blob: 1cd4fb8dfce7b6a368e6fef2bc7091f66666617e [file] [log] [blame]
package tc
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
func makeFakeStats(text string) map[string][]ResultStatVal {
return map[string][]ResultStatVal{
text + "stat1": {
Span: 50,
Time: time.Now(),
Val: 50,
text + "stat2": {
Span: 50,
Time: time.Now(),
Val: 50,
Span: 50,
Time: time.Now(),
Val: 50,
text + "stat3": {
Span: 50,
Time: time.Now(),
Val: 50,
Span: 50,
Time: time.Now(),
Val: 50,
Span: 50,
Time: time.Now(),
Val: 50,
func makeFakeInterfaces() map[string]map[string][]ResultStatVal {
return map[string]map[string][]ResultStatVal{
"interface1": makeFakeStats("interf"),
"interface2": makeFakeStats("interf"),
"interface3": makeFakeStats("interf"),
func TestLegacyStatsConversion(t *testing.T) {
stats := Stats{
CommonAPIData: CommonAPIData{},
Caches: make(map[string]ServerStats),
config := TrafficMonitorConfigMap{
TrafficServer: make(map[string]TrafficServer),
for _, cacheName := range []string{"cache1", "cache2", "cache3"} {
stats.Caches[cacheName] = ServerStats{
Interfaces: makeFakeInterfaces(),
Stats: makeFakeStats(""),
interfaces := []ServerInterfaceInfo{}
for name, _ := range stats.Caches[cacheName].Interfaces {
interfaces = append(interfaces, ServerInterfaceInfo{
IPAddresses: []ServerIPAddress{
Address: "",
Gateway: util.StrPtr(""),
ServiceAddress: true,
MaxBandwidth: util.Uint64Ptr(1500),
Monitor: false,
MTU: util.UInt64Ptr(1500),
Name: name,
interfaces[0].Monitor = true
config.TrafficServer[cacheName] = TrafficServer{
Interfaces: interfaces,
issues, legacyStats := stats.ToLegacy(config)
if len(issues) != 0 {
t.Error("expect no issues")
if legacyStats.CommonAPIData != stats.CommonAPIData {
t.Error("expected CommonAPIData to be the same")
if len(legacyStats.Caches) != len(stats.Caches) {
t.Errorf("expected %v caches, got %v", len(stats.Caches), len(legacyStats.Caches))
for cacheName, legacyCache := range legacyStats.Caches {
cache, ok := stats.Caches[string(cacheName)]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("new interface %v found in upgraded stats, but not in legacy stats", cacheName)
interf := cache.Interfaces["interface1"]
if len(interf)+len(cache.Stats) != len(legacyCache) {
t.Errorf("expected %v stats, got %v", len(interf)+len(cache.Stats), len(legacyCache))
func TestLegacyStatsNilConversion(t *testing.T) {
stats := Stats{
CommonAPIData: CommonAPIData{},
Caches: nil,
config := TrafficMonitorConfigMap{
TrafficServer: nil,
issues, legacyStats := stats.ToLegacy(config)
if legacyStats.CommonAPIData != stats.CommonAPIData {
t.Error("expected CommonAPIData to be the same")
if len(issues) != 0 {
t.Error("expect no issues")
func TestLegacyMonitorConfigValid(t *testing.T) {
mc := (*LegacyTrafficMonitorConfigMap)(nil)
if LegacyMonitorConfigValid(mc) == nil {
t.Errorf("MonitorCopnfigValid(nil) expected: error, actual: nil")
mc = &LegacyTrafficMonitorConfigMap{}
if LegacyMonitorConfigValid(mc) == nil {
t.Errorf("MonitorConfigValid({}) expected: error, actual: nil")
validMC := &LegacyTrafficMonitorConfigMap{
TrafficServer: map[string]LegacyTrafficServer{"a": {}},
CacheGroup: map[string]TMCacheGroup{"a": {}},
TrafficMonitor: map[string]TrafficMonitor{"a": {}},
DeliveryService: map[string]TMDeliveryService{"a": {}},
Profile: map[string]TMProfile{"a": {}},
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"peers.polling.interval": 42.0,
"health.polling.interval": 24.0,
if err := LegacyMonitorConfigValid(validMC); err != nil {
t.Errorf("MonitorConfigValid(%++v) expected: nil, actual: %+v", validMC, err)
func ExampleHealthThreshold_String() {
ht := HealthThreshold{Comparator: ">=", Val: 500}
// Output: >=500.000000
func ExampleTMParameters_UnmarshalJSON() {
const data = `{
"health.connection.timeout": 5,
"health.polling.url": "",
"health.polling.format": "stats_over_http",
"history.count": 1,
"health.threshold.bandwidth": ">50",
"": "<=500"
var params TMParameters
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(data), &params); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to unmarshal: %v\n", err)
fmt.Printf("timeout: %d\n", params.HealthConnectionTimeout)
fmt.Printf("url: %s\n", params.HealthPollingURL)
fmt.Printf("format: %s\n", params.HealthPollingFormat)
fmt.Printf("history: %d\n", params.HistoryCount)
fmt.Printf("# of Thresholds: %d - foo: %s, bandwidth: %s\n", len(params.Thresholds), params.Thresholds["foo"], params.Thresholds["bandwidth"])
// Output: timeout: 5
// url:
// format: stats_over_http
// history: 1
// # of Thresholds: 2 - foo: <=500.000000, bandwidth: >50.000000
func ExampleTrafficMonitorConfigMap_Valid() {
mc := &TrafficMonitorConfigMap{
CacheGroup: map[string]TMCacheGroup{"a": {}},
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"peers.polling.interval": 0.0,
"health.polling.interval": 0.0,
DeliveryService: map[string]TMDeliveryService{"a": {}},
Profile: map[string]TMProfile{"a": {}},
TrafficMonitor: map[string]TrafficMonitor{"a": {}},
TrafficServer: map[string]TrafficServer{"a": {}},
fmt.Printf("Validity error: %v", mc.Valid())
// Output: Validity error: <nil>
func ExampleLegacyTrafficMonitorConfigMap_Upgrade() {
lcm := LegacyTrafficMonitorConfigMap{
CacheGroup: map[string]TMCacheGroup{
"test": {
Name: "test",
Coordinates: MonitoringCoordinates{
Latitude: 0,
Longitude: 0,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"foo": "bar",
DeliveryService: map[string]TMDeliveryService{
"test": {
XMLID: "test",
TotalTPSThreshold: -1,
ServerStatus: "testStatus",
TotalKbpsThreshold: -1,
Profile: map[string]TMProfile{
"test": {
Parameters: TMParameters{
HealthConnectionTimeout: -1,
HealthPollingURL: "testURL",
HealthPollingFormat: "astats",
HealthPollingType: "http",
HistoryCount: -1,
MinFreeKbps: -1,
Thresholds: map[string]HealthThreshold{
"availableBandwidthInKbps": {
Comparator: "<",
Val: -1,
Name: "test",
Type: "testType",
TrafficMonitor: map[string]TrafficMonitor{
"test": {
Port: -1,
IP6: "::1",
IP: "",
HostName: "test",
FQDN: "",
Profile: "test",
Location: "test",
ServerStatus: "testStatus",
TrafficServer: map[string]LegacyTrafficServer{
"test": {
CacheGroup: "test",
DeliveryServices: []TSDeliveryService{},
FQDN: "",
HashID: "test",
HostName: "test",
HTTPSPort: -1,
InterfaceName: "testInterface",
IP: "",
IP6: "::2",
Port: -1,
Profile: "test",
ServerStatus: "testStatus",
Type: "testType",
cm := lcm.Upgrade()
fmt.Println("# of Cachegroups:", len(cm.CacheGroup))
fmt.Println("Cachegroup Name:", cm.CacheGroup["test"].Name)
fmt.Printf("Cachegroup Coordinates: (%v,%v)\n", cm.CacheGroup["test"].Coordinates.Latitude, cm.CacheGroup["test"].Coordinates.Longitude)
fmt.Println("# of Config parameters:", len(cm.Config))
fmt.Println(`Config["foo"]:`, cm.Config["foo"])
fmt.Println("# of DeliveryServices:", len(cm.DeliveryService))
fmt.Println("DeliveryService XMLID:", cm.DeliveryService["test"].XMLID)
fmt.Println("DeliveryService TotalTPSThreshold:", cm.DeliveryService["test"].TotalTPSThreshold)
fmt.Println("DeliveryService ServerStatus:", cm.DeliveryService["test"].ServerStatus)
fmt.Println("DeliveryService TotalKbpsThreshold:", cm.DeliveryService["test"].TotalKbpsThreshold)
fmt.Println("# of Profiles:", len(cm.Profile))
fmt.Println("Profile Name:", cm.Profile["test"].Name)
fmt.Println("Profile Type:", cm.Profile["test"].Type)
fmt.Println("Profile HealthConnectionTimeout:", cm.Profile["test"].Parameters.HealthConnectionTimeout)
fmt.Println("Profile HealthPollingURL:", cm.Profile["test"].Parameters.HealthPollingURL)
fmt.Println("Profile HealthPollingFormat:", cm.Profile["test"].Parameters.HealthPollingFormat)
fmt.Println("Profile HealthPollingType:", cm.Profile["test"].Parameters.HealthPollingType)
fmt.Println("Profile HistoryCount:", cm.Profile["test"].Parameters.HistoryCount)
fmt.Println("Profile MinFreeKbps:", cm.Profile["test"].Parameters.MinFreeKbps)
fmt.Println("# of Profile Thresholds:", len(cm.Profile["test"].Parameters.Thresholds))
fmt.Println("Profile availableBandwidthInKbps Threshold:", cm.Profile["test"].Parameters.Thresholds["availableBandwidthInKbps"])
fmt.Println("# of TrafficMonitors:", len(cm.TrafficMonitor))
fmt.Println("TrafficMonitor Port:", cm.TrafficMonitor["test"].Port)
fmt.Println("TrafficMonitor IP6:", cm.TrafficMonitor["test"].IP6)
fmt.Println("TrafficMonitor IP:", cm.TrafficMonitor["test"].IP)
fmt.Println("TrafficMonitor HostName:", cm.TrafficMonitor["test"].HostName)
fmt.Println("TrafficMonitor FQDN:", cm.TrafficMonitor["test"].FQDN)
fmt.Println("TrafficMonitor Profile:", cm.TrafficMonitor["test"].Profile)
fmt.Println("TrafficMonitor Location:", cm.TrafficMonitor["test"].Location)
fmt.Println("TrafficMonitor ServerStatus:", cm.TrafficMonitor["test"].ServerStatus)
fmt.Println("# of TrafficServers:", len(cm.TrafficServer))
fmt.Println("TrafficServer CacheGroup:", cm.TrafficServer["test"].CacheGroup)
fmt.Println("TrafficServer # of DeliveryServices:", len(cm.TrafficServer["test"].DeliveryServices))
fmt.Println("TrafficServer FQDN:", cm.TrafficServer["test"].FQDN)
fmt.Println("TrafficServer HashID:", cm.TrafficServer["test"].HashID)
fmt.Println("TrafficServer HostName:", cm.TrafficServer["test"].HostName)
fmt.Println("TrafficServer HTTPSPort:", cm.TrafficServer["test"].HTTPSPort)
fmt.Println("TrafficServer # of Interfaces:", len(cm.TrafficServer["test"].Interfaces))
fmt.Println("TrafficServer Interface Name:", cm.TrafficServer["test"].Interfaces[0].Name)
fmt.Println("TrafficServer # of Interface IP Addresses:", len(cm.TrafficServer["test"].Interfaces[0].IPAddresses))
fmt.Println("TrafficServer first IP Address:", cm.TrafficServer["test"].Interfaces[0].IPAddresses[0].Address)
fmt.Println("TrafficServer second IP Address:", cm.TrafficServer["test"].Interfaces[0].IPAddresses[1].Address)
fmt.Println("TrafficServer Port:", cm.TrafficServer["test"].Port)
fmt.Println("TrafficServer Profile:", cm.TrafficServer["test"].Profile)
fmt.Println("TrafficServer ServerStatus:", cm.TrafficServer["test"].ServerStatus)
fmt.Println("TrafficServer Type:", cm.TrafficServer["test"].Type)
// Output: # of Cachegroups: 1
// Cachegroup Name: test
// Cachegroup Coordinates: (0,0)
// # of Config parameters: 1
// Config["foo"]: bar
// # of DeliveryServices: 1
// DeliveryService XMLID: test
// DeliveryService TotalTPSThreshold: -1
// DeliveryService ServerStatus: testStatus
// DeliveryService TotalKbpsThreshold: -1
// # of Profiles: 1
// Profile Name: test
// Profile Type: testType
// Profile HealthConnectionTimeout: -1
// Profile HealthPollingURL: testURL
// Profile HealthPollingFormat: astats
// Profile HealthPollingType: http
// Profile HistoryCount: -1
// Profile MinFreeKbps: -1
// # of Profile Thresholds: 1
// Profile availableBandwidthInKbps Threshold: <-1.000000
// # of TrafficMonitors: 1
// TrafficMonitor Port: -1
// TrafficMonitor IP6: ::1
// TrafficMonitor IP:
// TrafficMonitor HostName: test
// TrafficMonitor FQDN:
// TrafficMonitor Profile: test
// TrafficMonitor Location: test
// TrafficMonitor ServerStatus: testStatus
// # of TrafficServers: 1
// TrafficServer CacheGroup: test
// TrafficServer # of DeliveryServices: 0
// TrafficServer FQDN:
// TrafficServer HashID: test
// TrafficServer HostName: test
// TrafficServer HTTPSPort: -1
// TrafficServer # of Interfaces: 1
// TrafficServer Interface Name: testInterface
// TrafficServer # of Interface IP Addresses: 2
// TrafficServer first IP Address:
// TrafficServer second IP Address: ::2
// TrafficServer Port: -1
// TrafficServer Profile: test
// TrafficServer ServerStatus: testStatus
// TrafficServer Type: testType
func TestTrafficMonitorConfigMap_Valid(t *testing.T) {
var mc *TrafficMonitorConfigMap = nil
err := mc.Valid()
if err == nil {
t.Error("Didn't get expected error checking validity of nil config map")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error: checking validity of nil config map: %v", err)
mc = &TrafficMonitorConfigMap{
CacheGroup: nil,
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"peers.polling.interval": 42.0,
"health.polling.interval": 24.0,
DeliveryService: map[string]TMDeliveryService{"a": {}},
Profile: map[string]TMProfile{"a": {}},
TrafficMonitor: map[string]TrafficMonitor{"a": {}},
TrafficServer: map[string]TrafficServer{"a": {}},
err = mc.Valid()
if err == nil {
t.Error("Didn't get expected error checking validity of config map with nil CacheGroup")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error: checking validity of config map with nil CacheGroup: %v", err)
mc.CacheGroup = map[string]TMCacheGroup{}
err = mc.Valid()
if err == nil {
t.Error("Didn't get expected error checking validity of config map with no CacheGroups")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error: checking validity of config map with no CacheGroups: %v", err)
mc.CacheGroup["a"] = TMCacheGroup{}
mc.Config = nil
err = mc.Valid()
if err == nil {
t.Error("Didn't get expected error checking validity of config map with nil Config")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error: checking validity of config map with nil Config: %v", err)
mc.Config = map[string]interface{}{}
err = mc.Valid()
if err == nil {
t.Error("Didn't get expected error checking validity of config map with empty Config")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error: checking validity of config map with empty Config: %v", err)
mc.Config["peers.polling.interval"] = 42.0
err = mc.Valid()
if err == nil {
t.Error("Didn't get expected error checking validity of config map without health.polling.interval")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error: checking validity of config map without health.polling.interval: %v", err)
delete(mc.Config, "peers.polling.interval")
mc.Config["health.polling.interval"] = 42.0
err = mc.Valid()
if err == nil {
t.Error("Didn't get expected error checking validity of config map without peers.polling.interval")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error: checking validity of config map without peers.polling.interval: %v", err)
mc.Config["peers.polling.interval"] = 42.0
mc.DeliveryService = nil
err = mc.Valid()
if err == nil {
t.Error("Didn't get expected error checking validity of config map with nil DeliveryService")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error: checking validity of config map with nil DeliveryService: %v", err)
mc.DeliveryService = map[string]TMDeliveryService{}
err = mc.Valid()
if err == nil {
t.Error("Didn't get expected error checking validity of config map with no DeliveryServices")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error: checking validity of config map with no DeliveryServices: %v", err)
mc.DeliveryService["a"] = TMDeliveryService{}
mc.Profile = nil
err = mc.Valid()
if err == nil {
t.Error("Didn't get expected error checking validity of config map with nil Profile")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error: checking validity of config map with nil Profile: %v", err)
mc.Profile = map[string]TMProfile{}
err = mc.Valid()
if err == nil {
t.Error("Didn't get expected error checking validity of config map with no Profiles")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error: checking validity of config map with no Profiles: %v", err)
mc.Profile["a"] = TMProfile{}
mc.TrafficMonitor = nil
err = mc.Valid()
if err == nil {
t.Error("Didn't get expected error checking validity of config map with nil TrafficMonitor")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error: checking validity of config map with nil TrafficMonitor: %v", err)
mc.TrafficMonitor = map[string]TrafficMonitor{}
err = mc.Valid()
if err == nil {
t.Error("Didn't get expected error checking validity of config map with no TrafficMonitors")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error: checking validity of config map with no TrafficMonitors: %v", err)
mc.TrafficMonitor["a"] = TrafficMonitor{}
mc.TrafficServer = nil
err = mc.Valid()
if err == nil {
t.Error("Didn't get expected error checking validity of config map with nil TrafficServer")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error: checking validity of config map with nil TrafficServer: %v", err)
mc.TrafficServer = map[string]TrafficServer{}
err = mc.Valid()
if err == nil {
t.Error("Didn't get expected error checking validity of config map with no TrafficServers")
} else {
t.Logf("Got expected error: checking validity of config map with no TrafficServers: %v", err)
func TestTrafficMonitorTransformToMap(t *testing.T) {
tmc := TrafficMonitorConfig{
TrafficServers: []TrafficServer{
HostName: "testHostname",
Interfaces: []ServerInterfaceInfo{
Name: "testInterface",
IPAddresses: []ServerIPAddress{
Address: "::1",
ServiceAddress: true,
CacheGroups: []TMCacheGroup{
Config: map[string]interface{}{
"peers.polling.interval": 5.0,
"health.polling.interval": 5.0,
TrafficMonitors: []TrafficMonitor{
DeliveryServices: []TMDeliveryService{{XMLID: "foo"}},
Profiles: []TMProfile{
Name: "test",
Parameters: TMParameters{
Thresholds: map[string]HealthThreshold{
"availableBandwidthInKbps": {
Comparator: ">",
Val: 42,
converted, err := TrafficMonitorTransformToMap(&tmc)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Unexpected error converting valid TrafficMonitorConfig to map: %v", err)
if converted == nil {
t.Fatal("Null map after conversion")
if len(converted.TrafficServer) != 1 {
t.Errorf("Incorrect number of traffic servers after conversion; expected: 1, got: %d", len(converted.TrafficServer))
if len(converted.DeliveryService) != 1 {
t.Errorf("Incorrect number of deliveryServices after conversion; expected: 1, got: %d", len(converted.DeliveryService))
if _, ok := converted.DeliveryService["foo"]; !ok {
t.Error("Expected delivery service 'foo' to exist in map after conversion, but it didn't")
if _, ok := converted.TrafficServer["testHostname"]; !ok {
t.Error("Expected server 'testHostname' to exist in map after conversion, but it didn't")
} else if len(converted.TrafficServer["testHostname"].Interfaces) != 1 {
t.Errorf("Incorrect number of interfaces on converted traffic server; expected: 1, got: %d", len(converted.TrafficServer["testHostname"].Interfaces))
} else if len(converted.TrafficServer["testHostname"].Interfaces[0].IPAddresses) != 1 {
t.Errorf("Incorrect number of IP addresses on converted traffic server's interface; expected: 1, got: %d", len(converted.TrafficServer["testHostname"].Interfaces[0].IPAddresses))