blob: 611d93d037bb94f17154a63effb4165d389c31c6 [file] [log] [blame]
package atscfg
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import (
const HostingConfigFileName = `hosting.config`
const HostingConfigParamConfigFile = `storage.config`
const ContentTypeHostingDotConfig = ContentTypeTextASCII
const LineCommentHostingDotConfig = LineCommentHash
const ParamDrivePrefix = "Drive_Prefix"
const ParamRAMDrivePrefix = "RAM_Drive_Prefix"
const ServerHostingDotConfigMidIncludeInactive = false
const ServerHostingDotConfigEdgeIncludeInactive = true
// HostingDotConfigOpts contains settings to configure generation options.
type HostingDotConfigOpts struct {
// HdrComment is the header comment to include at the beginning of the file.
// This should be the text desired, without comment syntax (like # or //). The file's comment syntax will be added.
// To omit the header comment, pass the empty string.
HdrComment string
func MakeHostingDotConfig(
server *Server,
servers []Server,
serverParams []tc.Parameter,
deliveryServices []DeliveryService,
deliveryServiceServers []DeliveryServiceServer,
topologies []tc.Topology,
opt *HostingDotConfigOpts,
) (Cfg, error) {
if opt == nil {
opt = &HostingDotConfigOpts{}
warnings := []string{}
if server.CDNID == nil {
return Cfg{}, makeErr(warnings, "this server missing CDNID")
if server.HostName == nil || *server.HostName == "" {
return Cfg{}, makeErr(warnings, "server had no host name!")
if server.ID == nil {
return Cfg{}, makeErr(warnings, "this server missing ID")
params, paramWarns := paramsToMap(filterParams(serverParams, HostingConfigParamConfigFile, "", "", ""))
warnings = append(warnings, paramWarns...)
cdnServers := map[tc.CacheName]Server{}
for _, sv := range servers {
if sv.HostName == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "TO Servers had server missing HostName, skipping!")
} else if sv.CDNID == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "TO Servers had server missing CDNID, skipping!")
if *sv.CDNID != *server.CDNID {
cdnServers[tc.CacheName(*sv.HostName)] = sv
serverIDs := map[int]struct{}{}
for _, sv := range cdnServers {
if sv.CDNID == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "TO Servers had server missing CDNID, skipping!")
serverIDs[*sv.ID] = struct{}{}
dsIDs := map[int]struct{}{}
for _, ds := range deliveryServices {
if ds.ID != nil {
dsIDs[*ds.ID] = struct{}{}
dsServers := filterDSS(deliveryServiceServers, dsIDs, serverIDs)
dsServerMap := map[int]map[int]struct{}{} // set[dsID][serverID]
for _, dss := range dsServers {
if _, ok := dsServerMap[dss.DeliveryService]; !ok {
dsServerMap[dss.DeliveryService] = map[int]struct{}{}
dsServerMap[dss.DeliveryService][dss.Server] = struct{}{}
isMid := strings.HasPrefix(server.Type, tc.MidTypePrefix)
filteredDSes := []DeliveryService{}
for _, ds := range deliveryServices {
if ds.Active == nil || ds.Type == nil || ds.XMLID == nil || ds.CDNID == nil || ds.ID == nil || ds.OrgServerFQDN == nil {
// some DSes have nil origins. I think MSO? TODO: verify
if *ds.CDNID != *server.CDNID {
if !*ds.Active && ((!isMid && !ServerHostingDotConfigEdgeIncludeInactive) || (isMid && !ServerHostingDotConfigMidIncludeInactive)) {
if isMid {
if !strings.HasSuffix(string(*ds.Type), tc.DSTypeLiveNationalSuffix) {
if ds.Topology == nil {
// mids: include all DSes with at least one server assigned
if len(dsServerMap[*ds.ID]) == 0 {
} else {
if !strings.HasSuffix(string(*ds.Type), tc.DSTypeLiveNationalSuffix) && !strings.HasSuffix(string(*ds.Type), tc.DSTypeLiveSuffix) {
if ds.Topology == nil {
// edges: only include DSes assigned to this edge
if dsServerMap[*ds.ID] == nil {
if _, ok := dsServerMap[*ds.ID][*server.ID]; !ok {
filteredDSes = append(filteredDSes, ds)
text := makeHdrComment(opt.HdrComment)
nameTopologies := makeTopologyNameMap(topologies)
lines := []string{}
if _, ok := params[ParamRAMDrivePrefix]; ok {
nextVolume := 1
if _, ok := params[ParamDrivePrefix]; ok {
diskVolume := nextVolume
text += `# TRAFFIC OPS NOTE: volume ` + strconv.Itoa(diskVolume) + ` is the Disk volume` + "\n"
ramVolume := nextVolume
text += `# TRAFFIC OPS NOTE: volume ` + strconv.Itoa(ramVolume) + ` is the RAM volume` + "\n"
seenOrigins := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, ds := range filteredDSes {
if ds.OrgServerFQDN == nil || ds.XMLID == nil || ds.Active == nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "got DS with nil values, skipping!")
origin := *ds.OrgServerFQDN
if _, ok := seenOrigins[origin]; ok {
if ds.Topology != nil && *ds.Topology != "" {
topology, hasTopology := nameTopologies[TopologyName(*ds.Topology)]
if hasTopology {
topoHasServer, err := topologyIncludesServerNullable(topology, server)
if err != nil {
warnings = append(warnings, "checking if topology has server, skipping! : "+err.Error())
topoHasServer = false
if !topoHasServer {
if !ds.Type.IsLive() {
seenOrigins[origin] = struct{}{}
origin = strings.TrimPrefix(origin, `http://`)
origin = strings.TrimPrefix(origin, `https://`)
lines = append(lines, `hostname=`+origin+` volume=`+strconv.Itoa(ramVolume)+"\n")
diskVolume := 1 // note this will actually be the RAM (RAM_Drive_Prefix) volume if there is no Drive_Prefix parameter.
lines = append(lines, `hostname=* volume=`+strconv.Itoa(diskVolume)+"\n")
text += strings.Join(lines, "")
return Cfg{
Text: text,
ContentType: ContentTypeHostingDotConfig,
LineComment: LineCommentHostingDotConfig,
Warnings: warnings,
}, nil