blob: 42a309486ece83279f9a6597e105773f0481766a [file] [log] [blame]
package atscfg
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
func TestMakeIPAllowDotYAML(t *testing.T) {
hdr := "myHeaderComment"
params := makeParamsFromMapArr("serverProfile", IPAllowConfigFileName, map[string][]string{
"purge_allow_ip": []string{""},
ParamCoalesceMaskLenV4: []string{"24"},
ParamCoalesceNumberV4: []string{"3"},
ParamCoalesceMaskLenV6: []string{"48"},
ParamCoalesceNumberV6: []string{"4"},
svs := []Server{
*makeIPAllowChild("child0", "", "2001:DB8:1::1/64", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child1", "", "2001:DB8:2::1/64", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child2", "", "", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child3", "", "2001:DB8:2::2/64", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child4", "", "", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child5", "", "2001:DB8:3::1", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child6", "", "2001:DB8:2::3", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child7", "", "2001:DB8:2::4", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child8", "", "2001:DB8:2::5/64", tc.MonitorTypeName),
expecteds := []string{
cgs := []tc.CacheGroupNullable{
Name: util.StrPtr("cg0"),
sv := &Server{}
sv.HostName = util.StrPtr("server0")
sv.Type = string(tc.CacheTypeMid)
sv.Cachegroup = cgs[0].Name
svs = append(svs, *sv)
topologies := []tc.Topology{}
cfg, err := MakeIPAllowDotYAML(params, sv, svs, cgs, topologies, &IPAllowDotYAMLOpts{HdrComment: hdr})
if err != nil {
txt := cfg.Text
lines := strings.Split(txt, "\n")
if len(lines) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected: lines actual: no lines\n")
commentLine := lines[0]
commentLine = strings.TrimSpace(commentLine)
if !strings.HasPrefix(commentLine, "#") {
t.Errorf("expected: comment line starting with '#', actual: '%v'\n", commentLine)
if !strings.Contains(commentLine, hdr) {
t.Errorf("expected: comment line containing header comment '%v', actual: '%v'\n", hdr, commentLine)
lines = lines[1:] // remove comment line
groups := strings.Split(txt, `apply: in`)
/* Test that PUSH and PURGE are denied ere the allowance of anything else. */
for _, group := range groups {
if strings.Contains(group, "ALL") &&
strings.Contains(group, "ip_allow") &&
!(strings.Contains(group, `ip_addrs: ::1`) ||
strings.Contains(group, `ip_addrs: 127.0`) ||
strings.Contains(group, `ip_addrs:`)) {
t.Fatalf("Expected the only rules allowing ALL (i.e. PUSH and PURGE) to be localhost and purge_allow_ip, actual: rule '%v'", group)
for _, expected := range expecteds {
if !strings.Contains(txt, expected) {
t.Errorf("expected %+v actual '%v'\n", expected, txt)
func TestMakeIPAllowDotYAMLEdge(t *testing.T) {
hdr := "myHeaderComment"
params := makeParamsFromMapArr("serverProfile", IPAllowConfigFileName, map[string][]string{
ParamCoalesceMaskLenV4: []string{"24"},
ParamCoalesceNumberV4: []string{"3"},
ParamCoalesceMaskLenV6: []string{"48"},
ParamCoalesceNumberV6: []string{"4"},
svs := []Server{
*makeIPAllowChild("child0", "", "2001:DB8:1::1/64", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child1", "", "2001:DB8:2::1/64", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child2", "", "", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child3", "", "2001:DB8:2::2/64", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child4", "", "", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child5", "", "2001:DB8:3::1", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child6", "", "2001:DB8:2::3", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child7", "", "2001:DB8:2::4", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child8", "", "2001:DB8:2::5/64", tc.MonitorTypeName),
expecteds := []string{
notExpecteds := []string{
cgs := []tc.CacheGroupNullable{
Name: util.StrPtr("cg0"),
sv := &Server{}
sv.HostName = util.StrPtr("server0")
sv.Type = string(tc.CacheTypeEdge)
sv.Cachegroup = cgs[0].Name
svs = append(svs, *sv)
topologies := []tc.Topology{}
cfg, err := MakeIPAllowDotYAML(params, sv, svs, cgs, topologies, &IPAllowDotYAMLOpts{HdrComment: hdr})
if err != nil {
txt := cfg.Text
lines := strings.Split(txt, "\n")
if len(lines) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected: lines actual: no lines\n")
commentLine := lines[0]
commentLine = strings.TrimSpace(commentLine)
if !strings.HasPrefix(commentLine, "#") {
t.Errorf("expected: comment line starting with '#', actual: '%v'\n", commentLine)
if !strings.Contains(commentLine, hdr) {
t.Errorf("expected: comment line containing header comment '%v', actual: '%v'\n", hdr, commentLine)
lines = lines[1:] // remove comment line
for _, expected := range expecteds {
if !strings.Contains(txt, expected) {
t.Errorf("expected %+v actual '%v'\n", expected, txt)
for _, notExpected := range notExpecteds {
if strings.Contains(txt, notExpected) {
t.Errorf("expected NOT %+v actual '%v'\n", notExpected, txt)
func TestMakeIPAllowDotYAMLNonDefaultV6Number(t *testing.T) {
hdr := "myHeaderComment"
params := makeParamsFromMapArr("serverProfile", IPAllowConfigFileName, map[string][]string{
"purge_allow_ip": []string{""},
ParamCoalesceMaskLenV4: []string{"24"},
ParamCoalesceNumberV4: []string{"3"},
ParamCoalesceMaskLenV6: []string{"48"},
ParamCoalesceNumberV6: []string{"100"},
svs := []Server{
*makeIPAllowChild("child0", "", "2001:DB8:1::1/64", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child1", "", "2001:DB8:2::1/64", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child2", "", "", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child3", "", "2001:DB8:2::2/64", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child4", "", "", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child5", "", "2001:DB8:3::1", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child6", "", "2001:DB8:2::3", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child7", "", "2001:DB8:2::4", tc.MonitorTypeName),
*makeIPAllowChild("child8", "", "2001:DB8:2::5/64", tc.MonitorTypeName),
expecteds := []string{
cgs := []tc.CacheGroupNullable{
Name: util.StrPtr("cg0"),
sv := &Server{}
sv.HostName = util.StrPtr("server0")
sv.Type = string(tc.CacheTypeMid)
sv.Cachegroup = cgs[0].Name
svs = append(svs, *sv)
topologies := []tc.Topology{}
cfg, err := MakeIPAllowDotYAML(params, sv, svs, cgs, topologies, &IPAllowDotYAMLOpts{HdrComment: hdr})
if err != nil {
txt := cfg.Text
lines := strings.Split(txt, "\n")
if len(lines) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected: lines actual: no lines\n")
commentLine := lines[0]
commentLine = strings.TrimSpace(commentLine)
if !strings.HasPrefix(commentLine, "#") {
t.Errorf("expected: comment line starting with '#', actual: '%v'\n", commentLine)
if !strings.Contains(commentLine, hdr) {
t.Errorf("expected: comment line containing header comment '%v', actual: '%v'\n", hdr, commentLine)
lines = lines[1:] // remove comment line
for _, expected := range expecteds {
if !strings.Contains(txt, expected) {
t.Errorf("expected %+v actual '%v'\n", expected, txt)
func TestMakeIPAllowDotYAMLTopologies(t *testing.T) {
hdr := "myHeaderComment"
params := makeParamsFromMapArr("serverProfile", IPAllowConfigFileName, map[string][]string{
"purge_allow_ip": []string{""},
ParamCoalesceMaskLenV4: []string{"24"},
ParamCoalesceNumberV4: []string{"3"},
ParamCoalesceMaskLenV6: []string{"48"},
ParamCoalesceNumberV6: []string{"4"},
// make children all MID types, because MIDs would never normally be parented to MIDs with pre-topologies
svs := []Server{
*makeIPAllowChild("child0", "", "2001:DB8:1::1/64", tc.MidTypePrefix),
*makeIPAllowChild("child1", "", "2001:DB8:2::1/64", tc.MidTypePrefix),
*makeIPAllowChild("child2", "", "", tc.MidTypePrefix),
*makeIPAllowChild("child3", "", "2001:DB8:2::2/64", tc.MidTypePrefix),
*makeIPAllowChild("child4", "", "", tc.MidTypePrefix),
*makeIPAllowChild("child5", "", "2001:DB8:3::1", tc.MidTypePrefix),
*makeIPAllowChild("child6", "", "2001:DB8:2::3", tc.MidTypePrefix),
*makeIPAllowChild("child7", "", "2001:DB8:2::4", tc.MidTypePrefix),
*makeIPAllowChild("child8", "", "2001:DB8:2::5/64", tc.MidTypePrefix),
expecteds := []string{
cgs := []tc.CacheGroupNullable{
Name: util.StrPtr("midcg"),
Name: util.StrPtr("midcg2"),
Name: util.StrPtr("childcg"),
topologies := []tc.Topology{
Name: "t0",
Nodes: []tc.TopologyNode{
Cachegroup: "childcg",
Parents: []int{1, 2},
Cachegroup: "midcg",
Cachegroup: "midcg2",
sv := &Server{}
sv.HostName = util.StrPtr("server0")
sv.Type = string(tc.CacheTypeMid)
sv.Cachegroup = cgs[1].Name
svs = append(svs, *sv)
// topologies := []tc.Topology{}
cfg, err := MakeIPAllowDotYAML(params, sv, svs, cgs, topologies, &IPAllowDotYAMLOpts{HdrComment: hdr})
if err != nil {
txt := cfg.Text
lines := strings.Split(txt, "\n")
if len(lines) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected: lines actual: no lines\n")
commentLine := lines[0]
commentLine = strings.TrimSpace(commentLine)
if !strings.HasPrefix(commentLine, "#") {
t.Errorf("expected: comment line starting with '#', actual: '%v'\n", commentLine)
if !strings.Contains(commentLine, hdr) {
t.Errorf("expected: comment line containing header comment '%v', actual: '%v'\n", hdr, commentLine)
lines = lines[1:] // remove comment line
groups := strings.Split(txt, `apply: in`)
/* Test that PUSH and PURGE are denied ere the allowance of anything else. */
for _, group := range groups {
if strings.Contains(group, "ALL") && strings.Contains(group, "ip_allow") && !(strings.Contains(group, `ip_addrs: ::1`) ||
strings.Contains(group, `ip_addrs: 127.0`) ||
strings.Contains(group, `ip_addrs:`)) {
t.Fatalf("Expected the only rules allowing ALL (i.e. PUSH and PURGE) to be localhost and purge_allow_ip, actual: rule '%v'", group)
for _, expected := range expecteds {
if !strings.Contains(txt, expected) {
t.Errorf("expected %+v actual '%v'\n", expected, txt)