blob: c7b14899427a97d35324e40a9d9f9e78aa3e8b47 [file] [log] [blame]
package rfc
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import "math"
import "net/http"
import "strconv"
import "strings"
import "time"
// CacheableResponseCodes provides fast lookup of whether a HTTP response
// code is cache-able by default.
var CacheableResponseCodes = map[int]struct{}{
http.StatusOK: {},
http.StatusNonAuthoritativeInfo: {},
http.StatusNoContent: {},
http.StatusPartialContent: {},
http.StatusMultipleChoices: {},
http.StatusMovedPermanently: {},
http.StatusNotFound: {},
http.StatusMethodNotAllowed: {},
http.StatusGone: {},
http.StatusRequestURITooLong: {},
http.StatusNotImplemented: {},
// CacheableRequestMethods is the list of all request methods which elicit
// cache-able responses.
var CacheableRequestMethods = map[string]struct{}{
http.MethodGet: {},
http.MethodHead: {},
// CacheControlMap is the parameters found in an HTTP Cache-Control header,
// each mapped to its specified value.
type CacheControlMap map[string]string
// String implements the Stringer interface by returning a textual
// representation of the CacheControlMap.
func (ccm CacheControlMap) String() string {
s := "Cache-Control:"
parts := make([]string, 0, len(ccm))
for k, v := range ccm {
if v != "" {
parts = append(parts, k+"="+v)
} else {
parts = append(parts, k)
if len(parts) > 0 {
s += " " + strings.Join(parts, ", ")
return s
// Has returns whether or not the CacheControlMap contains the named parameter.
func (ccm CacheControlMap) Has(param string) bool {
_, ok := ccm[param]
return ok
// Gets the position in the string at which a *quoted* Cache-Control parameter
// value ends - assuming it begins with the start of such a value.
// If the end can't be determined, returns -1.
func getQuotedValueEndPos(cacheControlStr string) int {
if len(cacheControlStr) == 0 {
return -1
if cacheControlStr[0] != '"' {
return -1 // should never happen - log?
cacheControlStr = cacheControlStr[1:]
skip := 0
for {
nextQuotePos := strings.Index(cacheControlStr[skip:], `"`) + skip
if nextQuotePos == 0 || nextQuotePos == skip-1 { // -1 because we skip = nextQuotePos+1, to skip the actual quote
return skip + 1 + 1 // +1 for the " we stripped at the beginning, +1 for quote itself
charBeforeQuote := cacheControlStr[nextQuotePos-1]
if charBeforeQuote == '\\' {
skip = nextQuotePos + 1
return nextQuotePos + 1 + 1 // +1 for the " we stripped at the beginning, +1 for the quote itself
// Gets the position in the string at which a Cache-Control parameter value
// ends - assuming it begins with the start of such a value.
// If the end can't be determined, returns -1.
func getValueEndPos(cacheControlStr string) int {
if len(cacheControlStr) == 0 {
return -1
if cacheControlStr[0] != '"' {
return strings.Index(cacheControlStr, `,`)
return getQuotedValueEndPos(cacheControlStr)
// Strips escape characters from the string.
// For example, `\w` becomes just `w` and `\\w` becomes `\w`.
func stripEscapes(s string) string {
before := ""
after := s
for {
i := strings.IndexAny(after, `\`)
if i == -1 {
return before + after
if len(after) <= i+1 {
return before + after
if after[i+1] == '\\' {
if len(after) < i {
return before + after
before += after[:i]
after = after[i+1:]
// ParseCacheControl parses the Cache-Control header from the headers object,
// and returns the parsed map of cache control directives.
// TODO verify Header/CacheControl are properly CanonicalCase/lowercase. Put cache-control text in constants?
func ParseCacheControl(h http.Header) CacheControlMap {
c := CacheControlMap{}
for _, cacheControlStr := range h[CacheControl] {
for len(cacheControlStr) > 0 {
nextSpaceOrEqualPos := strings.IndexAny(cacheControlStr, "=,")
if nextSpaceOrEqualPos == -1 {
c[strings.TrimSpace(cacheControlStr)] = ""
return c
key := strings.TrimSpace(cacheControlStr[:nextSpaceOrEqualPos])
if cacheControlStr[nextSpaceOrEqualPos] == ',' {
cacheControlStr = cacheControlStr[nextSpaceOrEqualPos+1:]
c[key] = ""
if len(cacheControlStr) < nextSpaceOrEqualPos+2 {
c[key] = ""
return c
cacheControlStr = cacheControlStr[nextSpaceOrEqualPos+1:]
quoted := cacheControlStr[0] == '"'
valueEndPos := getValueEndPos(cacheControlStr)
if valueEndPos == -1 {
c[key] = cacheControlStr
return c
if len(cacheControlStr) < valueEndPos {
value := cacheControlStr
if quoted && len(value) > 1 {
value = value[1 : len(value)-1]
value = stripEscapes(value)
c[key] = value // TODO trim
return c
value := cacheControlStr[:valueEndPos]
if quoted && len(value) > 1 {
value = value[1 : len(value)-1]
value = stripEscapes(value)
c[key] = value // TODO trim
if len(cacheControlStr) < valueEndPos+2 {
return c
cacheControlStr = cacheControlStr[valueEndPos+2:]
return c
// Checks if the cache control allows responses to be cached.
func cacheControlAllows(respCode int, respHeaders http.Header, respCacheControl CacheControlMap) bool {
if _, ok := respHeaders["Expires"]; ok {
return true
if _, ok := respCacheControl["max-age"]; ok {
return true
if _, ok := respCacheControl["s-maxage"]; ok {
return true
// This used to be a stub function that just returns false, the original
// rationale for why it was always false is shown here in the comment from
// that original function:
// This MUST return false unless a specific Cache Control cache-extension
// token exists for an extension which allows. Which is to say, returning
// true here without a cache-extension token is in strict violation of
// RFC7234. In practice, all returning true does is override whether a
// response code is default-cacheable. If we wanted to do that, it would be
// better to make codeDefaultCacheable take a strictRFC parameter.
// if extensionAllows() {
// return true
// }
if _, ok := CacheableResponseCodes[respCode]; ok {
return true
// log.Debugf("CacheControlAllows false: no expires, no max-age, no s-max-age, no extension allows, code not default cacheable\n")
return false
// canStoreResponse checks the constraints in RFC7234.
func canStoreResponse(respCode int, respHeaders http.Header, reqCC, respCC CacheControlMap, strictRFC bool) bool {
if _, ok := reqCC["no-store"]; strictRFC && ok {
// log.Debugf("CanStoreResponse false: request has no-store\n")
return false
if _, ok := respCC["no-store"]; ok {
// log.Debugf("CanStoreResponse false: response has no-store\n") // RFC7234§
return false
if _, ok := respCC["no-cache"]; ok {
// log.Debugf("CanStoreResponse false: response has no-cache\n") // RFC7234§
return false
if _, ok := respCC["private"]; ok {
// log.Debugf("CanStoreResponse false: has private\n")
return false
if _, ok := respCC["authorization"]; ok {
// log.Debugf("CanStoreResponse false: has authorization\n")
return false
return cacheControlAllows(respCode, respHeaders, respCC)
// canStoreAuthenticated checks the constraints in RFC7234§3.2
// TODO: ensure RFC7234§3.2 requirements that max-age=0, must-revlaidate, s-maxage=0 are revalidated
func canStoreAuthenticated(reqCacheControl, respCacheControl CacheControlMap) bool {
if _, ok := reqCacheControl["authorization"]; !ok {
return true
if _, ok := respCacheControl["must-revalidate"]; ok {
return true
if _, ok := respCacheControl["public"]; ok {
return true
if _, ok := respCacheControl["s-maxage"]; ok {
return true
// log.Debugf("CanStoreAuthenticated false: has authorization, and no must-revalidate/public/s-maxage\n")
return false
// CanCache returns whether an object can be cached per RFC 7234, based on the
// request headers, response headers, and response code.
// If strictRFC is false, this ignores request headers denying cacheability such
// as `no-cache`, in order to protect origins.
// TODO add options to ignore/violate request Cache-Control (to protect origins)
func CanCache(reqMethod string, reqHeaders http.Header, respCode int, respHeaders http.Header, strictRFC bool) bool {
// log.Debugf("CanCache start\n")
if _, ok := CacheableRequestMethods[reqMethod]; !ok {
return false // for now, we only support GET and HEAD as cacheable methods.
reqCacheControl := ParseCacheControl(reqHeaders)
respCacheControl := ParseCacheControl(respHeaders)
// log.Debugf("CanCache reqCacheControl %+v respCacheControl %+v\n", reqCacheControl, respCacheControl)
return canStoreResponse(respCode, respHeaders, reqCacheControl, respCacheControl, strictRFC) && canStoreAuthenticated(reqCacheControl, respCacheControl)
// heuristicFreshness follows the recommendation of RFC7234§4.2.2 and returns
// the min of 10% of the (Date - Last-Modified) headers and 24 hours, if they
// exist, and 24 hours if they don't.
// TODO: smarter and configurable heuristics
func heuristicFreshness(respHeaders http.Header) time.Duration {
day := 24 * time.Hour
lastModified, ok := GetHTTPDate(respHeaders, "last-modified")
if !ok {
return day
date, ok := GetHTTPDate(respHeaders, "date")
if !ok {
return day
freshness := time.Duration(math.Min(float64(24*time.Hour), float64(date.Sub(lastModified))))
return freshness
// getHTTPDeltaSeconds is a helper function which gets an HTTP Delta Seconds
// from the given map (which is typically a `http.Header` or `CacheControl`.
// Returns false if the given key doesn't exist in the map, or if the value
// isn't a valid Delta Seconds per RFC2616§3.3.2.
func getHTTPDeltaSecondsCacheControl(m map[string]string, key string) (time.Duration, bool) {
maybeSec, ok := m[key]
if !ok {
return 0, false
seconds, err := strconv.ParseUint(maybeSec, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0, false
return time.Duration(seconds) * time.Second, true
// getFreshnessLifetime calculates the freshness_lifetime per RFC7234§4.2.1
func getFreshnessLifetime(respHeaders http.Header, respCacheControl CacheControlMap) time.Duration {
if s, ok := getHTTPDeltaSecondsCacheControl(respCacheControl, "s-maxage"); ok {
return s
if s, ok := getHTTPDeltaSecondsCacheControl(respCacheControl, "max-age"); ok {
return s
getExpires := func() (time.Duration, bool) {
expires, ok := GetHTTPDate(respHeaders, "Expires")
if !ok {
return 0, false
date, ok := GetHTTPDate(respHeaders, "Date")
if !ok {
return 0, false
return expires.Sub(date), true
if s, ok := getExpires(); ok {
return s
return heuristicFreshness(respHeaders)
func getCurrentAge(respHeaders http.Header, reqTime, respTime time.Time) time.Duration {
var apparentAge time.Duration = 0
dateValue, ok := GetHTTPDate(respHeaders, "date")
if ok {
apparentAge = time.Duration(math.Max(0.0, float64(respTime.Sub(dateValue))))
var correctedAge time.Duration = 0
ageValue, ok := GetHTTPDeltaSeconds(respHeaders, "date")
if ok {
correctedAge = ageValue + respTime.Sub(reqTime)
correctedInitial := time.Duration(math.Max(float64(apparentAge), float64(correctedAge)))
return correctedInitial + time.Now().Sub(respTime)
// FreshFor gives a duration for which an HTTP response may still be cached -
// from the time of the request.
// respHeaders is the collection of headers passed in the original response
// respCC is the parsed Cache-Control header that was present in the original response
// reqTime is the time at which the request was made
// respTime is the time at which the original response was received
func FreshFor(respHeaders http.Header, respCC CacheControlMap, reqTime, respTime time.Time) time.Duration {
freshnessLifetime := getFreshnessLifetime(respHeaders, respCC)
currentAge := getCurrentAge(respHeaders, reqTime, respTime)
return freshnessLifetime - currentAge
// Reuse is an "enumerated" type describing the necessary behavior of a cache
// with regard to its cached objects.
type Reuse int
const (
// ReuseCan indicates that the cached response may be served.
ReuseCan Reuse = iota
// ReuseCannot indicates that the cached response must not be served.
// ReuseMustRevalidate indicates that the cached response must be
// revalidated, and cannot be served stale if revalidation fails for some
// reason.
// ReuseMustRevalidateCanStale indicates the response must be revalidated,
// but if the parent cannot be reached, may be served stale, per
// RFC7234§4.2.4.
// String implements the fmt.Stringer interface by returning the name of the
// Reuse constant the value indicates.
func (r Reuse) String() string {
switch r {
case ReuseCan:
return "ReuseCan"
case ReuseCannot:
return "ReuseCannot"
case ReuseMustRevalidate:
return "ReuseMustRevalidate"
case ReuseMustRevalidateCanStale:
return "ReuseMustRevalidateCanStale"
return "INVALID"
// selectedHeadersMatch checks the constraints in RFC7234§4.1.
// TODO: change caching to key on URL+headers, so multiple requests for the same URL with different vary headers can be cached?
func selectedHeadersMatch(reqHeaders http.Header, respReqHeaders http.Header, strictRFC bool) bool {
varyHeaders, ok := reqHeaders["vary"]
if !strictRFC && !ok {
return true
if len(varyHeaders) == 0 {
return true
varyHeader := varyHeaders[0]
if varyHeader == "*" {
return false
varyHeader = strings.ToLower(varyHeader)
varyHeaderHeaders := strings.Split(varyHeader, ",")
for _, header := range varyHeaderHeaders {
if _, ok := respReqHeaders[header]; !ok {
return false
return true
// allowedStale checks the constraints in RFC7234§4 via RFC7234§4.2.4.
func allowedStale(
headers http.Header,
reqCC CacheControlMap,
respCC CacheControlMap,
reqTime time.Time,
respTime time.Time,
strictRFC bool,
freshness time.Duration,
age time.Duration,
) Reuse {
// TODO return ReuseMustRevalidate where permitted
if respCC.Has("must-revalidate") || respCC.Has("proxy-revalidate") {
return ReuseMustRevalidate
if strictRFC && reqCC.Has("max-age") && !reqCC.Has("max-stale") {
return ReuseMustRevalidateCanStale
if respCC.Has("no-cache") || respCC.Has("no-store") {
return ReuseCannot // TODO verify RFC doesn't allow revalidate here
maxStale, ok := getHTTPDeltaSecondsCacheControl(respCC, "max-stale")
if !ok {
return ReuseMustRevalidateCanStale
if maxStale <= (age - freshness) {
return ReuseMustRevalidate // TODO verify RFC allows
return ReuseMustRevalidateCanStale
// CanReuseStored checks the constraints in RFC7234§4.
func CanReuseStored(
reqHeaders http.Header,
respHeaders http.Header,
reqCC CacheControlMap,
respCC CacheControlMap,
respReqHeaders http.Header,
reqTime time.Time,
respTime time.Time,
strictRFC bool,
) Reuse {
// TODO: remove allowed_stale, check in cache manager after revalidate fails? (since RFC7234§4.2.4 prohibits serving stale response unless disconnected).
if !selectedHeadersMatch(reqHeaders, respReqHeaders, strictRFC) {
return ReuseCannot
freshness := getFreshnessLifetime(respHeaders, respCC)
age := getCurrentAge(respHeaders, reqTime, respTime)
if freshness <= age {
allowedStale := allowedStale(respHeaders, reqCC, respCC, reqTime, respTime, strictRFC, freshness, age)
return allowedStale
if strictRFC {
if _, ok := reqHeaders["Cache-Control"]; !ok {
pragmas, ok := reqHeaders["pragma"]
if ok && len(pragmas) > 0 && strings.HasPrefix(pragmas[0], "no-cache") {
return ReuseMustRevalidate
if reqCC.Has("no-cache") {
return ReuseCannot
if respCC.Has("no-cache") {
return ReuseCannot
if !strictRFC {
return ReuseCan
minFresh, ok := getHTTPDeltaSecondsCacheControl(reqCC, "min-fresh")
if !ok {
return ReuseCan
if minFresh >= (freshness - age) {
return ReuseMustRevalidate
return ReuseCan