infof("updated parents from new %s, total parents: %d\n", ParentsFile, len(c.Parents))
if c.StrategiesDotYaml.LastModifyTime < stime {
// read the 'strategies.yaml'.
if err := c.readStrategies(c.Parents); err != nil {
return errors.New("updating parent " + StrategiesFile + " file: " + err.Error())
} else {
log.Infof("updated parents from new %s total parents: %d\n", StrategiesFile, len(c.Parents))
// collect the trafficserver current host status.
if err := c.readHostStatus(c.Parents); err != nil {
return errors.New("trafficserver may not be running: " + err.Error())
return nil
func (c *ParentInfo) WritePollState() error {
data, err := json.MarshalIndent(c, "", "\t")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("marshaling configuration state: %s\n", err.Error())
} else {
err = os.WriteFile(c.Cfg.PollStateJSONLog, data, 0644)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("writing configuration state: %s\n", err.Error())
return nil
// choose an available trafficmonitor, returns an error if
// there are none.
func (c *ParentInfo) findATrafficMonitor() (string, error) {
var tmHostname string
lth := len(c.Cfg.TrafficMonitors)
if lth == 0 {
return "", errors.New("there are no available traffic monitors")
// build an array of available traffic monitors.
tms := make([]string, 0)
for k, v := range c.Cfg.TrafficMonitors {
if v == true {
log.Debugf("traffic monitor %s is available\n", k)
tms = append(tms, k)
// choose one at random.
lth = len(tms)
if lth > 0 {
r := (rand.Intn(lth))
tmHostname = tms[r]
} else {
return "", errors.New("there are no available traffic monitors")
log.Debugf("polling: %s\n", tmHostname)
return tmHostname, nil
// parse out the hostname of a parent listed in parents.config
// or 'strategies.yaml'. the hostname can be an IP address.
func parseFqdn(fqdn string) string {
var hostName string
if ip := net.ParseIP(fqdn); ip == nil {
// not an IP, get the hostname
flds := strings.Split(fqdn, ".")
hostName = flds[0]
} else { // use the IP addr
hostName = fqdn
return hostName
func (c *ParentInfo) execTrafficCtl(fqdn string, available bool) error {
reason := c.Cfg.ReasonCode
tc := filepath.Join(c.TrafficServerBinDir, TrafficCtl)
var status string
if available {
status = "up"
} else {
status = "down"
cmd := exec.Command(tc, "host", status, "--reason", reason, fqdn)
var stdout bytes.Buffer
var stderr bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &stdout
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
return errors.New("marking " + fqdn + " " + status + ": " + TrafficCtl + " error: " + err.Error())
return nil
// used to mark a parent as up or down in the trafficserver HostStatus
// subsystem.
func (c *ParentInfo) markParent(fqdn string, cacheStatus string, available bool) error {
var hostAvailable bool
var err error
hostName := parseFqdn(fqdn)
log.Debugf("fqdn: %s, available: %v", fqdn, available)
pv, ok := c.Parents[hostName]
if ok {
activeReason := pv.ActiveReason
localReason := pv.LocalReason
unavailablePollCount := pv.UnavailablePollCount
markUpPollCount := pv.MarkUpPollCount
log.Debugf("hostName: %s, UnavailablePollCount: %d, available: %v", hostName, unavailablePollCount, available)
if !available { // unavailable
unavailablePollCount += 1
if unavailablePollCount < c.Cfg.UnavailablePollThreshold {
log.Infof("TM indicates %s is unavailable but the UnavailablePollThreshold has not been reached", hostName)
hostAvailable = true
} else {
// marking the host down
err = c.execTrafficCtl(fqdn, available)
if err != nil {
} else {
hostAvailable = false
// reset the poll counts
markUpPollCount = 0
unavailablePollCount = 0
log.Infof("marked parent %s DOWN, cache status was: %s\n", hostName, cacheStatus)
} else { // available
// marking the host up
markUpPollCount += 1
if markUpPollCount < c.Cfg.MarkUpPollThreshold {
log.Infof("TM indicates %s is available but the MarkUpPollThreshold has not been reached", hostName)
hostAvailable = false
} else {
err = c.execTrafficCtl(fqdn, available)
if err != nil {
} else {
hostAvailable = true
// reset the poll counts
unavailablePollCount = 0
markUpPollCount = 0
log.Infof("marked parent %s UP, cache status was: %s\n", hostName, cacheStatus)
// update parent info
if err == nil {
reason := c.Cfg.ReasonCode
switch reason {
case "active":
activeReason = hostAvailable
case "local":
localReason = hostAvailable
// save updates
pv.ActiveReason = activeReason
pv.LocalReason = localReason
pv.UnavailablePollCount = unavailablePollCount
pv.MarkUpPollCount = markUpPollCount
c.Parents[hostName] = pv
log.Debugf("Updated parent status: %v", pv)
return err
// reads the current parent statuses from the trafficserver HostStatus
// subsystem.
func (c *ParentInfo) readHostStatus(parentStatus map[string]ParentStatus) error {
tc := filepath.Join(c.TrafficServerBinDir, TrafficCtl)
var stdout bytes.Buffer
var stderr bytes.Buffer
// auto select traffic_ctl command for ATS version 9 or 10 and later
for i := traffic_ctl_index; i <= 1; i++ {
var err error
switch i {
case 0: // ATS version 10 and later
cmd := exec.Command(tc, "host", "status")
cmd.Stdout = &stdout
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
err = cmd.Run()
case 1: // ATS version 9
cmd := exec.Command(tc, "metric", "match", "host_status")
cmd.Stdout = &stdout
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
err = cmd.Run()
if err == nil {
if err != nil && i == 0 {
log.Infof("%s command used is not for ATS version 10 or later, downgrading to ATS version 9\n", TrafficCtl)
traffic_ctl_index = 1
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s error: %s", TrafficCtl, stderr.String())
if len((stdout.Bytes())) > 0 {
var activeReason bool
var localReason bool
var manualReason bool
var hostName string
var fqdn string
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(stdout.Bytes()))
for scanner.Scan() {
line := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
fields := strings.Split(line, " ")
* For ATS Version 9, the host status uses internal stats and prefixes
* the fqdn field from the output of the traffic_ctl host status and metric
* match commands with "proxy.process.host_status". Going forward starting
* with ATS Version 10, internal stats are no-longer used and the fqdn field
* is no-longer prefixed with the "proxy.process.host_status" string.
if len(fields) == 2 {
// check for ATS version 9 output.
fqdnField := strings.Split(fields[0], "proxy.process.host_status.")
if len(fqdnField) == 2 { // ATS version 9
fqdn = fqdnField[1]
} else { // ATS version 10 and greater
fqdn = fqdnField[0]
statField := strings.Split(fields[1], ",")
if len(statField) == 5 {
if strings.HasPrefix(statField[1], "ACTIVE:UP") {
activeReason = true
} else if strings.HasPrefix(statField[1], "ACTIVE:DOWN") {
activeReason = false
if strings.HasPrefix(statField[2], "LOCAL:UP") {
localReason = true
} else if strings.HasPrefix(statField[2], "LOCAL:DOWN") {
localReason = false
if strings.HasPrefix(statField[3], "MANUAL:UP") {
manualReason = true
} else if strings.HasPrefix(statField[3], "MANUAL:DOWN") {
manualReason = false
pstat := ParentStatus{
Fqdn: fqdn,
ActiveReason: activeReason,
LocalReason: localReason,
ManualReason: manualReason,
LastTmPoll: 0,
UnavailablePollCount: 0,
MarkUpPollCount: 0,
log.Debugf("processed host status record: %v\n", pstat)
hostName = parseFqdn(fqdn)
pv, ok := parentStatus[hostName]
// create the ParentStatus struct and add it to the
// Parents map only if an entry in the map does not
// already exist.
if !ok {
parentStatus[hostName] = pstat
log.Infof("added Host '%s' from ATS Host Status to the parents map\n", hostName)
} else {
available := pstat.available(c.Cfg.ReasonCode)
if pv.available(c.Cfg.ReasonCode) != available {
log.Infof("host status for '%s' has changed to %s\n", hostName, pstat.Status())
pstat.LastTmPoll = pv.LastTmPoll
pstat.UnavailablePollCount = pv.UnavailablePollCount
pstat.MarkUpPollCount = pv.MarkUpPollCount
parentStatus[hostName] = pstat
log.Debugf("processed trafficserver host status results, total parents: %d\n", len(parentStatus))
return nil
// load parents list from the Trafficserver 'parent.config' file.
func (c *ParentInfo) readParentConfig(parentStatus map[string]ParentStatus) error {
fn := c.ParentDotConfig.Filename
_, err := os.Stat(fn)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("skipping 'parents': %s\n", err.Error())
return nil
log.Debugf("loading %s\n", fn)
f, err := os.Open(fn)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("failed to open + " + fn + " :" + err.Error())
defer f.Close()
finfo, err := os.Stat(fn)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("failed to Stat + " + fn + " :" + err.Error())
c.ParentDotConfig.LastModifyTime = finfo.ModTime().UnixNano()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for scanner.Scan() {
sbytes := scanner.Bytes()
if sbytes[0] == 35 { // skip comment lines, 35 is a '#'.
// search for the parent list.
if i := strings.Index(string(sbytes), "parent="); i > 0 {
var plist []string
res := bytes.Split(sbytes, []byte("\""))
// 'parent.config' parent separators are ';' or ','.
plist = strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(res[1])), ";")
if len(plist) == 1 {
plist = strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(res[1])), ",")
// parse the parent list to get each hostName and it's associated
// port.
if len(plist) > 1 {
for _, v := range plist {
parent := strings.Split(v, ":")
if len(parent) == 2 {
fqdn := parent[0]
hostName := parseFqdn(fqdn)
_, ok := parentStatus[hostName]
// create the ParentStatus struct and add it to the
// Parents map only if an entry in the map does not
// already exist.
if !ok {
pstat := ParentStatus{
Fqdn: strings.TrimSpace(fqdn),
ActiveReason: true,
LocalReason: true,
ManualReason: true,
LastTmPoll: 0,
UnavailablePollCount: 0,
parentStatus[hostName] = pstat
log.Debugf("added Host '%s' from %s to the parents map\n", hostName, fn)
return nil
// load the parent hosts from 'strategies.yaml'.
func (c *ParentInfo) readStrategies(parentStatus map[string]ParentStatus) error {
var includes []string
fn := c.StrategiesDotYaml.Filename
_, err := os.Stat(fn)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("skipping 'strategies': %s\n", err.Error())
return nil
log.Debugf("loading %s\n", fn)
// open the strategies file for scanning.
f, err := os.Open(fn)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("failed to open + " + fn + " :" + err.Error())
defer f.Close()
finfo, err := os.Stat(fn)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("failed to Stat + " + fn + " :" + err.Error())
c.StrategiesDotYaml.LastModifyTime = finfo.ModTime().UnixNano()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
// search for any yaml files that should be included in the
// yaml stream.
for scanner.Scan() {
line := strings.TrimSpace(scanner.Text())
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#include") {
fields := strings.Split(line, " ")
if len(fields) >= 2 {
includeFile := filepath.Join(c.TrafficServerConfigDir, fields[1])
includes = append(includes, includeFile)
includes = append(includes, fn)
var yamlContent string
// load all included and 'strategies yaml' files to
// the yamlContent.
for _, includeFile := range includes {
log.Debugf("loading %s\n", includeFile)
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(includeFile)
if err != nil {
return errors.New(err.Error())
yamlContent = yamlContent + string(content)
strategies := Strategies{}
if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(yamlContent), &strategies); err != nil {
return errors.New("failed to unmarshall " + fn + ": " + err.Error())
for _, host := range strategies.Hosts {
fqdn := host.HostName
hostName := parseFqdn(fqdn)
// create the ParentStatus struct and add it to the
// Parents map only if an entry in the map does not
// already exist.
_, ok := parentStatus[hostName]
if !ok {
pstat := ParentStatus{
Fqdn: strings.TrimSpace(fqdn),
ActiveReason: true,
LocalReason: true,
ManualReason: true,
LastTmPoll: 0,
UnavailablePollCount: 0,
parentStatus[hostName] = pstat
log.Debugf("added Host '%s' from %s to the parents map\n", hostName, fn)
return nil