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package tc
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
func compareIntPtrs(t *testing.T, name string, want, got *int, operation string) {
if want == nil {
t.Error("incorrect calling of compareStrPtrs - want must not be nil")
if got == nil {
t.Errorf("wrong %s after %s; want: %d, got: nil pointer", name, operation, *want)
} else if want == got {
t.Errorf("expected %s to be deeply copied, but it was a pointer to the original struct's field", name)
} else if *want != *got {
t.Errorf("wrong %s after %s; want: %d, got: %d", name, operation, *want, *got)
func compareStrPtrs(t *testing.T, name string, want, got *string, operation string) {
if want == nil {
t.Error("incorrect calling of compareStrPtrs - want must not be nil")
if got == nil {
t.Errorf("wrong %s after %s; want: '%s', got: nil pointer", name, operation, *want)
} else if want == got {
t.Errorf("expected %s to be deeply copied, but it was a pointer to the original struct's field", name)
} else if *want != *got {
t.Errorf("wrong %s after %s; want: '%s', got: '%s'", name, operation, *want, *got)
func TestUserV4_ToLegacyCurrentUser(t *testing.T) {
addressLine1 := "Address Line 1"
addressLine2 := "Address Line 2"
city := "City"
company := "Company"
country := "Country"
email := "em@i.l"
fullName := "Full Name"
gid := 1
id := 2
lastAuthenticated := time.Time{}
lastUpdated := time.Now()
localPassword := "LocalPasswd"
localUser := true
newUser := true
phoneNumber := "555-555-5555"
postalCode := "55555"
publicSSHKey := "Public SSH Key"
registrationSent, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2000-01-02T03:04:05Z")
role := "Role Name"
roleID := 3
stateOrProvince := "State or Province"
tenant := "Tenant"
tenantID := 4
token := "Token"
uid := 5
username := "Username"
user := UserV4{
AddressLine1: &addressLine1,
AddressLine2: &addressLine2,
City: &city,
Company: &company,
Country: &country,
Email: &email,
FullName: &fullName,
GID: &gid,
ID: &id,
LastAuthenticated: &lastAuthenticated,
LastUpdated: lastUpdated,
LocalPassword: &localPassword,
NewUser: newUser,
PhoneNumber: &phoneNumber,
PostalCode: &postalCode,
PublicSSHKey: &publicSSHKey,
RegistrationSent: &registrationSent,
Role: role,
StateOrProvince: &stateOrProvince,
Tenant: &tenant,
TenantID: tenantID,
Token: &token,
UID: &uid,
Username: username,
currentUser := user.ToLegacyCurrentUser(roleID, localUser)
compareStrPtrs(t, "AddressLine1", user.AddressLine1, currentUser.AddressLine1, "downgrade")
compareStrPtrs(t, "AddressLine2", user.AddressLine2, currentUser.AddressLine2, "downgrade")
compareStrPtrs(t, "City", user.City, currentUser.City, "downgrade")
compareStrPtrs(t, "Company", user.Company, currentUser.Company, "downgrade")
compareStrPtrs(t, "Country", user.Country, currentUser.Country, "downgrade")
compareStrPtrs(t, "Email", user.Email, currentUser.Email, "downgrade")
compareStrPtrs(t, "FullName", user.FullName, currentUser.FullName, "downgrade")
compareIntPtrs(t, "GID", user.GID, currentUser.GID, "downgrade")
compareIntPtrs(t, "ID", user.ID, currentUser.ID, "downgrade")
if currentUser.LastUpdated == nil {
t.Errorf("wrong LastUpdated after downgrade; want: '%s', got: nil pointer", lastUpdated)
} else if !currentUser.LastUpdated.Time.Equal(lastUpdated) {
t.Errorf("wrong LastUpdated after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", lastUpdated, currentUser.LastUpdated.Time)
if currentUser.LocalUser == nil {
t.Errorf("wrong LocalUser after downgrade; want: %t, got: nil pointer", localUser)
} else if *currentUser.LocalUser != localUser {
t.Errorf("wrong LocalUser after downgrade; want: %t, got: %t", localUser, *currentUser.LocalUser)
if currentUser.NewUser == nil {
t.Errorf("wrong NewUser after downgrade; want: %t, got: nil pointer", newUser)
} else if *currentUser.NewUser != newUser {
t.Errorf("wrong NewUser after downgrade; want: %t, got: %t", newUser, *currentUser.NewUser)
compareStrPtrs(t, "PhoneNumber", user.PhoneNumber, currentUser.PhoneNumber, "downgrade")
compareStrPtrs(t, "PostalCode", user.PostalCode, currentUser.PostalCode, "downgrade")
compareStrPtrs(t, "PublicSSHKey", user.PublicSSHKey, currentUser.PublicSSHKey, "downgrade")
if currentUser.Role == nil {
t.Errorf("wrong Role after downgrade; want: %d, got: nil pointer", roleID)
} else if *currentUser.Role != roleID {
t.Errorf("wrong Role after downgrade; want: %d, got: %d", roleID, *currentUser.Role)
if currentUser.RoleName == nil {
t.Errorf("wrong RoleName after downgrade; want: '%s', got: nil pointer", role)
} else if *currentUser.RoleName != role {
t.Errorf("wrong RoleName after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", role, *currentUser.RoleName)
compareStrPtrs(t, "StateOrProvince", user.StateOrProvince, currentUser.StateOrProvince, "downgrade")
compareStrPtrs(t, "Tenant", user.Tenant, currentUser.Tenant, "downgrade")
if currentUser.TenantID == nil {
t.Errorf("wrong TenantID after downgrade; want: %d, got: nil pointer", tenantID)
} else if *currentUser.TenantID != tenantID {
t.Errorf("wrong TenantID after downgrade; want: %d, got: %d", tenantID, *currentUser.TenantID)
compareStrPtrs(t, "Token", user.Token, currentUser.Token, "downgrade")
compareIntPtrs(t, "UID", user.UID, currentUser.UID, "downgrade")
if currentUser.UserName == nil {
t.Errorf("wrong UserName after downgrade; want: '%s', got: nil pointer", username)
} else if *currentUser.UserName != username {
t.Errorf("wrong UserName after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", username, *currentUser.UserName)
func TestUser_UpgradeFromLegacyUser(t *testing.T) {
addressLine1 := "Address Line 1"
addressLine2 := "Address Line 2"
city := "City"
company := "Company"
confirmLocalPassword := "Confirm LocalPasswd"
country := "Country"
email := "em@i.l"
fullName := "Full Name"
gid := 1
id := 2
lastUpdated := NewTimeNoMod()
localPassword := "LocalPasswd"
newUser := true
phoneNumber := "555-555-5555"
postalCode := "55555"
publicSSHKey := "Public SSH Key"
registrationSent := NewTimeNoMod()
role := "Role Name"
stateOrProvince := "State or Province"
tenant := "Tenant"
tenantID := 3
token := "Token"
uid := 4
username := "Username"
var user User
user.AddressLine1 = &addressLine1
user.AddressLine2 = &addressLine2
user.City = &city
user.Company = &company
user.ConfirmLocalPassword = &confirmLocalPassword
user.Country = &country
user.Email = &email
user.FullName = &fullName
user.GID = &gid
user.ID = &id
user.LastUpdated = lastUpdated
user.LocalPassword = &localPassword
user.NewUser = &newUser
user.PhoneNumber = &phoneNumber
user.PostalCode = &postalCode
user.PublicSSHKey = &publicSSHKey
user.RegistrationSent = registrationSent
user.Role = new(int)
user.RoleName = &role
user.StateOrProvince = &stateOrProvince
user.Tenant = &tenant
user.TenantID = &tenantID
user.Token = &token
user.UID = &uid
user.Username = &username
upgraded := user.Upgrade()
compareStrPtrs(t, "AddressLine1", user.AddressLine1, upgraded.AddressLine1, "upgrade")
compareStrPtrs(t, "AddressLine2", user.AddressLine2, upgraded.AddressLine2, "upgrade")
compareStrPtrs(t, "City", user.City, upgraded.City, "upgrade")
compareStrPtrs(t, "Company", user.Company, upgraded.Company, "upgrade")
compareStrPtrs(t, "Country", user.Country, upgraded.Country, "upgrade")
compareStrPtrs(t, "Email", user.Email, upgraded.Email, "upgrade")
compareStrPtrs(t, "FullName", user.FullName, upgraded.FullName, "upgrade")
compareIntPtrs(t, "GID", user.GID, upgraded.GID, "upgrade")
compareIntPtrs(t, "ID", user.ID, upgraded.ID, "upgrade")
if !upgraded.LastUpdated.Equal(lastUpdated.Time) {
t.Errorf("Incorrect LastUpdated after upgrade; want: %v, got: %v", lastUpdated.Time, upgraded.LastUpdated)
compareStrPtrs(t, "LocalPassword", user.LocalPassword, upgraded.LocalPassword, "upgrade")
if upgraded.NewUser != newUser {
t.Errorf("Incorrect NewUser after upgrade; want: %t, got: %t", newUser, upgraded.NewUser)
compareStrPtrs(t, "PhoneNumber", user.PhoneNumber, upgraded.PhoneNumber, "upgrade")
compareStrPtrs(t, "PostalCode", user.PostalCode, upgraded.PostalCode, "upgrade")
compareStrPtrs(t, "PublicSSHKey", user.PublicSSHKey, upgraded.PublicSSHKey, "upgrade")
if upgraded.RegistrationSent == nil {
t.Error("RegistrationSent became nil after upgrade")
} else if !upgraded.RegistrationSent.Equal(registrationSent.Time) {
t.Errorf("Incorrect RegistrationSent after upgrade; want: %v, got: %v", registrationSent.Time, *upgraded.RegistrationSent)
if upgraded.Role != role {
t.Errorf("Incorrect Role after upgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", role, upgraded.Role)
compareStrPtrs(t, "StateOrProvince", user.StateOrProvince, upgraded.StateOrProvince, "upgrade")
compareStrPtrs(t, "Tenant", user.Tenant, upgraded.Tenant, "upgrade")
if upgraded.TenantID != tenantID {
t.Errorf("Incorrect TenantID after upgrade; want: %d, got: %d", tenantID, upgraded.TenantID)
compareStrPtrs(t, "Token", user.Token, upgraded.Token, "upgrade")
compareIntPtrs(t, "UID", user.UID, upgraded.UID, "upgrade")
if upgraded.Username != username {
t.Errorf("Incorrect Username after upgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", username, upgraded.Username)
user = upgraded.Downgrade()
if user.Role != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected Role to be nil after downgrade, got: %d", *user.Role)
func TestUserV4_Downgrade(t *testing.T) {
addressLine1 := "Address Line 1"
addressLine2 := "Address Line 2"
city := "City"
company := "Company"
country := "Country"
email := "em@i.l"
fullName := "Full Name"
gid := 1
id := 2
lastUpdated := time.Now()
localPassword := "LocalPasswd"
newUser := true
phoneNumber := "555-555-5555"
postalCode := "55555"
publicSSHKey := "Public SSH Key"
registrationSent := time.Now().Add(time.Second)
role := "Role Name"
stateOrProvince := "State or Province"
tenant := "Tenant"
tenantID := 3
token := "Token"
uid := 4
username := "Username"
user := UserV4{
FullName: &fullName,
LastUpdated: lastUpdated,
NewUser: newUser,
Role: role,
TenantID: tenantID,
Username: username,
user.AddressLine1 = &addressLine1
user.AddressLine2 = &addressLine2
user.City = &city
user.Company = &company
user.Country = &country
user.Email = &email
user.GID = &gid
user.ID = &id
user.LocalPassword = &localPassword
user.PhoneNumber = &phoneNumber
user.PostalCode = &postalCode
user.PublicSSHKey = &publicSSHKey
user.RegistrationSent = &registrationSent
user.StateOrProvince = &stateOrProvince
user.Tenant = &tenant
user.Token = &token
user.UID = &uid
downgraded := user.Downgrade()
if downgraded.AddressLine1 == nil {
t.Error("AddressLine1 became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.AddressLine1 != addressLine1 {
t.Errorf("Incorrect AddressLine1 after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", addressLine1, *downgraded.AddressLine1)
if downgraded.AddressLine2 == nil {
t.Error("AddressLine2 became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.AddressLine2 != addressLine2 {
t.Errorf("Incorrect AddressLine2 after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", addressLine2, *downgraded.AddressLine2)
if downgraded.City == nil {
t.Error("City became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.City != city {
t.Errorf("Incorrect City after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", city, *downgraded.City)
if downgraded.Company == nil {
t.Error("Company became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.Company != company {
t.Errorf("Incorrect Company after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", company, *downgraded.Company)
if downgraded.ConfirmLocalPassword == nil {
t.Error("ConfirmLocalPassword became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.ConfirmLocalPassword != localPassword {
t.Errorf("Incorrect ConfirmLocalPassword after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", localPassword, *downgraded.ConfirmLocalPassword)
if downgraded.Country == nil {
t.Error("Country became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.Country != country {
t.Errorf("Incorrect Country after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", country, *downgraded.Country)
if downgraded.Email == nil {
t.Error("Email became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.Email != email {
t.Errorf("Incorrect Email after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", email, *downgraded.Email)
if downgraded.FullName == nil {
t.Error("FullName became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.FullName != fullName {
t.Errorf("Incorrect FullName after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", fullName, *downgraded.FullName)
if downgraded.GID == nil {
t.Error("GID became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.GID != gid {
t.Errorf("Incorrect GID after downgrade; want: %d, got: %d", gid, *downgraded.GID)
if downgraded.ID == nil {
t.Error("ID became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.ID != id {
t.Errorf("Incorrect ID after downgrade; want: %d, got: %d", id, *downgraded.ID)
if downgraded.LastUpdated == nil {
t.Error("LastUpdated became nil after downgrade")
} else if !downgraded.LastUpdated.Time.Equal(lastUpdated) {
t.Errorf("Incorrect LastUpdated after downgrade; want: %v, got: %v", lastUpdated, downgraded.LastUpdated.Time)
if downgraded.LocalPassword == nil {
t.Error("LocalPassword became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.LocalPassword != localPassword {
t.Errorf("Incorrect LocalPassword after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", localPassword, *downgraded.LocalPassword)
if downgraded.NewUser == nil {
t.Error("NewUser became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.NewUser != newUser {
t.Errorf("Incorrect NewUser after downgrade; want: %t, got: %t", newUser, *downgraded.NewUser)
if downgraded.PhoneNumber == nil {
t.Error("PhoneNumber became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.PhoneNumber != phoneNumber {
t.Errorf("Incorrect PhoneNumber after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", phoneNumber, *downgraded.PhoneNumber)
if downgraded.PostalCode == nil {
t.Error("PostalCode became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.PostalCode != postalCode {
t.Errorf("Incorrect PostalCode after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", postalCode, *downgraded.PostalCode)
if downgraded.PublicSSHKey == nil {
t.Error("PublicSSHKey became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.PublicSSHKey != publicSSHKey {
t.Errorf("Incorrect PublicSSHKey after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", publicSSHKey, *downgraded.PublicSSHKey)
if downgraded.RegistrationSent == nil {
t.Error("RegistrationSent became nil after downgrade")
} else if !downgraded.RegistrationSent.Time.Equal(registrationSent) {
t.Errorf("Incorrect RegistrationSent after downgrade; want: %v, got: %v", registrationSent, downgraded.RegistrationSent.Time)
if downgraded.RoleName == nil {
t.Error("RoleName became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.RoleName != role {
t.Errorf("Incorrect RoleName after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", role, *downgraded.RoleName)
if downgraded.StateOrProvince == nil {
t.Error("StateOrProvince became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.StateOrProvince != stateOrProvince {
t.Errorf("Incorrect StateOrProvince after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", stateOrProvince, *downgraded.StateOrProvince)
if downgraded.Tenant == nil {
t.Error("Tenant became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.Tenant != tenant {
t.Errorf("Incorrect Tenant after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", tenant, *downgraded.Tenant)
if downgraded.TenantID == nil {
t.Error("TenantID became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.TenantID != tenantID {
t.Errorf("Incorrect TenantID after downgrade; want: %d, got: %d", tenantID, *downgraded.TenantID)
if downgraded.Token == nil {
t.Error("Token became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.Token != token {
t.Errorf("Incorrect Token after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", token, *downgraded.Token)
if downgraded.UID == nil {
t.Error("UID became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.UID != uid {
t.Errorf("Incorrect UID after downgrade; want: %d, got: %d", uid, *downgraded.UID)
if downgraded.Username == nil {
t.Error("Username became nil after downgrade")
} else if *downgraded.Username != username {
t.Errorf("Incorrect Username after downgrade; want: '%s', got: '%s'", username, *downgraded.Username)
func TestCopyUtilities(t *testing.T) {
var s *string
copiedS := copyStringIfNotNil(s)
if copiedS != nil {
t.Errorf("Copying a nil string should've given nil, got: %s", *copiedS)
s = new(string)
*s = "test string"
copiedS = copyStringIfNotNil(s)
if copiedS == nil {
t.Errorf("Copied pointer to '%s' was nil", *s)
} else {
if *copiedS != *s {
t.Errorf("Incorrectly copied string pointer; expected: '%s', got: '%s'", *s, *copiedS)
*s = "a different test string"
if *copiedS == *s {
t.Error("Expected copy to be 'deep' but modifying the original string changed the copy")
var i *int
copiedI := copyIntIfNotNil(i)
if copiedI != nil {
t.Errorf("Copying a nil int should've given nil, got: %d", *copiedI)
i = new(int)
*i = 9000
copiedI = copyIntIfNotNil(i)
if copiedI == nil {
t.Errorf("Copied pointer to %d was nil", *i)
} else {
if *copiedI != *i {
t.Errorf("Incorrectly copied int pointer; expected: %d, got: %d", *i, *copiedI)
*i = 9001
if *copiedI == *i {
t.Error("Expected copy to be 'deep' but modifying the original int changed the copy")