blob: 88d5b0bcb163feeea20e94e3497fa1959a9ee08a [file] [log] [blame]
package atscfg
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
func TestMakeStrategiesDotConfig(t *testing.T) {
opt := &StrategiesYAMLOpts{VerboseComments: false, HdrComment: "myHeaderComment"}
ds0 := makeParentDS()
ds0.XMLID = util.StrPtr("ds0")
ds0Type := tc.DSTypeHTTP
ds0.Type = &ds0Type
ds0.QStringIgnore = util.IntPtr(int(tc.QStringIgnoreUseInCacheKeyAndPassUp))
ds0.OrgServerFQDN = util.StrPtr("")
ds1 := makeParentDS()
ds1.XMLID = util.StrPtr("ds1")
ds1.ID = util.IntPtr(43)
ds1Type := tc.DSTypeDNS
ds1.Type = &ds1Type
ds1.QStringIgnore = util.IntPtr(int(tc.QStringIgnoreDrop))
ds1.OrgServerFQDN = util.StrPtr("")
dses := []DeliveryService{*ds0, *ds1}
parentConfigParams := []tc.Parameter{
Name: ParentConfigParamQStringHandling,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "myQStringHandlingParam",
Profiles: []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamAlgorithm,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: tc.AlgorithmConsistentHash,
Profiles: []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamQString,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "myQstringParam",
Profiles: []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
serverParams := []tc.Parameter{
Name: "trafficserver",
ConfigFile: "package",
Value: "7",
Profiles: []byte(`["global"]`),
server := makeTestParentServer()
mid0 := makeTestParentServer()
mid0.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("midCG")
mid0.HostName = util.StrPtr("mymid0")
mid0.ID = util.IntPtr(45)
setIP(mid0, "")
mid1 := makeTestParentServer()
mid1.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("midCG")
mid1.HostName = util.StrPtr("mymid1")
mid1.ID = util.IntPtr(46)
setIP(mid1, "")
servers := []Server{*server, *mid0, *mid1}
topologies := []tc.Topology{}
serverCapabilities := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
dsRequiredCapabilities := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
eCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
eCG.Name = server.Cachegroup
eCG.ID = server.CachegroupID
eCG.ParentName = mid0.Cachegroup
eCG.ParentCachegroupID = mid0.CachegroupID
eCGType := tc.CacheGroupEdgeTypeName
eCG.Type = &eCGType
mCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
mCG.Name = mid0.Cachegroup
mCG.ID = mid0.CachegroupID
mCGType := tc.CacheGroupMidTypeName
mCG.Type = &mCGType
cgs := []tc.CacheGroupNullable{*eCG, *mCG}
dss := []DeliveryServiceServer{
Server: *server.ID,
DeliveryService: *ds0.ID,
Server: *server.ID,
DeliveryService: *ds1.ID,
cdn := &tc.CDN{
DomainName: "cdndomain.example",
Name: "my-cdn-name",
cfg, err := MakeStrategiesDotYAML(dses, server, servers, topologies, serverParams, parentConfigParams, serverCapabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities, cgs, dss, cdn, opt)
if err != nil {
txt := cfg.Text
testComment(t, txt, opt.HdrComment)
expecteds := []string{
txt = strings.Replace(txt, " ", "", -1)
for _, expected := range expecteds {
if !strings.Contains(txt, expected) {
t.Errorf("expected parent '''%v''', actual: '''%v'''", expected, txt)
if !warningsContains(cfg.Warnings, "myQStringHandlingParam") {
t.Errorf("expected malformed qstring 'myQstringParam' in warnings, actual: '%v' val '%v'", cfg.Warnings, txt)
func TestMakeStrategiesTopologiesParams(t *testing.T) {
opt := &StrategiesYAMLOpts{VerboseComments: false, HdrComment: "myHeaderComment"}
ds1 := makeParentDS()
ds1.ID = util.IntPtr(43)
ds1Type := tc.DSTypeDNS
ds1.Type = &ds1Type
ds1.QStringIgnore = util.IntPtr(int(tc.QStringIgnoreDrop))
ds1.OrgServerFQDN = util.StrPtr("")
ds1.Topology = util.StrPtr("t0")
ds1.ProfileName = util.StrPtr("ds1Profile")
ds1.ProfileID = util.IntPtr(994)
ds1.MultiSiteOrigin = util.BoolPtr(true)
dses := []DeliveryService{*ds1}
parentConfigParams := []tc.Parameter{
Name: ParentConfigParamQStringHandling,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "myQStringHandlingParam",
Profiles: []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamAlgorithm,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: tc.AlgorithmConsistentHash,
Profiles: []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamQString,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "myQstringParam",
Profiles: []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamAlgorithm,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "consistent_hash",
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamParentRetry,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "both",
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamUnavailableServerRetryResponses,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: `"400,503"`,
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamMaxSimpleRetries,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "14",
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamMaxUnavailableServerRetries,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "9",
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
serverParams := []tc.Parameter{
Name: "trafficserver",
ConfigFile: "package",
Value: "8",
Profiles: []byte(`["global"]`),
server := makeTestParentServer()
server.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("edgeCG")
server.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(400)
origin0 := makeTestParentServer()
origin0.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("originCG")
origin0.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(500)
origin0.HostName = util.StrPtr("myorigin0")
origin0.ID = util.IntPtr(45)
setIP(origin0, "")
origin0.Type = tc.OriginTypeName
origin0.TypeID = util.IntPtr(991)
origin1 := makeTestParentServer()
origin1.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("originCG")
origin1.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(500)
origin1.HostName = util.StrPtr("myorigin1")
origin1.ID = util.IntPtr(46)
setIP(origin1, "")
origin1.Type = tc.OriginTypeName
origin1.TypeID = util.IntPtr(991)
servers := []Server{*server, *origin0, *origin1}
topologies := []tc.Topology{
Name: "t0",
Nodes: []tc.TopologyNode{
Cachegroup: "edgeCG",
Parents: []int{1},
Cachegroup: "originCG",
serverCapabilities := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
dsRequiredCapabilities := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
eCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
eCG.Name = server.Cachegroup
eCG.ID = server.CachegroupID
eCG.ParentName = origin0.Cachegroup
eCG.ParentCachegroupID = origin0.CachegroupID
eCGType := tc.CacheGroupEdgeTypeName
eCG.Type = &eCGType
oCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
oCG.Name = origin0.Cachegroup
oCG.ID = origin0.CachegroupID
oCGType := tc.CacheGroupOriginTypeName
oCG.Type = &oCGType
cgs := []tc.CacheGroupNullable{*eCG, *oCG}
dss := []DeliveryServiceServer{
Server: *origin0.ID,
DeliveryService: *ds1.ID,
cdn := &tc.CDN{
DomainName: "cdndomain.example",
Name: "my-cdn-name",
cfg, err := MakeStrategiesDotYAML(dses, server, servers, topologies, serverParams, parentConfigParams, serverCapabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities, cgs, dss, cdn, opt)
if err != nil {
txt := cfg.Text
testComment(t, txt, opt.HdrComment)
txt = strings.Replace(txt, " ", "", -1)
expecteds := []string{
for _, expected := range expecteds {
if !strings.Contains(txt, expected) {
t.Errorf("expected parent '''%v''', actual: '''%v'''", expected, txt)
func TestMakeStrategiesHTTPSOrigin(t *testing.T) {
opt := &StrategiesYAMLOpts{VerboseComments: false, HdrComment: "myHeaderComment"}
ds0 := makeParentDS()
ds0.XMLID = util.StrPtr("ds0")
ds0Type := tc.DSTypeHTTP
ds0.Type = &ds0Type
ds0.QStringIgnore = util.IntPtr(int(tc.QStringIgnoreUseInCacheKeyAndPassUp))
ds0.OrgServerFQDN = util.StrPtr("")
ds1 := makeParentDS()
ds1.ID = util.IntPtr(43)
ds1Type := tc.DSTypeDNS
ds1.Type = &ds1Type
ds1.QStringIgnore = util.IntPtr(int(tc.QStringIgnoreDrop))
ds1.OrgServerFQDN = util.StrPtr("")
dses := []DeliveryService{*ds0, *ds1}
parentConfigParams := []tc.Parameter{
Name: ParentConfigParamQStringHandling,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "myQStringHandlingParam",
Profiles: []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamAlgorithm,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: tc.AlgorithmConsistentHash,
Profiles: []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamQString,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "myQstringParam",
Profiles: []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
serverParams := []tc.Parameter{
Name: "trafficserver",
ConfigFile: "package",
Value: "7",
Profiles: []byte(`["global"]`),
server := makeTestParentServer()
mid0 := makeTestParentServer()
mid0.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("midCG")
mid0.HostName = util.StrPtr("mymid0")
mid0.ID = util.IntPtr(45)
setIP(mid0, "")
mid1 := makeTestParentServer()
mid1.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("midCG")
mid1.HostName = util.StrPtr("mymid1")
mid1.ID = util.IntPtr(46)
setIP(mid1, "")
servers := []Server{*server, *mid0, *mid1}
topologies := []tc.Topology{}
serverCapabilities := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
dsRequiredCapabilities := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
eCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
eCG.Name = server.Cachegroup
eCG.ID = server.CachegroupID
eCG.ParentName = mid0.Cachegroup
eCG.ParentCachegroupID = mid0.CachegroupID
eCGType := tc.CacheGroupEdgeTypeName
eCG.Type = &eCGType
mCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
mCG.Name = mid0.Cachegroup
mCG.ID = mid0.CachegroupID
mCGType := tc.CacheGroupMidTypeName
mCG.Type = &mCGType
cgs := []tc.CacheGroupNullable{*eCG, *mCG}
dss := []DeliveryServiceServer{
Server: *server.ID,
DeliveryService: *ds0.ID,
Server: *server.ID,
DeliveryService: *ds1.ID,
cdn := &tc.CDN{
DomainName: "cdndomain.example",
Name: "my-cdn-name",
cfg, err := MakeStrategiesDotYAML(dses, server, servers, topologies, serverParams, parentConfigParams, serverCapabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities, cgs, dss, cdn, opt)
if err != nil {
txt := cfg.Text
testComment(t, txt, opt.HdrComment)
txt = strings.Replace(txt, " ", "", -1)
// this is an Edge, and all traffic is internal to a Mid
// So even though the Origin is HTTPS, all traffic should be 80=HTTP
if !strings.Contains(txt, "protocol:\n-port:80") {
t.Errorf("expected edge parent.config of https origin to use internal http port 80 (not https/443), actual: '%v'", txt)
if strings.Contains(txt, "port: 443") {
t.Errorf("expected edge parent.config of https origin to use internal http port 80 and not https/443, actual: '%v'", txt)
// checks for properly-formed merge keys
if strings.Contains(cfg.Text, "<< ") {
t.Errorf("expected yaml merge keys to be '<<: ', actual malformed '<< ': %v", cfg.Text)
func TestMakeStrategiesPeeringRing(t *testing.T) {
opt := &StrategiesYAMLOpts{VerboseComments: false, HdrComment: "myHeaderComment"}
ds1 := makeParentDS()
ds1.ID = util.IntPtr(43)
ds1Type := tc.DSTypeDNS
ds1.Type = &ds1Type
ds1.QStringIgnore = util.IntPtr(int(tc.QStringIgnoreDrop))
ds1.OrgServerFQDN = util.StrPtr("")
ds1.Topology = util.StrPtr("t0")
ds1.ProfileName = util.StrPtr("ds1Profile")
ds1.ProfileID = util.IntPtr(994)
ds1.MultiSiteOrigin = util.BoolPtr(false)
dses := []DeliveryService{*ds1}
parentConfigParams := []tc.Parameter{
Name: ParentConfigParamQStringHandling,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "myQStringHandlingParam",
Profiles: []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamAlgorithm,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: tc.AlgorithmConsistentHash,
Profiles: []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamQString,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "myQstringParam",
Profiles: []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamAlgorithm,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "consistent_hash",
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamParentRetry,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "both",
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamUnavailableServerRetryResponses,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: `"400,503"`,
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamMaxSimpleRetries,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "14",
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamMaxUnavailableServerRetries,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "9",
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
serverParams := []tc.Parameter{
Name: "trafficserver",
ConfigFile: "package",
Value: "8",
Profiles: []byte(`["global"]`),
edge0 := makeTestParentServer()
edge0.ID = util.IntPtr(12)
edge0.HostName = util.StrPtr("edge0")
edge0.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("edgeCG")
edge0.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(400)
edge1 := makeTestParentServer()
edge1.ID = util.IntPtr(13)
edge1.HostName = util.StrPtr("edge1")
edge1.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("edgeCG")
edge1.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(400)
origin0 := makeTestParentServer()
origin0.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("originCG")
origin0.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(500)
origin0.HostName = util.StrPtr("myorigin0")
origin0.ID = util.IntPtr(45)
setIP(origin0, "")
origin0.Type = tc.OriginTypeName
origin0.TypeID = util.IntPtr(991)
origin1 := makeTestParentServer()
origin1.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("originCG")
origin1.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(500)
origin1.HostName = util.StrPtr("myorigin1")
origin1.ID = util.IntPtr(46)
setIP(origin1, "")
origin1.Type = tc.OriginTypeName
origin1.TypeID = util.IntPtr(991)
servers := []Server{*edge0, *edge1, *origin0, *origin1}
topologies := []tc.Topology{
Name: "t0",
Nodes: []tc.TopologyNode{
Cachegroup: "edgeCG",
Parents: []int{1},
Cachegroup: "originCG",
serverCapabilities := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
dsRequiredCapabilities := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
eCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
eCG.Name = edge0.Cachegroup
eCG.ID = edge0.CachegroupID
eCG.ParentName = origin0.Cachegroup
eCG.ParentCachegroupID = origin0.CachegroupID
eCGType := tc.CacheGroupEdgeTypeName
eCG.Type = &eCGType
oCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
oCG.Name = origin0.Cachegroup
oCG.ID = origin0.CachegroupID
oCGType := tc.CacheGroupOriginTypeName
oCG.Type = &oCGType
cgs := []tc.CacheGroupNullable{*eCG, *oCG}
dss := []DeliveryServiceServer{
Server: *origin0.ID,
DeliveryService: *ds1.ID,
cdn := &tc.CDN{
DomainName: "cdndomain.example",
Name: "my-cdn-name",
t.Run("peering ring true", func(t *testing.T) {
parentConfigParamsPR := make([]tc.Parameter, len(parentConfigParams), len(parentConfigParams))
copy(parentConfigParamsPR, parentConfigParams)
parentConfigParamsPR = append(parentConfigParamsPR, tc.Parameter{
Name: StrategyConfigUsePeering,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "true",
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
cfg, err := MakeStrategiesDotYAML(dses, edge0, servers, topologies, serverParams, parentConfigParamsPR, serverCapabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities, cgs, dss, cdn, opt)
if err != nil {
txt := cfg.Text
testComment(t, txt, opt.HdrComment)
txt = strings.Replace(txt, " ", "", -1)
expecteds := []string{
"groups:\n-*peers_group\n-*group_parents_ds1", // peer ring group before parent group, param 'true'
for _, expected := range expecteds {
if !strings.Contains(txt, expected) {
t.Errorf("expected parent '''%v''', actual: '''%v'''", expected, txt)
t.Run("peering ring false", func(t *testing.T) {
parentConfigParamsPR := make([]tc.Parameter, len(parentConfigParams), len(parentConfigParams))
copy(parentConfigParamsPR, parentConfigParams)
parentConfigParamsPR = append(parentConfigParamsPR, tc.Parameter{
Name: StrategyConfigUsePeering,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "false",
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
cfg, err := MakeStrategiesDotYAML(dses, edge0, servers, topologies, serverParams, parentConfigParamsPR, serverCapabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities, cgs, dss, cdn, opt)
if err != nil {
txt := cfg.Text
testComment(t, txt, opt.HdrComment)
txt = strings.Replace(txt, " ", "", -1)
expecteds := []string{
"groups:\n-*group_parents_ds1\nfailover:", // no peer ring group, param is not 'true'
for _, expected := range expecteds {
if !strings.Contains(txt, expected) {
t.Errorf("expected parent '''%v''', actual: '''%v'''", expected, txt)
t.Run("peering ring nonexistent", func(t *testing.T) {
cfg, err := MakeStrategiesDotYAML(dses, edge0, servers, topologies, serverParams, parentConfigParams, serverCapabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities, cgs, dss, cdn, opt)
if err != nil {
txt := cfg.Text
testComment(t, txt, opt.HdrComment)
txt = strings.Replace(txt, " ", "", -1)
expecteds := []string{
"groups:\n-*group_parents_ds1\nfailover:", // no peer ring group, no parameter
for _, expected := range expecteds {
if !strings.Contains(txt, expected) {
t.Errorf("expected parent '''%v''', actual: '''%v'''", expected, txt)
func TestMakeStrategiesPeeringRingMSO(t *testing.T) {
opt := &StrategiesYAMLOpts{VerboseComments: false, HdrComment: "myHeaderComment"}
ds1 := makeParentDS()
ds1.ID = util.IntPtr(43)
ds1Type := tc.DSTypeDNS
ds1.Type = &ds1Type
ds1.QStringIgnore = util.IntPtr(int(tc.QStringIgnoreDrop))
ds1.OrgServerFQDN = util.StrPtr("")
ds1.Topology = util.StrPtr("t0")
ds1.ProfileName = util.StrPtr("ds1Profile")
ds1.ProfileID = util.IntPtr(994)
ds1.MultiSiteOrigin = util.BoolPtr(true)
dses := []DeliveryService{*ds1}
parentConfigParams := []tc.Parameter{
Name: ParentConfigParamQStringHandling,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "myQStringHandlingParam",
Profiles: []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamAlgorithm,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: tc.AlgorithmConsistentHash,
Profiles: []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamQString,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "myQstringParam",
Profiles: []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamAlgorithm,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "consistent_hash",
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamParentRetry,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "both",
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamUnavailableServerRetryResponses,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: `"400,503"`,
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamMaxSimpleRetries,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "14",
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamMaxUnavailableServerRetries,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "9",
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
serverParams := []tc.Parameter{
Name: "trafficserver",
ConfigFile: "package",
Value: "8",
Profiles: []byte(`["global"]`),
edge0 := makeTestParentServer()
edge0.ID = util.IntPtr(12)
edge0.HostName = util.StrPtr("edge0")
edge0.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("edgeCG")
edge0.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(400)
edge1 := makeTestParentServer()
edge1.ID = util.IntPtr(13)
edge1.HostName = util.StrPtr("edge1")
edge1.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("edgeCG")
edge1.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(400)
origin0 := makeTestParentServer()
origin0.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("originCG")
origin0.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(500)
origin0.HostName = util.StrPtr("myorigin0")
origin0.ID = util.IntPtr(45)
setIP(origin0, "")
origin0.Type = tc.OriginTypeName
origin0.TypeID = util.IntPtr(991)
origin1 := makeTestParentServer()
origin1.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("originCG")
origin1.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(500)
origin1.HostName = util.StrPtr("myorigin1")
origin1.ID = util.IntPtr(46)
setIP(origin1, "")
origin1.Type = tc.OriginTypeName
origin1.TypeID = util.IntPtr(991)
servers := []Server{*edge0, *edge1, *origin0, *origin1}
topologies := []tc.Topology{
Name: "t0",
Nodes: []tc.TopologyNode{
Cachegroup: "edgeCG",
Parents: []int{1},
Cachegroup: "originCG",
serverCapabilities := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
dsRequiredCapabilities := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
eCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
eCG.Name = edge0.Cachegroup
eCG.ID = edge0.CachegroupID
eCG.ParentName = origin0.Cachegroup
eCG.ParentCachegroupID = origin0.CachegroupID
eCGType := tc.CacheGroupEdgeTypeName
eCG.Type = &eCGType
oCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
oCG.Name = origin0.Cachegroup
oCG.ID = origin0.CachegroupID
oCGType := tc.CacheGroupOriginTypeName
oCG.Type = &oCGType
cgs := []tc.CacheGroupNullable{*eCG, *oCG}
dss := []DeliveryServiceServer{
Server: *origin0.ID,
DeliveryService: *ds1.ID,
cdn := &tc.CDN{
DomainName: "cdndomain.example",
Name: "my-cdn-name",
t.Run("peering ring true", func(t *testing.T) {
parentConfigParamsPR := make([]tc.Parameter, len(parentConfigParams), len(parentConfigParams))
copy(parentConfigParamsPR, parentConfigParams)
parentConfigParamsPR = append(parentConfigParamsPR, tc.Parameter{
Name: StrategyConfigUsePeering,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "true",
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
cfg, err := MakeStrategiesDotYAML(dses, edge0, servers, topologies, serverParams, parentConfigParamsPR, serverCapabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities, cgs, dss, cdn, opt)
if err != nil {
txt := cfg.Text
testComment(t, txt, opt.HdrComment)
txt = strings.Replace(txt, " ", "", -1)
expecteds := []string{
"groups:\n-*peers_group\n-*group_parents_ds1", // peer ring group before parent group, param 'true'
for _, expected := range expecteds {
if !strings.Contains(txt, expected) {
t.Errorf("expected parent '''%v''', actual: '''%v'''", expected, txt)
t.Run("peering ring false", func(t *testing.T) {
parentConfigParamsPR := make([]tc.Parameter, len(parentConfigParams), len(parentConfigParams))
copy(parentConfigParamsPR, parentConfigParams)
parentConfigParamsPR = append(parentConfigParamsPR, tc.Parameter{
Name: StrategyConfigUsePeering,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "false",
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
cfg, err := MakeStrategiesDotYAML(dses, edge0, servers, topologies, serverParams, parentConfigParamsPR, serverCapabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities, cgs, dss, cdn, opt)
if err != nil {
txt := cfg.Text
testComment(t, txt, opt.HdrComment)
txt = strings.Replace(txt, " ", "", -1)
expecteds := []string{
"groups:\n-*group_parents_ds1\nfailover:", // no peer ring group, param is not 'true'
for _, expected := range expecteds {
if !strings.Contains(txt, expected) {
t.Errorf("expected parent '''%v''', actual: '''%v'''", expected, txt)
t.Run("peering ring nonexistent", func(t *testing.T) {
cfg, err := MakeStrategiesDotYAML(dses, edge0, servers, topologies, serverParams, parentConfigParams, serverCapabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities, cgs, dss, cdn, opt)
if err != nil {
txt := cfg.Text
testComment(t, txt, opt.HdrComment)
txt = strings.Replace(txt, " ", "", -1)
expecteds := []string{
"groups:\n-*group_parents_ds1\nfailover:", // no peer ring group, no parameter
for _, expected := range expecteds {
if !strings.Contains(txt, expected) {
t.Errorf("expected parent '''%v''', actual: '''%v'''", expected, txt)
func TestMakeStrategiesPeeringRingNonTopology(t *testing.T) {
opt := &StrategiesYAMLOpts{VerboseComments: false, HdrComment: "myHeaderComment"}
ds0 := makeParentDS()
ds0.XMLID = util.StrPtr("ds0")
ds0Type := tc.DSTypeHTTP
ds0.Type = &ds0Type
ds0.QStringIgnore = util.IntPtr(int(tc.QStringIgnoreUseInCacheKeyAndPassUp))
ds0.OrgServerFQDN = util.StrPtr("")
ds1 := makeParentDS()
ds1.XMLID = util.StrPtr("ds1")
ds1.ID = util.IntPtr(43)
ds1Type := tc.DSTypeDNS
ds1.Type = &ds1Type
ds1.QStringIgnore = util.IntPtr(int(tc.QStringIgnoreDrop))
ds1.OrgServerFQDN = util.StrPtr("")
ds1.ProfileName = util.StrPtr("ds1Profile")
dses := []DeliveryService{*ds0, *ds1}
parentConfigParams := []tc.Parameter{
Name: ParentConfigParamQStringHandling,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "myQStringHandlingParam",
Profiles: []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamAlgorithm,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: tc.AlgorithmConsistentHash,
Profiles: []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
Name: ParentConfigParamQString,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "myQstringParam",
Profiles: []byte(`["serverprofile"]`),
serverParams := []tc.Parameter{
Name: "trafficserver",
ConfigFile: "package",
Value: "7",
Profiles: []byte(`["global"]`),
edge0 := makeTestParentServer()
edge0.ID = util.IntPtr(12)
edge0.HostName = util.StrPtr("edge0")
edge0.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("edgeCG")
edge0.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(400)
edge1 := makeTestParentServer()
edge1.ID = util.IntPtr(13)
edge1.HostName = util.StrPtr("edge1")
edge1.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("edgeCG")
edge1.CachegroupID = util.IntPtr(400)
mid0 := makeTestParentServer()
mid0.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("midCG")
mid0.HostName = util.StrPtr("mymid0")
mid0.ID = util.IntPtr(45)
setIP(mid0, "")
mid1 := makeTestParentServer()
mid1.Cachegroup = util.StrPtr("midCG")
mid1.HostName = util.StrPtr("mymid1")
mid1.ID = util.IntPtr(46)
setIP(mid1, "")
servers := []Server{*edge0, *edge1, *mid0, *mid1}
topologies := []tc.Topology{}
serverCapabilities := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
dsRequiredCapabilities := map[int]map[ServerCapability]struct{}{}
eCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
eCG.Name = edge0.Cachegroup
eCG.ID = edge0.CachegroupID
eCG.ParentName = mid0.Cachegroup
eCG.ParentCachegroupID = mid0.CachegroupID
eCGType := tc.CacheGroupEdgeTypeName
eCG.Type = &eCGType
mCG := &tc.CacheGroupNullable{}
mCG.Name = mid0.Cachegroup
mCG.ID = mid0.CachegroupID
mCGType := tc.CacheGroupMidTypeName
mCG.Type = &mCGType
cgs := []tc.CacheGroupNullable{*eCG, *mCG}
dss := []DeliveryServiceServer{
Server: *edge0.ID,
DeliveryService: *ds0.ID,
Server: *edge0.ID,
DeliveryService: *ds1.ID,
Server: *edge1.ID,
DeliveryService: *ds0.ID,
Server: *edge1.ID,
DeliveryService: *ds1.ID,
cdn := &tc.CDN{
DomainName: "cdndomain.example",
Name: "my-cdn-name",
t.Run("peering ring true", func(t *testing.T) {
parentConfigParamsPR := make([]tc.Parameter, len(parentConfigParams), len(parentConfigParams))
copy(parentConfigParamsPR, parentConfigParams)
parentConfigParamsPR = append(parentConfigParamsPR, tc.Parameter{
Name: StrategyConfigUsePeering,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "true",
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
cfg, err := MakeStrategiesDotYAML(dses, edge0, servers, topologies, serverParams, parentConfigParamsPR, serverCapabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities, cgs, dss, cdn, opt)
if err != nil {
txt := cfg.Text
testComment(t, txt, opt.HdrComment)
expecteds := []string{
"groups:\n-*peers_group\n-*group_parents_ds1", // peer ring group before parent group, param 'true'
txt = strings.Replace(txt, " ", "", -1)
for _, expected := range expecteds {
if !strings.Contains(txt, expected) {
t.Errorf("expected parent '''%v''', actual: '''%v'''", expected, txt)
if !warningsContains(cfg.Warnings, "myQStringHandlingParam") {
t.Errorf("expected malformed qstring 'myQstringParam' in warnings, actual: '%v' val '%v'", cfg.Warnings, txt)
t.Run("peering ring false", func(t *testing.T) {
parentConfigParamsPR := make([]tc.Parameter, len(parentConfigParams), len(parentConfigParams))
copy(parentConfigParamsPR, parentConfigParams)
parentConfigParamsPR = append(parentConfigParamsPR, tc.Parameter{
Name: StrategyConfigUsePeering,
ConfigFile: "parent.config",
Value: "false",
Profiles: []byte(`["ds1Profile"]`),
cfg, err := MakeStrategiesDotYAML(dses, edge0, servers, topologies, serverParams, parentConfigParamsPR, serverCapabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities, cgs, dss, cdn, opt)
if err != nil {
txt := cfg.Text
testComment(t, txt, opt.HdrComment)
expecteds := []string{
"groups:\n-*group_parents_ds1", // peer ring group before parent group, param 'true'
txt = strings.Replace(txt, " ", "", -1)
for _, expected := range expecteds {
if !strings.Contains(txt, expected) {
t.Errorf("expected parent '''%v''', actual: '''%v'''", expected, txt)
if !warningsContains(cfg.Warnings, "myQStringHandlingParam") {
t.Errorf("expected malformed qstring 'myQstringParam' in warnings, actual: '%v' val '%v'", cfg.Warnings, txt)
t.Run("peering ring nonexistent", func(t *testing.T) {
cfg, err := MakeStrategiesDotYAML(dses, edge0, servers, topologies, serverParams, parentConfigParams, serverCapabilities, dsRequiredCapabilities, cgs, dss, cdn, opt)
if err != nil {
txt := cfg.Text
testComment(t, txt, opt.HdrComment)
expecteds := []string{
"groups:\n-*group_parents_ds1", // peer ring group before parent group, param 'true'
txt = strings.Replace(txt, " ", "", -1)
for _, expected := range expecteds {
if !strings.Contains(txt, expected) {
t.Errorf("expected parent '''%v''', actual: '''%v'''", expected, txt)
if !warningsContains(cfg.Warnings, "myQStringHandlingParam") {
t.Errorf("expected malformed qstring 'myQstringParam' in warnings, actual: '%v' val '%v'", cfg.Warnings, txt)