blob: 12f526115bcbea3bbf921b3f45ae1d4b51613c68 [file] [log] [blame]
package config
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
toclient ""
var userAgent = "tc-health-client/1.0"
var tmPollingInterval time.Duration
var toRequestTimeout time.Duration
var toSession *toclient.Session = nil
const (
DefaultPollStateJSONLog = "/var/log/trafficcontrol/poll-state.json"
DefaultConfigFile = "/etc/trafficcontrol/tc-health-client.json"
DefaultLogDirectory = "/var/log/trafficcontrol"
DefaultLogFile = "tc-health-client.log"
DefaultTOLoginDispersionFactor = 90
DefaultTrafficServerConfigDir = "/opt/trafficserver/etc/trafficserver"
DefaultTrafficServerBinDir = "/opt/trafficserver/bin"
DefaultUnavailablePollThreshold = 2
DefaultMarkupPollThreshold = 1
type Cfg struct {
CDNName string `json:"cdn-name"`
EnableActiveMarkdowns bool `json:"enable-active-markdowns"`
ReasonCode string `json:"reason-code"`
TOCredentialFile string `json:"to-credential-file"`
TORequestTimeOutSeconds string `json:"to-request-timeout-seconds"`
TOPass string `json:"to-pass"`
TOUrl string `json:"to-url"`
TOUser string `json:"to-user"`
TmProxyURL string `json:"tm-proxy-url"`
TmPollIntervalSeconds string `json:"tm-poll-interval-seconds"`
TOLoginDispersionFactor int `json:"to-login-dispersion-factor"`
UnavailablePollThreshold int `json:"unavailable-poll-threshold"`
MarkUpPollThreshold int `json:"markup-poll-threshold"`
TrafficServerConfigDir string `json:"trafficserver-config-dir"`
TrafficServerBinDir string `json:"trafficserver-bin-dir"`
PollStateJSONLog string `json:"poll-state-json-log"`
EnablePollStateLog bool `json:"enable-poll-state-log"`
TrafficMonitors map[string]bool `json:"trafficmonitors,omitempty"`
HealthClientConfigFile util.ConfigFile
CredentialFile util.ConfigFile
ParsedProxyURL *url.URL
type LogCfg struct {
LogLocationErr string
LogLocationDebug string
LogLocationInfo string
LogLocationWarn string
func (lcfg LogCfg) ErrorLog() log.LogLocation { return log.LogLocation(lcfg.LogLocationErr) }
func (lcfg LogCfg) WarningLog() log.LogLocation { return log.LogLocation(lcfg.LogLocationWarn) }
func (lcfg LogCfg) InfoLog() log.LogLocation { return log.LogLocation(lcfg.LogLocationInfo) }
func (lcfg LogCfg) DebugLog() log.LogLocation { return log.LogLocation(lcfg.LogLocationDebug) }
func (lcfg LogCfg) EventLog() log.LogLocation { return log.LogLocation(log.LogLocationNull) } // not used
* ReadCredentials
* cfg - the existing config
* updating - when true, existing credentials may be updated from the credential file
func ReadCredentials(cfg *Cfg, updating bool) error {
if cfg.TOCredentialFile == "" {
return nil
fn := cfg.CredentialFile
// verify that we have credentials or can read them from the credential file
if fn.Filename == "" {
if cfg.TOPass == "" || cfg.TOUser == "" || cfg.TOUrl == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot continue, no TO credentials or TO URL have been specified, check configs")
} else {
return nil
// You should not configure a credential file and the credentials simultaneously in the health client
// config file. Either use an external credential file or put the credentials in the health client
// config. Precedence is given to credentials in the health client config file.
if !updating && (cfg.TOPass != "" && cfg.TOUser != "" && cfg.TOUrl != "") {
log.Warnf("credentials are defined in the %s file, will not override them with those in the %s file", cfg.HealthClientConfigFile.Filename, cfg.CredentialFile.Filename)
cfg.CredentialFile.LastModifyTime = math.MaxInt64
return nil
err := error(nil)
cfg.TOUrl, cfg.TOUser, cfg.TOPass, err = getCredentialsFromFile(cfg.CredentialFile.Filename)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("reading credentials from file '" + fn.Filename + "' :" + err.Error())
if cfg.TOUrl == "" || cfg.TOUser == "" || cfg.TOPass == "" {
return errors.New("failed to retrieve one or more TrafficOps credentails")
modTime, err := util.GetFileModificationTime(fn.Filename)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not stat %s: %w", fn.Filename, err)
cfg.CredentialFile.LastModifyTime = modTime
return nil
func GetConfig() (Cfg, error, bool) {
var err error
var configFile string
var logLocationErr = log.LogLocationStderr
var logLocationDebug = log.LogLocationNull
var logLocationInfo = log.LogLocationNull
var logLocationWarn = log.LogLocationNull
configFilePtr := getopt.StringLong("config-file", 'f', DefaultConfigFile, "full path to the json config file")
logdirPtr := getopt.StringLong("logging-dir", 'l', DefaultLogDirectory, "directory location for log files")
helpPtr := getopt.BoolLong("help", 'h', "Print usage information and exit")
verbosePtr := getopt.CounterLong("verbose", 'v', `Log verbosity. Logging is output to stderr. By default, errors are logged. To log warnings, pass '-v'. To log info, pass '-vv', debug pass '-vvv'`)
if configFilePtr != nil {
configFile = *configFilePtr
} else {
configFile = DefaultConfigFile
var logfile string
logfile = filepath.Join(*logdirPtr, DefaultLogFile)
logLocationErr = logfile
if *verbosePtr == 1 {
logLocationWarn = logfile
} else if *verbosePtr == 2 {
logLocationInfo = logfile
logLocationWarn = logfile
} else if *verbosePtr == 3 {
logLocationInfo = logfile
logLocationWarn = logfile
logLocationDebug = logfile
if help := *helpPtr; help == true {
return Cfg{}, nil, true
lcfg := LogCfg{
LogLocationDebug: logLocationDebug,
LogLocationErr: logLocationErr,
LogLocationInfo: logLocationInfo,
LogLocationWarn: logLocationWarn,
if err := log.InitCfg(&lcfg); err != nil {
return Cfg{}, errors.New("initializing loggers: " + err.Error() + "\n"), false
cf := util.ConfigFile{
Filename: configFile,
LastModifyTime: 0,
cfg := Cfg{
HealthClientConfigFile: cf,
CredentialFile: util.ConfigFile{},
if _, err = LoadConfig(&cfg); err != nil {
return Cfg{}, errors.New(err.Error() + "\n"), false
if err = ReadCredentials(&cfg, false); err != nil {
return cfg, err, false
dispersion := GetTOLoginDispersion(cfg.TOLoginDispersionFactor)
log.Infof("waiting %v seconds before logging into TrafficOps", dispersion.Seconds())
err = GetTrafficMonitors(&cfg)
if err != nil {
return cfg, err, false
return cfg, nil, false
func GetTrafficMonitors(cfg *Cfg) error {
qry := &url.Values{}
qry.Add("type", "RASCAL")
qry.Add("status", "ONLINE")
// login to traffic ops.
if toSession == nil {
session, _, err := toclient.LoginWithAgent(cfg.TOUrl, cfg.TOUser, cfg.TOPass, true, userAgent, false, GetRequestTimeout())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not establish a TrafficOps session: %w", err)
} else {
toSession = session
srvs, _, err := toSession.GetServersWithHdr(qry, nil)
if err != nil {
// next time we'll login again and get a new session.
toSession = nil
return errors.New("error fetching Trafficmonitor server list: " + err.Error())
cfg.TrafficMonitors = make(map[string]bool, 0)
for _, v := range srvs.Response {
if *v.CDNName == cfg.CDNName && *v.Status == "ONLINE" {
hostname := *v.HostName + "." + *v.DomainName
cfg.TrafficMonitors[hostname] = true
return nil
func GetTMPollingInterval() time.Duration {
return tmPollingInterval
func GetTOLoginDispersion(dispersionFactor int) time.Duration {
dispersionSeconds := uint64(tmPollingInterval.Seconds()) * uint64(dispersionFactor)
hostName, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("the OS hostname is not set, cannot continue: %s", err.Error())
md5hash := md5.Sum([]byte(hostName))
sl := md5hash[0:8]
disp := (binary.BigEndian.Uint64(sl) % dispersionSeconds)
if disp < uint64(tmPollingInterval.Seconds()*2) {
disp = ((disp * 2) + uint64(tmPollingInterval.Seconds()))
return time.Duration(disp) * time.Second
func GetRequestTimeout() time.Duration {
return toRequestTimeout
func LoadConfig(cfg *Cfg) (bool, error) {
updated := false
configFile := cfg.HealthClientConfigFile.Filename
modTime, err := util.GetFileModificationTime(configFile)
if err != nil {
return updated, errors.New(err.Error())
if modTime > cfg.HealthClientConfigFile.LastModifyTime {
log.Infoln("Loading a new config file.")
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configFile)
if err != nil {
return updated, errors.New(err.Error())
err = json.Unmarshal(content, cfg)
if err != nil {
return updated, fmt.Errorf("config parsing failed: %w", err)
tmPollingInterval, err = time.ParseDuration(cfg.TmPollIntervalSeconds)
if err != nil {
return updated, errors.New("parsing TMPollingIntervalSeconds: " + err.Error())
if cfg.TOLoginDispersionFactor == 0 {
cfg.TOLoginDispersionFactor = DefaultTOLoginDispersionFactor
toRequestTimeout, err = time.ParseDuration(cfg.TORequestTimeOutSeconds)
if err != nil {
return updated, errors.New("parsing TORequestTimeOutSeconds: " + err.Error())
if cfg.ReasonCode != "active" && cfg.ReasonCode != "local" {
return updated, errors.New("invalid reason-code: " + cfg.ReasonCode + ", valid reason codes are 'active' or 'local'")
if cfg.TrafficServerConfigDir == "" {
cfg.TrafficServerConfigDir = DefaultTrafficServerConfigDir
if cfg.TrafficServerBinDir == "" {
cfg.TrafficServerBinDir = DefaultTrafficServerBinDir
if cfg.UnavailablePollThreshold == 0 {
cfg.UnavailablePollThreshold = DefaultUnavailablePollThreshold
if cfg.PollStateJSONLog == "" {
cfg.PollStateJSONLog = DefaultPollStateJSONLog
cfg.HealthClientConfigFile.LastModifyTime = modTime
if cfg.TOCredentialFile != "" {
cfg.CredentialFile.Filename = cfg.TOCredentialFile
// if tm-proxy-url is set in the config, verify the proxy
// url
if cfg.TmProxyURL != "" {
if cfg.ParsedProxyURL, err = url.Parse(cfg.TmProxyURL); err != nil {
cfg.ParsedProxyURL = nil
return false, errors.New("parsing TmProxyUrl: " + err.Error())
if cfg.ParsedProxyURL.Port() == "" {
cfg.ParsedProxyURL = nil
return false, errors.New("TmProxyUrl invalid port specified")
log.Infof("TM queries will use the proxy: %s", cfg.TmProxyURL)
} else {
cfg.ParsedProxyURL = nil
updated = true
return updated, nil
func UpdateConfig(cfg *Cfg, newCfg *Cfg) {
cfg.CDNName = newCfg.CDNName
cfg.EnableActiveMarkdowns = newCfg.EnableActiveMarkdowns
cfg.ReasonCode = newCfg.ReasonCode
cfg.TOCredentialFile = newCfg.TOCredentialFile
cfg.TORequestTimeOutSeconds = newCfg.TORequestTimeOutSeconds
cfg.TOPass = newCfg.TOPass
cfg.TOUrl = newCfg.TOUrl
cfg.TOUser = newCfg.TOUser
cfg.TmPollIntervalSeconds = newCfg.TmPollIntervalSeconds
cfg.TOLoginDispersionFactor = newCfg.TOLoginDispersionFactor
if cfg.TOLoginDispersionFactor == 0 {
cfg.TOLoginDispersionFactor = DefaultTOLoginDispersionFactor
cfg.UnavailablePollThreshold = newCfg.UnavailablePollThreshold
cfg.TrafficServerConfigDir = newCfg.TrafficServerConfigDir
cfg.TrafficServerBinDir = newCfg.TrafficServerBinDir
cfg.TrafficMonitors = newCfg.TrafficMonitors
cfg.HealthClientConfigFile = newCfg.HealthClientConfigFile
cfg.PollStateJSONLog = newCfg.PollStateJSONLog
cfg.EnablePollStateLog = newCfg.EnablePollStateLog
func Usage() {
// getCredentialsFromFile gets the TO URL, user, and password from an environment variable file.
// from environment variables declared in a credentials file bash script, if they exist.
// Returns the TO URL, user, password, and any error.
// Note this returns empty strings with no error if the file doesn't exist,
// or if any variables aren't declared.
func getCredentialsFromFile(filePath string) (string, string, string, error) {
if inf, err := os.Stat(filePath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return "", "", "", nil
} else if inf.IsDir() {
return "", "", "", errors.New("credentials path is a directory, must be a file")
// we execute sh and source the file to get the environment variables,
// because it's easier and more accurate than writing our own sh env var parser.
stdOut, stdErr, code := t3cutil.Do("sh", "-c", `(source "`+filePath+`" && printf "${TO_URL}\n")`)
if code != 0 {
return "", "", "", fmt.Errorf("getting credentials from file returned error code %v stderr '%v' stdout '%v'", code, string(stdErr), string(stdOut))
toURL := strings.TrimSpace(string(stdOut))
stdOut, stdErr, code = t3cutil.Do("sh", "-c", `(source "`+filePath+`" && printf "${TO_USER}\n")`)
if code != 0 {
return "", "", "", fmt.Errorf("getting credentials from file returned error code %v stderr '%v' stdout '%v'", code, string(stdErr), string(stdOut))
toUser := strings.TrimSpace(string(stdOut))
stdOut, stdErr, code = t3cutil.Do("sh", "-c", `(source "`+filePath+`" && printf "${TO_PASS}\n")`)
if code != 0 {
return "", "", "", fmt.Errorf("getting credentials from file returned error code %v stderr '%v' stdout '%v'", code, string(stdErr), string(stdOut))
toPass := strings.TrimSpace(string(stdOut))
return toURL, toUser, toPass, nil