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package tc
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// CRConfig is JSON-serializable as the CRConfig used by Traffic Control.
type CRConfig struct {
// Config is mostly a map of string values, but may contain an 'soa' key which is a map[string]string, and may contain a 'ttls' key with a value map[string]string. It might not contain these values, so they must be checked for, and all values must be checked by the user and an error returned if the type is unexpected. Be aware, neither the language nor the API provides any guarantees about the type!
Config map[string]interface{} `json:"config,omitempty"`
ContentServers map[string]CRConfigTrafficOpsServer `json:"contentServers,omitempty"`
ContentRouters map[string]CRConfigRouter `json:"contentRouters,omitempty"`
DeliveryServices map[string]CRConfigDeliveryService `json:"deliveryServices,omitempty"`
EdgeLocations map[string]CRConfigLatitudeLongitude `json:"edgeLocations,omitempty"`
RouterLocations map[string]CRConfigLatitudeLongitude `json:"trafficRouterLocations,omitempty"`
Monitors map[string]CRConfigMonitor `json:"monitors,omitempty"`
Stats CRConfigStats `json:"stats,omitempty"`
Topologies map[string]CRConfigTopology `json:"topologies,omitempty"`
// CRConfigConfig used to be the type of CRConfig's Config field, though
// CRConfigConfig is no longer used.
type CRConfigConfig struct {
APICacheControlMaxAge *string `json:"api.cache-control.max-age,omitempty"`
ConsistentDNSRouting *string `json:"consistent.dns.routing,omitempty"`
CoverageZonePollingIntervalSeconds *string `json:"coveragezone.polling.interval,omitempty"`
CoverageZonePollingURL *string `json:"coveragezone.polling.url,omitempty"`
DNSSecDynamicResponseExpiration *string `json:"dnssec.dynamic.response.expiration,omitempty"`
DNSSecEnabled *string `json:"dnssec.enabled,omitempty"`
DomainName *string `json:"domain_name,omitempty"`
FederationMappingPollingIntervalSeconds *string `json:"federationmapping.polling.interval,omitempty"`
FederationMappingPollingURL *string `json:"federationmapping.polling.url"`
GeoLocationPollingInterval *string `json:"geolocation.polling.interval,omitempty"`
GeoLocationPollingURL *string `json:"geolocation.polling.url,omitempty"`
KeyStoreMaintenanceIntervalSeconds *string `json:"keystore.maintenance.interval,omitempty"`
NeustarPollingIntervalSeconds *string `json:"neustar.polling.interval,omitempty"`
NeustarPollingURL *string `json:"neustar.polling.url,omitempty"`
SOA *SOA `json:"soa,omitempty"`
DNSSecInceptionSeconds *string `json:"dnssec.inception,omitempty"`
Ttls *CRConfigTTL `json:"ttls,omitempty"`
Weight *string `json:"weight,omitempty"`
ZoneManagerCacheMaintenanceIntervalSeconds *string `json:"zonemanager.cache.maintenance.interval,omitempty"`
ZoneManagerThreadpoolScale *string `json:"zonemanager.threadpool.scale,omitempty"`
// CRConfigTTL defines the Time-To-Live (TTL) of various record types served by
// Traffic Router.
// Each TTL given is an optional field containing a number of seconds encoded
// as a string. If a field is nil, the CRConfigTTL is instructing Traffic
// Router to use its configured default for records of that type.
type CRConfigTTL struct {
// A records
ASeconds *string `json:"A,omitempty"`
// AAAA records
AAAASeconds *string `json:"AAAA,omitempty"`
// DNSKEY records
DNSkeySeconds *string `json:"DNSKEY,omitempty"`
// DS records
DSSeconds *string `json:"DS,omitempty"`
// NS records
NSSeconds *string `json:"NS,omitempty"`
// SOA records
SOASeconds *string `json:"SOA,omitempty"`
// CRConfigRouterStatus is the name of the Status of a Traffic Router server
// object. This is only used in the context of CDN Snapshots, and has no
// special nuance or behavior not afforded to a regular string - so in general
// it is suggested that a string be used instead where possible, to keep
// compatibility with Server/ServerV4/ServerNullable etc. structures.
type CRConfigRouterStatus string
// CRConfigRouter represents a Traffic Router as defined within a CDN Snapshot,
// named with "CRConfig" for legacy reasons.
type CRConfigRouter struct {
APIPort *string `json:"api.port,omitempty"`
FQDN *string `json:"fqdn,omitempty"`
HTTPSPort *int `json:"httpsPort"`
HashCount *int `json:"hashCount,omitempty"`
IP *string `json:"ip,omitempty"`
IP6 *string `json:"ip6,omitempty"`
Location *string `json:"location,omitempty"`
Port *int `json:"port,omitempty"`
Profile *string `json:"profile,omitempty"`
SecureAPIPort *string `json:"secure.api.port,omitempty"`
ServerStatus *CRConfigRouterStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
// CRConfigServerStatus is the name of the Status of a server object. This is
// only used in the context of CDN Snapshots, and has no special nuance or
// behavior not afforded to a regular string - so in general it is suggested
// that a string be used instead where possible, to keep compatibility with
// Server/ServerV4/ServerNullable etc. structures.
type CRConfigServerStatus string
// CRConfigTrafficOpsServer represents a Traffic Ops instance as defined within
// a CDN Snapshot, named with "CRConfig" for legacy reasons.
type CRConfigTrafficOpsServer struct {
CacheGroup *string `json:"cacheGroup,omitempty"`
Capabilities []string `json:"capabilities,omitempty"`
Fqdn *string `json:"fqdn,omitempty"`
HashCount *int `json:"hashCount,omitempty"`
HashId *string `json:"hashId,omitempty"`
HttpsPort *int `json:"httpsPort"`
InterfaceName *string `json:"interfaceName"`
Ip *string `json:"ip,omitempty"`
Ip6 *string `json:"ip6,omitempty"`
LocationId *string `json:"locationId,omitempty"`
Port *int `json:"port"`
Profile *string `json:"profile,omitempty"`
ServerStatus *CRConfigServerStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
ServerType *string `json:"type,omitempty"`
DeliveryServices map[string][]string `json:"deliveryServices,omitempty"`
RoutingDisabled int64 `json:"routingDisabled"`
// CRConfigDeliveryService represents a Delivery Service as they appear in CDN
// Snapshots, named with "CRConfig" for legacy reasons.
type CRConfigDeliveryService struct {
AnonymousBlockingEnabled *string `json:"anonymousBlockingEnabled,omitempty"`
BypassDestination map[string]*CRConfigBypassDestination `json:"bypassDestination,omitempty"`
ConsistentHashQueryParams []string `json:"consistentHashQueryParams,omitempty"`
ConsistentHashRegex *string `json:"consistentHashRegex,omitempty"`
CoverageZoneOnly bool `json:"coverageZoneOnly,string"`
DeepCachingType *DeepCachingType `json:"deepCachingType"`
Dispersion *CRConfigDispersion `json:"dispersion,omitempty"`
Domains []string `json:"domains,omitempty"`
EcsEnabled *bool `json:"ecsEnabled,string,omitempty"`
GeoEnabled []CRConfigGeoEnabled `json:"geoEnabled,omitempty"`
GeoLimitRedirectURL *string `json:"geoLimitRedirectURL,omitempty"`
GeoLocationProvider *string `json:"geolocationProvider,omitempty"`
IP6RoutingEnabled *bool `json:"ip6RoutingEnabled,string,omitempty"`
MatchSets []*MatchSet `json:"matchsets,omitempty"`
MaxDNSIPsForLocation *int `json:"maxDnsIpsForLocation,omitempty"`
MissLocation *CRConfigLatitudeLongitudeShort `json:"missLocation,omitempty"`
Protocol *CRConfigDeliveryServiceProtocol `json:"protocol,omitempty"`
RegionalGeoBlocking *string `json:"regionalGeoBlocking,omitempty"`
RequestHeaders []string `json:"requestHeaders,omitempty"`
RequiredCapabilities []string `json:"requiredCapabilities,omitempty"`
ResponseHeaders map[string]string `json:"responseHeaders,omitempty"`
RoutingName *string `json:"routingName,omitempty"`
Soa *SOA `json:"soa,omitempty"`
SSLEnabled bool `json:"sslEnabled,string"`
StaticDNSEntries []CRConfigStaticDNSEntry `json:"staticDnsEntries,omitempty"`
Topology *string `json:"topology,omitempty"`
TTL *int `json:"ttl,omitempty"`
TTLs *CRConfigTTL `json:"ttls,omitempty"`
// CRConfigTopology is the format in which Topologies are represented in a CDN
// Snapshot, named with "CRConfig" for legacy reasons.
// CRConfigTopology structures do not include the Topologies' Names, because in
// a CDN Snapshot they are stored in a mapping of their Names to this
// structure.
type CRConfigTopology struct {
Nodes []string `json:"nodes"`
// CRConfigGeoEnabled is a structure that contains information describing a
// geographical location allowed to access a Delivery Service's content, named
// with "CRConfig" for legacy reasons.
// Presently, each CRConfigGeoEnabled in a CDN Snapshot's Delivery Service's
// GeoEnabled property is a single entry in the underlying, actual Delivery
// Service's Geo Limit Countries array.
type CRConfigGeoEnabled struct {
CountryCode string `json:"countryCode"`
// CRConfigStaticDNSEntry structures encode a Static DNS Entry for a Delivery
// Service in a CDN Snapshot, named with "CRConfig" for legacy reasons.
type CRConfigStaticDNSEntry struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
TTL int `json:"ttl"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Value string `json:"value"`
// CRConfigBypassDestination is a network location to which excess traffic
// requesting a Delivery Service's content will be directed when the Service's
// ability to deliver content is deemed to be saturated, named with "CRConfig"
// for legacy reasons.
// This is generated based on the Delivery Service's Type (specifically whether
// it is DNS-routed or HTTP-routed) and its HTTP Bypass FQDN, DNS Bypass CNAME,
// DNS Bypass IP, DNS Bypass IPv6, and DNS Bypass TTL properties.
type CRConfigBypassDestination struct {
IP *string `json:"ip,omitempty"` // only used by DNS DSes
IP6 *string `json:"ip6,omitempty"` // only used by DNS DSes
CName *string `json:"cname,omitempty"` // only used by DNS DSes
TTL *int `json:"ttl,omitempty"` // only used by DNS DSes
FQDN *string `json:"fqdn,omitempty"` // only used by HTTP DSes
Port *string `json:"port,omitempty"` // only used by HTTP DSes
// CRConfigDispersion defines for a Delivery Service appearing in a CDN
// Snapshot the number of cache servers to which its content is initially
// distributed, named with "CRConfig" for legacy reasons.
// This is generated from a Delivery Service's Initial Dispersion property.
type CRConfigDispersion struct {
Limit int `json:"limit"`
Shuffled bool `json:"shuffled,string"`
// CRConfigBackupLocations defines how a Traffic Router should handle traffic
// normally bound for a given CRConfigLatitudeLongitude in the event that said
// CRConfigLatitudeLongitude becomes unavailable, named with "CRConfig" for
// legacy reasons.
type CRConfigBackupLocations struct {
FallbackToClosest bool `json:"fallbackToClosest,string"`
List []string `json:"list,omitempty"`
// CRConfigLatitudeLongitude structures are geographical locations for routing
// purpose that can contain either edge-tier cache servers or Traffic Routers
// (but not a mixture of both), named with "CRConfig" for legacy reasons.
// In general, any given CRConfigLatitudeLongitude represents a Cache Group
// object.
type CRConfigLatitudeLongitude struct {
Lat float64 `json:"latitude"`
Lon float64 `json:"longitude"`
BackupLocations CRConfigBackupLocations `json:"backupLocations,omitempty"`
LocalizationMethods []LocalizationMethod `json:"localizationMethods"`
// CRConfigLatitudeLongitudeShort is a geographical location where clients will
// be assumed to be located if determining their location fails (a "Geo Miss"),
// named with "CRConfig" for legacy reasons.
// These are generated for Delivery Services in CDN Snapshots from their Geo
// Miss Default Latitude and Geo Miss Default Longitude properties.
type CRConfigLatitudeLongitudeShort struct {
Lat float64 `json:"lat"`
Lon float64 `json:"long"`
// CRConfigDeliveryServiceProtocol is used in CDN Snapshots to define the
// protocols used to access Delivery Service content, named with "CRConfig" for
// legacy reasons.
// This is generated for Delivery Services based on their Protocol property.
type CRConfigDeliveryServiceProtocol struct {
AcceptHTTP *bool `json:"acceptHttp,string,omitempty"`
AcceptHTTPS bool `json:"acceptHttps,string"`
RedirectOnHTTPS bool `json:"redirectToHttps,string"`
// CRConfigMonitor structures are used in CDN Snapshots to represent Traffic
// Monitors, named with "CRConfig" for legacy reasons.
type CRConfigMonitor struct {
FQDN *string `json:"fqdn,omitempty"`
HTTPSPort *int `json:"httpsPort"`
IP *string `json:"ip,omitempty"`
IP6 *string `json:"ip6,omitempty"`
Location *string `json:"location,omitempty"`
Port *int `json:"port,omitempty"`
Profile *string `json:"profile,omitempty"`
ServerStatus *CRConfigServerStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
// CRConfigStats is the type of the 'stats' property of a CDN Snapshot.
type CRConfigStats struct {
CDNName *string `json:"CDN_name,omitempty"`
DateUnixSeconds *int64 `json:"date,omitempty"`
TMHost *string `json:"tm_host,omitempty"`
// Deprecated: Don't ever use this for anything. It's been removed from APIv4 responses.
TMPath *string `json:"tm_path,omitempty"`
TMUser *string `json:"tm_user,omitempty"`
TMVersion *string `json:"tm_version,omitempty"`
// SnapshotResponse is the type of the response of Traffic Ops to requests
// for CDN Snapshots.
type SnapshotResponse struct {
Response CRConfig `json:"response"`
// PutSnapshotResponse is the type of the response of Traffic Ops to requests
// for *making* CDN Snapshots.
type PutSnapshotResponse struct {
Response *string `json:"response,omitempty"`